



1、Module 9 Carto on storiesUnit 1I. Liste n to Activity 2 and fill in the bla nks.Questi onsBettyTonyWhat kind of story do they like?Carto on stories with a hero.cartoons, like Tomand JerryWhy?Because it always has aBecause the stories can make himWhat do the stories like?Theresalways a pers onand the

2、 heroTherere some serious carto ons with one or two.arrives and saves him.II. Listen to Activity 3 and choose the correct answers.1. What is Tony doing?A. He is look ing for a photo.B. He is look ing for the camera.C. He is tak ing a photo.2. What does Betty think the en di ng will be?A. She thi nks

3、 it will be happy.B. She thi nks it will be sad.C. She thi nks it will be serious.3. How do you think Superman can save Tony?A. He will take Tony away.B. He will give the camera back to Tony.C. He will buy ano ther camera for Tony.4. Who does Mr Jacks on give the camera to?A. Betty.B. Lin gli ng.C.

4、Daming.5. When will Tony possibly find out that his friends have got the camera?A. Whe n he hears his frie nds calli ng him.B. Whe n he sees the flash.C. When Mr Jackson tells him.6. Can you guess what happen next?A. They call Tony and give it back to him.B. They tell Tonys father and give it back t

5、o him.C. They take a photo to let Tony see the flash.III. Try to recite the dialogue.Daming: Oh dear! Where the camera? WhatsT onys dad going to say?Betty: This is like a carto on story.Lin gli ng: Why?Betty: I can imagine every drawing in the cartoon, an Dami ng:.Lin gli ng: But. This is serious.Be

6、tty: This isnt one of those cartoons .Daming: And like Superman or Batman.Lin gli ng: We n eed some one like Superma n二Mr Jackson: Hello, I m looking for Tony.Daming: Hes over there!Mr Jackson: Could you tell Tony ?I ve got a camera . It was upstairs.Daming: Thats good news. Shall I give it to him?M

7、r Jackson: OK. Here you are.Betty: Oh, Tony;s dad is going over to speak to him.Daming: If Tony tells his dad , hell be in deep trouble.Lingling: How can we let Tony know ?Daming: I know! Lets take a photo. Hellsee the flash.Betty: Thatsa smart idea! Give it to me!Lingling: Well, it may not be very

8、funny, but perhaps itll be a cartoon .Betty: And I llbe Superman!IV. Complete the sentences.1. 但这可不是什么可笑的事情。这很严肃。But . This is serious.2. 你能告诉他我想和他说句话吗?Could you tell him ?3. 如果托尼告诉他爸爸把借来的照相机给弄丢了,他就有大麻烦了。If Tony tells his dad , hell.4. 汤姆,过来。我想和你说几句话。Come on, Tom. I would like to .5. 这就是毛主席曾经住过的地方。T

9、his is the place Chairman Mao once 6. 你打碎了妈妈的眼镜,现在你有大麻烦了。You broke mom s glasses. Now you are .7. 她看起来很像她母亲。She very much .8. 那个穿黑色夹克的男孩非常聪明。The boy the black jacket is very clever.Unit 2I. Read the passage in Activity 3 and choose the correct answers.1. “have won the hearts of young people”. has th

10、e same meaning ofA. have killed many young peopleB. have been forgotten by young peopleC. have been welcomed and popular by young people2. Havoc in heaver” is com monly used by a pare nt or a boss whe n.A. they go out and find the world is untidyB. they go back home or office and find everything is

11、tidyC. they return to the house or office and find i rather untidy.3. People in Tintinsfan clubs hold parties.A. on their ownB. all togetherC. with one or two people they like4. According to the passage, which one of the following is not so lovely?A. NemoB. Mo nkey Ki ngC. Sn oopyII. Read the passag

12、e again and fill in the blanks.Nemo, a (1) oran ge-a nd-white fish, and Shrek are carto on heroes which havewon the (2)hof young people around the world. We can see the heroes(3)e, on office desks, han dbags, and computer scree ns.But there are some carto on favourites which are older, like Mon key

13、King. The story called Havoc in (4)Htells about a mon key who (5)la group of mon keyaga inst the (7of the Emperor in heave n. He makes a ( in eachroom in heaven. But Havoc in Heaven” has become a ( expression used bya pare nt or a boss whe n they retur n to the house or office and see a mess.Another

14、 (10)fwho has celebrated his 75 birthday in China is a reporter withred hair and a small white dog. Tintin has travelled to the jungles, the backstreets of Shanghai and the (11)sof the moon. Ever since Belgian cartoonist Hergeinven ted the character in 1929, his books have bee n tran slated into mor

15、e tha n 50 Ianguages, and about 200 million copies have been sold. In 1984 the whole (12)sof Tin ti n bega n to be published in China.Fi nally, the (13)dog Sno opy also had his 50th birthday celebrated by Chi nasSn oopy fans in 2000.1 did nt draw the carto ons on ly for childre n. Adults who have (1

16、4) elifeunderstand them better, said the late Charles Schultz, (15 of Snoopy and thePea nuts carto ons.III. Complete the sentences.1. 他们赢得了全世界人的心。They havepeople all over the world.2. 不是所有这the songs are liked by childre n.3. 我的车有些毛病,下午我要去修一下。Something s wrong with my car dnI m going toitthis after n

17、oon.4. 他自从去年就去了美国。 HeAmericanlast year.5. 在西方创作的许多卡通片在中国已很受欢迎。Many carto onsin the west have become very popular in China.6. 他的书将被译His bookmany differe nt lan guages.7. 看,你的房间又脏又乱,赶快收拾下。Look,your room is. Please tidy it up.Unit 3Complete the sentences.1. 我喜欢的卡通都有许多笑话2. 我刚得到了一部相机,上面有他的名字。I ve got a c

18、amera .3. 可能这将是一部有美好结局的卡通片吧。Perhaps itll be a cartoon .4. 中国有数个已经为 Tintin 举行过生日聚会的俱乐部。There are several fan clubs in China .5. 它述说了一个领导一群猴子的猴子的故事。It tells the story of a monkey .6. 他们一起工作多年,最后相爱了。After working together for many years, they each other.7. 对不起,我一直没能给您回信。I m sorry I haven t answer your letter.8. 她是位好女孩,我们一定要向她学习。She is a good girl. We must .9. 有时,他在一小时就能画出多达 5 幅漂亮的图画。Sometimes he draws five nice pictures in an hour.10. 她详尽地把旅途见闻告诉我们。She told us about her trip .11. 这就是我昨天到处找的那本书。This is the book yest


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