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1、Our eating habits are causing a global crisis,杜绝“舌尖上的浪费,canteen waste Over 12 barrels of leftovers on a daily basis merely the tip of the iceberg(冰山一角,the food wasted by Chinese people equates to about 50 million tons of grain every year is 10 percent of the countrys total annual grain production. c

2、ould feed another 200 million people,Food waste, which has become a global issue, serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues in different countries.食物浪费已成为一个全球性问题,像一面镜子一样折射出各国不同的文化与社会问题,Western countriesConsumerism(用户至上主义), the belief that its good to use a lot of goods and

3、services, is often to blame for food waste,崇尚享受精品与服务的消费主义观念常被认为是食物浪费的元凶,China,Features its own eating culture and a generation of single children that is less aware of the food waste issue. 归咎于本土饮食文化以及独生子女一代对于食物浪费问题的忽视,As a 2011 survey conducted by China Agricultural University shows, 28.3 percent o

4、f canteen food ends up in rubbish bins on campuses nationwide, over twice the national average (10 percent).中国农业大学2011年的一项调查显示,全国校园食堂里,有28.3%的饭菜被倒进了垃圾桶,这个数字超出了全国平均浪费率(10%)的两倍还要多,What students waste every year could feed over 10 million people每年学生们浪费掉的食物可以养活一千多万人口,banquet(宴会) at public expenses(公款吃喝)

5、 Extravagant government banquets at the taxpayers expense have become “a major source of waste, a degrading factor of social morality and political atmosphere”, commented Peoples Daily last week.公款吃喝的奢侈之风已成为造成浪费的罪魁祸首,“喝坏了党风,败坏了社会风气。”人民日报上周发表评论称,Reason :Face counts(面子问题,Its the Chinese way of showing

6、 respect to guests and displaying generosity, often referred as mianzi,Some Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste,How to deal with it,Follow these tips to help you reduce food waste, save money and protect the environment,1.Write a list,2.Keep a healthy fridge,3. Use up your leftovers,4.Serve small amounts,Clear your plate” campaign(光盘行动,Get a doggie bag,Going to eat a splendid meal in a restaurant for New Years Day and the Spring Festival? Sounds great! Our stomach can never resist the temptation of food while our hands cant but help reaching into our wallets for


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