2020-2021年七年级下册英语人教版教案 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here_第1页
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1、Unit 8Is there a post office near here?第一课时Section A (1a1c) 1重点单词:post,office,police,hotel,restaurant,bank,hospital,street,pay,near2重点短语:post office,police station,pay phone 3.重点句式:Is there a hospital near here?Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.1地点场所名词2问路指路,表示客观存在的there be句型1地点方位介词的运用2there be 句型的

2、运用 一、预习课本P43新单词并识记, 完成下面的汉译英。1邮政_2.办公室_3警察_ 4.酒店_5餐馆_ 6.银行_7医院_ 8.大街_9付款_ 10.在附近_二、认真预习1a,1b,1c,找出下列短语和句型。1在格林大街上_2邮局_3警局_4付费电话_5附近有一座医院吗? 有的,它在格林大街上。_Step 1情景导入Teacher: I went to Beijing last year, this was my first time to go to the city, I couldnt find a hotel to stay in, so I had to ask a police

3、man about the way to the hotel. Do you want to know how I asked the policeman for the way and the policeman how to answer my question? After learning this class, you will know the answers.环节说明:由自己的亲身经历为学生设置悬念,激发学生的学习兴趣,符合学生的年龄特征。Step 2完成教材1a1c的任务1通过多媒体图片学习1a中的单词,学生领读1a中的单词或词组,学生识记并且将地方名称和地方匹配。(5分钟)2

4、. 听录音,圈出所听到1a中的名词,师生共同核对答案。(3分钟)3学生两人一组,根据图片和提示,自编对话,注意角色交换。(4分钟)参考案例 A: Is there a pay phone near here? B: Yes,there is. Its on Long Street.4小结训练。(5分钟)1Is there an egg on the table?(作肯定回答)Yes,there is(B)2.Is there a library near here?_.AYes, it is.BNo, there isnt.CYes, there isnt.DYes, there are.环节

5、说明:在这一环节中学生学到了一些与现实生活紧密相关的一些单词,同时通过对话练习熟练掌握了问路及指路,小结训练又让学生对there be 结构有了更深刻的理解。总之通过听、说、练结合,第一时间向学生传达语言目标,使语言目标得以强化。Step 3问题探究 1There be 结构的用法 1)格林大街上有一个餐馆。Theres a restaurant on Green Street.2)中央大街上有一个邮局吗?没有。Is_there_a_post_office_on_Center_Street?_No,_there_isnt.There be 结构意为There_is/are,其基本构成为:The

6、re be 名词 地点,表示某个地方存在有某人/某物。其中there是引导词,be没有实际意义,主语是后面的名词,be要随其后主语的单复数的不同而选用相应的形式。There be 结构有就近原则,即be 要跟与它最近名词的数保持一致。2There is a library _ Long Street.AtoBinCatDon答案选D。在大街上要用介词on。请同学们做前面课时训练部分。第二课时Section A (2a2d) 1.重点单词:across, front, behind, town.2重点短语:across from, in front of, next to, in town, f

7、ar from3重点句式:The pay phone is across from the library.The pay phone is in front of the library.The pay phone is behind the library.How can I help you?Thanks so much. 1.where 引导的特殊疑问句的应用 2掌握介词短语的用法1where 引导的特殊疑问句的应用 2掌握介词短语的用法 一、预习课本P44新单词并识记, 完成下面的汉译英。1穿过_ 2.前面_3在后面_ 4. 镇_二、认真预习2a,2b,2c和2d,找出下列短语和句型

8、。1在对面_2在前面 _3紧挨着_4在镇上_5付费电话在图书馆的对面。_6付费电话在图书馆的前面。_7付费电话在图书馆的后面。_8非常感谢。_Step 1情景导入(Show a picture)Teacher:Is there a post office near here? Student 1:Yes, there is.Teacher:Where is it?Student 1:Its on Green Street. Teacher: Yes, it is on Green Street, and Its across from the pay phone. Is there a hot

9、el near here?Student 2:Yes, there is.Teacher:Where is it?Student 2:Its on Center Street.Teacher: Yes, it is on Center Street, and Its in front of the bank.环节说明:通过师生互动问答复习了上节课的内容,同时又引出了本节课要求掌握的介词短语。Step 2完成教材2a2c的任务1大声朗读2a的句子并标出其中的介词短语识记。(3分钟)2认真观察图片,将句子和图片匹配,小组订正答案, 完成2a。(3分钟)3识记方框中的表示方位的词或短语,然后认真听录

10、音完成选词填空,集体核对答案,学生识记句型,体会表示方位的介词或介词短语的用法,完成2b。(3分钟)4根据43页1a图片上的建筑物位置,仿照2c形式来练习对话。两人一组,根据图片和提示,自编对话,注意交换角色。 (5分钟)参考案例 A: Where is the police station? B: Its between the restaurant and the hospital.5小结训练。(4分钟)(B)1.Excuse me,wheres the museum? Is it _ the library?Yes, they are opposite to(对面)each other.

11、Anext to Bacross fromCin front of Din the front of2用适当的介词填空1The library is in my school.2The bank is between the supermarket and the hospital.3My house is on that small street.4The restaurant is next to the park.5There is a beautiful park in front of the bank.环节说明:通过2a的学习让学生了解介词短语的用法,通过2b、2c的学习有助于提高

12、学生的听力和口语能力。Step 3完成教材2d的任务1学生自读2d对话,然后结对练习对话,并请几组学生来表演该对话。2创设情景。要求学生两人一组,根据实际情况,模仿2d进行对话练习。(4分钟)环节说明:通过问路指路对话的学习,让学生对问路指路话题有了新的认识,并且提高了将语言目标运用于实际的能力。Step 4问题探究1They take a walk _ the park every day.Aacross BthroughCpast Dpass答案选B。 across和through两个介词都有“穿过”之意,用法不同。across和on有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行,表示“横穿/跨”。t

13、hrough的含义与in有关,表示动作在某物体所在的空间内进行。本题有一定的空间概念,故用through。2in front of与in the front of1)教室的前面有一棵大树。Theres_a_big_tree_in_front_of_the_classroom.2)老师的桌子在教室前面。The_teachers_desk_is_in_the_front_of_the_classroom.这两个词语都可意为“在前面”。in front of 指在一个地方的范围的外部的前面,in the front of 指在一个地方的范围的内部的前面。请同学们做前面课时训练部分。第三课时Secti

14、on A(Grammar Focus3c) 1.重点单词:north, group2重点短语:on, betweenand, next to, across from, in front of, behind3重点句式:Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is/No, there isnt.Where is the bank? Its next to/ across from/ in front of/ behind the library. The pay phone is between the post office and the library

15、. 1.there be 和where 来问路2介词短语来指路1there be 和where 来问路2介词短语来指路 一、预习课本P45新单词并识记,完成下面的汉译英。1北方的_2.群_二、认真预习3a,3b,3c,找出下列短语和句型。1银行紧挨着医院,在公园对面。_Step 1情景导入( Show a map with many buildings on it)Teacher:Listen to me carefully, and answer my questions.There are many buildings on the street on the map. The libra

16、ry is on the right of the shop and the left of the bank. Its behind a post office. The post office is next to a school. The school is across from a restaurant.Question 1 Is there a hospital on the street?Question 2 Where is the school?Question 3 Where is the bank?环节说明:通过问答互动来引入新的话题。Step 2完成教材Grammar

17、 Focus的任务1利用板书呈现含有方位介词的短语以及there be句型。并用地图形式把这些介词表示出来,供学生观察讨论。(4分钟)2小结训练。(3分钟)Is there a bank near here?Yes, there isIts on Center Street.Are there any restaurants near here?Yes, theres one in front of the post office.Wheres the hotel?Its behind(在后面)the police station.Wheres the bank?Its next to (紧挨

18、着) the post office.Wheres the park?Its across from(在对面)the bank.Where are the pay phones?Theyre between the post office and the library.环节说明:通过对Grammar Focus 句型的填空练习能够使学生更好地来理解掌握本单元的重点语法和句型。Step 3完成教材3a3c的任务1认真观察地图,根据地图上建筑的位置来回答问题,完成后集体核对答案,然后两人一组练习这个对话。(5分钟)2根据3a地图上建筑的位置利用所学的介词或介词短语来写出三个句子。写完后小组内交流

19、所写的句子,纠正完善自己所写的句子。(3分钟)3小组为单位每一个人轮流从43页1a选择一个地方,其他同学就这一个地方来提出一些问题,通过肯定或否定问题的答案来猜出所选择的地方。从而完成3c。(5分钟)4小结训练。(2分钟)用方框中的介词或介词短语填空across from, behind, between, in front of, next to, near, on1. A: Is there a pay phone near here? B: Yes, there is a pay phone on Center Street.2. A: Wheres Xinghua Park? B: I

20、ts between Hongqi Supermarket and The Bank of China.3The restaurant is across from the post office. We can see it here.4The library is next to the pay phone. They are on your right.5Forest Hotel is in front of the park.6The pay phone is behind the small supermarket.环节说明:本环节将说、写、练结合起来,巩固学生对目标语言的理解和运用

21、。Step 4问题探究1_ ?Its next to the restaurant.AWhere can I goBWhen can I get to the stationCWhere is the shopDWhich bus can I take答案选C。本题考查问路的句型。问路句型除了Where is 句型,还有以下句型:Can you tell / show me the way to the church?你能告诉我去教堂的路吗? Which is the way to North Street Hospital? 请问去北街医院怎么走? How can I get to the

22、cafe? 请问去咖啡厅怎么走? Is there a video store near here? 附近有影碟店吗? 请同学们做前面课时训练部分。第四课时Section B (1a1d) 1.重点单词: along,turn,right,left,crossing2重点短语:go along, turn right, turn left, at the first crossing, on your left 3重点句式:Just go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library. Turn right at the

23、first crossing and the restaurant is on your left. 1.重点词组句型2学会指路学会指路一、预习课本P46新单词并识记,完成下面的汉译英。1沿着_2.转向 _3右边_ 4.左边_5十字路口_二、认真预习1a,1b,1c和1d,找出下列短语和句型。1沿着走_2向右转_3向左转_4在第一个十字路口_5在你的左边_6沿着桥街走,当你看到图书馆的时候向左转。_7在第一个十字路口向右转,餐馆在你的左边。_ Step 1情景导入(Show some signs to the students)Teacher:The signs are very import

24、ant in our daily life. We can keep safe because of them. But do you know what they mean?环节说明:由交通标志引出本节课要学的词组过渡自然,引起学生的学习兴趣。Step 2完成教材1a1d的任务1观察1a的交通标志,然后与方框中短语匹配。教师集体核对答案。(2分钟)2听录音,写出字母A和B处的建筑物的名称,集体核对答案,完成1b。(3分钟)3再认真听一遍录音,完成1c对话填空,教师核对答案。学生大声朗读对话并结合地图能复述对话。(5分钟)4假设你和你的搭档是图片上的人物,你们两个选定一个地方,仿照1c形式来练

25、习对话。(5分钟)参考案例 A: Excuse me, is there a supermarket near hear? B: Yes, there is. Go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the park. Go along Long Street and Its on the right. Its between the hotel and the post office. A: Thank you very much. B: Youre welcome.环节说明:通过1a让学生掌握了基本的指路用语,为下面环节的学习奠定

26、了基础;通过1b、1c的听力让学生掌握了基本的指路方式;1d的对话练习则让学生在掌握基本的指路方式的基础上熟练掌握语言交际功能,完成本节课的语言目标。Step 4问题探究1Excuse me, is there a post office near here?Yes, there is. Go_ the street, you can see it on the right.Along BalongCto Dat答案选B。along 介词,意为“沿着”相当于down。2向左转 turn_left 向右转 turn_rightturn left 的同义词组为turn_to_the_lefttur

27、n right的同义词组为turn_to_the_right3The bus stop is _ your right.AonBatCinDfrom答案选A。 在左右边要用介词on,在某人或某物的左右边为 on the left/right of。4You can turn right _ the first crossing.AonBtoCatD. in答案选C。 在某个十字路口处用介词at。请同学们做前面课时训练部分。第五课时Section B (2a)Self Check 1重点单词:neighborhood,enjoy,easily,road,spend,climb,often,air

28、,sunshine,free,money2重点短语:go shopping, free time3重点句式:I like to spend time there on weekends.I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.I enjoy reading there.To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road.The best things in life are free. 1.重点短语和句型2运用所学的知识描述自己生活的街区运用所学的知识描述自己生活的街区一、

29、预习课本P47新单词并识记,完成下面的汉译英。1街区_2.享受,喜欢 _3容易地_ 4. 路_5花(时间,金钱等)_ 6爬_ 7.时常,常常_8空气_ 9.阳光_10空闲_ 11.钱_二、认真预习2a,2b,2c,3a和Self Check的内容,找出下列短语和句型。1去购物_2空闲时间_3我喜欢在那里度过周末。_4我喜欢看猴子四处攀爬。_5我喜欢在那里读书。_6为了到达那里,我步行出来在大桥街向右转。_7生活中最好的事情都是免费的。_Step 1情景导入Teacher:I will tell you something about my neighborhood.Please listen

30、to me carefully,then answer my questions.I live in a quiet neighborhood,there is a library near there,I often read books in the library with my parents.There are many people reading books on weekends. The library is very next to a bank. To get to the library, I walk along Zhongshan Road, Its on the

31、right.Question 1:Is there a library near the neighborhood?_Question 2:What do I often do in the library?_Question 3:How can I get to the library?_环节说明:通过这个环节,既可以提高学生的听力,又可以提高学生的记忆能力和提取信息的能力。Step 2完成教材2a2c的任务1大声朗读2a的单词并识记,然后描述你家附近的地方。(2分钟)2两人一组就描述的地方来练习对话,告诉对方这些地方的位置,完成2a。(3分钟) A:Where is the school?

32、 B:Its on Guangming Road, Its next to a shop.3快速朗读2b的小短文,了解短文内容,将三个短文和三幅地图匹配。(3分钟)4仔细阅读短文,回答2c的五个问题。(5分钟)5再认真阅读一遍短文,仔细体会作者分别是从哪些方面来介绍自己所居住的街区的,为下一环节的写作打下基础。(3分钟)6小结训练。(2分钟)(C)1.Most(大部分)of the young people enjoy _ Jay Chous songs. Alisten toBlisteningClistening to Dlisten(A)2.Go _ the street and the

33、n turn right _ Center Street.Aalong;on Bstraight;atCstraight;on Ddown;at(D)3.Jim spends two hours _his homework every day.Adoes BdoCto do Ddoing(D)4.My mother often _ in the supermarket.Ashop BshoppingCgoes shoping Dgoes shopping环节说明:通过这个环节的学习学生知道了怎样向他人介绍自己的居住环境,通过小结训练,强化了知识点的巩固。Step 3完成教材3a3b的任务1请同学们认真观察Cindy居住的小区的地图,然后完成短文填空。小组核对答案,然后大声朗读短文。(3分钟)2根据所给的问题提示仿照3a 短文的形式写一篇介绍自己小区的短文,写完后小组交流,教师抽查点评。(5分钟)环节说明:这一环节通过读写的训练,有助于学生的写作水平的提高,巩固所学的知识。Step 4完成教材Self Check的任务1利用所给的单词来完成短文


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