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1、unit 10 ive had this bike for three years.一、单选题1.i ann with her chinese over the years,canbuttspeaksheitat all. never mind, she is too young.a. have helpedb. helpc.helpingd. helped2.my parents shandong for ten years.a. have been inb. have been toc.have gone tod. have been3.imsorry, lucy. i your comp

2、uter for such a long time. never mind.a. have borrowedb. have lentc.have keptd. have returned4.my brother this book for two days.a. has boughtb. has keptc.has borrowedd. has lent5.it ten years since he left the army.a. isb. hasc.willd. were6.the postman arrived a short ago.a. whenb. sometimec.some t

3、imed. while7.it seems that you are interested in this novel. yeah. i it as one of the best inovelsveeverread.a. regardb. thinkc.lookd. say8.itsa shame for a young man like you hard.a. no to studyb. to not studyc.not to studyd. not study9.so far, they five japanese songs.a. learnedb. had learnedc.hav

4、e learnedd. learn10. who was wounded in the stomach.a.among them were a soldier c.among them a soldier wasb. among them was a soldier d. among they was a soldier11.last year of new books on environmental protection were published.a. the millionb. millionsc.a milliond. one million12. has mr. white be

5、en a member of greener china? since he to china.a.how soon; comesb. how often; got c.how long;camed.how far; arrived13.i my hometown for a long time. i really miss it.a. leftb. went away fromc.have leftd. have been away from14.have you ever been to the great wall? not yet. i it this year.a. visitedb

6、. have visitedc.was visitingd. will visit15.where is your father?he australia and he sydney for two weeks.a.has been to; has been in b. has gone to; has been inc.has been in; has been to d. has gone to; has been to16.there great changes in such kind of 掌pdas(上电脑)inthe last few years.a. has beenb. ha

7、ve beenc.has hadd. have had17.how long have you here?for two days. i here the day before yesterday.a. been; cameb. come; camec.came; came18.why are you worried?imexpecting a call from my daughter. she new york.a. has gone tob. has been toc.has been backd. has come in19.beibei, is mr. chen in the off

8、ice? no. he for half an hour.a. leftb. has leftc.has been away20.hello! could i speak to lily? sorry, she is not in. she shanghai.a. have been tob. have gone toc.has been tod. has gone to21.how long have you here? about two months.a. beenb. gonec.comed. arrived22.she for ten years and now she has a

9、lovely daughter.a. marriedb. has been marriedc.got marriedd. has got married23.the sinking accident in korea happened april 16,2014 and people lost their li ves.a.in; hundreds b. on; many hundreds c.on; hundreds of d.at; many hundred of24.hurry up! the play for ten minutes.a. has begunb. had begunc.

10、has been ond. began25.are you a soccer player in your school?yes, i the team two years ago. i in the team for two years.a.have joined; have beenb. was joined; am c.joined; wasd.joined; have been26.imlooking after tom today.hesbeenin my house 8:00 this morning.a. atb. forc.sinced. till27.i cannot wai

11、t for you . i must go home now.a. no longerb. no morec.any longerd. no time28. have you been married? for twenty years.a. how farb. how oftenc.how longd. how soon29. all his pocket money, dan bought a present for hismothermothersday.ona. withb. forc.byd. in30.more and more people money to the poor c

12、hildren.a. give upb. give awayc.put upd. put away31.he the house, and you can put your things in it.a. cleaningb. cleaning outc.cleanedd. has cleaned out32.have you finished your homework ,jane? yes,ivefinished it .a. already; yetb. yet; alreadyc.yet; yetd. already; already33.those people went to th

13、e forest to the boy.a. in search ofb. search forc.in search ford. searching34.i wonder when you the new watch. well,i it for two weeks.a.have bought; have had c.bought; have hadb. bought; have boughtd. have bought; have bought35.what are you going to do this weekend? i yet.a.haventdecidedc.have deci

14、ded二、完形填空driving in chinab. wontdecided. didntdecidei have been driving cars since i reached 板the).inpedals(canadayou 36 16 to ge t adriverslicense.i 37 myself to be a very good driver.i visited china 20 years ago.i with my wife was in shanghai to give a paper at a conference.we38 the number of bicy

15、cles on the roads and the few cars.in canada almost each family has one car,but it was 39 that most chinese depended on bicycles.i 40 shanghai and to other chinese cities many times since then and have watche d the fast changes on the roads.there are far fewer bicycles41nowcars.thebut roads are crow

16、ded,the government has been forced to limit the number of days some cars42 canand the traffic jams are almost constant.so are the accidents.on a recent visit i saw four or fi43 within a two-week period.to get adriverslicense in canada,youmust drive,with an examiner,on real roads and in real traffic.

17、however,in china you learn on a closed,course 44 real traffic,geta l icense and only then are able to drive under real roads.driving in canada and driving in china45 two different experiences.in canada t here are traffic jams butarentheytsobad.wehave more traffic;welightsobeythem and driversare usua

18、lly 46 ,allowing other cars to cut in front of themwonknowingtmakeitmuch difference.in china,ifyou stop 47 another car cut in front of you will probably be there for a long time because once one car,dozensgetsinof 48 will follow.i would rather 49 the bus than drive my car in downtown shanghai and be

19、ijing. becauseits 50 and stronger than most things that might run into it.三、翻译妈妈已经离开家快一个月了,我盼望看到她。(away;look forward to)mum from home for nearly a month. i seeing her. 你曾考虑过出国深造吗?(consider)have you ever abroad for further study?51.每年许多毕业生到大城市寻找工作。(search)many graduates the jobs in big cities every y

20、ear.52.我叔叔过去常常每年回家一次。(use)my uncle once a year.53.在我看来,他这件事做得很不错。(opinion)in , he did it very well.54.按照规定,酒后不准开车。(according)the rules, peoplecantdrive after drinking.55.至于乔,她现在日子过得不错。(as for)jo,shesdoing fine now.56.这台电脑不正常工作了,你检查一下好吗?(check)this computer is not working properly. could you pleaseit

21、 ?58.说实在的,我只是不想去。(honest), i justdontwant to go.59.与朋友分开我感到很伤心。(part)i felt very sad my friends.62.自我上次见她已经三年了。it is three years _ i met her last time.63.那家店铺在车站的对面。(across)the store is _ _ the station.66.人们把那些志愿者应该被视为英雄 l(regard)people the volunteers heroes.72.他不懈地学习着,直到不再讨厌数学为止。(long)he worked and

22、 worked until he _ _ hated mathematics.74.你拥有那辆自行车多长时间了?(have)_ _ have you _ that bike over? there76.我用它学会了如何骑自行车。(ride)i learned _ _ _ a bike on it.77.每年有上百万人从乡村来城里工作。(million)every year, people come to work in cities from the countryside. 79.接近 200 名选手参加了歌唱比赛。(close)two hundred players took part i

23、n the singing competition.80.为了谋生,他们不得不离开故乡。(order)make a living, they had to leave their hometown.84.妈妈让我察看一下我的旧书,她想把它们赠送给别的孩子。(check;give)my mother asked me to my old books; she wanted to themto other children.参考答案1.【答案】a 【解析】句意:这些年来我一直在帮助 ann 学汉语,但她还是不会说。没关系,她还太小。have helped是现在完成时;help是一般现在时;help

24、ing是动 名词形式;helped是一般过去时。根据 over the years可知,应该用现在完成时。故选 a 。2. 【答案】a 【解析】本题考查动词、介词辨析和现在完成时。句意:我父母已经在山东 10 年了。have/has been 表to示曾经去过某地,但现在不在那;have/has gone 表to示现在已 去某地,现在不在这。故选 a 。3. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查动词辨析和现在完成时。句意:我很抱歉,露西,我 借了你的电脑那么长时间。没关系。由句中时间状语 for such a long time可知句中谓语 动词应为延续性动词。keep 是延续性动词;borrow,l

25、end,return都是非延续性动词。故选 c 。4. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查动词辨析和现在完成时。句意:我的哥哥已经借这本书两 天了。由 for two days可知谓语动词应为延续性动词,故选 b 。5. 【答案】a 【解析】本题考查时间状语从句。句意:自从他离开军队已经十年了。此处 是“itis 一+段时间+since从句”句型.since引导的从句的谓语动词若是延续性动词,常理解 为某一状态的终止;若是终止性动词,则理解为某一动作的开始。6. 【答案】d 【解析】本题考查固定短语。句意:这个邮差刚刚到了。固定短语a short while ago意为“刚才”。7.【答案】a 【解

26、析】本题考查动词辨析。句意:你似乎对这本小说很感兴趣。 是的,我认为它是我读过的小说中最好的一本。固定短语 regard.as.意为“将视 为”。8.【答案】c 【解析】本题考查动词不定式。句意:对像你这样的年轻人而言,不努力学习 是可耻的。固定句型“it十s形容词/名词+for sb. +todo.表”示“对某人而言做是(的)。”其否定句式把 not放在 to之前。9. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查现在完成时。句意:到目前为止,他们已经学了五首日语 歌。so far意为“到目前为止”常,用于现在完成时,故选 c 。10. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查倒装。句意:这些军人中有一位腹部受伤了。介

27、词 among 后接代词的宾格形式。该句为倒装句,主语为 a soldier,所以谓语动词用单数,故选 b 。11. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查数词的用法。句意:去年数百万本有关环境保护的新书 被出版。millions of意为“数百万的”。hundred,thousand,million前面若有具体的数字修饰时 要用单数形式。但如果它们后面有 of,则要用复数形式,而且后面的名词也要用复数形式,且 前面不能加具体的数字。12. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查特殊疑问句和时态。句意:怀特先生成为绿色中国 的成员有多久了?自从他来到中国的时候。since引导时间状语从句。在句中对一段时 间提问,

28、应用 how long。13. 【答案】d 【解析】本题考查动词辨析和现在完成时。句意:我已经离开家乡很长时 间了。我很想它。“for+一段时间”提示用完成时。谓语动词用延续性动词,故选 d 。14. 【答案】d 【解析】本题考查一般将来时。句意:你去过长城吗?还没。我 今年会去。由句意可知用一般将来时。15. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查现在完成时和介词辨析。句意:你父亲在哪? 他去了澳大利亚,他在悉尼待了两周了。由问句可知是“去了还未回来”故,排除 a 、c 。由 for two weeks可知第二空应用延续性动词,故选 b 。16. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查主谓一致和现在完成时。过去

29、几年,这种掌上电脑发生 了很大的变化。由 in the last few years可知用现在完成时。此句为there be句型,且由 changes可知选 b 。17. 【答案】a 【解析】本题考查动词辨析和一般过去时。句意:你在这多久了? 两天了。我前天来的。how long(多长时间)询问时间段,故问句中应用延续性动词,come 为 非延续性动词,故排除 b 、c 两项;由答语中 the day before yesterday可知第二空所在句应用 一般过去时,come 的过去式为 came 。故选 a 。18. 【答案】a 【解析】本题考查动词辨析和现在完成时。句意:你为什么着急? 我

30、在等我女儿的电话。她去了纽约。 has gone to去某地未返回 ;has been to曾经去过某地。 由答语第一句“我正等待我女儿来的电话。”可知她去纽约还未回来,故选 a 。19. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查现在完成时。句意:贝贝,陈先生在办公室吗? 没在。他已经离开了半个小时了。题中 half an hour为一段时间,应用延续性动词,所以选 c 。20. 【答案】d 【解析】本题考查主谓一致和动词辨析。句意:你好!我能和 lily说 话吗?不好意思,她不在家。她去了上海。主语为 she,故用 has,而不用 have。排除 a 、b 选项。由前面一句“sorry,sheis no

31、tin.可”知,她是“去了”上海,而不是“去过”上海,故选d。21. 【答案】a 【解析】本题考查动词辨析。句意:你来这里有多长时间了?大约两 个月。根据答语可知,问句中的动词应为延续性动词。go,come,arrive均为短暂性动词,故选 a 。22. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查现在完成时。句意:她已经结婚十年了,现在有一个可爱 的女儿。由“for+时间段”可知要用延续性动词,用 has been married。23. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查介词辨析和基数词。句意:韩国沉船事故发在在 2014 年 4 月 16 日,造成了数百人的死亡。表示具体在哪一天用介词 on,表示年月、早晚用

32、介词 in。24. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查现在完成时。句意:快点!这部剧都开演 10 分钟了。根据 for ten minutes可知用完成时态,且用延续性动词。因此选 c 。25. 【答案】d 【解析】本题考查动词时态。句意:你是你们学校的足球队员吗? 是,我两年前加入的球队。我已经在队里两年了。根据时间状语 two years ago可知第一 空所在句用一般过去时;根据时间状语 for two years可知第二空所在句要用现在完成时,故选 d 。26. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查介词辨析。句意:我今天在照顾 tom 。他自从早上八点 就一直在我家里。since意为“自从以来”表,

33、示从过去某个时间一直到现在,常常与现在 完成时连用,故选 c 。27. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查副词辨析。句意:我不能再等你了。我现在必须回家了。no longer=not.any longer,意为“不再”。28.【答案】c 【解析】本题考查疑问副词的用法。句意:你结婚多久了?二十 年了。how far表示“多远”通,常用于对距离提问;how often意为“多久一次”通,常用于对频率 提问;how long意为“多长时间”通,常用于对一段时间提问;how soon意为“多久”通,常用于对 in+一段时间”提问。由答语“20年。”为时间段可知,应选 c 。29. 【答案】 a【解析】本题

34、考查介词辨析。句意:用尽口袋里所有的钱,dan 在母亲节 给他妈妈买了一个礼物。with有“用尽”的意思。30. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查动词短语。句意:越来越多的人给穷苦的孩子们捐款。give up放弃;give away捐赠;put up张贴;put away储存。31. 【答案】d 【解析】本题考查现在完成时。句意为:他已经打扫完房间了,你可以把 你的东西放进去了。用现在完成时来强调对现在造成的影响。故选 d 。32. 【答案】b 【解析】 本题考查副词的用法。句意为:简,你已经完成你的作业了 吗?是的,我已经完成了。yet和 already都可与完成时连用,但 already用在肯

35、定句 中, yet用在疑问句或否定句中。33. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查动词短语。 句意为:那些人去森林里找男孩。in searchof“寻找”是,介词短语;searchfor“寻找”是,动词短语。34. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查一般过去时和现在完成时。句意:我想知道你什么 时候买的新手表。 我已经买了两周了。when 对时间点进行提问,句中的谓语动词不能 使用完成时态,可排除 a 、d 两项;答语句末为“for+时间段”故,谓语动词应为延续性动词,而 buy 为非延续性动词,故排除 b 选项,选 c 。35. 【答案】a 【解析】本题考查现在完成时的否定形式。句意为:这周末你打算做

36、什么?我还没有决定。答语中的 yet 常用于否定句,又是现在完成时的标志词,故选 a 。34. 【答案】a 【解析】本题考查情态动词。根据语境可知在加拿大你必须十六岁以后才 能取得驾照,故选 a 。35. 【答案】c 【解析】本题考查动词。 我认为自己是个好司机。consider(tobe)认为 什么。regard对待,认为常用 regardas;wonder想知道;think考虑。36. 【答案】d 【解析】本题考查形容词短语。我们对路上自行车数量之多和汽车的寥寥 无几感到惊讶。be amazed at对感到惊讶。由后文的在加拿大,几乎每家都有轿车,可 知答案。be fond of喜欢;be angry with对生气;be satisfied with对感到满意。37. 【答案】b 【解析】本题考查形


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