



1、小学均衡发展汇报材料黔西县莲城街道办事处金龙小学 义务教育基本均衡汇报材料 2015年 3月 1日Wang Guozhen once said: since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships . Since we have chosen to do the party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhe

2、re to adhere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a let party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal Party committee, today we called the

3、citys production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the recent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problem rectification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 accident, central,

4、 provincial and municipal leaders attach great importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and ea

5、rnestly safeguard the peoples life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for production safety, effectively so that theparty and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsibility. Not黔西县莲城街道办事处金龙小学教育基本均衡发展汇报材料一、学校基本情况 :

6、黔两县莲城街道办事处金龙小学位于黔两县城南 6.5 千米处,建于 2002年 8 月。学校占地面积 9477 平方米,有教学楼、综合教学楼一幢,校舍建筑而积 1484 平方米。现有义务教育小学教学班 6 个,附属学前班 2个,本学年有义务教育小学 阶段学生 275人,学前班 95人,有专任教师 17 人。科学和数学教学仪器、音体美 设备达到二类配备标准。我校认真贯彻执行上级有关教育的法律法规、方针政策,努力规范办学行为, 努力提高办学条件,遵循教育规律,优化学校管理,不断更新教育观念,全面实施 素质教育,面向全体学生,努力提高教育质量。近年来,我校积极加强领导,增加 投入,创设条件,树立社会、家庭和学校相结合的大教育观念,进一步巩固“初步 均衡”成果,不断推进义务教育均衡发展,义务教育水平得到了很大提高。二、义务教育均衡发展达标情况 :( 一 ) 学校设置与班额方面学校共有小学教学班 6 个,学生总数 275人,学前班 2个,学生 95 人,平均 班额 46 人。学校校园占地面积 9477平方米,人均 25.6 平方米。平均班额基本达 标。( 二 ) 校舍建设方面校舍建筑面积 1484 平方米,人均校舍建筑面积 4.04 平方米。其中教学及辅助 用房 916 平方米,行政


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