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1、The Vampire Diaries,love family friends,1,;.,简介,he series takes place in Mystic Falls, Virginia, a fictional small town haunted by supernatural beings. The series narrative follows the protagonist Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) as she falls in love with vampire Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) and is dra

2、wn into the supernatural world as a result. As the series progresses, Elena finds herself drawn to Stefans brother Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) resulting in a love triangle. As the narrative develops in the course of the series, the focal point shifts on the mysterious past of the town involvin

3、g Elenas malevolent doppelgnger Katerina Petrova. Katerina was the love of both Damon and Stefan Salvatore many years ago. Her return, along with the family of Original Vampires, have all led to many plots against Elena and Mystic Falls. The pilot episode attracted the largest audience for The CW of

4、 any series premiere since the network began in 2006.The first season averaged 3.60 million viewers and following seasons have maintained an audience of over 2 million viewers.It remains the most-watched series on the network. The series initially received mixed reviews, but critics agreed as the fi

5、rst season progressed that the show improved. Subsequent seasons have premiered to more positive critical reception. The show has received numerous award nominations, winning four Peoples Choice Award andmany Teen Choice Awards. On February 11, 2013, The CW renewed the series for a fifth season.3 On

6、 April 26, 2013, The CW has officially announced that the spin-off The Originals, which focuses on the Original family, has been ordered to series and began airing during the 201314 American television season.The fifth season premiered on October 3, 2013, followed by the series premiere of The Origi

7、nals. On February 13, 2014, The CW renewed the series for a sixth season.,2,;.,第一季剧情,17 岁的Elena Gilbert和她15岁的弟弟Jeremy至今仍惊魂未定,努力从四个月前那场夺走了他们双亲的车祸中恢复过来。Elena一直以来都是美丽、受欢迎的 明星学生,和同学以及朋友们处的很融洽,却竭力在世人面前掩饰内心的悲痛。Elena和Jeremy现在和照顾他们的阿姨Jenna生活在一 起,Jenna努力想做一个好的监护人。 2.Elena从她的家庭社交圈子里成功获得了一些慰藉她最好的朋友Bonnie,朋友兼对手

8、 Caroline,还有前男友Matt,然而Jeremy的道路要凶险的多,他和吸毒的人在一起,并用毒品来麻痹内心的伤痛。Jeremy还试着弄明白为 什么Matt 的妹妹Vicki突然与他分手,然后和他的情敌Tyler走到了一起。 3.Mystic Falls高中的新学期开始了,平静的小镇里的普通高中,新来了一个英俊神秘的新学生Stefan,Stefan和Elena彼此一见倾心,尽管 Elena对Stefan愈发怪异的举动感到很迷惑,因为他突然出现在了 Elena父母的公墓,有时眼睛也变成血红色的。Elena不知道Stefan埋藏着一个黑暗的惊天秘密他其实是个吸血鬼。Stefan前脚刚来,怀 揣

9、着不知道什么邪恶目的的哥哥Damon也如鬼如魅般卷入了平静的小镇生活。Damon同样是吸血鬼,并且兄弟俩有一段漫长的辛酸史。Damon嘲笑 Stefan放弃了他们暴力和凶残的传统,但他理解弟弟对Elena的痴情,因为Elena和一个半世纪前让他们兄弟俩终身难忘的一个女子长得几乎一模一 样(Katherine),这对一正一邪的兄弟,为了Elena和她的朋友,家人和小镇上所有人的生命而爆发了战斗,3,;.,第二季剧情,故事紧接第一季最后一集。Elena回到家中后发现叔叔John躺 被Katherine刺倒在血泊之中,而Jeremy不省人事。在医院里,刚刚遭遇车祸的Caroline正在接受抢救,Ma

10、tt、Bonnie和 Damon一同安慰心急如焚的Forbes警长。Elena与Damon谈起了当天晚上的种种怪事包括他们那一吻。当Elena坚决否认此事 后,Damon敏锐地意识到Katherine已经回来了。Katherine的回归让Stefan和Damon十分担心,他们开始调查 Katherine的行踪,希望能查到她的真实目的。他们都不希望Katherine威胁到他们已经建立起来的生活。与此同时,Tyler仍在为父亲 的死伤心难过。叔叔Mason Lockwood的突然回归给了他一个惊喜。Mason打算回家料理哥哥的后事,并帮助Tyler渡过难关。Mason已经掌握了控制狼人怒气的方 法

11、,他希望将这种方法传授给Tyler然而Tyler却不一定能接受自己是狼人的现实。另一方面,Mason和Damon相处得很不愉快。尽管Mason是个好人,可他一旦被Damon逼急了,也会做出令人震惊的事情来,4,;.,第三季剧情,第三季开始的剧情不会如第二季第一集延续第一季最后一集的内容,会从吸血鬼始祖Klaus及相关人物介绍 第三季海报(11张) 回 顾故事发展,再转回延续第二季的内容,并且Niklaus和Elijah兄弟还会回来。第三季的第一集就是女主角Elena的18岁生日。这一季中 Elena会升到高中三年级,但是这一季结束的时候不会毕业。随着第三季开始,Tyler和Caronline之

12、间的友谊就会开花结果,迸发出爱情。 Katherine在第二季大结局里果断开溜了,那么她到底跑哪去了?她在夏威夷,我们将会在某一集中看到在夏威夷度假的她。 2.在现实生活中Nina(Elena)和Ian Somerhalder(Damon)已经谈起了恋爱,那么他们扮演的角色呢?在这一季中,Elena将会努力让自己抵挡住Damon的魅力。这对她来说会是一大难题。 3.Stefan偷走了全部棺材之后,Klaus警告Stefan“我会杀了你,还会杀了你所爱的人”。 Bonnie会经常梦见,在郊外的一所曾经女巫所居住的老屋中,她看见了被Stefan偷走的棺材,而当Bonnie打开其中一具棺材时看到了E

13、lena 的项链在棺材中沉睡的Klaus的手中。当Bonnie将要碰触到项链的时候,被什么东西所惊醒。 4.在一个清晨的早上,Elena在晨跑,发现自己被人跟踪,慌乱中想甩掉这个人,却被撞个正脸,那个男孩向 Elena道歉没有看到路。Elena把事情告诉了Bonnie觉得自己开始疑神疑鬼。Bonnie和Elena讨论着一直没有Klaus的动静,而 Bonnie一直做着同一个噩梦,感到很不安。Damon仍然像以前一样,过着纸醉金迷的生活。在酒吧中碰上Damon的Ric来找在酒吧打工的 Jeremy,Jeremy在这段时间的学习成绩很糟糕,Ric被酒吧的美女服务生告知Jeremy早就被炒鱿鱼了。此

14、刻的Jeremy正在和Tyler 一起练习弩箭、聊天。Elena对Jeremy的近况很担心,给Jeremy打电话却无人接听。Damon安慰Elena时,Klaus带着另一个混血 Tony来介绍给Elena和Damon认识。原来早上跟踪Elena的男孩就是Tony。Klaus警告Elena他在寻找妹妹还有Stefan偷走了 他的棺材。Bonnie来到了梦中的破屋中,发现了Stefan偷走的棺材,Stefan要求Bonnie帮忙隐藏棺材。Bonnie答应了。在另一 方,Elena家中,为了Tyler和Elena正在争吵。Jeremy把Tyler请到了家中。Klaus来威胁Damon,想找到妹妹和棺

15、材,无果。 Klaus打来电话给Jeremy。Tyler在此时离开,Elena和Ric发现Jeremy脱下戒指不知所踪。在门口看见Jeremy,为救 Jeremy,Ric身受重伤。原来Jeremy已经被Klaus进行了精神控制。Elena又让Damon故技重施,抹去了Jeremy的记忆 5.本季中始祖家庭全部出场。而Stefan的扮演者Paul Wesley和现实中的妻子(已离婚)Torrey DeVitto也在本季中华丽出场。扮演一个神秘的医生Dr.Fell。 6.Elena最后变成吸血鬼。,5,;.,第四季剧情,第 四季的剧情会围绕变成吸血鬼的Elena展开,她之前被Damon抹去的记忆都

16、会想起来,Stefan,Damon与Elena之间的关系又会发生什么意 想不到的转变呢,还有附身到Tyler身上的Klaus,他和Caroline之间到底有怎样的进展,Klaus的肉身真的毁了,我们还能看见真身吗?真 正的Tyler又去哪了呢?Elijah和Ric一定会知道Klaus没死,又会有怎样的举动,而Jeremy面对变成吸血鬼的姐姐会有什么反 应,Elena自己又如何接受这样的事实呢. 第四季的开始,一切就已经变的不同了,Elena和她的朋友们进入了最后一段高中生活,毕业后她们将完全走上不同的道路。而Elena将面对一个更加邪恶的吸血鬼,被迫转换的她将如何面对?而这个新出现的吸血鬼又将

17、给他们带来什么样的麻烦?,6,;.,第五季剧情,第五季开始,Elena与Damon如胶似漆,Jeremy复活了,Bonnie 却 死了,只剩下鬼魂在神秘瀑布镇上游荡,但只有Jeremy看得见她,Stefan的二重身Silas开始给神秘瀑布镇带来了威胁,而Elena和 Caroline大学生活刚开始,她们的古怪室友便离奇身亡,而她竟与Elena的养父有着一丝联系.变成人类的Katherine正受到Silas 的威胁,无奈之下只能向Damon寻求保护,Elena开始怀疑Stefan的下落,并且她不断得到了关于Stefan的幻觉,后来,Stefan被救 出,但在Damon和Elena找到他时,他,失

18、忆了。Stefan被女巫昆特西亚所救,昆特西亚道出Silas当年背叛了自己,同女仆阿玛拉生情,两人 喝下了永生之水获得不死之身。昆特西亚得知遭背叛,她逼阿玛拉喝下了永生之水的解药并杀了她。昆特西亚对Stefan下咒削弱了Silas,她要让 Silas喝下解药变成凡人。Silas道出自己追杀Katherine的原因,原来Katherine的血就是解药,她是阿玛拉的二重身.之后阿玛拉死了,Bonnie替代了她成为了通往另一个世界的矛,然而Bonnie复活。之后Stefan与Katherine旧情复 燃,Katherine成为人类面临死亡,Katherine的女儿Nadia为了不让母亲死去帮助Kat

19、herine进入Elena的身 体.,7,;.,Actors,Nina Dobrev portrays Elena Gilbert,the main protagonist, whom the series follows as she falls in love with Stefan, and later she falls for his brother Damon Salvatore, creating a love triangle. This results in her being drawn into the supernatural world, with the show

20、following her struggles in surviving supernatural events in the town. Dobrev also portrays Elenas doppelgnger Katherine Pierce, also known as Katerina Petrova, who was originally introduced as the main antagonist of the second season, but later became the secondary antagonist of the second season. S

21、imilar to her significant portion in Season Two, Katherine appears as a main character in the fifth season, playing a more significant role in the story arc, as opposed to her sporadic appearances in prior seasons. Dobrev has also played a third doppelgnger, Silas true love known as Amara, whom he w

22、as seeking to find in the afterlife for thousands of years.,8,;.,9,;.,Paul Wesley portrays Stefan Salvatore,a good-hearted and affectionate vampire, and the complete opposite of his older brother, Damon Salvatore. Later in the series, Stefan reverts to his old ways as a Ripper to save Damon from a w

23、erewolf bite and his role becomes more antagonistic. Eventually he returns to his good-hearted and caring self. He also portrays his revealed doppelgnger Silas, the worlds first immortal being whos over 2,000 years old and the main antagonist of the fourth season and the secondary antagonist of the

24、fifth season.,10,;.,Ian Somerhalder portrays Damon Salvatore,the malevolent vampire brother who initially served as the shows anti-hero. He is mostly thought of as selfish and manipulative, but later on in the series, he begins to portray a more caring and well being side. After his brother Stefan r

25、eturns to his old ways, he becomes the more admired brother. Throughout this period he and Elena begin to develop a complicated relationship that eventually evolves into something more. They begin dating after the season 4 finale.,11,;.,12,;.,Steven R. McQueen portrays Jeremy Gilbert, Elenas younger

26、 brother, later revealed to be her biological cousin and a member of The Five, a vampire hunter. Jeremy is killed in Season 4 after being thrown onto Silas by Katherine and getting attacked by Silas while trying to get the cure and is resurrected by Bonnie Bennett in the season 4 finale.,13,;.,Sara

27、Canning portrays Jeremy and Elenas aunt and legal guardian, Jenna Sommers.Canning left the show after season two, when Jenna was killed after being turned into a vampire and used for Klaus ritual,14,;.,Kat Graham portrays Bonnie Bennett, Elenas best friend, a very powerful witch, who died resurrecti

28、ng Jeremy Gilbert in the season 4 finale. Graham continues in the same capacity as a series regular on the show; her character is now a ghost. Her character has been brought back to life by becoming the new anchor to the afterlife, and was later used as a passage way for Markos to return to the land

29、 of the living. Alaric, Tyler, Elena, Stefan and Luke use her for the same reason.,15,;.,Candice Accola portrays Caroline Forbes,Another one of Elenas best friends who was insecure and her occasional rival at first but becomes a vampire in the second season, making her more mature as a person. Later

30、 on in the series she develops a off and on relation ship with Klaus, one of the Originals.,16,;.,17,;.,Zach Roerig portrays Matt Donovan, Elenas childhood friend and ex-boyfriend, who later becomes romantically involved with Caroline, although they break up during third season they still remain goo

31、d friends. Michael Trevino portrays Tyler Lockwood,a werewolf later turned into a hybrid, Jeremys rival, Matts best friend and son of the mayor of Mystic Falls; male members of his family have been shown to carry a lycanthropic trait. His uncle Mason was also a werewolf, but who later got killed by

32、Damon. He was turned into the first successful hybrid by Klaus. In the Season 5 finale, the passenger inside his body is killed after having had the vampirism revert so he died a werewolf, and was resurrected as such later in the episode.,18,;.,Matthew Davis joins the cast halfway through season one

33、 as Alaric Saltzman,a history teacher, vampire hunter, and love interest for Jenna. Davis left the show at the end of season three after Alaric was killed. His character will return as a regular in Season 6.,19,;.,Joseph Morgan joins the main cast in season three after being a guest star in season t

34、wo, as Original Vampire Klaus, the main antagonist of the second and third season. He begins to build an army of new hybrids which are half vampire and half were wolf. Morgan left the show after the fourth season, when Klaus moved onto his own spin-off The Originals.,20,;.,21,;.,Michael Malarkey joi

35、ns the main cast in season six after being a guest star in season five, as Enzo, a vampire formerly under the imprisonment of the Augustine society. He was Damon Salvatores cellmate back in the 1950s when the latter was captured by the Augustines. He and Damon later revive their friendship and he is

36、 also looking for his lost lover Maggie. In the episode Man on Fire Enzo shut off his humanity and then Stefan Salvatore ripped out his heart. He was resurrected in the season finale.,22,;.,Awards and accolades,Main article: List of awards and nominations received by The Vampire Diaries The Vampire

37、Diaries won 7 Teen Choice Awards in 2010 including: Choice TV Show Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Choice TV Actor Fantasy/Sci-Fi (Paul Wesley), Choice TV Actress Fantasy/Sci-Fi (Nina Dobrev), Choice TV Villain (Ian Somerhalder), Choice TV Breakout Show, Choice TV Female Breakout Star (Nina Dobrev) and Choice TV Ma

38、le Breakout Star (Paul Wesley). Other nominations were Choice Male Hottie (Ian Somerhalder) and Choice Scene Stealer (Katerina Graham).65 The show won an award for Favorite New TV Drama at the 2010 Peoples Choice Awards and received a nomination for Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show.66 It was also nomina

39、ted for a Saturn Award for Best Network TV Series. On November 9, 2010, it received nominations for Favourite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show and Favourite TV Drama as well as a nomination for Ian Somerhalder in the TV Drama Actor category at the 2011 Peoples Choice Awards. In 2011, The Vampire Diaries was nomi

40、nated for 12 Teen Choice Awards including: Choice TV Show Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Choice TV Actor Fantasy/Sci-Fi (Paul Wesley), Choice TV Actor Fantasy/Sci-Fi (Ian Somerhalder), Choice TV Actress Fantasy/Sci-Fi (Nina Dobrev), Choice TV Villain (Joseph Morgan), Scene Stealer Female (Katerina Graham), Scene S

41、tealer Male (Michael Trevino), Female hottie (Nina Dobrev), Male hottie (Ian Somerhalder) and Vampire (Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley). At the 2012 Peoples Choice Awards, the show gained four nominations: Best TV Drama, Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Drama Actor for Ian Somerhalder and Drama Act

42、ress for Nina Dobrev. While the show and Ian Somerhalder lost out (to another The CW show Supernatural and Nathan Fillion, respectively), Nina Dobrev won in her category, becoming the first write-in person ever to do so. At the 2012 Teen Choice Awards, the show gained nine nominations: Choice TV Sho


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