1、湖南师大附中高二年级第一学期英语模块五结业考试试 题 卷(开考时间:2012 年 11 月 8 日下午( 2:10-4:10)满 分: 100 分(必考 I 部分)50分(必考II部分)时量: 120 分钟满分: 150 分Part Listening Comprehension(30 marks)Section A( 22.5 marks )Directions:Inthissection,youwillhearsixconversationsbetweentwospeakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and
2、each question isfollowed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose thebest answer for each question.You will hear each conversationTWICE.Conversation 11.How many ties does the man have at least?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.2. Where did the man put his blue tie?A. In the cupboard.B. Unde
3、r his shirt.C. In his drawer.Conversation 23. What happened to the man?A. He was given a prize.B. He lost his job.C. His boss gave him sick leave.4. How did the man feel about the decision of his boss?A. He didn t understand it.B. It was completely wrong.C. He understood it perfectly well.Conversati
4、on 35. What time is it when they are talking?A. 10 o clock.B. About 10:10.C. 10:30.6. Who is the man going with?A. SallyB. Alice and Sally.C. AliceConversation 47. What exactly does the man want to find out?A. What people think of the bus service.B. How many people are using the bus service.C. Which
5、 group of people use the bus service most often.8. What does the woman say about the bus service?A. The distance between bus stops is too long.B. The bus timetables are full of mistakes.C. Buses are often not on time.用心爱心专心19. Why does the woman say her husband is fortunate?A. He often goes to work
6、in a friends car.B. He doesn t need to go shopping by bus.C. He lives close to the bus station.Conversation 510. What happens to the woman s watch?A. It goes ten minutes fast every day.B. It goes ten minutes slow every day.C. It goes the right time as the radio.11. How does the man deal with his wat
7、ch?A. Put it back ten minutes.B. Put it ahead ten minutes.C. Throw it away.12. What will the woman probably do with her watch?A. Do as the man asks her to.B. Set it by the radio every morning.C. Throw it away and buy a new one.Conversation 613. Why is the woman trying to find a new job?A. She wants
8、a much higher salary.B . She is tired of her present work.C . She wants to save travel expenses.14. What position is being advertised in the paper?A. Translator.B. Travel agent.C. Language instructor.15. What are the key factors that determine the salary of the new position?A. Lively personality and
9、 inquiring mind.B. Communication skills and team spirit.C. Education and experience.SECTION BDirections: In this section, you will hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and thenfill in the numbered blanks with the information you ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.You will hear the mi
10、ni-talk TWICE.Danger on the roadsDangerIn the past16.sAt presentCars, trucks and buses17.Old peopleUnable to 18.wellChildrenToo careless to 19.用心爱心专心2WalkingUnable to decide how fast a car ispersonstravelingSolutiLooking 20.; crossing the roads quicklyon参考答案:1-5BCBAB CACAB ACBAC16. Wild animals17. R
11、easons/Causes 18. see or hear19. look and listen20. both waysPart I Language knowledge (30 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B , C , and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. I suggest you choose so
12、meone _ you think is reliable, hardworking and responsible.A. whomB. whoC. /D. which22. The man who walked across the whole country to promote the awareness ofenvironmentalprotection _ me a lot.A. impressedB. increasedC. improvedD. informed23. When _, the advertisement will be handed to the editor w
13、ho is in chargeof sectionnext week. .A. being discussedB. discussingC. discussedD. to bediscussed24. Even though the scientist _ the experiment for three months, it isn tfinished yet, since itis too challenging. .A. has been conductingB. has conductedC. had conductedD. had been conducting25. The exp
14、ert says that, _, shyness isan aspectof a person s personalitythat is partlybiological and partly environmental. .A. in totalB. in caseC. in theoryD.ingeneral26. _ cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries, some scientistsare alreadypushing ahead withresearchin orderto produce a clonedhum
15、an baby.A. BecauseB.WhileC. WhenD. Unless27. The English representative left the teachers office, with all the papersalready _ on theteacher s desk to be corrected.A. laidB. layingC.tolayD. being laid28. Mo Yan , the first Chinese writer_ the Nobel Prize for literature, wasinterviewed by areporter f
16、rom CCTV last night.A. winningB. winsC. to winD. won29. InSeptember ,the Japanese government officiallydeclared to purchase DiaoyuIslands,_to anti-Japan protests across China.用心爱心专心3A. leadsB. having ledC. ledD.leading30. So far,300 millionyuan _ been collectedforProjectHope, so the majorityof child
17、ren_ returned to school.A. has; hasB. has; haveC. have; haveD. have; has31. According to the local newspaper, five people were reported _ a hugemanlike creaturewalking on the slope of the snow mountain.A. to seeB. to have seenC. seeingD.tobeseeing32. The production of GM foods hasnt been permitted b
18、ecause no one knows _effects the GM material might have on the food chain.A. thatB. whichC. howD. what33. -Steven has been absent from school for days. Whats the matter with him?-He _offthe ladder the other day, but much to our relief, he is on the wayto recovering.A. fellB. is fallingC. was falling
19、D. has fallen34._more effectivelywithothers,more and more people equip themselveswithahigher education.A. To competeB. Being competedC. CompetingD. Competed35. The girl came _ to school, extremely _and quite out of breath.A. running; tiringB. run; tiredC. running; tiredD. run;tiringSection B (18 mar
20、ks)Directions: Foreach blank in the followingpassage thereare fourwords or phrasesmarked A , B , C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fitsthe context.Iwas pleasedwiththe pastschoolyear.A studentI had inthirdgradecame backto personally invite me to his36. He said I was the on
21、ly teacher that hadbelieved in him. I cant tell you how great that made me feel. It made not onlymy37but also the rest of my school year.On the day of the wedding, I sat on the aisle(过道) seat so I could at least seethe bridegroom.(新郎) I couldnt believe that the bridegroom would be thinkingabout me o
22、n his special day, and38 want me to sit with his parents.Then his39said they wanted me to know what I had done for their son. Theysaid that he had a really40 year in the school, where a teacher constantlydiscouragedhim. He began writingthathe was41andthathe hated himself.Thenone day he went out into
23、theirbarn withthe intentionof killinghimself.He thoughtof me and my belief in him and decided to give up the stupididea. His parents then42 me for what I did for their son.Needless to say I was so excited with the43that after I left the wedding,I was deeply moved and cried all the way home. I had al
24、ways promised myself thatI44retire when I no longer enjoyedteaching in theschool. On that trip homeI made a silentpromisetomyselfthatonce I couldn tsupportmy studentsI would用心爱心专心445 .That didn t seem enough somehow and a friendsuggested I write this down andshare it somewhere inorder to affect a lo
25、t of46 . Lettingteachers know thatthey do make a difference in someone elses47 .36.A. weddingB. homeC. schoolD. party37.A. dayB. joyC. achievementD. life38.A. everB. evenC. neverD. always39.A. guestB. brothersC. classmatesD.parents40.A. awfulB. wonderfulC. helpfulD.meaningful41.A. stupidB. smartC. n
26、ervousD. angry42.A. praisedB. thankedC. servedD. covered43.A. wordsB. interestsC. thoughtsD. attitudes44.A. couldB. shouldC. wouldD. might45.A. leaveB. continueC. dieD. stand46.A. relativesB. friendsC. studentsD.teachers47.A societyB. marriageC. lifeD. family答案: 36.A 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.A 41.A 42.B 43
27、.A 44. C 45.A 46.D 47.CSection C (12 marks)Directions : Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one wordthat best fits the context.Laugh and the world laughs with you. Even better, you might live longer, aNorwegian researcher reports.“Adults who have48. _ sense of humor livelong
28、erthan those who dontfindlifefunny,and thesurvivaledge isparticularlylarge for people 49._ cancer.”says Sven Svebak of the Norwegian Universityof Science and Technology.Hepresentedhisstudyofabout 54,000Norwegians,50. _ he followedfor sevenyears,at the American PsychosomaticSocietymeeting.At thestart
29、,patientsfilledout questionnaireson how easilytheyfoundhumor inreal-filesituations51._how important a humorous idea was .“The studyshowed thegreaterrolehumor playedin 52._lives,thegreatertheirchancesof survivingsevenyearswere, ” Svebak says.“Adultsscoringin thetop one-quarter for humor appreciation
30、were 35% more likely to be alive 53._thosein the bottomquarter,” he says.“ The studyshowed thatina smallergroupof 2015 peoplediagnosedwithcanceratthe start,54._ thepeoplehavinga greatsense of humor were compared withthosewho had a 55._ sense of humor.,thechanceof dying was decreasedby about 70% ,” S
31、vebak says.答案: 48.a 49.with50.who/whom 51.and 52.their53. than54.when 55. poor/bad/Part II Reading Comprehension (30 marks)用心爱心专心5Directions: Read thefollowingthreepassages.Each passage isfollowedby severalquestionsorunfinishedstatements.Foreach ofthem therearefourchoicesmarkedA, B, C and D. Choose
32、the one that fits best according to the information given inthe passage.AGrowing up the daughter of an outstanding educator, Andrea Peterson knew at ayoung age thatshe wanted toserveothers.Itwas withthismindsetthatshe startedto take a degree in medicine. However, while visiting her brothers who were
33、 awayat college studying music education, she realized that she too was drawn to teachmusic.InhertenyearsatGraniteFalls,she has revitalized( 复兴 ) the music programsat boththe elementaryand highschoollevels,tothe extentthatan additionalmusicteacher was hired by the district to assist with the workloa
34、d. The growth of themusicprograminGraniteFallsSchoolDistricthasencouragedstudentstoparticipateincounty,stateand nationalmusic competitions,and won a lotofprizesfor the district.Teachingmusic isonly partofPetersonsinstruction-itservesas a vehicletootherareas.Musicisan amazing tooltounlockstudentspote
35、ntial.The most visiblebenefitfrom theirsuccess in music is theirincreasedconfidenceand self-esteem,Petersonsaid. However, I dont believe it is the only benefit, nor the most powerful. Itis trulyexciting to see how my music teachingcan transferback tootherclassrooms.With this philosophy, Peterson int
36、roduced a cross-curriculum program, where shetakes lessons taught in other classes, such as English and math, and expands uponthem in an eight-week unit.One of the most popular projects in Petersons classes is the creation andperformance of a musical. In the activity students create a play from one
37、of thebooks they have read in another class. Students work together to choose the musicthatbestfitswiththe overallfeelofthe playand thenperformitforthegreatercommunity. Through Andreas efforts these kids have helped to put Granite Falls,Washington, on the map for musical talents. Parents, staff and
38、community memberscontinue to be in awe of what she is able to bring forth from the children, saidDebra Rose Howell, a colleague of Petersons at Monte Cristo Elementary School.56. At the beginning, Andrea Peterson planned to work as a (n)_.A. teacherB. doctorC. educatorD. musician57. The 2nd paragrap
39、h mainly tells about_.A. Andrea Petersons life at Granite FallsB. county, state and national music competitionsC. the growth of the music program in Granite Falls School DistrictD. Andrea Petersons contributions to Granite Falls music programs58. Which of the following is NOTa benefit the students g
40、et from Andrea Petersons class?A. Music talent development.B. Increased self-confidence.C. Ability in learning other subjects.D. Prizes for English and maths.用心爱心专心659. The following sentences tell what the students have to do about their musical project. Which is the right order of the events?a. Th
41、ey choose proper music for their play.b. They adapt the story into a play.c. They put on the play for the whole school or the whole community.d. They practice performing the play.e. They choose a story they have read in another class.A. ebadc B. e bcad C. a ebdc D. a bedc 60. Which of the following
42、could be the best title for the passage?A. A Family of EducatorsB. Ten Years at Granite FallsC. An Outstanding TeacherD. Successful Music Projects解析:56-60. BDDACBMany people tend to complain about not having good friends in their lives.Saddened,theyseem to thinkthattheirown company is not enough to
43、make them happy.Nothing could be further from the truth though. In order to get along with others,the first thing you need to do is learn to get along with yourself. Only in thisway will you succeed in developing healthy, solid relationships with others.Listen to your inner voice.Remember that inner
44、 voice that keeps whisperingto you what you reallywant and need as wellas what you do not reallywant and need.It is about time you started listening to it. In order to get to know yourself indepth , it is important to learn and accept what you want and what you do not want.Learn to enjoy your own co
45、mpany.You will be surprised to find out how manythingsyou can do by yourselfand actuallyhave fun in the process.Reading romanticnovels , poetry or science fiction is only a few of the things that you can do byyourself,that not only can offer you hours of enjoyment, but also the chance toget to know
46、yourself better.Satisfyyourself.Pay specialattentionto your personalhygiene( 卫生 ) Do yourhair and nails often and experiment with new styles. Follow a healthy diet andexercise regularly to stay in good shape. No matter how busy your daily scheduleis , always find at least an hour per day for yoursel
47、f, when you can either relaxdoing absolutely nothing,or doing something that you enjoy.Learn to respect your own boundaries.Find out what your boundaries are andlearnto respectthem. You are the only one who knows what you can and what you cannotaccept ; no one else can point that out to you, or forc
48、e you to compromise.61 Ifyou want to have a good relationshipwithothers , you shouldfirst_.A get into the habit of living aloneB makemany friendsinsociety用心爱心专心7C always tell the truthDlearnto be your own best friend62 What is the purpose of listening to your inner voice?A To keep a good state of mi
49、nd.B. To know more about yourself.C To enjoy the time by yourselfD. To form a relationship withothers.63 In orderto pleaseyourself,the writergivessome suggestionsEXCEPT_.A. eating healthilyB. exercise regularlyC. experimenting with new hair styleD. keeping on struggling64 The underlined word“boundaries ” most nearly means“_ ”.A. weaknessesB. aimsC. ambitionsD. limits65 What is the structure of the passage?6 D7 B8 D9 D10AC
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