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1、2018 年中考英语作文必背句型和高频范文英语作文在如今的中考中有着举足轻重的地位,也是区别高分和中档分的关键。很多学生 一写英语作文就头疼,无话可写,或者下笔句式就错。在最后的一两个月的中考总复习中使作 文有突飞猛进的提高,也并非不可能,但掌握一些常用的典型句型是必须的。下面是为大家准 备了英语作文中常用的典型句型,用表格的形式方便大家背诵,坚持每天背诵,作文水平定将 迅速提高!相信聪明的你一定能坚持!(一)段首句1. 人们有不同的观点。一些人认为there are different opinions among people. some people think that 2.现在,许多

2、人喜欢用微信聊天因为它很便 nowadays,many people like to chat with wechat because it s 利和有趣。此外,它也能够和朋友分享照片 convenient and interesting. besides,it can share photos and和信息。3. 你为什么上大学?不同的人有着不同的 观点。4. 和信件相比,电子邮件更便捷。information with friends.why do you go to university? different people have different points of view.co

3、mpared to letters, e-mails are more convenient.5. 众所周知,电脑在我们的日常生活中扮演 as we all know, computers have played an important role/part着重要的角色。6. 让我告诉你有关这次活动的事。7. 我很高兴听到你要来中国参观。(二)中间段落句1. 但是,我认为这不是解决这个问题的好方 法,比如。最糟糕的是。1. 有几个可以帮助你的方法。首先,你可in our daily life.let me tell you something about the activity.i m pl

4、eased to hear that youre coming to china for a visit.but i dont think it is a very good way to solve this problem. for example,.worst of all,.there are several ways to help you. first, you can以。3. 许多方法可以帮助解决这个严重的问题, many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the 但下面的可能是最好的。首先,;另外 followin

5、g may be the best. first of all. another way to solve 一种解决这个问题的方法是;最后。 the problem is . finally.3. 这儿是我如何提高英语说的技巧的方法。 here are my ideas about how to improve english speakingskills.5. 为了庆祝我们毕业,我们将在下周五晚在 in order to celebrate our graduation, we will have a graduation我们教室举办一次毕业晚会。party next friday even

6、ing in our classroom.6. 游泳安全成为一个重大问题,所以我想给 and swimming safety becomes a big problem. so id like to你一些远离危险的建议。give you some advice to keep off the danger.7. 如果在生活中有一些困难,最好同老师和 if we have some difficulties in our lives, its best to父母交流。communicate with our teachers and parents.1(三)结尾句1.这样,我们的学校将变得越来越

7、安全。 in this way, our school will become safer and safer.2. 我希望这儿将有更多的发展,我相信 这个城市在将来会变得越来越美丽。3. 我们应当花更多的时间和家人交流。2. 最后但同样重要的是一旦你处于危 险,你应当寻求帮助。3. 读书不但能让我感觉平静和放松,而 且能开阔我的眼界。i wish there will be more development here and i believe this city will become more and more beautiful in the future.we should spen

8、d more time communicating with our family members.last but not least, once you are in danger, you should ask for help.reading books can not only make me feel peaceful and relaxed, but also open up my eyes.6. 至于我,我想有个弟弟妹妹作伴,以 as for me, id love haveto a brother or sister as company, so that 便我们能随时分享我

9、们的快乐和悲伤。 we can share our happiness and sorrow at any time.中考各类题材典型句子一友情1. 在过去的三年,我们朝夕相处、共同学 习。2. 回想我们一起度过的日子,感觉多么的 甜蜜呀!1. 我们应当尊重我们之间的不同。1. 这将营造更亲密的关系。2. 当我在说英语上有难题时,我将向我们 的同学和朋友寻求帮助。in the past three years, we have stayed and studied together.looking back at the days we spent together, how sweet we

10、 feel! we should respect the differences among us.this will lead to a close relationship.when i have some problems with english speaking, i will turn to my classmates and friends for help.6.在我朋友的鼓励下,我总是学得很优秀, with my friends encouragement, i always do well in my studies成为班级的尖子生。and become the top st

11、udent in my class.7.当你有难题时,你可以和你的父母和朋友 when you have some problems, you can communicate with交流。8. 我们应当和我们的同学友好相处。9. 我们知道帮助他人就是帮助自己。your parents and friends.and we should get on well with our classmates.we know helping others is helping ourselves.10. 最后但同样重要的,我们应当友好对待 last but not least , we should b

12、e friendly to our classmates and我们的同学,和我们的朋友友好相处。get on well with our friends.【高分范文】假如你是李华,你的美国网友 helen 写信告诉你最近她因为要为演讲比赛作准备而对好友 lily 撒了谎, 因此她和 lily 之间产生了矛盾,她想知道怎么做才能与好朋友重归于好。请你根据以下信息给她写一份回信, 给她一些建议,并谈谈你对于“好朋友”的理解。1 安慰她,为听到这件事感到抱歉;2 肯定她为竞赛做准备的正确之处,指出她不该撒谎的错误之处;3 告诉她你对真正朋友的理解(诚实并相互包容);4 鼓励她坦承错误,和朋友重归于

13、好。注意:1词数 80100;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。2dear helen,im sorry to hear about your trouble. dont worry. its quite common for friends to misunderstand each other. i think there is nothing wrong for you to prepare for the competition, but you made a mistake when you lied tolily

14、. so you should tell her the truth first and explain to her how important the speech competition is to you. of course, you must say sorry to her for your dishonesty. in my opinion, true friends should be honest and understanding to each other.i hope you can be good friends again.yours ,li hua二、 学习1.

15、通过阅读,我们不但能够获得知识而且也能 1. we can not only get knowledge, but also open our minds by开拓我们的思想。2.此外,它给我们信心和幸福。reading.2. whats more, it gives us confidence and happiness.3.以我的观点,我们应当养成阅读的良好习惯 3. in my opinion, we should develop a good habit of reading并且喜欢上它。4. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。5. 阅读也是一个消磨时间的极好方法。and fall in love

16、 with it.4. my favorite subject is english.5. reading is also a fantastic way to kill my free time.6. 我不但学会了许多新的单词和短语,而且 6. i can not only learn many new words and phrases but also也获得了有关西方国家的最新消息。get the latest news about western countries.7. 这告诉我们只要我们有坚定的意志和勇敢 8. this tells us that nothing seems te

17、rrible as long as we have a的心,没有什么可怕的。strong will and a brave heart.8. 我们应当尽我们最大的力量努力学习,遵 9. we sbould try our best to study hard and obey all the school守学校规则。9. 这将帮你养成一个良好的学习习惯。rules.11. this will help you develope a good learning habit.10. 总之,学习英语没有捷径,除非你努力学 13. in a word, there is no fast ways to

18、 leam english unless you习。11. 请在交卷之前再次检查你的答案。12. 但是我认为小组学习是学好英语的一个 好方法。13. 我们应当投入更多时间和精力到学习中 去,努力成为一个成绩好的学生。make efforts to leam it.please check your answers again before you hand in your paper.but i think group work is a good way to learn english well.we should put more time and energy into study a

19、nd try to be a student with good grades.14. 生活不总是充满着阳光。当我们处于困难 life is not always full of sunshine. when we are in trouble, we 时,我们应当足够勇敢地去处理难题。 should be brave enough to deal with problems.15. 你拥有的知识越多,你将越自信。the more knowledge you have, the more confidence you will have.16. 在英语课堂上,我们应当仔细听课,有必 in en

20、glish class, we should listen to the teacher carefully and要时做笔记。17. 我们应当参加各种各样的活动,例如阅 读、写作、讨论和玩游戏。take notes when necessary.we should take part in all kinds of activities, such as reading, writing, having discussions and playing games.18. 我认为只要用心,世上没什么不可能的。 i believe that nothing is impossible if yo

21、u put your heart into it.3【高分范文】书籍是人类进步的阶梯,是屹立在知识海洋里的灯塔。英国著名作家培根曾经说过:“阅读使人充实。” 可见阅读在每个人的成长过程中都起着至关重要的作用。请以“reading is import,ant for us”为题,用英语写一 篇短文。要点:1读书重要的原因; 2你在生活中是如何阅读的。要求:1词数 80100; 2可适当发挥,以使行文连贯; 3文中不得出现真实姓名和学校。reading is important for usthere is a famous saying, reading makes a full man. re

22、ading is very important in our life. it can not only improve our spirits but also increase our knowledge. it is also one of the most important ways to leam a foreign language.when i was young, i was interested in reading. so i havr been good at writing since my childhood. how to read books? we may d

23、o as follows.first, we should develop the habit of reading. second, we must pay much attention to books we choose. reading books does more good than harm to us. so lets start reading from now on !三 课外活动1.每个人,无论男女老幼,应当有做运动的 everybody, men or women, young or old, should have a good habit习惯。2. 我喜欢能让我健康

24、、强壮、有活力的运 动。3. 众所周知,保持良好的情绪对我们的健 康和学习有好处。4. 第三,每天做眼保健操。他对放松我们 的眼睛有帮助。5. 在我的业余时间,我想参加各种各样的 活动,例如游泳、跳舞和旅行。4. 我最喜欢的爱好之一是跑步。5. 我相信你的朋友将很乐意帮你减肥。 8. 我认为对每个人来说出去做运动很有必 要,因为它对我们的健康和学习有好处。 9. 所以我经常在运动会上获得第一。 10. 为了让你的学校生活丰富多彩 , 我建 议你参加各种活动,例如加入一些俱乐部 和做一些志愿活动。11. 我相信在学习和玩之间保持良好的平 衡能够对孩子的成长做出很大的贡献。of doing spo

25、rts.i like sports, which makes me healthy, strong and energetic.as we know, keeping in a good mood is good for our health and study.third, do eye exercises every day. its helpful for usrelaxtoour eyes.in my spare time , i would like to take part in different activities, such as swimming, dancing and

26、 traveling.one of my favourite hobbies is running.im sure your friends will be willing to help you lose weight.i think its necessary for everyone to go out to do sports because its good for our health and study.so i often get the first prize in the school sports meeting.in order to make your school

27、life colorful, i suggest you take part in all kinds of activities such as joining some clubs and doing some volunteering.im sure a good balance between leaming and playing can make a great contribution to kids growth.【高分范文】假定你是王伟,请给你的美国朋友 betty 写封电子邮件,谈谈你上个月参加 夏令营的经历和感受,要点如下:1 第一次参加夏令营,起初既兴奋又有点紧张;2

28、参加了足球比赛,学会与队友一起协作;3 与朋友一起爬山,让自己亲近自然且更自信。注意:l.词数 80 一 100;2请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;43 文中不能出现真实的校名和人名;4 邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。dear betty,last month i wem on a summer camp for the first time. let me tell you something about it.i felt excited and a bit nervous at first. however, i found happiness and pleasure in t

29、he summer camp soon. there were lots of interesting and colorful activities. for example, i was chosen to be a member of the football team and played against other teams. as a result, i leamt how to work with my teammates well. whats more, in order to get closer to nature, i was encouraged to climb

30、mountains with my friends. after succeeding in getting to the top of the mountain , i felt much more confident.i think this unforgettable experience helped me get along well with others and gave me the courage to get over difficulties.best wishes ryours ,wang wei四饮食1.拥有健康的生活方式很容易,保持均衡的饮食很 its easy t

31、o have a healthy lifestyle, and its important to重要。2.记得有规律的饮食,多吃水果和蔬菜。keep a balanced diet.remember to have meals regularly and eat more fruit and vegetables.3. 首先,吃更多的水果和蔬菜而不是太多的肉和垃 first of all, eat more fruit and vegetables instead of too圾食品。much meat or junk food.4. 同时,我们应当对垃圾食品说不。它对我们的健 at the

32、same time, we are supposed to say no to junk food. it康有害。is harmful to our health.5. 总之,吃得健康能使我们越来越强壮。让我们从 in a word, eating healthily can make us stronger and现在起开始吧。6. 我吃许多对我的健康有好处的绿色蔬菜和水果。 【高分范文】stronger . lets work from now on.i eat many green vegetables and fruits which are good for my health.“民

33、以食为天”,饮食的安全和健康受到越来越多的关注和重视。请你以“say no to junk food“为题,根据 以下要点写一篇英语短文。说明垃圾食品的危害以及远离垃圾食品的做法。要求:l.词数 80100;2文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。say no to junk foodnowadays, more and more attention has been paid to food safety and health. as far as i am concerned, we should say no to junk food. there is no doubt that junk

34、food is made delicious and attractive, but it surely does harm to our body.to get away from junk food, we should focus on how to keep a healthy lifestyle. there are many tips to follow. first, eat regularly, three meals a day on time. try as few snacks or fast food as possible. second, eat more frui

35、t and vegetables which can provide the nutrition( 营养) we need. whats more, do more outdoor activities. as long as you are busy with something interesting, you will more probably get away from junk food.in a word, a healthy diet with less junk food can help make us stronger and stronger.5五健康生活方式1. 在晚

36、上我们应当有足够的睡眠。2. 熬夜太迟对我们的健康有害,所以我们 应当早睡早起。1. 对我们来说保持健康很重要。2. 作为一名中学生,我们应当有健康的生活 方式。1. 去除像熬夜这样的坏习惯也是保持健康 一种重要方式。3. 我们最好不要花太多时间上网。它对我 们的眼睛有害。4. 总之,我们应当正确的使用手机。这样 我们才能过上更健康的生活。we should get enough sleep during the night.staying up too late is bad for our health, so we should go to bed early and get up ea

37、rly.its important for us to keep healthy.as a middle school student, we should have a healthy lifestyle.getting rid of bad habits like staying up is also an important way to keep healthy.wed better not spend too much time surfing the internet. its bad for our eyes.in a word, we should use mobile pho

38、nes correctly. then we can live a healthier life.8.我们要尽可能的快乐,并且学会任何时候 be happy as possible as we can and leam to smile at ourselves at对自己微笑。9. 当你的观点和你妈妈的不同时,你要和 他交流并告诉她你的想法。10. 医生让我一天吃三次药。11. 从那时起我相信保持健康是世界上最 重要的事。any time.when your opinions are different from your mother s, you can communicate with

39、 her, and tell her your thoughts.the doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day。 from then on i believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world。12. 在我们的业余时间,有许多我们可以做 there are many kinds of activities we can do during our free time. 的许多种类的活动。13. 我总是尝试许多不同种类的事使我的 生活丰

40、富多彩。【高分范文】i always try to do many different kinds of things to make my life colorful.假如你是李华,你的朋友 jack 写信说他由于每天长时间玩王者荣耀视力下降很快,作为他的朋友, 请根据以下要点给他写封回信。劝告他远离手机游戏,并对如何保护视力给出自己的建议。1 停止玩游戏,因为既浪费时间又影响视力;2 做眼保健操、平常放松眼睛、保证足够睡眠;3 表达祝愿,希望早日恢复视力。提示词:手游 mobile game 视力下降 fading eyesight注意:1.词数 80 100; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文

41、连贯;3信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。dear jack,h ows it going these days? i knew you were crazy about a mobile game in your letter.h think the first step you should do is to stop playing the mobile games. because it not only costs you a lotof time, but also does harm to your eyesight, whats more,

42、 doing eye exercises is also very important and necessary. when you have a short break, look out of the window and let your eyes have a relax. last but not least, enough sleep is good for your eyes, too. as teenagers, we should sleep at least 8 hours every night. lets stay away from mobile games and

43、 protect our eyes. hope my advice can give you some help.yours ,li hua6六、 旅游1. 我们都觉得累并快乐着。we all felt very tired, but we were happy.2. 我认为我想永远不会忘记这次旅行。 i think i will never forget this trip.3. 去年夏天,我和父母去北京度假。 4. 我们买了很多东西,这儿的衣服既便 宜又好。5. 当你欣赏美景时不要忘了保护环境。6. 我将在暑期和朋友去一些迷人的地 方放松自己。7. 旅行不但能丰富我们的知识也能开 阔我们的

44、眼界。last summer, my parents and i went to beijing for our holidays.we bought a lot of things. the clothes here are good and cheap.when you enjoy the beautiful scenery, dont forget to protect the environment.i will go somewhere fantastic with my friends to relax myself during summer vacation.traveling

45、 not only enriches my knowledge but also opens my eyes to the world.8. 所以,如果你来我们家乡,你能够品 so if you come to my hometown, you can taste nice food and buy 尝美味的食物和买到各种各样的物品。 all kinds of things.9. 此外,每年许多游客来这儿,因为这 whats more, a great number of visitors come here every year儿有多学风景名胜。10. 我以我的学校而骄傲,因为在我心 中她是

46、最好的学校之一。10. 考试之后那么多的学生迫不及待的 去旅行并不惊讶。10. 我将和朋友去旅行,去欣赏大自然 的美景并放松自己。【高分范文】because there are plenty of places of interest here.i feel proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart.its not surprising that so many students cant wait to go traveling after the exami nation.ill travel

47、with my friends to enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature and relax ourselves.假如你是李华,你校将组织大家周末去附近的村庄游玩。请根据以下活动内容写一篇荚语短文,介绍你 们的旅行安排。1喂养动物;2采摘水果; 3学习做饭;4玩游戏。注意:1词数 80 一 100; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:chat(聊天)a trip to villagethis weekend, our school will organize an acti

48、vity going to a nearby village. im really very happy because this is my first time to go there.in the moming, we will feed animals. then, we plan to pick fruit and vegetables in the fields. in the aftemoon, well watch the villagers make tea. after that, we will cook meals. i hope i can learn to cook

49、 for my parents. in the evening, we will play games or chat with the people there.im sure we will have a good time.七、 环保1. 众所周知,我们周边的环境变得越来 as we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and越糟糕。worse.2. 水对人类非常重要,所以节约用水是 water is very important to human beings.我们的职责。3. 许多河流和湖泊被严重的污染。 4. 保

50、护环境是我们的职责。so its our duty to save water.many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. its our duty to protect our environment.75. 如果每个人对保护环境做出贡献,世 界将会变得更加美丽。6. 所以我认为我们必须做些事来保护 环境。if everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful。so i think we m

51、ust do something to protect the environment.7. 作为初中生,我们不应当在公共场所 as junior high students, we should not spit in a public place. 随地吐痰。8. 我们可以通过骑自行车减少空气污we can reduce air pollution by riding bicycles. and wed better染,我们最好种植更多的树来保护自然 plant more trees to protect the natural environment.环境。9. 对我们来说最好把垃圾放进

52、垃圾箱。 itsbetter for us to put rubbish into the dustbins. in this way, we can 这样我们可以保持我们的城市干净。 keep our city clean.9. 我们应当从小事做起。例如,不要到 we should start from doing small things. for example, dont throw处乱扔垃圾、停止使用塑料袋。 11. 呼吁我们身边的人和政府来阻止工 厂污染环境。【高分范文】rubbish here and there and stop using plastic bags.call

53、on the people around us and the govemment to prevent the factories from polluting the environment.假如你是李华,近年来雾霾作为一种新型的灾害性天气现象,给人们的生活和健康带来了极大的威胁。 你校校报英语专栏就此问题发起了征稿活动,请你根据以下提示向校报写一篇投稿。1在家关好门窗,多吃水果蔬菜多喝水;2外出请戴口罩,勤洗手洗脸;3在家进行简单锻炼。 注意:1词数 80 一 100;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;4开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。dear edi

54、tor,nowadays haze(雾霾)appears more.it is very harmful to people especialjy to children and the old.first of all, try to stay at home and keep the window closed. as for food and drink, its better to eat more fruit and vegetables and drink more water. healthy food can help us keep fit. if we have to go

55、 out, its necessary to wear a mask(口罩). and dont forget to clean and change the mask often. besides, washing hands and faces often is also a useful way. at the same fime, dont forget to do some exercise. we can take some simple exercise at home. in a word, healthy lifestyle can help us protect us be

56、tter.best wishes.yours,li hua八人际交往1.交际在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。communication plays a important role in our daily life.2. 以我的观点,我们应当以诚实的方式对待别人。 in my opinion, we should treat others in an honest way.2. 我们可以一起参加课外活动,能更好的帮助我 we can take part in after-school activities together, which can们相互理解、改善我们的关系。4. 如果你用心的话,我相信你能和你的朋友友好 相处。4. 在其他小组成员的帮助下,困难能够被更容


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