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1、Module 4 Unit 1,Everyone will study at home.,1,Free talk Talk about life in the future,1 Will you have an interesting life or a,dull life ? Why ?,2 Which subject will you be good at ?,3 What job will you get ?,4 Will you travel around the world ?,5 Where will you go ?,2,3,4,5,6,My present school,Wha

2、ts your present school like?,Try to use the words below to,describe it.,blackboard computer chalk,dictionary paper pen pencil,radio ruler,7,Our school is a modern junior middle,school. The classrooms,are,nice,and,big.,In each classroom there is a computer.,Teachers use it to control a projector.,In,

3、my classroom, there are forty desks,and,chairs. There are two blackboards on,the,walls.,And,there,are,two pictures,too.,Sample passage,8,At,the,corner,there,is,a shelf. There,are many interesting books and a,dictionary on the shelf.,I,like,my,classroom,very,much.,Do,you,have,a,nice,classroom, too?,9

4、,My dream school,Schools will be quite different in the future.,Say something about your dream school.,Use the words in the table to help you.,cable TV cell phone computer email,Internet satellite TV MSN robot,10,Work in pairs:,Say what you use to study English.,everyone no one,I,use,a pen and a,dic

5、tionary,.,I,dont use,a,calculator,.,(Internet, cell phone, radio, computer),Everyone,uses,a,pen,.,No one,uses,a,calculator,.,11,Things we use in school nowadays.,12,Dream school,13,Listen and check the true sentences for,Daming and Betty.,Betty,Daming,1. Everyone will study at home in the,future.,2.

6、 Everyone will send their,homework to the teacher by email.,3. There will be a computer on every,desk in the future.,4. Everyone will use paper, pens and,pencils.,14,Listen and answer the questions:,1 Will there be schools in the future?,2 Where will everyone study in the,future?,No, there wont.,Eve

7、ryone will study at home in,the future.,15,3 How will the students send their,homework to the teachers?,4 Will the teachers use chalk in,classes?,They will send their homework to,the teachers by email.,No, they wont.,16,Listen and Read in pairs.,Clearly, loudly, correctly,17,Answer the following que

8、stions.,1. Will students go to school in the future?,No, they wont.,2. Will they study at home?,Yes, they will.,3. Will everyone send their homework by,email?,Yes, they will.,18,4. Will there be teachers?,Yes, they will.,5. Will there be computers in school?,Yes, they will.,6. Will we read books in

9、the future?,No, they wont.,19,7. Will teachers use a blackboard and,chalk?,No, they wont.,8. Will students use paper, pens and,pencils?,No, they wont.,20,一般将来时:,will,如果表示的不是打算,意图或计划,而,是未来的事实或对将来的预测等,就要,用“,will+,动词原形”来表达。如:,There,will,be a computer on every desk,in the future.,Students,will,use compu

10、ters to learn.,Planes,will,be very large so flying,will,be very cheap.,21,可以看出, will,表示的一般将来时,本身没,有人称和数的变化。如果要表达“将来不,会,”,就用它的否定形式, will,后面直接加,not,它的的缩写形式是,wont,。如:,The teachers,wont,write on the,blackboard with chalk.,如果询问将来的事,用它的疑问形式,将,will,提到句首,如:,Will,students go to school in the future?,Will,the

11、re be computers in school?,22,in the future, in future,Will there be schools,in the future,?,将来会有学校吗?,Dont be late again,in future,以后别再迟到了。,从含义上看, in the future,意为“在将来,;,在未来”,;,而,in future,意为“今后,;,从今以,后”。,从与“现在”的关系看, in the future,距,23,And will they send their homework to the,teacher,by email,?,他们将通

12、过电子邮件将,作业发给老师么?,by,在此处是介词,表示方法,手段,或,方式,是”用,靠,通过,”,之意。如,:,Send it,by air email,!,用航空邮件寄吧!,They want to travel,by train,.,他们想坐火车旅行。,24,Free talk,Work in pairs. Talk about what your,school will be in 10 years.,We,ll send,our homework to our teachers,by emails.,25,Life in the future,26,请根据句意选择正确的选项填空。,1

13、. Well _ for you outside the school,gate.,A. waits,B. waiting,C. wait,2. Each of the students will _ a,computer on their desk.,A. have,B. has,C. having,Exercises,C,A,27,3. I _ my aunt tomorrow evening.,A. visit B. will visit C. will visits,4. Everyone will write on a computer.,_ wont use paper.,A. T

14、hey B. It,C. We,5. _ a lot of books for your classmates,next term?,A. Are there will,B. Will there be,C. Will there are,B,B,A,28,1. We will play basketball tomorrow.,(,改为否定句,),We _ basketball tomorrow.,请根据括号内的要求完成下列句子,每,空一词(含缩写)。,wont play,29,2. The students will use computers in,school.,(,改为一般疑问句,并

15、作肯、否定回答,),_ the students _ computers in,school?,_, _ .,_, _ .,they wont,Will,use,Yes,they will,No,30,3. There will be some sheep near the tree.,(改为一般疑问句,并作肯、否定回答),_ there be _ sheep near the tree?,_, _ .,_, _ .,Will,any,Yes,there will,No,there wont,31,4. His brother is walking up the Great,Wall. (,用,will,改写句子,),His brother _ the Great Wall.,5. There is a class meeting every Tuesday.,(,用,tomorrow,改写句子,),There _ a class meeting,_ .,tomorrow,will walk up,will be,32,1.,将来会有商店吗?,_ shops_?,2.,学生将用电子邮件把作业发送给老师。,The students _ their home-,work to the teacher _ .,请根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空词,数不限。,Will there be


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