1、关于工作面试英语对话阅读 情景语境是英语对话教学中非常重要的因素,它直接影响到英语教学的课堂效果。精心收集了关于工作面试英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! A: Hello, Mr. Wang. Im Qi Xiao ing for an interview. May I e in? A:王先生,您好。我是齐晓,来面试的。可 以进来吗? B: Come in please, Ms. Qi. Its nine oclock sharp. I enjoy your punctuality. B:请进,齐女士。现在正好是9点。您这 么守时,我很欣赏。 A: Thats one of my life phil
2、osophies. A:守时是我的一个原则。 B: Sit down please. Do you like coffee or tea? B:请坐。喝咖啡还是喝茶? A: Black coffee please. A:那就来杯咖啡吧,不加糖。 B: Here you are. 请。 A: Thank you. A:谢谢。 B: How about your school work? Very busy? B:学校学习怎么样?很忙吧? A: Very busy. My practi _ at Ford Trading-Company hasnt finished. I have some _r
3、ket research to do and some transactions to negotiate. In the meantime Ill have to consider posing my graduation thesis and hunting a job. This is the busiest semester weve ever experien _d, all my class _tes agree. However, Id like to be kept busy. A:是很忙。我在福特贸易公司的实习还没 有结束,有些市场调查需要做,还有些业 务需要谈。同时,我还得
4、写毕业论文和 找工作。同学们都说,这学期是最忙的。 但我这个人喜欢忙。 B: What courses have you learned before your practi _? B:您在实习之前学过哪些课程? A: Ive learned scores of courses at college. The ones from which I benefit most are Marketing Fundamentals, Marketing Forecasting and Decision-Marking, Market Research, Marketing Psychology, Bu
5、siness Law and Pricing Strategies. Here is a transcript of all my college courses _rtified by the department. A:学过的课程有许多,收获最大的课程是: 市场营销学、市场预测与决策、市场调 查、营销心理学、经济法和 _战略。这 儿有一份成绩单,是经我们系证实了的。 B: It seems that youve got very high scores on _rketing-related courses. Whats your average grade point? I cant f
6、ind it in this transcript. B:您在营销方面的课程似乎成绩都很高。 平时成绩有多少?成绩单上我没找到。 A: 85 on the 100 basis. I _naged to rank among the top three students in my class each semester. Therefore, I re _ived scholarship every school year. A: 85分,百分制我每期都名列全班前3名, 所以每学期都获得奖学金。 B: Your score of Electronic Business is lower tha
7、n all your other courses. How do you aount for that? B:您的电子商务课程比其他课程的成绩都 低,这您怎么解释? A: In fact, Electronic Business is a very important subject in modern _rketing. Our Electronic Business teacher is the best teacher Ive ever had, l,d admit. He was very strict with us. All my class _tes agree that wev
8、e learned more from him than from any other teachers, ah though he is not so generous with scores. Low as my score is, but that still ranks the second in the class. If you ask for referen _, Mr. Yi Gang, the Electronic Business teacher will be on of them. Besides, my scores of puter courses and _rke
9、ting courses well demonstrate my petency in handling business with the help of electronic equipment. For electronic business is actually a bination of business and puter. A:实际上,在现代营销中,电子商务是一门 非常重要的课程。我得承认,我的电子 商务老师是教过我的老师中最好的老 师。他对我们要求非常严格。虽然他分 数给得低,但我们全班同学认为,我们从 他那里学到的东西从其他的任何一个老 师那里学到的都多。我的分数虽低,但
10、在班上还是第二呢。如果您要求我提供 证明人 _的话,那其中一位就是我的 电子商务老师一尹刚老师。另外,我 的计算机课程和营销课程的成绩,也可 以很好地证明我利用电子设备处理商务 的能力,因为电子商务实际上是商务和 计算机的一种结合。 B: May I know to how _ny other panies have submitted your application? B:请问您向几家公司提出了求职申请? A: None but yours. Your pany is the one Id like to work in and Im quite interested in the _rk
11、eting position. On the other hand, I am sure that youll recognize my credentials are strong enough for the position. May I know how _ny candidates do you have for this opening? A:只有贵公司。我很想在贵公司工作,对 营销职位也很感兴趣。另一方面,我也 相信,你们会发现我完全具有胜任该职 位工作的能力,请问该职位有多少候选 人? B: By now Ive chosen only one for interview ou
12、t of dozens of applicants. You are the first and _ybe the last to be interviewed for this position. B:迄今为止,我们从几十个申请者中只选 出了一个。您是我面试的第一个,或许 是最后一个吧。 A: Ill be honored If you offer me the job. A:能得到这份工作的话,我将非常荣幸。 A: What do you dislike most about sales work? A:在销售工作中你最不喜欢的是什么? B: Hmm. . thats difficult
13、to answer. Sin _ Ive been in sales all my professional career, its my life. I really cant think of any part I dislike about it. 嗯很难回答。自从 _这行起,我 就把销售当成了自己终生的职业。我真 的不认为其中哪一项工作是我不喜欢 的。 A: Well, as you know, we are expanding our sales for _. We have big plans for ABC Computers and need experien _d sales
14、people to help us _ke them happen. A:唔,你知道,我们正在扩大销售力量。我 们有一个大型的ABC电脑计划,需要有 销售经验的人帮助我们去实现它。 B: Well, I know I can be an asset to ABC Computers because of my past sales experien _. B:噢,我知道,我能为这个ABC电脑计划 出力,因为我有销售经验。 A: Tell me about that experien _. A:请你谈谈你的经验。 B: Well, Ive been in sales for nine years
15、 now, with two panies. The first one was a s _ll puter peripherals pany. I stayed there for four years, and during that period our sales increased by average of 25% per year. I was responsible for sales in the Northeast area. B:好的。到现在为止,我已经在两家公司 做了9年的销售工作。筹一家是销售电 脑配件的小公司。我在那里工作了4 年,那时我们的销售额增长率为每年 25
16、%。我曾是东北地区的销售负责人。 A: Whats your sales record been like there? A:你的销售记录如何? B: Well, as you know, the economy has been in a slump sin _ around xx, which was about the time I joined the firm. B:啊,您知道,从xx年左右出现经济衰 退,我正是在那个时候进人这家公司的。 A: What courses have you pleted? A:你已经修完了哪些课程? B: The courses Ive pleted
17、are _rketing, business law, business English, statistics, _rketing principles, sales _nagement, distribution theory, economics and psychology. B:我已修完的课程有:市场营销、商业法、 商用英语、统计学、市场营销原理、销售 管理、商品配销理论、经济学和心理学。 A: Fine, You can speak Cantonese, cant you? A:很好。你会说广州话,对吗? B: Yes, I can speak either Cantonese o
18、r Mandarin. B:对,我既会说广州话也会说普通话。 A: Thafs good. Do you like travelling? Our sales representatives do a lot of travelling. A:那好,你喜欢旅行吗?我们的销售代表 经常出差。 B: Yes, I do. I like travelling very much. B:是的,我非常喜欢旅行。 A: Let me _ you something about the position were trying to fill. Masden is a young, growing soft
19、ware pany. The person we hire would be getting in on the ground floor. Hed have an opportunity to advan _ as the pany advan _s. A:我现在和你谈一下我们招聘的这份工作 的性质。马斯登是一家年轻的、发展中 的软件公司。我们要聘请的人员要先从 基层干起,以后随着公司的发展将有提 升的机会。 B: Oh, I see. B:噢,我明白了。 A: We need someone who can approach the bigger software chains and e
20、ven the big retail stores that sell puters. A:我们需要他能与较大的电脑软件连锁店 甚至大的电脑零售商 _。 B: It sounds like a challenging position. B:看来这一职位极富挑战性。 A: Yes, It is. How do you feel about a position with a lot of airline travel involved? B: Id like nothing better. A:是的,这个职位需要经常乘飞机外出,你 觉得怎么样? A: What experien _ do yo
21、u have with puters? B:再好不过了。 B: My father is in the advertising business, so I practically grew up with a puter. A:你有什么操作电脑的经验吗? A: Thafs great, because you cant _ke a good sales presentation without knowing the ins and outs of puters. By the way, what about your sales experien _? B:我父亲是从事 _业务的,所以,可
22、以说 我是与电脑一起长大的。 B: Im only 23 years old. I graduated college six months ago. A:这太好了。因为假如你不懂电脑的方方 面面的话,你就不能向他人推销介绍。 顺便问一下,你在销售方面有何经验? A: I see. What have you been doing for the past 6 months? B:我只有23周岁。我是6个月前大学毕 业的。 B: Ive been selling automobiles for Mason Imports. A:噢,是这样。这6个月你在干些什么? A: Really! What
23、 did you study in college? B:我在梅森进口公司卖汽车。 B: I _jored in Marketing and I minored in Sociology. A:真的!你在大学学什么? A: Marketing, thats what we need. So what got you into car sales? B:我的专业是市场营销,其次主修社会学。 B: My father remended it. He said the experien _ of _ _ny sales presentations daily, plus the experien _
24、 of closing deals would be invaluable for my career. A:市场营销,我们正需要这方面的人。你 是怎么想到从事销售汽车这一行的? A: Your father sounds like an in _igent _n. B:我父亲推荐的,他说每天做很多推销介 绍,再加上多次成交的经验,对我的事业 是相当有益的。 B: Thanks. A:看来,你父亲是一位很有眼光的人。 A: So how are the sales going? B:谢谢。 B: My boss, Mr. Tom says I have a natural talent for
25、 sales. Im doing very well there. A:那么你的销售情况如何? A: So why are you interviewing for this position? B:我的老板汤姆先生说我有销售的天賦。 我在那儿干得很不错。 B: This sounded like a position that better _tched my qualifications. A:那么你 _来申请我公司的这一职位 呢? A: Are you a self-starter? B:我觉得这里的工作更适合我的才能。 B: Yes. A:你是自愿来的吗? A: If you are
26、hired, youve got to get on the phone, _ke business calls, set up appointments, get on a plane, visit the client and sell him on our products. B:是的。 B: What is the starting pay? A:如果你被录取了,你要经常接 _,打电 话 _业务,定约,坐飞机,拜访客户,向 他们销售我们的产品。 A: We are offering $ 3,000 a month and all travel expenses, plus a five per _nt mission on all the orders you write. B:起初的工资是多少? B: That sounds fair. How much volume do you expect? A:我们每个月给3_美元和全部差旅费 用,另外按你揽来的所有订单再给你5% 的佣金。 A: I have nothing to judge by because we are just creating this position, but I can
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