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1、九年级复习一同义句转换技巧中考英语同义句转换题型解题技巧同义句转换是英语句型转换的一种重要形式,也是中考命题的一个热点。该题 型主要考查同学们对英语词汇、句型的掌握情况和灵活运用的能力。其特点是涉及 面广、语言点多、方式灵活、要求较高、难度较大。为了帮助同学们掌握一些同义 句转换题型解题技巧,现将常见的同义句转换形式作一归纳:一、用同义词(近义词)或词组改写做此题型时,我们可以采用“词语替代法”,此法是指用词性相同的同义词、 近义词或同义词组对原句的某些成分进行简单的替代,而句子结构保持不变。因 此,我们在学习过程中要掌握尽可能多的同义词(组),如:be able to, can:arrive

2、 in(at) reach, get to:be good at, do well in:have a good time, enjoy oneself: look afters take care of : over more than 等等。具体 运用时,还要注意它们在句中的位置,形式与转换后句中其他部分的相应变化。例 如:1(Every day, Wang Zhizhi receives emails from thousands ofbasketball fans(Every day, Wang Zhizhithousands of basketballfans( 2(They wil

3、l get to London in four days(They willLondon in four days(答案:1 (hears from 2 (arrive in二、运用反义词或词组改写英语中有些反义词(组)具有非此即彼的排它性。因此其否定式与其对应的反义词(组)同义。如:same different , not same, different , notdifferent, same ,所以此类反义词(组)的否定式可以用于同义转换。另外,用反义词(组)替换,要注意上下句主语间的互换。3 (The runner couldn* t catch upwith the others i

4、n the raceThe runnerthe others in the race4(Tom borrowed a picture book from the boy just now(The boya picture bookTom just now(答案:3(fell behind 4(lent:to三、用派生词或一词多义改写此类题型可采用“词类转换法”,利用某些派生词或词性相异的词组来代替原句中的某些成分。此时句子结构会发生一些变化。例如:5 (The snow was heavy last night(Itlast night(6 (The foreigners have visit

5、ed the Great Wall (The foreigners have beento the GreatWall ( 答案:5 (snowed heavily 6 (on a visit四、用同义句型改写该类题型是指利用意义相同或相近,但结构不同的句型、句式来表达同一句意的方法。此类变化常见的句型有:(l)not asas与比较级的变化:(2)than anyother与最高级的变化;when (after , before)引导的从句与notuntil的变化;(4)瞬间动词 come, go, leave, buy, die, begin, borrow的过去时与含有段时间状语的完成时

6、的变化:(5)cost, spend on与pay for的变化等等。例如:7(She spent 30dollars on the English- Chinese dictionary(The Eng1ish-Chinese dictionary30 dollars(8(How clever the man isclever man he is9(How old are you ,your10 (We came home when it was six o* clock(Wehomeit was six o* clock(答案:7(cost her 8(What a 9(Whats; ag

7、e 10(didn* t come:until (before)五、二合一并成简单句二合一也叫“合并分句法”,此法就是把两个并列句中成分相同的部分合并起 来,使其成为一个简单句。常用的连词有:neither (nor (, either (or (, both (and ( not only (but also( 其中 ill neither (nor ( either (or, notonly(but also(等连接的并列主语,通常遵循就近原则,即谓语需与后面的那个主语保持一致。列外,还可以使用tooto, enough to等含有不定式的结构把两个句子合并成一个分句。例如:11 (He

8、hasnt been toFrance(She hasn* t been to France either(heshebeen to France(12(Mrs(Smith is my teacher (She is also my good friend(Mrs(Smith ismy teachermy goodfriend( 13(The room isn* t very big(It can* t hold a lot of people(This room isn* thold so many people (11 (Neither:nor:has 12(not only: but a

9、lso 13(big enough to 六、简单句与复合句的互换复合句转化为简单句一般侧巫于将从句变化为短语或词组,使其句意简单明了。常见的转换方法有:(1)用不定式替换、用介词短语替换、用名词短语替换、用 分词性短语替换;(2)将宾语从句简化为“疑问词,不定式” ;(3)将sothat(suchthat)引导的状语从句简化为含有tooto(或enough to)的简单句;(4)if引导的状语从句简化为“祈使句,and (or),句子”。例如:14(I hope that I can see you soonI hopeyou soon15(Please tell me where we s

10、how our tickets(our tickets(Please tell me16(If you don* t hurry up , you*11 miss the early bus(you won tthe early bus(简单句变为复合句,一般是把宾语扩大为宾语从句,其宾语从句应该用将来时 或悄态动词,动词原形”的形式。例如:17(Could you tell me how to get to the post office ,Could you tell me howto the post office,答案:14(to see 15(where to show 16(Hur

11、ry up:or:catch 17(I can get 七、 用it作形式主语进行转换不定式的动作发出者一般是句子的主语,但有时却不是,这时不定式常会带上 自己的逻辑主语,这一主语常用for引出。例如:18(He can finish the work easily(for himfinish the work(答案:18(It is easy:to八、语态之间的转换语态之间的转换主要用于主动语态和被动语态之间的变化。例如:19 (Your classroom must be cleaned every day(Youyour classroom every day(答案:19 (must c

12、lean九、综合转换综合转换是在整体把握句意的基础上,对原句重新进行概括表达,它在词汇、 结构等多方面都有较大的变化。例如:20(Something is wrong with that machine(That machine答案:20 (doesn* t work,实战演练,1 (Bike is short for bicycle(Bike issaying bicycle( 2(It took Mary anhour to do her homework last night(Maryan hourher homework last night ( 3(They madehim work

13、 12hours a day(He12 hours a day ( 4 (I am a Leaguemember(He is a League member too(heLeague members( 5(He is so young thathe can* t join the army (He isyoungthe army( 6(The player smiledand jumped into the river (The player jumped into theriver(7( leftLondon six years ago(Mr BrownMr BrownLondon for

14、six years(8(The earth is bigger than the moon(The moon isthe earth( 9(He is oneof my friends(He is a friend10(The teacher told us that we would not meet at the school gate(at the schoolThe teacher told us gate( 11(My mother went to Tonghua last week and she hasn* t come back yet (My motherTonghua( 1

15、2(Mr(Smith is working(Mr(Smith is13(Shall we meet at half past two ,Whatat half past two ,14(The tree is so tall that we cant reach it(The tree istall for usreach( 15(The children arewearing beautiful clothes(The children arebeautiful clothes(16(Li Lei mended the bike(The bikeby Li Lei(take exercise

16、 often(17 (It* s good for your health toexercise often can makeyou(18(They knew somethingabout it only after you told them(They knewabout ityou told thein(19(Bill did better than Lin Tao(Lin Taosoas B订1(20(Which month do you like best ,Whichyourmonth,21(I have something to tell you(It* s interesting

17、(I haveto tell you(22(1 saw them playing basketball there(I sawtheybasketball there( 23(Listencarefully , and you*11 get interested(listen carefully you*11 get interested( 24(She hasbeen a nurse for five years(Itshe became a nurse( 25(All arehere , but our English teacher isnt(is hereour English tea

18、cher(26(They like to surf and nothing can stop them(Surfingis and nothing can make them to( 27 (Theboy* s teacher was very proud of him in class(The boy* s teacherof him in class(28(It was so interesting a film that all of us saw it twice(It wasinterestingthat all of us saw ittwice( 29(They left Ton

19、ghua an hour ago(They haveTonghua for an hour ( 30 (You won* tmove that stone , however strong you are(strong youYou won* t move that stoneare( 31(Not all sharks are alike(Some sharks are,but some are(32(Mybrother joined the army when he was 20(My brother joined the army 20( 33(Why dont you go to the museum this afternoon,to the museum this afternoon , 34(Mother wasbusy with some housework when I got home(Mother wassome housework whenI got home( 35 (Theboy wan


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