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1、尼皮辛大学新生奖学金种类和申请条件we are so excited that you have chosen to study atnipissing university. this is an exciting time in your life,and we are happy to wele you as the newest member of ourinternationalfamily.wecannotwaitforyou tofeelthewarm,tight-knitmunity that nipissingpridesitselfon and ourgoalis to d

2、eliver you a truly canadian experience.no matterwhat country you are from or how longyou stay,one thing will be certain: you will have the time of your lifeat nipissing university. the school itself is small inpopulation,but nipissings historyisrichand proud, and isone of themain attractionsin the c

3、itythat isconsidered“thegateway to the north”. as the times have changed andtechnologies have advanced, we are very proud to offerworld-classfacilities,a stateof theart athleticcenter, anda student experience that will rival no other.we offer and administer a wide range of financial aidprograms to a

4、ssist with funding your education. ourscholarships and need-based awards and bursaries providenumerous awards to qualified students. our work study program(nuwork) allows you to bine learning and work. * assistanceprograms,such as osap,are an importantsourceoffunding;ouroffice administers this progr

5、am for all students attendingnipissing university.选择在尼皮辛大学留学,这真令我们兴奋。这将会是你生命中的一段兴奋的时光, 我们也很高兴地欢迎你以新人身份加入我们的国际家庭。我们迫不及待地想让你感受这里的温暖和团结的氛围, 这些都是尼皮辛大学引以为豪的,而我们的目标是让你拥有真实的 * 留学体验。无论学生你哪个国家, 无论你要待多久,有一件事都是确定的:你生命中的某段时光将在尼皮辛大学度过。 尼皮辛大学本身人口不多,但是它有丰富而引以为豪的历史,并且是尼皮辛这座“北方门户”城市的一大魅力所在。 随着时代的变迁和科技的进步, 我们这里有了引以为豪

6、的世界一流的设施、 有最先进的体育中心和独一无二的学生体验。我们有众多的经济援助项目支援你的教育经费。我们有诸多的奖学金、基于需求的奖励和助学金提供给符合资格的学生。我们的勤工俭学项目允许你将学习和工作结合起来。政府援助项目比如 osap 也是一个重要的资金渠道 ; 我们的办公室负责实施政府援助项目,为所有来尼皮辛大学学习的学生提供帮助。通过上面的介绍可以看出,尼皮辛大学无论在设施上还是在学生支持上都做得很不错的。 那么在奖学金和助学金方面,学校都提供了哪些呢 ?欢迎你继续阅读出guo 以下的翻译介绍。studentswho apply foradmission to nipissing un

7、iversitydirectly from high school are eligible for the followingscholarships,bursariesand awards. you are also encouraged tocheck out the information on our work study program, osap andexternalfunding to fullyexploreallof your fundingoptions.students are guaranteed an entrance scholarship if theyach

8、ieve a minimum80%on theirbest six final4u/4m marks pletedas of june 30. secondary schoolapplicants from outside ontarioare alsoeligibleforentrancescholarships;pleasecontact theliaison office for information atyou can easily apply for other entrance awards andbursaries(based on criteria other than ju

9、stgrades)by pletingthe following three application forms, as applicable, by may1 (no need to wait for an offer of admission).chancellors awards are awarded to two full-timestudentsentering the first year of an undergraduate program atnipissinguniversitydirectlyfrom high school who demonstrateacademi

10、c excellence, exemplary leadership activities andfinancial need.value: $10,000 renewable for up to three additional years at $3,000 per year for a total of $19,000.? a minimum 85% in best six 4u/4m final grades in the previous year? personal leadership activities: e.g. excellence in fine arts, writi

11、ng, debating; excellence in science extracurricularactivitiesbeyond your localschool classrequirements;and/orsignificant citizenship contributions to munity or family? demonstrated financial needto qualify for renewal of these awards, students mustmaintain an average of 85% in 30 credits in the fall

12、/wintersession.*recipients of a chancellors award cannotsimultaneously hold a presidents scholarship, schulichscholarship, first robotics scholarship or a carl sandersscholarship1.complete allof the sectionsof thisapplicationonline,then print and sign for submission.2.ensure thatthe two endorsement

13、forms have been pleted.it may be helpful to your referees if you provide them with acopy of your pleted application (excluding the financial information section).3. submit the signed application and the two endorsement forms by the deadline直接从高中申请尼皮辛大学的学生可以申请以下奖学金、助学金和奖励。我们也鼓励你查看我们的勤工俭学项目、osap政府项目和外

14、部资金项目以了解所有的资金选项。担保入学奖学金如果你在6 月 30 日之前最好的六门4u/4m课成绩达到 80%,那么你保证可以获得这类入学奖学金。安大略以外的高中学生也可以申请入学奖学金,详情请联系liaison office,* 。其他入学奖学金和助学金只不依据成绩发放,你也可以申请。你可以在 5 月 1 日之前完成相应的奖学金申请表完成申请,不用等待录取通知书。校长奖有两个名额,颁发给直接从高中入读尼皮辛大学的全日制学生。要求成绩优秀、活动领导能力突出并且有经济需求。金额: 10,000 加元,最多可以延长三年,延长年份每年金额3000 加元,总金额 19,000 加元。1 、前一年最佳

15、的六门 4u/4m 最后成绩不低于 80%。2 、体现个人领导能力的活动。例如美术、作文和辩论中的优秀表现 ; 课外活动中科学方面的优秀表现 ; 以及社区和家庭方面的重要公民参与。3 、经济需求。为了符合校长奖的延期资格,你秋/ 冬学期的 30 个学分平均分要保持在 85%以上。* 获得校长奖的学生不能同时获得校长奖学金、舒立克商学院奖学金、第一机器人奖学金和卡尔桑坦德奖学金。1 、网上完成申请表中的所有栏目,然后打印并签字递交。2 、两封推荐信。推荐人可以连同你的完整申请一起递交,经济信息一栏除外。3 、在截止时间之前递交签名的申请和两封推荐信写。schulichscholarshipsar

16、e availableto selectedfull-timestudents entering the first year of an undergraduate degreeprogram at nipissing university with a focus on education(concurrent bachelor of education or bachelor of physicalhealth and education).students enteringthe firstyear of thetwo year consecutive bachelor of educ

17、ation program are also eligible.and at least one of the following: ldemonstrated contributions to munity ldemonstrated financial need? recipients of a schulich scholarship cannot simultaneously hold a guaranteed entrance scholarship (i.e.president s or carl sanders scholarship), chancellor s award,

18、or first robotics scholarship? in addition to the criteria mentioned above, students may only hold one schulich scholarship during their tenure at nipissing university1. complete all sections of this application using the online form.2. print, sign, and submit the application formpost-marked by the

19、deadline舒立克商学院奖学金提供给入选的学习尼皮辛大学教育学本科学位第一年课程的全日制学生。 适用于教育学学士或体育健康教育学士。学习两年制连续教育学第一年课程的学生也符合资格。金额: 7,000 加元。1 、对社区做出过贡献 ;2 、有经济需求。1 、获得舒立克商学院奖学金的学生不能同时获得担保入学奖学金即校长奖学金或卡尔桑坦德奖学金, 不能获得校长奖或第一机器人奖学金。2 、除了以上提到的标准, 学生可能只能在尼皮辛大学学习期间获得一项舒立克商学院奖学金。1 、在线完成申请表中的所有栏目。2 、打印、签字并在截止时间之前递交盖有邮戳的申请表。this application shou

20、ld only be pleted by students (canadian citizens or permanent residents of canada) who willbe entering nipissing university directlyfrom high school.completion of this application means you will be considered for any of the awards listed here for which you qualify. to be considered for all possible

21、entrance awards, youmust submit the financial information along with tworeferences (preferably one academic and one from the organization/individual most familiar with your extra-curricular involvement)nipissing university alumni entrance award ?robert and ann parsons northern scholar award ?ptarmigan mining award ?j.s. redpath limited award in business ?j.s. redpath limited award in environmental science ?bachelor of science in environmental biology andtechnology talon tuition award ?tuition assistance bursaries ?mac s convenience inc./ northmar distributors entrance scholarship


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