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1、.日照城市规划展览馆Rizhao Urban Planning Exhibition Hall 1. 序厅 Lobby您好,欢迎来到日照市城市规划展览馆参观。Nice to see you! Welcome to Rizhao Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.日照因“日出初光先照”而得名,全市总面积5348平方公里,总人口288万。您现在所在的这个城市规划展览馆,就是这个城市的一个窗口。The name of Rizhao literally means the first city catching sunshine at sunrise. Its total

2、area is 5,348 square kilometers, and the total population 2.88 million. This Urban Planning Exhibition Hall where you are now is a window of the city.这是日照的八张城市名片,水上运动之都、阳光度假海岸、亿吨综合大港、临港工业基地、生态宜居家园、滨海文化名城、大学科技园区、北方绿茶之乡。Below are the eight urban cards of Rizhao: 1) City of water games; 2) Sunshine hol

3、iday resort coast; 3) 100-million-ton comprehensive huge port; 4) Port-based industrial cluster; 5) Ecological habitat homeland; 6) Famous coastal and cultural city; 7) University Sci-tech Park; 8) Hometown of northern green tea.我们现在所在的位置是阳光序厅,序厅顶部悬挂的球体LED象征太阳,将阳光挥洒在日照地图背景墙上,代表了“日出初光先照”这一日照得名的由来。Now

4、, we are in the Sunshine Lobby. The global LED hanging at the top symbolizes the sun. The sunshine is mirrored on the background wall with a map of Rizhao City. The globe represents the origin of “the first place catching sunshine at sunrise”.请向右转,我们的参观从这里开始。Please turn right. Our visit begins here.

5、2. 领导关怀 Care and Support from Leadership党和国家领导人及各级领导对日照给予了极大的关怀和支持,对日照给予了极大地关怀,寄托着殷切的期望。Great concern and support have been given to Rizhao by national leaders of the Party and State, as well as by the leadership of all levels. They have given great concern and placed high expectations on the city.

6、3. 城市荣誉 Honors of the City近几年来,日照市深入实施“港口立市、工业强市、科教兴市、生态建市“四大战略”和对外开放、改革创新战略。这是近几年来所取得的城市荣誉,联合国人居奖和一些荣誉,九屏联动上的秀丽风光就是对城市荣誉的一个最好诠释了。In recent years, Rizhao City has profoundly carried out the four new strategies based on those of opening up, reform and innovation:1) By the port to develop the city; 2)

7、 By the industry to flourish the city; 3) By science and education to boom the city; 4) By the ecology to construct the city. Rizhao has won great honors, including the UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor and a host of others. The beautiful scenery on the Nine Dynamic Screens is the best representation of th

8、e citys honors.4. 城市印象 Impression of the City日照是一座正在崛起的港口城市,一座环境优美的海滨生态城市。Rizhao City is an emerging coastal city, a coastal eco-city with beautiful environment.5. 城市记忆 Memories of the City日照是一座文化底蕴深厚的城市。在1087年,取“日出初光先照”之意,设置了日照镇,1184年置日照县,1985年撤县建市,1989年升格为地级市,1992年设区代县。Rizhao City is also a city w

9、ith rich and profound culture. In1087, Rizhao Town came into being, the name of which means the first catching sunshine. In 1184, Rizhao was established as a county. In 1985 the county was upgraded to be a county-level city and in 1989 upgraded to be a prefecture-level city, composed of two district

10、s and two counties. 橱窗中展示的是灰陶尊、高柄镂空蛋壳陶杯、红陶鬶、龟座凤型灯、漆双层五子奁,都是日照出土的具有代表性的精美文物。In the showcases, we can see grey pottery, egg-shaped pottery cup with a piercing and long stem, red pottery cooking pot with three legs, phoenix-shaped light with a turtle-shaped base and two-decked dressing case. They are a

11、ll exquisite, characterizing the unearthed cultural relics in Rizhao.我们用老照片的形式来为您展现日照当年的生活场景,与今天对比,可以看出日照发生了翻天覆地的变化。Now we show old pictures to unfold the life scenes in the past. Comparing with todays life, we can see earth-shaking changes have taken place in Rizhao. 随着城市发展的需要,自1981年以来,日照先后四次编制城市总体

12、规划,分别是1984年、1989年、1994年、2006年。这是最新的一次城市总体规划(20062020)With the development of the city, since 1981, Rizhao City has drawn up the overall urban planning for four times, respectively in 1984, 1989, 1994 and 2006. Below is the latest Overall Urban Planning of Rizhao City (from 2006 to 2020).6. 建设成就 Cons

13、truction Achievements我们运用了灯箱、展板、多点触摸数码桌等展示手段,全面的展示了日照在城市建设方面所取得的成就。Now we make use of the light boxes, display boards and multi-spot touch digital tables, to show the achievements won in the urban construction in all aspects in Rizhao.7. 动画展墙 Animation Exhibition Wall面前这座动画展墙,长60米,名为全景日照,展示的是城市由小到大、

14、由老到新、由低到高、由荒到绿的演变过程。动画展墙上展示的河山巨书、千年银杏树、岚桥国际饭店、游泳中心、目标塔、潮汐塔、世帆赛基地、水上运动基地都是日照的标志性景观。The Animation Exhibition Wall before us is 60 meters long, named “Full Views of Rizhao”. It shows the evolvement process of the city from small to big, from old to new, from low-rises to high-rises, and from wild to gr

15、een. On the Animation Exhibition Wall, we can see Heshan Huge Inscriptions on cliffs; thousand-year-old Ginkgo tree; Lanqiao International Hotel; Swimming Center; Goal Tower; Tide Tower; Word Sailing Championship Base and Water Games Base. All of them are symbolic landscapes of Rizhao.8. 水上运动 Water

16、Sports接下来,请参观日照市城市总体规划模型。Next, we will visit the Overall Planning Model of Rizhao City. 请各位来宾乘电梯到二楼继续参观。Now, please take the elevator to the second floor to continue our visit.9. 山东半岛蓝色经济区 Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone您现在看到的就是山东半岛蓝色经济区的区域范围,海域面积15.95万平方公里,陆域面积6.4万平方公里。 Now, what we see is th

17、e regional scope of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone. The sea area is 159.5 thousand square kilometers and the land area 64 thousand square kilometers.我们来了解一下鲁南临港产业集聚区的情况。Now, lets get to know more about the port-based industry cluster Zone in South Shandong.10. 鲁南临港产业集聚区 Port-based Industry Cl

18、uster Zone in South Shandong里面的灯箱展板呢,是对十大产业体系、十大基础设施建设以及配套设施建设的详细介绍。The display boards of the light boxes present us with detailed introduction, illustrating the ten infrastructures and their corresponding facilities construction.11. 魔镜墙 Magic Mirror Wall 魔镜墙展示了十大产业。The magic mirror wall demonstrate

19、s the ten industries of Rizhao.12. 岚山区暨日照钢铁精品基地Lanshan District & Rizhao Steel Hits Base这是岚山区暨日照钢铁精品基地的展区。Now we come to the Lanshan District & Rizhao Steel Base zone.13. 日照国际海洋城 Rizhao International Marine City14. 120弧幕影院 120 Arc Screen Cinema弧幕影院展示了日照规划的美好未来。This arc screen cinema demonstrates the

20、 planning of Rizhao citys bright future.15. 日照旅游 Rizhao Tourism 接下来,请参观日照旅游展区。Next, welcome to the exhibition zone for the tourism in Rizhao City.日照以“蓝天、碧海、金沙滩”闻名于世,是我国沿海不可多得的避暑度假胜地。Rizhao is world-famous for its “azure sky, clear and blue ocean and golden beach”. It is an essential summer and holid

21、ay-making resort along the Chinese coast.这是位于莒县的千年银杏树,已经有四千年的历史了。它的周长是15.7米,树高26.7米,当然,这只是一个树模。This is the millennium ginkgo tree located in Juxian county, with more than 4,000 years of history. Its circumference is 15.7 meters and the height of the tree 26.7 meters. Of course, this is just a tree model.16. 北部海滨旅游区 Northern Coast Tourism Zone17. 港区规划 Port Planning我们现在参观的


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