



1、2018 职称英语考试卫生类阅读判断训练题112018 卫生职称英语考试The Fat Problem that Men FaceIt is a pleasure to see men of a certain age worrying abouttheirweight.Listeningto them is not such a pleasure.Becausethe men are new at the game, they dont hesitate to discussthe fat problem incessantly. However women of the same age

2、donot discussthe fatproblem,especiallynot in mixed pany. Theyprefer to face the problem with quiet dignity. Discussing theproblem might only draw attentionto some straybody partthatmay be suessfully tucked away under an article of clothing.Theage at which a man beginsto explorethefat problem canvary

3、.The actual problem can manifest itselfintheearly30s, but broad-range discussion usually starts later. There areearlynonverbalsymptoms. I ve watched therugged journalistwho shares my apartment sneak by with a Diet Coke. His shirtsare no longer neatlytucked in todisplay a trimwaist.Recentlyhe has beg

4、un to verbalize his anxiety. He tells me, with asheepish grin,thathe is takinghis suitstoChinatown tohavethem “tailored”.Still-older men have lost their dignity and rattle on unabashedly. Often wives and children play important roles intheir fat-inspection rituals. Take my oldest brother, a former c

5、ollege football player. His daughter says that several timesa day he will stand at attention and call out,“Fat, mediumor thin? ” She knows the correct answer:medium. Thin would be an obvious stretch, and fat may not get her that new video. Aording to his wife, he stands in front of the mirror in the

6、morning(beforethe days meals take theirtoll),puts his handsbehind his head and lurchesintoa side bend, then clutchestheroll that has developed and says,“am I getting fatter?”Hiswife is expected to answer,“you look like you may have losta few pounds”.And then there are the ex-husbands a pitiful group

7、. They are extremely vocal. When I go to the movies with one, he confides that he is suffering from great hunger because he is dieting.He hasnt eaten since the pancakes and sausages he wolfeddownthat morning. He pauses in his monologue while he buys hispopcorn. After the movie, we sprint to a restau

8、rant, where heagain pauses to devour a basket ofbread.Before he ordershischaste salad and soup, he grows plaintive.Do I thinkhes fat?1 Men of a certain age are always ready to talk about their fat problem.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned2 Women of a certain age do not discuss the fat problem, especia

9、lly in the presence of men.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned3 Men usually begin to worry about their weight when they are nearly 40.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned4 The journalist used to drink Diet Coke and tuck his shirts in order to keep trim.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned5Men olderthan the journalistnever hesitateto talkabouttheir fat problem yet would be displeased if their family members tell them the truth.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned6 My oldest brother s daughter would not tell her father he is fat because she loves him so much that she cannot bear to upset him.A Righ


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