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1、【精品】代词(完整版)一、单项选择代词1. I got them a grand piano because they like _ hen I come home and play for them .A. oneB. itC. this【答案】【解析】D. that考查it的用法。我给他们买来一架大钢琴,因为他们喜欢我回家的时候为他们演奏。此处it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面when引导的宾语从句。故选【名师点睛】英语中有些动词像like/dislike/hate/appreciate等后面的宾语从句通常用 it做形式宾语,再 跟 when/if 等引导的宾语从句。I hate it wh

2、en talk with their mouth full of food. 本题就是考查Boit的这种用法。我给他们买来一架大钢琴,因为他们喜欢我回家的时候为他们演奏。此处 it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面when引导的宾语从句。故选Bo2. Pip disliked _ gen tlema n.A. it when; who 【答案】AJoe came to see him in London,Pip thought was not aB. that; whereC. it when; whomD. that; which【解析】本题考查it的用法及定语从句。第一个空,it作的是形式宾语,

3、真正的宾语连接副词who引导的是一个复合定语从句,含有另when引导的宾语从句。第二个空,关系代词个定语从句,其所含的从句结构由主语加表示看法或意见的谓语动词构成,它是整个定语从句的一个组成部分,其前后不用逗号,who在这句复合定语从句中,think后面的宾语从句里的主语,而不是宾语,所以不能用whom。故选Ao“ Lady GaGa ” is a real lege nd!Absolutely. She is a big hit in the sales of her albums. In additi on, _ around the world can match her in uniq

4、ue taste in haircuts and clothes. A. nothingB. noneC. no body【答案】Bof the sin gersD. no one【解析】世界上所有的歌手在发型和穿着的独特品位上不能与她相比, nothing 常回答 what ,nobody no one 常回答 who。none三者以上都不,4. Do you considerany good doing many scie ntific exp erime nts?A. there【答案】CB. thisC. itD. one【解析】it是形式宾语,代替 doing ; good是形容词,

5、因此选 Ccould they fall back.5 The enemy troop could hardly make any advance, andA neither 【答案】 ABsoCeitherD both【解析】本题考查代词。根据could they fall back用倒装结构和句意,故用否定词 neither,故选A6The exam was easy, wasnt it? Yes, but I dont thinkA somebodycould pass itBanybodyC everybody【答案】 C【解析】Dnobody本题考查不定代词的用法, somebody

6、 某人 ;anybody 任何人 ;everybody 每人 ;nobody 没人。 根据句意,可知选 Co句意:-这场考试很简单,不是吗?-是的,但我认为不是每个人都能通过。7I d appreciate if you would pick me up at seven this evening.A hatBthisCit【答案】 CDyou【解析】 试题解析:句意;如果你明早到机场来接我,我将不甚感激。 喜好,憎恨之类词后不能直接接从句,必须先补充 外,一些动词短语也不能直接加从句,必须加等。appreciate,like,love,hate 等表it 后再接从句。 it 表虚指,无实义。

7、另it 再接从句 ,如 see to it that ,depend on it that考点:固定句型8 Everyone may depend on Ait that itBthat it【答案】 Awont happen again with these reassuring measures. C thatD it【解析】 试题分析:句意:每个人都可以相信,有了这些可靠的措施这种事不会再发生了。句中第 一个 it 是形式宾语, that 引导宾语从句后面是真正的宾语。故选 考点:考查宾语从句。A.9 I finddifficult for us to understand old En

8、glish today Ait【答案】 ABthatC thereDthis解析】 试题解析:分析句子,可知 find 后面要跟一个宾语,由于本句的宾语是 to understand oldA。English today,故要用it作为形式宾语。根据句意,可知选 句意:我发现今天我们很难理解古代的英语。考点:代词不定代词10Dont _ that all those who get good grades in the entrance examination will prove to be most successful.A take as grantedC take that for g

9、ranted【答案】 DB take this for grantedD take it for granted解析】试题分析:考查固定搭配和 it 用法。动词短语 take sth for granted 认为 .理所当然;排除 A项。在英语中只有 it 可以作为形式宾语,本句中 it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句that all those who get good grades in the entrance examination will prove to be most successful. 句意:不要想当然地认为入学考试成绩好的那些人就会是最成功的。故D 正确。考点:考查

10、固定搭配和 it 用法11Of all the books on the desk,is of any use for our study.A nothingC neither 【答案】 DB no oneDnone解析】试题分析:前面的“all提示我们 书不是两本,而是三本及其以上”,故排除C项(指两者都不)。none=none of the books.“nothig有东西),no one (没有人)”均不符合句意。考点:不定代词12I findAitamazing that anyone would want to listen to Gospel music.B thatC howD

11、this答案】 A解析】试题分析:句意:我发现有人想听 Gospel 音乐,这很让我吃惊。句中 it 作形式宾语,amazing 作宾补, 语,故选 A。 考点:考查代词用法。后面的从句从句 that anyone would want to listen to Gospel music. 作真正宾13On average, the footprints discovered are 14 to 18 inches long, 5-9 inches wide and much larger than of a human.AthatB onesC thoseDone【答案】 C【解析】 试题分

12、析:句意:通常来说,被发现的长达 14 到 18 英寸, 5 到 9英寸宽的脚印比人类的 脚印要大得多。 A. that 特指代指前文的可数名词单数或是不可数名词,B. ones 泛指,代替前文出现的可数名词复数,C. those特指,代替前文出现的同一个可数名词复数,泛指可数名词单数。这句话里 those 代指 footprints 。故选 C。考点:考查代词的用法。D. one14Is your neighbor Mr. King a man with good manners? Actually, he isA nothing 【答案】 D_ but polite. And nobody

13、 likes to talk to him. B somethingC everythingD anything【解析】 本题考查短语辨析。nothing but 只不过,只有; anything but :根本不是 决不 .,没有everything but ; something but 用法。句意: 你的邻居 Mr. King 是一个有礼貌的人吗? 事实上,他根本不礼貌,没人喜欢同他说话 .15A child should be receiving either meat or eggs daily, preferablyA neitherBnoneC either 【答案】 DDbot

14、h【解析】 考查代词。句意:孩子应该每日食用肉类或蛋类,最好两种都吃。A. neither 两个都不; B.none 没有人;一个也没有;没有任何东西; C. either 两个中任意一个; D. both 两个都。根 据语境判断是 “两者都 ”,故选 D。16 I wonder how often you will clean up your room by yourself. other day.BEveryAInCForD Each答案】 B解析】详解】考查代词和介词词义辨析。句意:我想知道你多久打扫一次自个的房间? 每隔一天。A. In在某一点,在之内;B. Every每一,每个,每一

15、次; C. For关于,给,代表; D.Each (两个或两个以上的人或物中)每个。 every,每隔,every other day每隔一天。故选B。点睛】 “每隔 ”的表达方法:1“ever基+数词(大于或等于 2) +复数名词”意思是 每”例如:We hand in our homework every three days. 我们每三天 /每隔两天交一次作业。2“evei序数词(大于或等于 2) +单数名词”意思是 每”例如:The Olympic Games are held every fourth year.奥林匹克运动会每四年 /每隔三年举办一次。3“ every othe基数

16、词(大于或等于 2) +复数名词”意思是 每隔”例如:I had to sit down and rest every other four minutes. 我每隔 4 分钟就得坐下休息。4. “ every othe零基数词(等于1) +单数名词意思是 每隔”例如:Take this medicine every other day.这药每两天 /每隔一天服一次。5“ every feW+数名词”意思是 每隔几”例如:He came to see me every few days.他每隔几天来看我一次。17. Have Max and Ti na sold out all the En

17、glish dict ion aries?is left.B. NothingD. NeitherYes, compi etely.A. NoneC. No one【答案】A【解析】who。考查代词。no one只能指人,但不具体指什么人,一般用来回答who。 none具体指什么人或物,一般用来回答 how many。句意:卖完所有的英语字典了吗?是的,全部卖完了, 没有一本剩下来。故选 Ao18. In my opinion, thereA. oneB. its no greater happinesfhaucceeding in ones career.C. that【答案】D. thos

18、e【解析】【详解】考查代词辨析,句意:在我看来,在一个人的职业生涯中,没有比成功更幸福了。 个;it它;that那个;those那些。one在比较级中,某个事物和另外一个事物作比较,后者用that或者those代替,其中单数用 替,故选Cothat,复数用those。此处succeeding为单数,用that代19. To qualify for the job,.A. a high school diploma is neededC. one needs a high school diploma【答案】CB . it is required that one has a high scho

19、ol diplomaD . a diploma from high school is necessary【解析】【详解】考查表示人的代词作主语。句意:人们要有高中文凭,才有获得这份工作的资格。分析句子可知,动词不定式的逻辑主语是主句的表示人的主语。故C选项正确。based on your ownA themB eachConeDit答案】解析】【详解】 考查代词。句意:我们有许多暑期夏令营,你可以根据自己的兴趣选择一个。 们; B. each 每一个; C. one 一个,为泛指,泛指同类事物或人中的某一个; 特指上文提到的某人或者某事物。根据语境可知,此处应是表示泛指的某一个,在此泛指 上

20、句提到的 many summer camps 中的某一个,故选 C。A. them 它D. it 为特指,21 The coat I bought yesterday is the sameA as youC as yours【答案】 CBas you areD like you解析】详解】考查固定结构和名词性物主代词。句意:我昨天买的外套和你的一样。 一样,句中比较的是衣服,因为后面没有名词,所以此处要用名词性物主代词 于 your coat。故选 C。the same as 和yours,相当22 Astronomers have discovered that three planets

21、 have sizes and temperatures similar to of Earth.A them BtheseC those D ones【答案】 C【解析】详解】考查代词的指代。句意:天文学家发现了三个在大小和温度方面与地球相似的星球。根据 句意可知此处是三个星球的大小和温度与地球的大小和温度相似,因此空白处应该是代指复数名词 sizes and temperatures 。 those 代指上文中的可数名词复数。故选 【点睛】C。one, ones, that, those 与 it 的区分1.one 指代上文提到的单数人的人或物,指“同一类中的一个 ”表,示泛指意义:即:

22、a/an 十单数可数名词; ones 则代指可数名词,表泛指意义。The population problem may be the greatest one of the world today. ( one=a problem )2.that 指上文出现的名词 ,表示同类的东西 ,一般不指人 ,既可指代可数名词单数 ,又可指代不20We have many summer camps for your holidays. You can choose interest.可数名词 ,常要求有后置定语修饰 ,表特指。The weather of this week is worse than t

23、hat of last week.(that=the weather)3.those用来代替复数可数名词,常要求有后置定语,表示特指,即the+复数可数名词。The students in Class one are more than those in Class Two.(those=the students) 4.it 指上文提到的同一事物,与前面名词是同一物。those。Is this book yours, I want to use it.(it=your book) 在本题中,此处是三个星球的大小和温度与地球的大小和温度相似,代指的内容为复数名 词 sizes and tempe

24、ratures ,且表特指地球上大小和温度,故应用23Usually, a forest fire and the damage causes can be very severe, especially whenDitwe consider the long time it takes to grow trees.AthisBwhatCwhich【答案】 D【解析】 【详解】the damage,可it 指代 a forest考查代词。句意:通常,森林火灾及其造成的损失会非常严重,特别是当我们考虑到树木需要长时间生长时。结合句意可知 causes为定语从句,修饰先行词由关系代词 which/

25、that 来引导,由于从句中缺主语,因此还需要用人称代词fire,故排除C选项,同时由于关系代词在从句中作宾语,可省略,因此空格处填 this 为指示代词,后面需要接名词,即 this fire 来充当主语,因此排除 A 项。 定语从句关系词,排除。故选it 即可。B选项不属于D。24How do you like the Japanese film Your Name! Don comes across the girl again after 8 years?AthisBthatt you just lovewhen the heroCitD them答案】 C解析】?难道你不喜欢男主角

26、8 年后再【详解】考查固定句型。句意:你觉得日本电影你的名字怎么样 遇到那个女孩吗?固定句式“sib hate / dislike /love / like + it + when从句”为固定用法,故选C。【点睛】it 作形式宾语的用法。 当不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在某个句子中作宾语时,为保持句子结构平 衡,避免句式结构的混乱,常用 it 作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放在句尾。此时 it 仍只起 先行引导作用,本身无词义。其基本结构为动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式(动名词或从句)”当不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在复合宾语结构中作某些动词的宾语时(如 think, make,

27、find, consider, feel, suppose 等); 基本句式结构、动词 + it + that- 从句。如:1) sb find/ believe/ think/ feel/ consider/ make + it +n+to do/that 从句,如: I take it (that) he will come on time. 我认为他会准时来的。He makes it a rule never to borrow money. (他立志决不向别人借钱。)I think it no need talking about it with them. (我认为没必要跟他们谈。)

28、( 2) sb find/think/make + it + adj. + to do sth/that 从句 (宾语从句 )如: I don t feel it difficult to understand the Special English. (我觉得理解英语特别节目并不难。) I find it interesting to learn English.二、动词 + prep + it + that- 从句。如:I can t answer for it thhaet will come. 我不能保证他会来。You may rely on it that he II come to

29、 倫放1 心ou他会来接你的。You may depend on it that we shall always help you. (尽管放心,我们会随时帮你的。) 说明:能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有 see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for 等。注意: that 引导的宾语从句不能直接作介词的宾语 三、动词 + it + 介词短语 + that- 从句。如:We owe it to you that there wasn t a serious(多亏了你才没有发生严重事故。)it。I took it for

30、granted that he would help us. 我认为他会帮助我们的。注意:由及物动词与介词组成的固定搭配中,宾语从句若作该动词的宾语时,须借用常见的有 take it for gran ted, bring it to sb s atteilttonsbo等。四、动词 + it + when /if/that- 从句。如:(1)sb + hate / dislike / love / like + it + whe n 从句I hate it when my mother asks me to eat eggs. (我讨厌母亲要我吃鸡蛋。)I dislike it when y

31、ou whistle. 我不爱听你吹口哨。(2)sb + app reciate/prefer + it + if 从句I really appreciate it if you could help me with my math.I d prefer it if I didn t have to do s要是我不W必做那么多工作,好就太好了。25-Who can I tum to for help in face of difficulty , Mom? -My darling , if not , anybody else?D myselfA meBICmine【答案】 A【详解】 考查

32、人称代词宾格。句意:【解析】A。面对困难我可以向谁寻求帮助,妈妈? 亲爱的, 如果不是我,还会有其他人吗?此处是省略句,省略了it is,所以用人称代词宾格。故选 26 Oh, my English novel is missing.I saw Tom leaving with , but I am not sure whether yours was included.AoneBitDthatC some 【答案】 C解析】 详解】考查指示代词。句意: 哦,我的英语小说不见了。 我看见 Tom 带着一些英语小说 离开了,但是我不确定你的是不是在里面。因为后面有 whether yours w

33、as included ,可知 空处应该是指 some English novels,可用some代替。故 C选项正确。27-The news came _the film directed by Peter won an award.-When was that?A when ;That ;that. C that; It; that. 【答案】 D 【解析】was in 2018he was still in college.Bthat; That; that. Dthat; It ;when.详解】考查连接词、代词和定语从句关系词。句意:有消息说彼得导演的那部电影获奖了。什么时候的事?那

34、是在 2018 年,当时他还在上大学。第一空为同为语从句修饰news,且从句中不缺少成分,故用that ;第二空指代上文 彼得导演的那部电影获奖”这件事用代词it ;第三空为定语从句修饰先行词2018,且先行词在从句中做时间状语,故用关系副词 when 。综上,故选 D。【点睛】 定语从句的关系词的选择可考虑以下三点:(如指物时不能用(1) 一看先行词的意义,即分清先行词是指人、指物、时间、地点还是原因 who 或 whom ,指人时通常不用 which 等 )(2) 二看关系词的句法功能,即分清关系词是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、是作 定语还是状语等(如作定语通常用 whose,有时也用 which ;作状语要用 when, wh


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