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1、chapte fourword - formation in medical terminologymedical terms are largely formed from the building elements, namely, roots, prefixes, suffixes and existing words. generally, we recognize five commonly used processes of word- formation in medical language. they are: 1.affixation( 词 缀 法 ),2.composit

2、ion(合成法), 3.conversion(转化法), 4.shortening(缩略法),including (1) blending(紧缩词), (2) clipping(音节缩略词), and (3) acronym(字母缩略词), and 5. backformation(逆生法)。1. affixation (词缀法)(derivation 派生法 )-prefixation (加前缀法)-suffixation(加后缀法)-combining vowols (组合元音)-common patterns of affixation(1) prefixation1) definiti

3、on: prefixation is a morphological process whereby a prefix is attached to the front of base (root or word).2) grammatical role: usually, prefixation tends to be semantically oriented, adding new meaning to a base without change in the part of speech (词性).3) examples: autograft (自体移植), isograft (同系移

4、植物 ), allograft (homograft) (同种异体移植物 ), xenograft (hetrograft) ( 异种移植物) all have the same root graft but denote grafts of different typesbecause of their prefixes.(2) suffixation1) definition: suffixation is a morphological process whereby a suffix is attached to the end of a base (wordor root)2) gr

5、ammatical role: suffixes are basically class-changing. hence, suffixation tends to change the part of speechof a word.3) examples:immune,immunity,immunizeandimmunizationhavebasicmeaning,allrelatedto“immunity” of an organism, but belong to different word classes.(3) combining vowols (cv)1)definition:

6、 when two bases are combined or a suffix is attached to a base, if there is no vowel to joint the two forms, a vowol called the combining vowol is added.2) commonly used cvs : the most commonly used combining vowol is o, with i and a coming second.3) examples: arthr + o + centesis = arthrocentesis m

7、ast + o + carcinoma = mastocarcinoma mamm + o + plasia = mammoplasia(4) common patterns of affixation prefix+rootinject=in + ject prefix+combining vowel + rootectoderm = ect + o + dermroot +suffixstasis= sta + sisroot +combining vowel + suffixsclerosis = scler + o + sis prefix + root + suffixperiren

8、al = peri + ren + al prefix + root + combining vowel + suffixsynarthrosis = syn + arthr + 0 + sis prefix + prefix + root + combining vowel + suffixcontraindication = contra + in + dic + a + tionroot + root + suffixsialadenitis = sial + aden + itisroot + combining vowel + root + suffixhemophilia = he

9、m+ o + phil + iaprefix + root + root + suffix hyperglycemia = hyper + glyc + (h)em + ia2. composition (合成法)(1)definition:composition is a word-forming process by joining two or more words.(2) types of compounds1) open compound: an open compound is made up of two or more words written separately.for

10、example, woman doctor, man nurse, brain death, birth control, gray matter.2) hyphenated compound: an hyphenated compound contains two or more words connected by a hyphen.for example, high-resolution, host-specific, deaf-mute, air-borne, bottle-feed, graft-versus-host3) solid compound: a solid compou

11、nd consists of two words written as one word such as windpipe, sleepwalk, overweight, and nosebleed.4) neoclassical compound: a neoclassical compound refer to those coined from elements of the classical languages ( latin and greek ).most roots and compound suffixes have been very active and producti

12、ve in this word-forming process. such words as biocide, lysosome, bio-science, psychanalysis, biophysics and chemotherapy are all neoclassical compounds.3. conversion (转化法)(1)definition: a word-forming process wherebya word is adapted or converted to a new class without any change of form.(2) exampl

13、es:stent ( n.-v. )plaster (nv. )mask ( n.-v. )faint (adjv. )smell ( v.-n. )skin (nv. )4. shortening (缩略法)-blending (紧缩法)-clipping (音节缩略法)-acronyms (字母缩略词)(2) blending (紧缩法)blend(紧缩词)1) definition:a blend is formed by blending two or more words.2) types and examples:three major patterns as follows,pa

14、rt + partgenome( gene +chromosome) whole + partbreathalyzer(breath + analyzer)part + wholemedicaid( medical + aid )medicare( medical + care ) medichair( medical + chair ) paramedic( parachute + medic )(3) clipping (音节缩略法)1) definition:clipping refers to the process whereby a word is shortened by cli

15、pping off part of the word without change in its meaning and word class.2) examples:examexaminationfluinfluenzaspecspectaclespoliopoliomyelitispsychpsychologyquackquacksalver(3) acronyms (字母缩略词)1) definition: an acronym is a word coined from theinitial letters of a group words.2) patterns and exampl

16、es:-acronyms from modern englishct-(computerized tomography)rbc-( red blood cell )bmr-( basal metabolic rate )buttbtuberculosisodoverdoseivintravenous-acronyms from latin or greeka.c.( ante cibum = before meal )p.c.( post cibum = after meal )b.i.d.( bis in die = twice a day )t.i.d( ter in die = thre

17、e times a day)q.i.d( quarter in die = four times a day)b.i.n( bis in nocte = twice a night)o.d.( oculus dexter = right eye)o.s.( oculus sinister = left eye )p.r.n( pro re nata = as needed )q.h( quaque hora = every hour )q.m ( quaque mane = every morning )q.n ( quaque nocte = every night )5. backform

18、ation (逆生法)( 1) definition: it is a usaul process to form nouns from exsisting verbs by adding suffixes such or, -er, - ar. for instance, teacher is made from teach and suffix er. backformation refers to the reversed process, that is , verbs are made from existing nouns by deleting seeming or imagined affix.(2)examples:chain-smoke chain-smokerautomate automationdiagnose diagnosisovulate ovulationpalpitate palpitationcontracept contraceptiontranscript transcription“”“”at the end, xiao bian gives you a passage. minand once said, people who lear


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