1、职称英语考试词汇推荐(基本词汇和重点词汇) 职称英语考试词汇推荐(基本词汇和重点词汇) _:xx-05-13 职称英语的词汇大纲中提供了约6000个词汇,在这里我们根据自己的经验向大家推荐3000左右应该掌握的和考试中容易考察的词汇,希望对大家最后的复习有所帮助。 我们建议学员在这最后的时间里采用这样的词汇学习方法 - 知识点(考点)拓展复习法:举例如下: A A (an honest _n, a university, a pie _ of paper/message/furniture), abandon = give up, ABC, abide by, ability to do st
2、h, be able to do sth, abnor _l nor _l, go aboard, study abroad, abolish = can _l/do away with, talk about, sit about, above all, to put money above everything, abrupt = sudden/tough, absen _ =lack, be absent from, absent-minded, absolute = plete, be absorbed in, abstract / concrete, absurd = foolish
3、, be abundant in = be rich in, academic, aelerate =speed up, aept, aeptable, gain/have aess to, aessible = easily obtained/approached, by aident = by mistake, aomplish = finish/ plete, in aordan _ with, aording to, aount for, on aount of = because of/due to, on no aount = in no way, take into aount/
4、consideration, aurate, auseof .= charge with , be austomed to, ache = pain/ toothache, headache, get/catch a headache/ cold, achieve/ meet ones goals, achievement(s), acknowledge = admit, be acquainted with = be familiar with, acquire (knowledge, habit), go across, e across = meet unexpectedly, act
5、upon, physical activities, actor/ actress, actually = in fact = in reality, acute / chronic, ad = advertisement, adapt/adopt, adapt. to. add up to, be addicted to, in addition to, additional = added, address the envelop/ address the au _n _, adequate = enough/ample, adhere to, administer = control/
6、_nage, gain admission to, adopt (attitude), _, _hood, in advan _, advan _ = promote, take advantage of ,adventure = risk, adverse = harmful, a pie _ of advi _, advisable = wise, advise _. to do sth, advocate = support, current affairs, affect/ effect, affirm =assert, afford sth, be afraid of =fear,
7、look after _., in the afternoon, afterwards, again and again, now and again = from time to time, lean against, vote against, at the age of, age = get older, agree to _. agree with sth. agreeable = pleasing, agriculture, ahead of, aid, aim at, aim = goal/target, by air, in the open air, aircraft =pla
8、ne =airplane, at the airport, alarm = frighten, alcohol, alert.to., =warn of/against , alien = foreign, look alike, keep alive, above all, after all, all over, in all, allege = declare, state, alleviate = relieve, allian _ = union, allied = united, allocate = distribute, allow = permit, almost = nea
9、rly, live alone, go along the street, talk aloud, not onlybut also, /(I like it, too./ I also like it.) , alter = change, although/though, at an altitude of/ at the height of, altogether = in all, always = often, a _zing = surprising, ambiguous = doubtful, un _rtain, ambition, ambitious, amend = imp
10、rove, America, American, amid = in the middle of, amongst = among, a great amount of money, amplify = talk in detail, amuse = entertain, amusement/entertai _ent, _yze, _ysis, an _stor, ancient, and, anger, angry, angle (from the angle of ), ani _l, ani _te/inspire, annoy, announ _/declare, annual, a
11、nother, answer( answer to the problem, answer for), anticipate/foresee, antique, anxious (be anxious about), any, anyone/anybody, anything, anywhere, apart (set apart, apart from), apartment, apologize, apparently, apparent, appeal( appeal to), appear/seem, appetite/sto _ch, apple, apply( apply for
12、a job, apply to.), appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach (+ to) = method, approval, approve, approxi _te, April, apt (be apt to do sth.), aptitude/ability, architecture, area, argue (argue for/against), arise, arm in arm/hand in hand, army, around (all around/all over), arouse, arrange(a meetin
13、g), arrest, arrival, arrive at/in, art, article, artist, as ( consideras, look upon.as., treat as., as/soas., as for/to, as if/though), as _nd/des _nd, ash, Asia, Asian, aside (aside from/apart from), ask (ask after, ask for, ask _. to do sth,), asleep, aspect, assemble, assembly line, assert, asses
14、s, asset, assign(assign _. to do sth.), assimilate, assist/aid, assistant, associate (associate sth. with sth., associate with),association/mittee, assume/suppose, assure/insure/ensure/sure, astonish, astronaut, at( be good at, look at, at the age/speed/rate of, at home), atmosphere, attack, attach
15、(be attached to), attempt, attend (a meeting/school/ _., attend to), attendan _/presen _, attention (pay attention to), attitude, attract, attractive, attribute (attributeto ), audit, August, Australia, Australian, authentic/real/reliable, author, authority/power, auto _te, auto _tic, automobile, au
16、tumn/fall, available, avenue/street/road, average (on (an, the) average, to average three hours of work a day), avoid, await = wait for, awake =wake up (awake = sleepless), award, aware (be aware of.), away (put. away, right away. ), awful/terrible, awkward (注意该词的几种词义). B baby, back (back and forth,
17、 back up/support) , background, backwards, bacterium/bacteria, badly/very ( he was badly da _ged.), balan _, ban/bar, banana, band, bank, bankrupt, barely/hardly, bargain (a real bargain), base (be based on/upon), basic/fundamental, battery, battle, B.C. be, beach, beam ( a beam of), bear (注意该词的几种词义
18、), bearing, beat, beautiful/beauty, because, bee, go to bed, bee, beef, beer, before/after, beforehand/in advan _, beg/bag, begin/start (+ doing/ to do sth. ), beginning, behalf ( on behalf of), behavior/conduct, behind/ in front of, belief, believe (believe in), belong (belong to), below/under/bene
19、ath, beneficial/favorable, benefit ( for the benefit of, benefit form), beside/besides = in addition, best (at best/ at least; at ones best, do/try ones best, _ke the best of), better (be better off, had better do sth), between/among, beyond, bicycle, bid, big/great, bill (pay the bill), billion/mil
20、lion/trillion, biography, biological, bird, birth (give birth to, by birth), birthday, bit ( a bit of, bit by bit), bitter, black, blackboard, blame (blame _. for sth.), blank, blanket, blend, blind, block ( a block of rock/i _/wood), blood, bloody, bloom, blue, board (on board), boat, body, boil (b
21、oil up), bold, bomb/blow up, bone, book (booking offi _), boom, boost/lift, border (border on/upon), boring/troublesome, born, borrow/lend, boss, both (both and.), bother/trouble, bottle, bottom, bound (be bound for), boundary, box, boxing, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch/department, brand, brave, bre
22、ach/break, bread, break (break away from, break down, break into, break out, break off, break through, break up), breakdown/ collapse, breakfast, breath (catch ones breath, hold ones breath, out of breath), breathe, breed/ raise, bridge, brief ( in brief), briefly, bright/clever/ brilliant/in _igent
23、, bring (bring about, bring forward, bring up), bring/take, Britain, British, broad, broadcast, brother, brush, budget, build, building, bulk/block, bullet, burden, burn (burn up), burst (burst into tears/laughter), bus, business, busy (be busy with), but/only ( but for), buy, by (by air/railway/sea
24、/plane/bus; pass by, by the rule, a box five feet by six feet, by and by) C Cabin, cable, cafe, cake, calculate, calendar, call (call _. call for, call off/can _l; call on _.; call up), calm (calm down), calm/still, camera, campaign/champagne/champion, campus, can/container, Canada, Canadian, can _r
25、, candidate, cap, capability/ability, capable (be capable of), capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cardinal/essential, care (care about, take care of), career, careful, careless, carrier, carry (carry on, carry out), cartoon, case ( in any case, in most cases, in case, in case of), cash, cast/throw
26、, casual, cat, catch (catch up with, catch a cold, catch attention), cater (cater for ), cause, cautious/careful, _ase/ stop, _lebrate, _ll, _nsus, _ntennial, _ntigrade, _ntral, _nter, _ntury, _rtain, chain, chair/host, chair _n, challenge, chan _/opportunity (a chan _ to do sth.; by chan _, take a/
27、the chan _), change, channel, character, characteristic (be characteristic of), charge ( in the charge of, take charge of, charge.with.), charming/attractive, cheap/expensive, cheat (cheat _. of money), check (check in, check up), cheerful/pleasing, cheer (cheer up), chemical/physical, chemistry, ch
28、erish (hope/dreams/friendship), chief, child/children, childhood, childish, China/china, Chinese, choi _, choose (choose sth. from/among sth. ), Christ _s, chronic, church, cigarette, cine _, circle, circuit, circular/round, circulate, circumstan _ ( under/ in no circumstan _s), citizen, city, civil
29、, claim, clash (clash with, a clash of views), class/category, classic/classical, classroom, class _te, clean, clear (clear away, clear up), clerk, clever, client, cli _te, cli _x/top, climb (climb up/down the hill), cling (cling to), clinic, clock, clockwise, close/open (close down, close season),
30、cloth/clothes/clothing, cloud, cloudy, club, clue/hint, clumsy/awkward, coach, coal, coarse/rough, coast (along the coast), coat (coat the throat), code, coffee, coin, coincide (coincide with), cold (have/catch a cold), collar (white/blue/grey-collared), colleague, collect/gather, collective, colleg
31、e/university, colonial, color, colorful, column, bat/fight, bine/bination, e (e across, e out, e up, e up with ), fort, fortable, _nd/control, ment (ment on), mercial, mission, mit (mistakes/guilt), mitment, modities/goods, mon/average ( in mon), municate (municate with), munity, pact, panion, pany/
32、firm/con _rn/enterprise/corporation, parative, pare (be pared with, be pared to), parison (by parison), pel/for _, pensation, pensate, pete/contend (pete with/for), peten _/ability, petition, plain (plain about), plaint, plex/plicated, plicate, ply (ply with), position, ponent/part, prehend/grasp, p
33、rehension/understanding, prehensive, prise, promise, pute/calculate, puter, rade, con _al, con _ive (an idea/a plan), con _ntrate (con _ntrate ones attention on.), con _ntration/focus, con _pt, con _rn (as far as be con _rned, be con _rned about), con _rning/about, concise/brief, conclude (the study
34、 concluded that), condemn/blame( violen _), condition (on condition that.), conferen _/meeting, confess, confident, confidential/secret, confine (be confined to), confirm, conflict/clash, conform (conform to/with) , confront (be confronted with/ be fa _d with), confuse, congress, connect (connect .w
35、ith.), conquer, conscious (be conscious of), consent (consent to/agree with), consequen _/result (in consequen _), consequently/therefore, conservative/conventional, consideras, considerable/considerate, consist (consist of, be _de up of, be posed of), consistent, constant, constitute, constitution,
36、 construct, consult (consult ( with)about), consume, consumer/customer, consumption, contact (contact _.; be in/out of contact with), contain, contaminate, contemporary, contempt/look down on, contend/argue, content, continent, continue + doing, continuos, contract, contradict, contrary (contrary to
37、, on the contrary), contrast (in contrast with, contrast with), contribute ( contribute to/lead to), control (out of control/under the control of), convenient, conversation, convert/change, convey/pass, convict (convict _. of .), convin _ (convin _ of., be convin _d of.), cook, cool, cooperate, cope
38、 (cope with/handle/deal with), copy, corn, corner, correct, cost ( at the cost of), costly/expansive, cotton, could, count (count in/out), country, countryside, couple, courage, course (in the course of, of course), court, courteous/polite, cover (coverwith.), coverage, craft, crash/clash, crazy/ _d
39、, create (a bridge/a problem), creative, creature, credible/reliable, credit, crime, criminal, crisis, critic, critical/decisive/crucial, criticize, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, cultivate/plant, culture, cure, curious (be curious about), currency, current, curtain, custom (the Customs), cut (c
40、ut across, cut down, cut in, cut off, cut out), cycle. 因为时间有限,所以我们不能为学员把词汇一一的进行“考点展开”讲解,希望学员有时间能按照这个思路把重点的,基本的词汇进行展开复习,这样的复习一定会对我们最后的考试有所帮助(尤其是词汇题和完型填空题部分的解答)。 以下是推荐的基本的,重点的单词。 D Daily, da _ge, damp, dan _, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, data/datum, date, daughter, day, dead (注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不
41、同),deadline, deadly (注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同), deaf, deal, dean, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, de _it/cheat, De _mber, decide, decision, decisive, declare, decrease, dedicate, deep/deeply, defeat, defect, defend, deficient, define, definite, defy, degree, delay, delete, deliberate, delicate, d
42、elicious, delighted, deliver, delivery, de _nd, demonstrate, dense, deny, department, departure, depend, dependent, depression, deprive, derive, des _nd, describe, desert (注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义),deserve, design, desire, desk, despite, destination, destroy, destruction, detail, detect, determine, develop,
43、devi _, devise, devote, diagnose, diagnosis, dialogue, dictionary, _, _t, differ, differen _, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, digest, digital, dilem _, diligent, dim, diminish, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt , dirty, disabled, disagree, disappear, disappointed, disaster,
44、disc, discard, discipline, disclose, discourage, discover, discovery, discriminate, discuss, disease, di _iss, disorder, display, dispose, dispute, distan _, distant, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distinguished, distract, distress, distribute, district, disturb, dive, diverse, divide, division
45、, divor _, dizzy, do, doctor, document, dog, doll, dollar, do _in, domestic, dominant, dominate, donate, door, dose, double, doubt, doubtful, down, downstairs, dozen, draft, drain, drainage, dra _tic, draw, drawing, dreadful, dream, dress, drill, drink, drive, driver, drop, drought, drug, dry, due,
46、dull, durable, during, dust, suty, dwell, dynamic E Each, eager, ear, early, earn, earnest, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, easy, eat, eentric, economic/economical, economics, economy, edge, edit, educate, education, effect, effective, efficiency, efficient, effort, e.g., egg, Egypt
47、, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, either, elaborate, elderly, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, elegant, element, elementary, elephant, eleven, eligible, eliminate, else, elsewhere, e- _il, embarrass, embody, embra _, emerge, emergency, emotion, emphasis, emphasize, employ, e
48、mployee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, endanger, endeavor, endow, endure, enemy, energy, enfor _, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, England, English, enhan _, enjoy, enjoyable, enlarge, enlighten, enormous, enough, Enquirer/inquire, enrich, enroll, ensure, ente
49、r enterprise, entertain, enthusia _, enthusiastic, entire, entitle, entran _, envelope, enviro _ent, equal, equally, equip, equipment, equivalent, erect, error, escape, especially, essay, essen _, essential, establish, estate, esteem, esti _te, eternal, Europe, European, evaluate, eve, even, evening
50、, event, eventually, ever, every, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, eviden _, evident, evil, evoke, evolve, exact, exactly, exam, examine, example, ex _ed, ex _llent, ex _pt, ex _ption, exchange, excite, excited, exciting, exclude, excuse, executive, exercise, exert, exhaust, ex
51、haustive, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existen _, exit, expand, expansion, expect, expenditure, expensive, experien _, experiment, expert, expire, explain, explode, exploit, exploitation, explosion, export, expose, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, extent, external, extinct, extra, e
52、xtract, extraordinary, extreme, extremely, eye F Fabric, fa _, facilitate, facility, fact, factor, factory, faculty, fail, failure, faint, fair, fairly, faith, faithful, fall, false, fame, familiar, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, fare, farm, farmer, fascinate, fascinating, fashion, fash
53、ionable, fast, fasten, fat, fatal, father, fault, faulty, favor, favorable, favorite, fax, fear, feasible, feather, feature, February, federal, fee, feed, feel, feeling, fellow, fe _le, fen _, fertile, festival, fever, few, fiction, field, fier _, fifteen, fifty, fight, figure, file, fill, film, fin
54、al, finally, financial, find, finding, fine (注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义), finger, fire _n, firm, firmly, first, fish, fir, five, flat, flavor, flee, flexible, flight, float, flood, floor, flourish, flow, flower, flu, fluctuate, fluent, fluid, fly, focus, fog, follow, following, fond, food, foolish, foot, footb
55、all, for, forbid, for _, forecast, foreign, foreigner, foresee, forest, forever, forget, fork, form, for _l, for _t, former, forth, fortunate, fortune, forty, forward, fossil, foster, found, foundation, four, fourteen, fourth, frame, Fran _, frank, free, _, freely, freeze, French, frequency, frequen
56、t, fresh, Friday, fridge, friend, friendly, friendship, frighten, from, front, frontier, frown, fruit, frustrate, frustration, fuel, fulfill, full, fun, function, fund, fundamental, funny, fur, furious, furnish, furniture, further, furthermore, future. G Gain, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, gas, g
57、asoline, gather, gay, gaze, gene, general, generally, generate, generation, generous, genius, gentle, genuine, gesture, get (注意该词的短语), giant, gift, give, glad, glan _, glimpse, global, globe, go(注意该词的短语), goal, good, goods, gorgeous, govern, gover _ent, gra _, gra _ful, gradual, graduate, grand, gra
58、nt, grasp, grateful, grave, great, greedy, gross, ground, grow, growth, guard, guess, guidan _, guilty, guilt H Habit, habitant, half, halt, hamper, hand (注意该词的短语), handful, handicap, handle, handsome, handy, happen, hard (注意该词的跨词类用法), hardly, hardship, harm, hardware, harness, harsh, harvest, hate, have, hazard, hazardous, head, heal, heath, healthy, hear, heart, heartily, heat, heavy, height, help, helpful, hen _, here, hesitate, hide
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