1、part two,南诏风情岛,岛上风光旖旎,海天一色风月无边千年古榕枝繁叶茂,幽穴古洞盘曲交错;岛屿四围水清沙白,苍洱百里壮景尽收眼底,可谓山同人朗,水与情长,大理天龙八部影视城,大理天龙八部影视城座落于全国重点风景名胜区苍洱景区的中心和风光秀丽的大理省级旅游度假区山丽片区:背靠秀美的苍山,东临碧波万顷的洱海,东距大理古城1.5公里,北距大理三月街会场0.5公里,距崇圣寺三塔2公理,是大理省级旅游度假区为天龙八的一个大型影视拍摄基地,What are the most beautiful sceneries in Dali,wind,flower,snow,moon,Cangshan Moun
2、tain,Also called “点苍山”,is the main peak of the southern 云岭 mountains. Formed by nineteen peaks (十九峰)from north to south. 马龙, the main peak, soars 4112 meters into the sky, capped with a snowy summit that never thaws. Over the vales, many streams flow with a rich babbling sound. Whats more, each has
3、a stream between the two peaks which dropped into the Erhai Lake, which is the famous “river eighteen”(十八溪) Hills of snow will not melt even in summer,which made it so famous,legend,Once a year, epidemic had been spread around the hill, there were one brother and sister learned how to spell the plag
4、ue to the top of the hill, they buried the pestilence god in the snow , frozen to death .At the same time ,the sister turned herself to a guardian angel of the hill to protect it forever,洱海月 - 被白族人民称为金月亮,无时无刻不在唤起人们对美联社好生活的追求。 传说月宫里的公主思慕人间,来到洱海边与、渔民岸黑成婚。为了帮助渔民多打鱼,她把自己的宝镜放在海中,照得鱼群清清楚楚。渔民打鱼多了,过上了丰衣足食的日
5、子。公主的宝镜在海中变成了金月亮,世世代代放射着光芒。 风花雪月的自寄托着白族人民丰富的情感。一首朴实无华的民谣从古至今流传下来:上关花,下关风,下关风吹上关花;苍山雪,洱海月,洱海月照苍山雪。 有趣的是,白族姑娘的头饰也寓意着“风花雪月”:垂下的穗子是下关的风;艳丽的花饰是上关的花,洁白的帽顶是苍山的雪,弯弯的造型是洱海的月,In the shape of an “耳”,meaning in Chinese, in the east of Dali ,covers 250 square kilometers at an elevation of 1 980 meters with stora
6、ge capacity of 300 000 cubic meters,This vast body of water shines under the sun like a sheet of vivid screen while the snowy peaks of the Cangshan mountain are reflected in its quivering surface . These sights combine to form a breath-taking sight known poetically as “silver Cangshan and jade like
7、Erhai,苍山如屏洱海如镜,苍山如屏洱海如镜,Triple Pagodas,The three pagodas are an emblem of the citys long and celebrated history. The tallest of the trio, which is 69.13 meters tall, was built in 836 AD, while the two smaller ones were built during a later period . No visit to Dali is complete without a visit to see
8、 the three pagodas,三塔崇圣寺始建于唐开元间(公元713741年),先建了大塔“千寻塔”,高69.13米,是座方形密檐式砖塔,共13层。稍后又建了南、北小塔,均高43米,是一对八角形的砖塔,都是10级。三塔浑然一体,气势雄伟,具有古朴的民族风格,修建三塔后,又建了规模弘大的崇圣寺。经历代的扩建,到宋代“大理国”时期达到鼎盛巅峰。据南诏野史记载:崇圣寺“基方七里,周三百余亩,为屋八百九十间,佛一万一千四百尊,用铜四万五百五十斛”;有“三阁、七楼、九殿、百厦”之规模,由于大力倡导,大理佛教非常盛行。大理国二十二代国王中,有九位出家到崇圣寺当和尚,第十五代王段正淳(也是天龙八部中段
9、誉之父)。明代传抄的大理国时期的佛教经典大灌顶仪式卷,记载了国王举行灌顶仪式的复杂场面,这么多国王出家,在世界佛教史上是独有的奇特现象。因而,吸引了内地香客和东南亚、南亚香客到崇圣寺“朝圣”,崇圣寺成了东南亚、南亚推崇的“皇家国寺,Situated at the foot of Yunlong peak in the cangshan mountains, the Butterfly Spring is actually a pool four meters deep and 20 meters wide. The gnarled boughs of an ancient silk tree
10、stretch over its surface,In the fourth lunar month every year, the tree puts out butterfly-shaped flowers ,and swarms of butterflies belonging to twenty or so breeds rest on the tree, linking themselves together into multicolored strings ,which keep dangling over the pool. Because of these annual bu
11、tterfly conventions, the silk tree and the Butterfly Spring have become the major tourist attractions of the cangshan mountain,蝴蝶泉的传说 蝴蝶泉的传说很久很久以前,蝴蝶泉叫无底潭。潭边住着父女二人,女儿叫雯姑,聪明美丽如一朵金花。雯姑长大后,和猎手霞郎定下终身。后来雯姑被地主抢走,霞郎打猎回来后拼死将他救出。不料官兵追来,二人走投无路,双双跳进了无底潭。顿时,电闪雷鸣,暴风骤雨。待雨过天晴,潭中飞出一对美丽无比的大彩蝶,后面还跟着无数的小蝴蝶。那一天是农历4月25日
12、。从此,每年的这一天,无数美丽的蝴蝶就会聚集在这里,讲述这动人的爱情故事。这就是有名的“蝴蝶会,The jizui hills(鸡足山,The name derives from the Chinese word for chicken foot, which locals claim it resembles. The hills are not only a famous Buddhist sanctuary, but also a beautiful tourist resort. Meanwhile, it is the fifth largest Buddhist mountains in China,石宝山,Also called 石锺(stone bell)hills, developed during the tang and song dynasties. It consists of the Shizhong Temple,
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