



1、托福独立口语机经预测怎么用 托福口语机经预测分为托福独立口语机经预测和托福综合口语机经预测。下面就和大家分享托福独立口语机经预测怎么用,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。考前口语突击!托福独立口语机经预测怎么用?一. 看题背素材托福独立口语在答题的时候开头要点明观点和主旨,主体部分述说理由。托福独立口语不涉及听力,但是题目涉猎范围较广,考试时给考生准备的时间也比较短,只有15秒。很多人在面对问题时常常不知道该说些什么。这都是因为平时素材准备不够,没有素材怎么能说的出内容。所以独立口语机经预测不仅要看题目,还要准备与题目相关的答题素材,准备了素材才知道该说些什么,答题时才不会显得非常空洞。比如,

2、“do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should not form close friendship with their employees.”你觉得老板应不应该和员工保持亲密的友谊关系?此时你应该开门见山,表明自己的观点,然后开始分述论点,还要举例论证,可以举朋友的例子,也可以举一些知名人士的例子,用自己平时积累合适素材嵌入到答案中。二. 卡时间使用托福独立口语机经预测时,要注意按照考试时间来练习。看到题目后,15秒构思答题套路,45秒回答,尽量不要超时,内容也不要说得太少。


4、方式describe the best way for you to deal with disagreement with your friend.托福口语范文一:托福口语task 1真题答案well, actually, people argue with each other about random and trivial stuff, like what food to eat, which movie to watch, stuff like that. i usually analyze the situation, and try to understand the real

5、cause of the disagreement. for example, i once argued about which movie to watch, and i wanted to watch action movie, however, my friend preferred comedy. after that, i get angry and really annoyed, but later, i realized the real cause of my anger was not about which movie to watch, and the real cau

6、se was that i have lots assignment due next week, and i couldnt stand that pressure, so i apologized to my friend, and we are still friends now.托福口语范文:学生使用智能手机的功能which of the following functions of smart phones most beneficial to students?1)taking photos2) listening to the music3)recording lectures托

7、福口语范文:sample answer:in my point of view, listening to music is most beneficial to students when they use their smart phones. because first, listening to the music is an effective way for students to relax themselves. it is the fact that nowadays students are quite busy with their schoolwork for nearly whole week. so in their limited spare time, many students tend to listen to some sweet music on their phones to release their stress from study, which allows them to forget their heavy study tasks for a little while. besides, music can please almost everyone, but not all


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