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1、9BUnit 3Welcome解词1. whatever: pron.任何,一切事物whatever用作动词,一切,任何事物”,常用来引导名词性从句。所引导的从句做主语时, 谓语要用单数形式。例:whatever she did was right.她所做的事情都是对的。重点句子讲解1. Im compla ining about you to the robot shop. 我正在向机器人商店投诉你。Complain :动词,抱怨,诉苦”厂 vi. Compla in about/ of: 抱怨例句:the drivers complained about the bad road. 司机们

2、抱怨道路难走。Vt. complain that .抱怨、例句:the students complained that the food was too bad.学生们抱怨食物太差。 向某人抱怨:compla in to sb.名词形式:compla int例题:He always(抱怨)to me about his hard work in the past.2. post this for me.替我把这个寄了。Post在本句中是动词,邮寄,邮递”。寄给某人某物:Post sb. sth = post sth to sb.替某人邮寄某物:post sth for sb.例句:I pos

3、ted him a letter yesterday = I posted a letter to him yesterday.名词:“职位,邮件”By post:“通过邮件(这种方式)”例句:I send the gift by post.我邮寄了礼物。3. put out:熄灭,关灯例句:she put out the lights and then went out.她关了灯,就出去了。Put through:接通电话例句:can you put me through to the English department? 你能帮我接通英语系吗?Put o n:1. 穿上,戴上: the

4、old man forgot to put on the hat whe n he went out.老人出去时忘记戴帽子了。彳 2. 把。放上去: he put the coffee cup on the table.他把咖啡杯放在桌子上。3.上演:they put on a concert to raise money.他们将举行一场音乐会筹款。4. They could help us with our homework.Help sb. to do sth/ help sb. do sth / help sb. with sth :帮助某人做某事Canthelp doing sth:情

5、不自禁做某事 例句: when he heard the story, he couldnhelp laughing.当他听到这故事的时候,忍不住笑起来了。短语:向某人抱怨某事 为某人寄某物 探索宇宙空间 做危险的工作compla in about sth to sb. post sth for sb.explore outer spacedo dan gerous jobs在作业方面给予帮助help with homework灭火 put out fires在高楼上工作 work on high build ingsRead ing解词:1. Iron:fvt. 熨烫,ironed, iro

6、ned例句: Tim didn iron his shirt yesterday.n.铁;熨斗”例句: 铁门: an iron door.例题:the woman is busy(熨烫)the shirt for her husband.2. satisfy: vt. 使。满意 ”, satisfying, satisfied, satisfied. 例句:it is impossible to satisfy every one.不可能让每个人都满意。Adj.Satisfied:感到满意的,常形容人* Be satisfied with.:对什么满意的Satisfying:让人满意的,常形容

7、物3. complete:(1) adj.完全的,彻底的副词:completely ;反义词:incomplete(不完整的) 例句:it is a complete story.这是一个完整的故事。(2) vt.完成例句:it took them three mon ths to complete the project.他们花了三个月时间完成那个项目。4. messn.乱七八糟Be in a mess :乱七八糟;不整齐” 例句:the kitchen is in a mess.厨房里乱七八糟。Make a mess of sth: 把。弄得一团糟例句: the heavy rain ha

8、d made a mess of the garden. 这场大雨把花园弄的一团糟。(2) vt. 弄乱Mess up: 搞乱,弄糟例句: the little boy messed the room up. 这小男孩把房间弄的又乱又脏。5. Store( 1) vt. “储藏,存储 ”, stored, stored, storing 例句: they used the house to store the building materials. 他们用那栋房子来储藏建筑材料。( 2) n. 商店例句: these stores stay open very late. 这些商店很晚才关门。

9、6. spread:(1) n. 扩散,分布,展开例句: what can we do to prevent the spread of the disease? 我们能做些什么来防止这种疾病的传播呢?(2) vt. “散布,传播,展开 ”spread, spread 例句: they spread some newspapers on the ground.他们在地上铺了几张报纸。7. paper :( 1) 不可数名词: “纸”,一张纸“ a piece of paper” , 两张纸“ two pieces of paper ” ( 2) 可数名词: ”报纸,文件,试卷,文件 ”例句:

10、she gave all her papers to the library. 她把所有的文件都给了图书馆。句子分析:1. I have to buy a robot so that I can have free time 我想买个机器人以便我可以有更多的空闲时间So that “为了”,引导目的状语从句, = in order that 例句: bring the picture nearer so that / in order that I can see it clearly.把照片拿近些以便我能看清楚点。So.that引导结果状语从句,“如此。以至于”,有四种句型:(1) so +

11、形容词 /副词 + that例句 1 : the book is so boring that I gave up reading it. 这本书真枯燥,我放弃了。例句 2: he drove so carelessly that he almost lost his life. 他开车太不小心,差点丧了命。(2) so + ma ny/ few +可数名词的复数+ that 例句: he made so many mistakes that he failed the exam.他出了这么多错,考试没合格。(3) so + much / little + 不可数名词 + that例句: he

12、 got so little money that his family had to borrow some from friends.他工资很少,他的家人不得不向朋友借点。(4) so +形容词 + a/ an +可数名词单数+ that例句: it is so easy a question that I can work it out quickly. 这道题这么简单,我马上就能做出来。2. while Mr Jiang was at work, the robot would do all the housework. 当江先生在上班时,机器人会做所有的家务。While 用作连词,

13、“当。时候”,常用来表示一段时间或一个过程,不能表示某个时 间点,主句动作和从句动作同时发生。例句 : he called while I was out.我不在家的时候,他来访了。(1) 当while从句的主语和主句的主语相同,并含有be动词时,while从句中的主语和 be 动词可以一起省略。例句: while (I was ) listening to the radio, he fell asleep.他在听收音机的时候睡着了。( 2) while 还可以用作并列连词,表对比关系, “然而”,连接一个并列句,前后两个 句子主语不一样。例句: some people are very r

14、ich while other are very poor.一些人很富有,而有的人很穷。3. After dinner, the robot would tidy up. 饭后,机器人会收拾妥当。Tidy:(1) 动词,“收拾,整理” ,过去式: tidied, 现在分词: tidying,Tidy up: “收拾整洁”例句: youd better tidy up before the guests arrive.客人们到达前,你最好把东西整理一下。(3) adj. “整洁的,整齐的 ”,比较级 tidier, 最高级 tidiest. 反义词 untidy. 例句: Mother alwa

15、ys keeps the house clean and tidy.妈妈总是把房间收拾的干净整齐。4. that allowed Mr Jiang to do whatever he liked. 那样就让江先生可以做任何他喜欢的事。 允许某人做某事: allow sb to do sth.被动结构: sb. be allowed to do sth.例句: youre not allowed to smoke here. 这里不允许抽烟。5. it seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiang s needs.总的来说,机器人似乎满足

16、了江先生的需要。广Seem:似乎,好像”,作为连系动词,后接形容词。例句:the teacher seems angry.老师似乎生气了。彳 Seem to do sth例句:they seem to have many hobbies.他们似乎有很多爱好。It seems that.:it为形式主语,that引导的从句才是真正主语。i 例句:it seems that it is going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了。例题:the teacher(似乎)pleased with my answer because there is a smile on herface.6. how

17、ever, things started to go wrong.然而,情况开始出现问题了。Go wrong :出毛病,不对头,弄错 ”,这句中,go是系动词,后接形容词, 表示“变得”,一般是消极,不好的变化。例如:go blind:变瞎 go deaf:变聋了 go pale:变苍白7. The robot caught a virus and no Ion ger worked properly. 机器人感染了病毒, 不再正常工作 了。No Ion ger = not any longer不再”,通常指某一动作不再延续或发生。例句: we can no Ion ger stay here

18、 = we can stay here any Ion ger.我们不能再呆在这里了。8. moreover, the robot moved too fast on its wheels and ofte n kno cked things over.而且,机器人在它的轮子上移动得太快,经常把东西撞翻。Knock over:“打翻;撞伤”例句:the vase was knocked over.花瓶被弄倒了。Knockdown:撞倒;拆除”例句:the old lady was knocked down by a bike yesterday. 这个老太太昨天被一辆自行车撞 倒了。These

19、 old houses will be knocked down soon.这几栋老房子很快就要被拆掉了。9. Mr. Jia ng did not kn ow what to do with it.江先生不知道怎么处理它What to do with = how to do with :“怎么处理”例句:some stude nts don tk now what to do with stress.= some stude nts don tk now how to deal with stress.10. robots can help people a lot, but they ca

20、n also be too much trouble!机器人可以帮助人们很多,但它们也可能带来太多麻烦。Too much : ”太多”r1.修饰不可数名词,在句中作定语,放在不可数名词之前例句:I have spend too much time on her.我在她身上花费太多时间了。2. 修饰动词,在句中作状语,放在动词后例句:it is bad for your eyes to watch TV too much. 电视看得太多对眼睛不好。3. 单独使用,相当于一个代词,在句中作主语,宾语或表语, 例句:too much had bee n said about the topic.关于

21、这个话题讨论的太多了。Much too:太,十分”,在句中作副词,修饰形容词或其他副词例句:this paper is much difficult for students. 这份试卷对学生来说太难了。Trouble :用作名词时,表示“烦恼,困难,麻烦”常用搭配:C have trouble (in) doi ng sth ; have trouble with sth.做某事有困难例句:I have trouble getting the car started. 我难以开动车。Y Get into trouble:陷入困境,遇到麻烦Be in trouble:陷入困境短语:有一些时间放

22、松have some time to relax从一家机器人商店订购一台机器人order on e from a robot shop使某人的生活轻松得多make ones life much easier在工作 be at work拖地 mop the floor也 as well下班回家return home from work和。几乎一样,简直是 as good as为。做好准备be ready for收拾妥当,整理好 tidy up允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth做一些阅读do some readi ng似乎 it seems that总的来说,大体上 in gen

23、 eral满足某人的需求satisfy ones n eeds出错 go wrong感染病毒catch a virus不再 no Ion ger正常地工作work properly犯愚蠢的错误make stupid mistakes把某人叫醒wake sb. up一塌糊涂,一团糟 in a complete mess把某物撞翻kn ock sth over怎么处理某物kn ock sth. Over最后 in the end把某物还给某人return sth to sb.Grammar单词:adj.不确定,没把握1. unsureUn sure是sure的反义词,“不确定,没把握”常用结构:广

24、Be unsure of对。不确定,对。没把握Y Be unsure + 从句:不确定。” 例句:I was un sure how to reply this questio n.我不确定该如何回答这个问题。句子分析:1. I con sider the robot a great help in my daily life.我认为这个机器人在我的日常生活中有很大的帮助。Con sider:(1)“考虑” :+名词,代词,动名词/从句Consider doing sth.考虑做某事例句:would you consider working in the U.S.A?你考虑在美国工作吗?(2)

25、“认为”:Consider .as把。看做例句:he was con sidered as a wise man.他被认为是个智者。2. Please remi nd her to take them twice a day.请提醒她一天服两次药。Remi nd :及物动词“提醒;使想起”广Remi nd sb. to do sth:提醒某人做某事例句: please remind her to return the book. 请提醒她还书Remi nd sb. of sth.使某人想起某物. 例句:that remi nds me of an old frie nd.那使我想起了我的一个老

26、朋友。语法一.宾语从句和宾语+宾语补足语之间的转换1. ( 1)当主语谓语动词为see, hear, watch, find等词,(2)其后that宾语从句含有“某人做过某事或正在做某事 宾语补足语:多为不带to的不定式或动词的现在分词。例句:I heard that she sang some songs in the next room.=I heard her sing some songs in the n ext room.2. 宾语从句可转化为“ it +形容词+不定式短语”的结构 例句:I think that it is impossible to finish the wor

27、k today.=I thi nk it impossible to finish the work today.可将宾语从句改为过去分词或介词3. 如果宾语从句的谓语动词是被动语态或含介词短语, 短语做宾语。例句:I found that the table was covered with dust whe n I came back.=I found the table covered with dust whe n I came back. 例句: he found that his room was in a mess.=he found his room in a mess.宾语从

28、句和疑问词 + to do之间的转换由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句y卜“疑问词+不定式”(除了一个疑问词,why)从句的主语与主句的主语或间接宾语一致J例句 1: I have forgotten how I can use this word=I have forgotte n how to use this word例句 2. please tell me where I can find him.=please tell me where to find him.二.状语从句和动词不定式之间的转换目的状语从句卜动词不定式结果状语从句_。以至于” ,=too .to 或 eno ugh to1

29、. so.that引导的结果状语从句,意思是“太。例句 1: the shoes are so small that I can wear them.=the shoes are too small for me to wear.例句 2: the boy is so tall that he can reach the apples on the tree=the boy is tall eno ugh to reach the apples on the tree.2. so that引导目的状语从句,“以便,为了” = in order to或so as to例句 1: please t

30、ake eno ugh money with you so that you can buy anything you want.=please take eno ugh money with you in order to /so as to buy anything you want短语:出差; 进行一次商务旅行go on a bus in ess trip有严重的心脏问题 have a serious heart problem 记忆力差 have a poor memory提醒某人去做某事remi nd sb. to do sth锁门 lock the door经常上下楼梯 go up

31、 and dow n the steps ofte n有更好的睡眠 have a better sleep服药 take medic ine在正确的时间 at the right time使某人想起某事remi nd sb. of sthIn tegrated skills & Study skills & Task & Self-assessme nt解词:1. regret: vi&vt 后悔; 遗憾 regretted, regretted, regrett ing用作及物动词时,后接名词,代词,动名词或that/wh-从句作宾语例句 1: I regret selling the ho

32、use.我后悔卖了房子。例句2: I regret to say that we can not stay here. 我很抱歉,我们不能呆在这儿。注意区分:Regret doing sth:后悔做了某事(已做)” 例句:I regret tak ing his advice at that time.我后悔当初接受了他的意见Regret to do sth:对要做的事遗憾(未做)”I 例句:I regret to say you failed in the exam.我遗憾的说你考试不及格。2. 句子分析:1. come to the robot show on 14 March and receive a copy of Robot Magaz ine for free!3月14日那天来机器人展览会,就能免费获得一本机器人杂志。Copy :广可数名词,a copy of : 一份。例句:he was reading a copy of the daily newspaper. 他正在看一份日报。Y动词:”复制,抄写,模仿 ”, copied, copied, copying 例句:I want you to


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