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1、2019 陕西高三英语二轮练习单元测试卷及解析解析(五)注意事项 :认真阅读理解,结合历年的真题,总结经验,查找不足!重在审题,多思考,多理解!无论是单选、多选还是论述题,最重要的就是看清题意。在论述题中, 问题大多具有委婉性, 尤其是历年真题部分, 在给考生较大发挥空间的同时也大大增加了考试难度。考生要认真阅读题目中提供的有限材料,明确考察要点, 最大限度的挖掘材料中的有效信息,建议考生答题时用笔将重点勾画出来,方便反复细读。 只有经过仔细推敲, 揣摩命题老师的意图,积极联想知识点,分析答题角度,才能够将考点锁定,明确题意。第一部分:英语知识运用 ( 共四节,总分值55 分 )第一节 语音知

2、识 ( 共 5 小题;每题 1分,总分值5 分 )1、 universitya、 subjectb、 junec、 museumd 、 bury2、 vegetablea、 cigaretteb、 bargainc、 regulard、charge3、 salta、 talkb、 calmc、 alwaysd、 half4、 suggestiona、 questionb、 inventionc、 populationd、competition5、 weigha、 heightb、 foreignc、 received、neighbor第二节 情景对话 ( 共 5 小题;每题 1分,总分值5 分

3、 )jane:oh, that s mr taylor.he is so boring.mother : what do you mean?jane:_6_and he s so quick tempered, mum.mother : _7_are you sure, darling?jane:yes, he gets angry very quickly.mother : _8_jane:and do youknow, he spends allhis time looking at hisreflectionin thewindow, admiring himself.mother :

4、really ? _9_jane:because he is vain ,that s why!and conceited( 自负的 ) 、he thinkshe knowseverything.mother :oh,jane.be reasonable.i msure you re exaggerating( 夸张 ) ,mr taylorseems such a nice and kind man.jane:_10_he s mean ( 小气的 ) and cruel.mother : cruel ? now how can a history teacher be cruel?jane

5、:because he only gave me two out of ten marks in my history test.mother :oh,now iunderstand,jane.ithinkyou d betterget on with yourhomework.a、 well , he isn t.b、 and why does he do it ?c、 his lessons send me to sleep.d、 that s doesn t sound like mr taylor at all.e、 quick tempered? mr taylor ?f、 yes,

6、 he does.g、 he doesn t like me.第三节 语法和词汇知识 ( 共 15 小题;每题1 分,总分值15 分)11、 the two girls had been talking in_low voice all_time duringthe meeting , which upset the manager.a、 a;/b、 / ; /c、 / ; the12、 we should believe in ourselves.d、 a; the _self - confidence is the first secret of success.a、 it s up to

7、 you.b、 thank goodness!c、 let s get going.d、 i m with you onthat.13、clarehas offered a_of$100 toanyone who can findherlostcellphone.a、 benefitb、 costc、 rewardd、 price14、 how about having a party this weekend? that_me fine.i m coming.a、 suitsb、 fitsc、 matchesd、 agrees15、 john ishonest , hardworkingan

8、d responsible._isno doubt that he isthe best person for the job.a、 whichb、 therec、 whatd、 that16 、 itwasnotuntilthescientistdied_weappreciatedthetruesignificance of his discoveries.a、 afterb、 beforec、 whend、 that17、 he felttiredaftera whole day s work.no sooner_tobed thanhe fellasleep.a、 he had gone

9、b、 does he goc、 had he goned、 he did18、 after he left his academic post and went into business,it took him quitea while to_to the competitive environment.a、 attendb、 agreec、 attachd、 adjust19、 it has been proved_violence on television has a bad effect on thedevelopment of children.a、 whetherb、 becau

10、sec、 whend、 that20、 the magazine, which_once a week, is popular among teenagers.a、 leaves outb、 goes outc、 puts outd、 comes out21、 i changed my_tolearningenglishthistermand did a good jobinthefinal examination.a、 approachb、 techniquec、 wayd、 method22、 you can t imaginehow excitediwas! itwas the firs

11、ttimei_my workin print.a、 sawb、 had seenc、 have seend、 see23、 i didn tknow you were in troubleatthat time , _iwould have givenyou a hand.a、 whereasb、 howeverc、 otherwised、 therefore24、 he looked with deep feeling at his elderly mother, her face_withwrinkles.a、 coveredb、 having coveredc、 coveringd、 t

12、o cover25、mr green made up hismind to devoteallhe could_hisson touniversity.a、 sendb、 to sendc、 sendingd、 to sending第四节完形填空 ( 共 20 小题;每题1.5 分,总分值30 分 )when your kids were six or seven, you sent them to school.did you ever wonderwhat goes through a teacher s_26_ashe orshe tries to teach your kids?did

13、youever wonder what the teacher_27_from you, the parents?parentscanbe_28_orsuspicious.theycanbeofgreathelptotheteacher_29_beinneedof helpthemselves.someteachersthinkparentsaretoo_30_on their children.here is_31_one teacher puts it.“ i usually have the_32_of parents coming in and_33_me how much they

14、careaboutthekids education and how theyreally_34_theirkids.theytellme theystandand_35_them closely when they do their homework.sometimes they_36_offer helpwith the kids lessons as if they were teachers.they check their school work, andaretoosensitiveto_37_.theyblamethekidsoneverythinghaving todo_38_

15、school.when a parent asks me how his or her kid is getting on in my class,my answer usually is“well ,you know,he is_39_a good kid.he is finein my class.maybeyou don t have to be so_40_with your kid.” teachers wantparentsto knowthattheyareprofessionalsat_41_withchildren.they have_42_many children and

16、 even parents.because of this, teacherscanbe_43_at educatingchildren.teachersare_44_thatparentswanttheirchildren to do well, but they know more about what children should be able to doat different ages and_45_.26、 a.heart27、 a.reflects28、 a.effective29、 a.but30、 a.hard31、 a.where32、 a.problems33、 a.

17、advising34、 a.help with35、 a.connect36、 a.even37、 a.marks38、 a.at39、 a.nearly40、 a.satisfied41、 a.working42、 a.fed43、 a.pleased44、 a.content45、 a.stagesb、 mindc、 soulb、 resultsc、 benefitsb、 attentivec、 supportiveb、 orc、 thusb、 keenc、 dependentb、 howc、 whenb、 contractsc、 accidentsb、 examiningc、 telli

18、ngb、 deal withc、 make upb、 guidec、 watchb、 alreadyc、 stillb、 effortsc、 painsb、 beyondc、 inb、 reallyc、 seldomb、 carefulc、 strictb、 playingc、 stayingb、 observedc、 attendedb、 worriedc、 disappointedb、 doubtfulc、 awareb、 classesc、 schoolsd、 spiritd、 expectsd、 positived、 asd、 crazyd、 whyd、 agreementsd、 in

19、structingd、 give upd、 inspired、 merelyd、 wordsd、 withd、 hardlyd、 cautiousd、 jokingd、 greetedd、 experiencedd、 suspiciousd、 projects第二部分:阅读理解( 共两节,总分值40 分)第一节 ( 共 15 小题;每题2 分,总分值30 分 )aare you happy? do you remember a time when you were happy? are you seekinghappiness today?many have sought a varietyo

20、f sourcesfortheirfeelingsof happiness.some haveput their hearts and efforts into their work.too many have turned to drugs andalcohol.meanwhile, untoldnumbers have lookedforitin the possessionof expensivecars ,exotic( 异国的 )vacationhomes and otherpopular“ toys ”、most of theireffortshave a rootin one c

21、ommonfact : people are lookingfora lastingsource of happiness.unfortunately, i believe that happiness escapes from many people because theymisunderstand the journey of finding it.i have heard many people say that,“ i llbe happy when i get my new promotion.” or“ i llbe happy when i lose thatextra20 p

22、ounds. ” it is dangerous because it accepts that happiness is a“ response ”to having, being or doing something.in life,we allexperiencestimulus( 激励 ) and response.today,some people thinkthat an expensive car is a stimulus, and happiness is a response; a great payingjob is a stimulus, and happinessis

23、a response ; a lovingrelationshipis a stimulus,and happiness is a response.this belief leaves us the thinking and feeling:“ i ll be happy when.”ithasbeenmy findingthatactuallythe oppositeistrue.ibelievethathappiness is a stimulus and a response is what life brings to those who are trulyhappy.when we

24、 are happy, we tend to have more success in our work.when we are happy,people want to be around us and enjoy loving relationships.when we are happy, wemore naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health.happiness isnot a response but a stimulus.happiness is a consciouschoicewe make e

25、very day of our lives.forunknown reasonto me, many choose to be painful, unsuccessfuland angry most of the time.happinessis not something that happens to us after we get something we want we usually getthings we want after we choose to be happy.46、 from the second paragraph, we know too many people_

26、.a、 are not happy when they work hardb、 are not happy when they drink or take drugsc、 are happy when they possess their own expensive carsd、 all desire exotic vacation homes47、 generally speaking, most people feel happy because _.a、 they think happiness is rooted in their deep heartsb、 they get what

27、 they want to havec、 they get a great paying jobd、 they get an expensive car48、 which of the following is right according to the author?a、 if you want to get what you want,you first choose to be happy.b、 we should try to get more and then we ll be happy.c、 most people today are happy.d、 work is a ne

28、cessary part in our daily life.49、 from the viewpoint of the author,happiness is _.a、 based on our needsb、 unconditionalc、 out of reachd、 limitedbmany chinese have been greatly shocked by the traffic accident caused by thedrunk driver sun weiming, who has killed five and injured some others in cheng

29、du,sichuan.however , such a case is not rare.today, trafficaccidentsmay have been regarded as a socialproblem.thecarhaskilled and disabled more people in its brief history than any bomb or weapon everinvented.muchoftheblood on thestreetflowsactuallyfrom rude behaviorofdriverswho refuse to respectthe

30、 legaland moralrights of others.in fact, theenemies ofsociety on wheels are rather harmless but just ordinary people acting carelessly,you might say.butitis a principlebothoflawand commonmorality thatcarelessnessis no excuse when one s actions could bring death or damage to others.a minorityof the k

31、illers go even far beyond carelessness that can be imagined.researchershave estimatedthat as many as 80 percentof allautomobileaccidentscan be attributedtothepsychologicalconditionof thedriver.emotionalupsetscanchange drivers reactions, slowtheirjudgment , and make them blindtothedangersthat might o

32、therwisebe evident.the expertswarn that it is vitalfor every driverto make a conscious effort to keep his/her emotions under control.yet the irresponsibilitythataccountsformuch ofthe problem isn tonlyputupon drivers.streetwalkers regularlyignoreorbreak trafficregulations.theyareblamed in most vehicl

33、ewalker accidents, and many cyclists even believe that theyare not subject to the basic rules of the road.significantlegaladvances have been made towardssaferdrivingin the pastfewyears.safetystandardsforvehicleshave been raisedboth at the pointof manufactureand throughregularroad inspections.inaddit

34、ion,speed limitshave been lowered.dueto these measures,the accident rate has decreased.but the accident experts stillworrybecause therehas been littleor no improvementin the way driversbehave.theonly realand lastingsolution,say the experts ,is to make people believethatdrivingis a skilled task requi

35、ring constant care and concentration.those who fail to doall these things present a threat to those with whom they share the road.50、 traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem because_.a、 auto driving has become dangerous and harmful in today s societyb、 people usually pay no attention t

36、o law and morality when drivingc、 they have caused serious psychological problems among driversd、 the car has killed and disabled more people than any weapon in history51、whoare notmentioned to be responsibleforthe road accidentsin the passage?a、 careless bicycle- riders.b、 careless people walking i

37、n the street.c、 irresponsible auto drivers.d、 irresponsible auto manufacturers.52、by discussingsolutionsto trafficaccidents,the authorseems to be_.a、 doubtful and hopelessb、 angry and disappointedc、 objective and concernedd、 anxious and annoyed53、 the author writes this passage to_.a、 show his worri

38、es about drunk drivingb、 help protect street walkers from car accidentsc、 discuss traffic problems and possible solutionsd、 warn auto drivers to refuse drunk drivingcbayfield shopping coupons (赠券 )1、 six hours free parkingif you spend $100 or more in our stores you will receive six hours of freepark

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43、sdays or wednesdays,and you can buy asecond ticketfora friendforonlyhalfprice.thelatestmovies are here , showingin one of our five theaters at bayfield shopping center.offer good through december 1.limit one per customer.,6、 free soft drinkbuy any meal for at least $6 at mikes cafe , and receive a f

44、ree soft drink.weserve the best youwon tbedisappointed! freesoftdrinkofferendsnovember14.,54、 whataretheseadsfor?a、 foodyoucanorderfordelivery.b、 placestogoonvacation.c、 specialoffersatashoppingcenter.d、 thingsonsaleinabigstore.55、 whichofthefollowingistrueaccordingtotheads?a、 spending$50means3hours

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