高考英语必备—专题08 备战高中高考英语语法填空(解析版)_第1页
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1、专题08 全国卷语法填空基础巩固1.语法填空 Close to 70 percent of the worlds population will live in cities by the year 2050. Experts warn that population _ (grow) will worsen housing crises in some areas. Large cities around the world already struggle with housing problems. In some neighborhoods, rising house prices h

2、ave forced _ very poor from their homes. Many poor people now live in shelters or on the street. People _ (move) to large cities now not just for high-paying jobs. Many are also looking for the chance to live and work with other people, career advancement and access(接触的机会) to much _(good ) resources

3、. Some countries have built new capital cities _ (help) ease(缓解) overcrowding. These efforts help, but do not solve the problem. The report says that by 2030, the world will have had 43 very large _ (city), each with more than10 million people. Tjada McKenna, _ is chief operating officer for an aid

4、group, says that the ability to own a home in many countries is often difficult, _ (especial) for women and minority groups. Every city is different in _ (deal) with development problems. Each one has its own economic forces at work and its own history. Experts say that answers _ the housing crisis

5、and other problems must be developed city by city.【答案】 growth;the;are moving;better;to help;cities;who;especially;dealing;to 【解析】 (1)考查名词。vi. 发展;生长;渐渐变得vt. 使生长;种植;扩展句意:专家们说人口增长会在某种程度上加剧住房危机。设空处作为句子主语,应用名词形式,故填growth。 (2)考查冠词。the + adj表示一类人, 如: the rich富人, the poor, the wounded伤者 。句意:在一些小区,上涨的房价已经迫使穷

6、人离开了它们的房子。the+adj指代一类人。故填the。 (3)考查时态。句意:现在人们搬去大城市不仅仅是为了高工资的工作。根据时间状语now判断为现在进行时,主语people是复数。故填are moving。 (4)考查形容词。句意:很多人也是为了寻找机会和其他人一起居住和生活,为了职业晋升和更好的资源。句中resources是名词,应用形容词修饰,再根据much判断此处用比较级。故填better。 (5)考查非谓语动词。句意:为了缓解过度拥挤,有些国家已经修建了新的大都会。此处表目的,用不定式。故填to help。 (6)考查名词。句意:报道称到2030年,世界上将会有43个超级大城市,

7、每个城市人口超过1千万。句中city是可数名词,因为空格之前的43,所以此处用复数形式。故填cities。 (7)考查定语从句。句意:Tjada McKenna,一个援助组织的首席运营官,说在很多国家拥有一个家通常都很困难,尤其是对于女性和少数群体。 is chief operating officer for an aid group是非限定性定语从句,缺少主语,故用关系代词,先行词Tjada McKenna指人,用关系代词who。故填who。 (8)考查副词。句意:Tjada McKenna,一个援助组织的首席运营官,说在很多国家拥有一个家通常都很困难,尤其是对于女性和少数群体。提示词修饰

8、介词短语for women and minority groups. ,用副词形式,故填especially。 (9)考查非谓语动词。句意:每个城市在处理发展问题上是不同的。句中in介词,其后接动名词作宾语。故填dealing。 (10)考查介词。句意:专家说住房危机和其它问题的答案必须一个城市一个城市的解决。answer to the question/problem固定短语,“问题的答案”,故填to。 【总结】本题考点涉及名词,冠词,时态,形容词,非谓语动词,定语从句,副词以及介词等多个知识点的考查,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推

9、理,从而写出正确的单词形式。2.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Rome wasnt built in a day. Nearly two decades have passed since China launched the first Beidou satellite in 2000. Since then, more Beidou satellites have been sent into orbit, _ (form) the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). In late 2012, BDS_

10、(begin) providing services to people in China and other parts of the Asia-Pacific region. At the end of 2018, it started to provide global services. Now with two more Beidou satellites_ (launch) on Dec 16, 2019, BDS has 53 satellites in orbit. It_(expect) to greatly improve the systems ability to se

11、rve_ (user) worldwide. Although a satellite-based navigation system needs only 24 satellites to run _ (proper), having 53 allows for better coverage. This is _ it works: a signal receiver on Earth measures its distance from at least three satellites by recording the amount of time it takes _ (receiv

12、e) their signals. Then it can calculate its location. With so many satellites, BDS can provide _ more accurate calculation. While GPS provides meter-level positioning accuracy, BDS reduces the error _ centimeters. This service is especially useful for land surveying, mapping, agriculture and automat

13、ed driving. Future plans call for a smarter and more accessible system with Beidou at its core, to come online by 2035. By then, we can probably say that Rome has finally been built.【答案】 forming;began;launched;is expected;users;properly;how;to receive;a;to 【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了我国自主研发的北斗定位系统,包括其发展、作用、运行模式

14、、优势等等。 (1)考查非谓语动词。空处与逻辑主语Beidou satellites之间是主动关系,所以要用现在分词。故填forming。 (2)考查时态。根据时间状语In late 2012可知,应该用一般过去时。故填began。 (3)考查非谓语动词。设空处在句中充当宾语补足语,与逻辑主语Beidou satellites之间是被动关系,所以要用过去分词。故填launched。 (4)考查时态语态。结合文章时态可知,应该用一般现在时;主语it指的是BDS,与expect之间是被动关系,所以要用一般现在时的被动语态。故填is expected。 (5)考查名词。设空处位于不定式to serv

15、e后面,充当宾语,且此处指的是全世界的用户,所以应该用作复数形式泛指多个用户。故填users。 (6)考查副词。设空处位于非谓语动词to run后面,起修饰作用,修饰动词要用副词形式。故填properly。 (7)考查表语从句。句意:这是它如何运作(的模式)。分析句子成分和结构可知,句中有系动词is和谓语动词works,可推断含有两个句子,所以设空处需要填入连接词;从句位于is后面,是表语从句;根据后文的描述可知,这里说明的是运行模式,即如何运行,所以要用连接副词how。故填how。 (8)考查非谓语动词。it takes time to do sth,固定句式,“做某事花费多少时间”。故填t

16、o receive。 (9)考查冠词。句意:因为有这么多的卫星,BDS可以提供一种更精确的计算结果。calculation在句中意为计算结果,是可数名词,前面没有限定词,无特指,需要填不定冠词;more第一个发音为辅音发音,所以要用a。故填a。 (10)考查介词。句意:尽管GPS提供到米的定位精确度,但是BDS把误差减少到了厘米。reduce.to固定短语,“减少到”。故填to。 【总结】本题考点涉及非谓语动词,时态,名词,副词,表语从句,冠词以及介词等多个知识点的考查,是一篇科技类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确

17、的单词形式。 3.阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Sensorwake, _(appear) at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, takes a completely different way to get _(you) attention when its time to wake up. Instead of using sound to wake you up, the clock uses smells. It works with reusable smell capsules(胶

18、囊) _(add) into a narrow opening along the top edge of the clock. 19-year-old Guillaume Rolland, an engineering student from France, _(successful) raised $200, 000 last year to invent the Sensorwake. _, do scents(气味) work as well as a regular audio alarm in terms of waking you up?While we might hate

19、the sound of conventional alarms, they seem to be _(use) to most regular sleepers. Rolland claims that the Sensorwake is just as good as the audio alarm, with testing showing his scent-based alarm _(clock) wake 99 percent of people in 2 minutes. At _ same time, the Sensorwake comes with an insurance

20、 policy for any sleepers who cant _(wake) up by its primary feature. For extra-heavy sleepers, there is a backup audio alarm _will start to go off if the smell doesnt make you wake up within 3 minutes.【答案】 appearing;your;added;successfully;However;useful;clocks;the;be woken;that/which 【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介

21、绍了气味闹钟,以一种完全不同的方式在该起床的时候吸引你的注意力。这种闹钟不是用声音叫醒你,而是用气味。同时介绍了气味闹钟的发明者和与普通闹钟相比它的作用。 (1)考查非谓语动词。appear与逻辑主语The Sensorwake构成主动关系,故应用现在分词,填appearing。 (2)考查代词。后文attention为名词,需要形容词性物主代词your修饰。故填your。 (3)考查非谓语动词。add与逻辑主语smell capsules构成被动关系,故应用过去分词,填added。 (4)考查副词。修饰raised应用副词,故填successfully。 (5)考查副词。句意:然而,气味能像

22、普通的闹钟一样叫醒你吗?结合上下文语境可知为转折关系,应用however,句首单词首字母要大写。故填However。 (6)考查形容词。根据上文they seem to be可知应填形容词useful作表语,表示“有用的”。故填useful。 (7)考查名词。clock为可数名词,此处前文没有冠词,故应用复数形式,填clocks。 (8)考查冠词。句意:与此同时,气味闹钟还为那些睡不着觉的人提供了保险。at the same time固定短语,“与此同时”。故填the。 (9)考查语态。本从句中who 指代先行词sleepers,与谓语动词构成被动关系,且cant后跟动词原形。故填be wok

23、en。 (10)考查定语从句。此处为定语从句修饰先行词a backup audio alarm,且先行词在从句中作主语,指物,故应用关系代词that或which。故填that/which。 【总结】本题考点涉及非谓语动词,代词,副词,形容词,名词,冠词,语态以及定语从句等多个知识点的考查,是一篇科技类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。4.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 _(open) in 1987, Futuroscope is one of the large

24、st space-age parks throughout the world. Everything here_(develop) by science and the most advanced technology, such as 3-D cinemas, giant movie screens, hands-on learning and so on. It is _(amaze) that you can get close to parts of the world and have many opportunities to experience. It is of great

25、 _(important) to plan your trip so as to visit as many attractions as possible. To reach Childrens World, take a left turning after the main entrance. Childrens World will be on you right _ a few minutes walk. Here, car racing is one of the _(popular) games. Many adults like this game as they seem t

26、o go back to their childhood. Futuroscope Digital City is another favorite with visitors. From the main entrance, take the path on the right. Continue walking past Forest of Dreams on your left. Very soon you will see _. Futuroscope is the perfect place _adults and children can enjoy together. There

27、 are various good _(service) for different visitors. There are many shows, activities and great souvenir shops. If you want to explore the secrets of the universe, _(come) to Futuroscope!【答案】 opened;is developed;amazing;importance;after;most popular;it;where;services;come 【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了世界上最大的太空时代主题公园Futuroscope。 (1)考查非谓语动词。句意:Futuroscope于1987年开放,它是世界上最大的太空时代主题公园。open与主语Futuroscope成被动关系,故用其过去分词形式,填opened。 (2)考查语态。句意:这里所有的东西都是由科学和最新的技术制造出来的。everything和动词develop成被动关系。全文用一般现在时,所以空格处用一


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