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1、东北农业大学网络教育学院 大学英语第三册网上作业题参考答案东北农业大学网络教育学院大学英语第三册网上作业题一、单项选择题1. He is watching TV? He is _B_ to be cleaning his room.A) known B) supposed C) regarded D) considered2. The Smiths decided to _D_ a boy and a girl though they already had three children.A) adapt B) bring C) receive D) adopt3. The newspaper

2、 didnt mention the _A_ of the damage caused by the fire.A) range B) level C) extent D) quantity4. We can not trust him any more because he often _D_ his duty.A) owes B) spoils C) deserts D) neglects5. In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _A_.A) facilities B) hens C) vot

3、es D) artists6. Free medical service is _B_ to nearly all the college students in China.A) favorite B) available C) convenient D) average7. Iron supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to _B_ , and may be poisonous in some cases.A) throw away B) throw up C) throw in D) throw out8. Grant Wood in

4、stantly _C_ to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic, an often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers.A) arise B) rise C) rose D) raised9. James Montgomery is famous for his army _B_ posters of World Wars I and II.A) recruited B) recruiting C) recruit D) recrutation10

5、. If you had been _B_ in your study, you would have passed the examination without any difficulty.A) big-minded B) single-minded C) broad-minded D)narrow-minded11. My English professor told me to_D_ my vocabulary, to _ my sentence length and to _ my tone.A) amplify; justify; enlarge B)enlarge; justi

6、fy; diversifyC) diversify; enlarge; amplify D) enlarge; amplify; diversify12. The Buffalo nickel was _B_ in memory of the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indians.A) descended B) designed C) deprived D) detailed13. The point in _C_ by correspondence is not whether we should do it bu

7、t whether we can do it.A) argument B) debate C) dispute D) controversy14. _B_ their difference, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection foreach other.A) But for B) For all C) Above all D) Except for15. The early pioneers had to _B_ many hardships to settle on the new land.A) go i

8、nto B) go through C) go back on D) go about16. We should keep a _A_ eye on the prisoners every moment.A) jealous B) envious C) jealousy D) envy17. I would appreciate _A_ it a secret.A) your keeping B) you to keepC) that you keep D) that you will keep18. Over the last fifteen years, running has becom

9、e a popular _B_ for 30 million participants of the ages.A) fantasy B) pastime C) symposium D) penalty19. Now the cheers and applause _A_ in a single sustained roar.A) mingled B) concentrated C) assembled D) permeated20. I couldnt find _A_ , and so I took this one.A) a large enough coat B) an enough

10、large coatC) a large coat enough D) a coat enough large21. _B_ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.A) Before B) Until C) From D) Since22. Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to _D_ storming into the bosssoffice.A) prevent B) prohibit C) turn

11、D) avoid23. They are sure they have all the facts they need to _C_ the existence of a black hole.A) obtain B) maintain C) verify D) display24. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year wasoptimistic. They expect increased tax _D_.A) efficiency B) revenues C) pr

12、ivileges D) validity25. It is not -_C_ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.A) continuous B) difficult C) convenient D) sufficient26. He is the only person who can _A_ in this case, because the other witnesses werekilled mysteriously.A)

13、testify B) charge C) accuse D) rectify27. This boy was _A_ for what he had done in the class.A) scolded B) overcome C) inclined D) displayed28. On weekend my grandpa usually _A_ a glass of wine.A) subscribes B) engages in C) hangs on D) indulges in29. The leader of the expedition _D_ everyone to fol

14、low his example.A) promoted B) reinforced C)sparked D) inspired30. We must look beyond _B_ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.A) justifications B) illusions C) manifestations D) specifications31. The government is trying to do something to _B_ better understanding between the two na

15、tions .A) raise B) promote C) heighten D) increase32. The soldier was _C_ of running away when the enemy attacked.A) scolded B) charged C) accused D) punished33. People appreciate _C_ with him because he has a good sense of humor.A) to work B) to have worked C) working D) having worked34. When a spa

16、cecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earths_B_.A) surface B) atmosphere C) attitude D) bent35. We are _C_ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A) distinguished B) annoyed C) astonished D) scored36. He tried to _B_relations with his former wife but he failed.

17、A) measure B) maintain C) shelter D) reply37. It can be said without any _D_ that this factory can products 100,000 bikes every month.A) boast B) exaggerate C) boastful D) exaggeration38. An employee told the government official that “US” is short _A_ “Uncle Sam”.A) for B) to C) with D) on39. The co

18、mmittee did not _B_ of the plan to build a new bridge over the river, for it willcost too much.A) prove B) approve C) disapprove D) disprove40. A few villagers were _A_ of “Lord Williams” but most saw nothing that aroused doubts until later.A) suspicious B) suspicion C) doubtable D) doubted41. Women

19、 do not usually eat the recommended daily _B_ of iron.A) section B) allowance C) share D) part42. He wasnt _B_ to sit and watch, but he could not stand unaided on the soft sand because of his lameness.A) conceited B) content C) concept D) concentrated43. We _B_ Edisons success to his intelligence an

20、d hard work.A) subject B) attribute C) owe D)refer44. The police accused him of setting fire to the building but he denied _C_ in the area onthe might of the fire.A) to be B) to have been C) having been D) be45. She accused the man _B_ breaking into her house.A) at B) of C) for D) with46. Many peopl

21、e like white color as it is a _A_ of purity.A) symbol B) sign C) signal D) symptom47. Everyone should be _B_ to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to beeducated.A) attributed B) entitled C) identified D) justified48. You have nothing to _A_ by refusing to listen to our advice.A) gain B)

22、grasp C)seize D) earn49. On weekend my grandpa usually _D_ a glass of wine.A) subscribes B) engages in C) hangs on D) indulges in50. Though _B_ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of countrylife.A) grown B) raised C) tended D) cultivated51. The manager urged his staff n

23、ot to _B_ the splendid opportunity.A) drop B) miss C) escape D) slide52. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was _B_.A) mature B) deliberate C) meaningful D) innocent53. This is the nurse who _B_ to me when I was ill in hospital.A) accompanied B) attended C) entertained D) shielded

24、54. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found ithard to understand this point and her explanation only _C_ to his confusion.A) extended B) amounted C) added D) turned55. This morning in the class, our teacher lost his _A_ at last because he could not st

25、and any more.A) temper B) terror C) verse D) contain56. He keeps on with physical training in winter _B_cold it is .A) whatever B) no matter how C) whether or not D) although57. The woman was worried about the side effects of taking aspirins, but her doctor_C_ herthat it is absolutely harmless.A) re

26、trieved B) released C) reassured D) revived58. We should make a clear _D_ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of ourdiscussion.A) separation B) discrimination C) deviation D) distinction59. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the powerof the me

27、dium is _B_.A) granted B) implied C) exaggerated D) remedied60. His wife is constantly finding _C_ with him, which makes him very angry.A) errors B) shortcomings C) fault D) flaw61. We must look beyond _B_ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.A) justifications B) illusions C) manifest

28、ations D) specifications62. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the powerof the medium is _B_.A) granted B) implied C) exaggerated D) remedied63. He is watching TV? He is _B_ to be cleaning his room.A) known B) supposed C) regarded D) considered64. The Smit

29、hs decided to _D_ a boy and a girl though they already had three children.A) adapt B) bring C) receive D) adopt65. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _B_ I heard voices.A) as B) when C) after D) while66. We can not trust him any more because he often _D_ his duty.A) owes B) s

30、poils C) deserts D) neglects67. In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _A_.A) facilities B) hens C) votes D) artists68. Free medical service is _B_ to nearly all the college students in China.A) favorite B) available C) convenient D) average69. Iron supplements may produc

31、e a feeling of wanting to _B_ , and may be poisonous in some cases.A) throw away B) throw up C) throw in D) throw out70. Grant Wood instantly _C_ to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic, an often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers.A) arise B) rise C) rose D) rais

32、ed71. I rub cream into the old womans yellow skin, feeling perfectly the _A_ of each bone in the back.A) outline B) organization C) structure D) frame72. If you had been _B_ in your study, you would have passed the examination without any difficulty.A) big-minded B) single-minded C) broad-minded D)n

33、arrow-minded73. My English professor told me to_D_ my vocabulary, to _ my sentence length and to _ my tone.A) amplify; justify; enlarge B)enlarge; justify; diversifyC) diversify; enlarge; amplify D) enlarge; amplify; diversify74. Women do not usually eat the recommended daily _B_ of iron.A) section

34、B) allowance C) share D) part75. The point in _C_ by correspondence is not whether we should do it but whether we can do it.A) argument B) debate C) dispute D) controversy76. _B_ their difference, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection foreach other.A) But for B) For all C) Abov

35、e all D) Except for77. We _B_ Edisons success to his intelligence and hard work.A) subject B) attribute C) owe D)refer78. We should keep a _A_ eye on the prisoners every moment.A) jealous B) envious C) jealousy D) envy79. Under the present system, state enterprises must _D_ all profits to the govern

36、ment.A) turn down B) turn up C) turn out D) turn in80. Many people like white color as it is a _A_ of purity.A) symbol B) sign C) signal D) symptom81. Now the cheers and applause _A_ in a single sustained roar.A) mingled B) concentrated C) assembled D) permeated82. John Dewey believed that education

37、 should be a preparation for life that a person learnsby doing, and that teaching must _B_ the curiosity and creativity of children.A) seek B) stimulate C) shape D) secure83. He asked us to _C_ them in carrying through their plan.A) provide B) arouse C) assist D) persist84. Mr. Smith was the only wi

38、tness who said that the fire was _B_.A) mature B) deliberate C) meaningful D) innocent85. Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to _D_ storming into the b osssoffice.A) prevent B) prohibit C) turn D) avoid86. She gave him back the money shed stolen, for _B_ sake.A) consents B) conscience

39、s C) her D) conscious87. If you have any problems during your study here, please do not _A_ to call me for helpA) hesitate B) despair C) urge D) request88. Some lazy men would rather _D_ than work.A) indicate B) declare C) solve D) starve89. He keeps on with physical training in winter _B_cold it is

40、 .A) whatever B) no matter how C) whether or not D) although90. The designer has applied for a _D_ for his new invention.A) tariff B) discount C) version D) patent91. The soldier was _C_ of running away when the enemy attacked.A) scolded B) charged C) accused D) punished92. Had he worked hard, he _B

41、_ the exams.A) must have got through B) would have got throughC) would get through D) could get through93. The pressure _A_ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strains.A) to compete B) competing C) to be competed D) having competed94. He tried to _B_rel

42、ations with his former wife but he failed.A) measure B) maintain C) shelter D) reply95. He _A_ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.A) resolved B) resorted C) requested D) reserved96. The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _C_ their plans

43、 for the new bicycle.A) counting B) stripping C) elaborating D) casting97. James Montgomery is famous for his army _B_ posters of World Wars I and II.A) recruited B) recruiting C) recruit D) recrutation98. James Fraser _D_ tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.A

44、) went out B) went for C) went in D) went against99. His parents did not approve of his plan to go and study abroad with a girl they had never met, but he _D_ and married her.A) went against B) went for C) went for nothing D) went ahead100. The _B_ of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New

45、York Bay in 1886.A) Status B) Statue C) Stature D) State101. After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoon, his from _C_ from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan.A) involving B) changing C) evolving D) altering102. Her skin was dry after _A_ to the

46、 wind during the trip.A) failure B) disclosure C) exposure D) pressure103. She accused the man _B_ breaking into her house.A) at B) of C) for D) with104. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will _B_ his business to his son.A) take over B) hand over C) think over D) get over105. My camera can be _B_ to take

47、pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A) treated B) adjusted C) adopted D) remedied106. Those acting for the defendant proposed to appeal _B_ the sentence.A) to B)against C) for D) out107. The manager promised to keep me _C_ of how our business was going on.A) to be informed B) on informing C) info

48、rmed D) informing108. Our hopes _D_ and fell in the same instant.A) aroused B) arose C) raised D) rose109. Im very sorry to have _D_ you with so many questions on such an occasion.A) interfered B) offended C) impressed D) bothered110. Though _B_ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primi

49、tive scenes of country life.A) grown B) raised C) tended D) cultivated111. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relative play _B_ roles in raising children.A) incapable B) indispensable C) insensible D) infinite112. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject

50、, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _C_ to his confusion.A) extended B) amounted C) added D) turned113. He was such a _B_ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture.A) specific B) dynamic C) heroic D) diplomatic114. This is the nu

51、rse who _B_ to me when I was ill in hospital.A) accompanied B) attended C) entertained D) shielded115. The computer has brought about surprising technological changes _B_ we organize and produce information.A) in a way B) in the way C) in that way D) in no way116. As a teacher, you should not _B_ th

52、e students from asking questions in class.A) ruin B) restrain C) import D) impose117. Students with _B_ problems may apply for student loans.A) economic B) financial C) male D) economical118. We should make a clear _D_ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.A) separation

53、B) discrimination C) deviation D) distinction119. Radio, television and press _B_ of conveying news as information.A) are the most common three meansB) are the most three common meansC) are the three most common meansD) are three the most common means120. Many manufacturers were accused of concentra

54、ting too heavily on cost reduction, often at the _A_ of the quality of their products.A) expense B) exposure C) expansion D) expectation121. _B_ their differences , the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other .A) But for B) For all C) Above all D) Except for122. Since

55、the matter was extremely _C_, we dealt with it immediately.A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) instant123. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at _D_ chemists.A) each B) some C) certain D) any124. With the help of the government , a large number of people -_A_ after the flood in 1991.A) su

56、rvived B) suspended C) suffered D) suspected125. He always has a lot of _A_ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.A) novel B) spoil C) acceptable D) additional126. John _A_ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.A) pretends B) assures C) affords D) melts127. A study suggests that even _B_ exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.A) modern B) moderate C) excess D) excessive128. Because women often _A_ their diet to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to


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