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1、时态专项训练,动词的时态及变化,1、一般过去时(动词过去式) 2、一般现在时(动词原形三单形式) 3、一般将来时(willbe going to +动词原形) 4、现在进行时(be +动词现在分词) 5、过去进行时(waswere +动词现在分词) 6、过去将来时(would +动词原形) 7、现在完成时(havehas + 动词过去分词) 8、过去完成时(had +动词过去分词),智慧开启,表示经常发生的或习惯性的动作;表示主语现有的特征、状态;表示客观事实或普遍真理。,一 般 现 在 时,定义:,标志词 :,often、always、 usually 、some-times 、never、

2、 once a year 、twice a month 、every yearweekdaytwo days,例句:I often go to school by bike but some-times I walk to school .,一 般 过 去 时,定义:,标志词 :,例句:I went to see a film with my friends last Sunday .,表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态.,Just now、just then、yesterday、last nightmonthyearweek、last Sunday 、a few days

3、ago,一 般 将 来 时,定义:,标志词 :,例句:I will go to see a film with my friends next Sunday .,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态 .,From now on 、tomorrow 、next weekmonthyearSunday、 in +时间段、when I grow up,现 在 进 行 时,定义:,标志词 :,例句:I am reading my English book now.,表示说话时或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作.,Now、 this week、these days、look、listen,过 去 进 行

4、 时,定义:,标志词 :,例句:I was going to see a film with my friends at this time yesterday.,表示过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。,At this time、 at 9:00 yesterday、 when I saw him、 yesterday morning 、all day yesterday,过 去 将 来 时,例句:He said he would go to see a film with his friends the next day .,定义:,标志词 :,表示从过去某个时间来看将要发生的动作或存在

5、的状态。,The next day、 that day、 the following week、by then,现 在 完 成 时,定义:,标志词 :,例句:I have seen the film three times already.,表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,也可指过去开始的动作或状态延续到现在或者有可能继续延续下去.,Lately、recently、 since2001、 yet、 already、 just、 so far、 up to now、before,例句:We have leant about two thousand words by this te

6、rm .,过 去 完 成 时,定义:,标志词 :,表示过去某个时间以前已经发生的动作或存在的状态。,By +过去时间、before +过去时间(短语或从句).,例1、Tom is strong and he_to school every day. A、walked B、walks C、will walk D、has walked 【简析】选B.根据前句的谓语动词is和后句的时间状语every day,可以判断,此句应用一般现在时. 例2、-Excuse me .You cant take photos here.look at the sign! It says:“NO PHOTOS”. S

7、orry,I_it. A、dont see B、didnsee C、wont see D、havent see 【简析】选B.本句子虽然没有明显的时间状语,但从句意理解,应答人没有看见标志是刚刚发生的事,故用一般过去时的否定式.,例3、Frank _ a film if he is free next Sunday. A、see B、saw C、has seen D、will see 【简析】选D. if 引导的条件状语从句,从句用一 般现在时,主句用一般将来时. 例4、Shall we go shopping now? Sorry, I cant. I my shirt. A、wash B、

8、washed C、washes D、am washing 【简析】选D.句中now 一词告知需要用现在进行时.,例5、I _ my homework while my parents _TV last night. A、did; have wached B、was doing ;were watching C、had done; were watching D、would do; were watch-ing 【简析】选B.时间状语last night 表示发生在过去,由while 引导的时间状语从句中,主句与从句的动词同时发生,此时主句与从句都要用过去进行时. 例6、The train is

9、 leaving right now ,but David hasnt arrived yet. Well,he said he _here on time. 【简析】选C.答语是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,“他说话”发生在过去,即从过去的角度来描述他将要按时来的情况。,例7、-The life we were used to_greatly since 1992. A、change B、has changed C、changing D、have changed 【简析】选B.since 引导的短语通常与现在完成上连用,the life 是主语,助动词用单数形式,we were used to

10、是定语从句,修饰 the life. 例8、Why didnt you go to the move yesterday? Because I _ It before. A、had watched B、had seen C、have watched D、had seen 【简析】选D.“我” 看电影发生在昨天“go to the movie”之前,故用过去完成时.,踏 平 坎坷,巧学一般过去时: 动词一般过去时,表示过去发生事。 事情发生在过去,经常、反复或连续。 过去时态咋判断,过去时间作标志。 Be用was或用were,have、has、变had。 一般动词加ed,若是特殊得硬记。 否定句

11、很简单,主语之后didnt添。 疑问句也不难,did放在主语前。 谓语之前有did,谓语动词需还原。 动词若是was、were,否定就把not添。,教你一招,我的基本情况: 动词一般将来时,表示将要发生事; 谓语动词要记清,Willshall + 原形 ; 否定句,很简单,willshall或be后not添; 疑问句,也不难,willshall 或be要提前。 我的同胞兄弟: be going to + 动原,一般口语多常见; 准备、计划或打算,be有人称、时、数变。 近在眉睫发生事,主观判断是必然。 一般、特殊、否定句,be为中心相对变。,巧记动词现在进行时 动词现在进行时, 表示正在发生事

12、。 谓语结构要牢记, be +动词-ing。 否定句,很简单, be后快将not添。 疑问句,也不难, 只需你把be提前。 何时使用进行时, look、listen告诉你。,芝麻开门,你知道吗,动词过去进行时, 过去正在做某事。 谓语结构要牢记,waswere +动词-ing。 否定简单,疑不难, waswere提前或not后添。 现在、过去进行时,记忆起来需对比。 时间状语过去时, be要换作过去式。,动词现在完成时, 谓语结构要牢记 have +过去分词, 三单主语 have换has。 基本用法有两个: 过去动作对现在的影响或结果, justalready常跟着; 过去动作或状态,持续到现

13、在,forsince后把时间带。,一招制胜,智慧火花,动词过去完成时, 过去的过去要牢记。 had+过去分词,一般用于时间状语从句。 引导词 before、when,介词短语也不离。 若想熟练来记忆,需与现在完成左对比。,小试牛刀,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1、How long did it take you_(decorate) your new house? 2、My mobile phone _(steal) in the bus last week. 3、Who _(hang) this bag on the wall just now? 4、Our school _(hold) a

14、 sports meeting last week? 5、They _(move) to shanghai next month. 6、Who _(speak) at the meeting this afternoon?,7、The Greens _ (watch) TV now. 8、My father _read a newspaper at seven oclock last night. 9、He said that he_(ring)me up when he got there. 10、We_(learn) English for about three years. 11、He

15、 often _(borrow) books from the school library. 12、My brother _(join) the league in 1997. 13、We _(know) each other for about ten years.,14、The farmers _(pick) apples when I saw them。 15、The red skirt _(cost) the girl forty yuan. 16、The film_(begin) when I got to the cinema. 17、Look! The women_(shop)

16、 in the shop. 18、They _(visit) the science Museum next sunday. 19、My uncle said that he _(draw) a beautiful horse for me next day. 20、My sister is a student and she _(study) at a middle school nearby. 21、The old men _(listen) to the radio every day. 22、Listen! They _(talk) about the new film .,23、I _(teach)English for about ten years. 24、Our English teacher said that she _ (sing) us a song in English. 25、My mother _(wash) clothes this yesterd


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