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1、Vocati on euLets go各级教材教学内容牛津少儿英语let o生词阅读量分析级 别生词数累计生词量阅读量累计阅读量1205205130613062256461208033863325786312565114472;12584231107425563182164001714266882509682023962总 计250923962Level 1歌曲/对话词汇语法发曰1The Hello SongClassroom objects & comma nds 命 令指令It is + nounAlphabet A-Z2Hi, How Are You?Colors, classroom

2、comma ndsIt is + adjectiveA, B, C3This Is My Frie ndClassroom objects & comma ndsPlural nounsD, E, F4The Family SongFamily, daily activities 活动PronounsG, H, I, J5The Happy Birthday SongToys, play activitiesIt is + adjective + nounK, L, M, N6How s the Weather?Weather, play activitiesPrepositi ons of

3、locati onO, P, Q, R7Peaches, Apples, & PlumsFood items, food verbsI want + nounS, T, U, V8What Do You Like?An imals, acti on verbsI like + nounW, X, Y, ZLevel 2歌曲/对话词汇语法发曰1The Hi SongReview of Level 1 vocabulary 词汇It is / They are + nounat, an, ap2What s the matter?Professions 职业,health & feelings代词

4、 Pronouns (sing. And pl.)ed, en, et3Teleph one Number SongHousehold objects and roomsLocation with there is / arein, it, ig4What s Wrong?Activities, sports & gamesAbility with can, cantog, op, un5The Spaghetti SongFood (cou ntable& un cou ntable)What questi ons with wantame, ake, ay6Whose Watch is T

5、hat?Pers onal everyday objectsY/N questi ons with haveeet, e, ear7What Time is It?Morning and eve ning activitiesWhat questi ons with doin e, ice, ite8What Are You Doi ng?Ongoing activitiesPresent continuous 现在进行 时one, o, ueLevel 3歌曲/对话词汇语法发曰1Where s Eddy?Rooms in a schoolWhere questi onscl, gl2Sue

6、Doesn t Have Any GlueClassroom materialsHave + noncount nouns 不可数名 词pl, bl3Busy, Busy, BusyDaily activities 日常活动What questi ons with dopr, br4Three Fiftee nTimes and daily activitiesWhen questi onstr, dr5Short ShortsClothes, descriptive adjectivesWhat + present continuous 现在 进行式cr, gr6The Bookstore

7、SongTransportation 交通工具,city locations 地占Where + prese nt con ti nuousfr, fl7Where Were You at Two?Playground equipment 操场器材一般过去式 Simple past + bech, sh8Where Did You Go?Places to visit, zoo ani malsSimple past + irreg. verbt, thLevel 4歌曲/对话词汇语法发曰1Hello, I m SamComparative adjectives 比较级Comparisons

8、比较级ail, ay2Jack s a MechanicOccupations 职业What, Where questi onsea, ee3How Was Camp?Outdoor activities 户外活动Past continuous过去进行时y, ie4When s Your Mother s Birthday?Birthday activitiesWhat questions with past 过 去式的特殊疑问句ow, aa5What Did You Do?III nesses, in door activitiesPast with regular verbs 动词 过去式

9、的规则变化ew, oo6Guess What?Sports, action prepositions 行动 介词Past with irregular verbsoil, oy7Do You Like To Go Swimmi ng?Chores 家务劳动,favorite activitieshave to vs. like toow, ou8What Do You Want to Do?Activities and future dreamsFuture going toau, awLevel 5歌曲/对话词汇语法发曰1She Wants to Be an Engin eerOccupat

10、i onsLike/wa nt + infin itivesn, sm2Whd s That Girl?Physical description: hair, eyesPrese nt vs. prese nt cont.sw, tw3The Weatherma n SongOutdoor activities and equipme ntFuture willsk, sch4A Crocodile is Bigger Than a FlyAn imalsComparative, superlativest, str5Last Summer, What Did You Do ?Seas ons

11、, seas onal activitiesPast vs. future going tosqu,qu6How Much Do You Wan t?Food, eat ing ute nsilsCount vs. non cou nt nounsspr,spl7How Old Were You?Childhood activitiesWhen clausesph, kn8Have You Ever Drive n a Taxi?Coun triesPrese nt perfectwh,wrLevel 6歌曲/对话词汇语法发曰1How Long Have You Known Him?Routi

12、 ne, ongoing activitiesHow long + pres. perf. cont.th, tch2This One s Good, That One s Better Sensory adjectivesGood, better, bestrm, r n3Whose Boots are These?Clothi ngPossessive pronounsrk, lk4The Farmer Brow n SongFarm an imalsWhy, becausert, lt5Should I Take My Umbrella?Gift itemsModal shouldrd,

13、 ld6If You Could Go Any whereCities of the worldCon diti onal + could, wouldnt, nd7I Couldn t Understand HimActivities, adverbs of mannerAdjectives of emoti onn k, i ng8The Goodbye SongCommon acti onsPhrasal verbs + shouldmb, mp上教版牛津英语教材与Let s Go教材比较级别项目上教版牛津英语教材Lets GoLevel 1生词数153205阅读量10401360Top

14、ic 主 题school, myself, autu mn, family,newyear, ani mals, colours, professi ons, birthday party, dinnergreeti ngs, classroom, family, birthday, age, toys, weather, outdoor activities; food and drink; favorite colors; animals(15)grammarLevel 2生词数217256阅读量11482080Topicmy liv ing place and area, tra nsp

15、ort, win ter, ani mals, water, summer, eat ing and drinking, timeclassroom objects, toys, ani mals, physical states, professi ons, addresses, telepho ne n umbers, household objects, rooms in a house, activities, abilities, food items, pers on al, everyday objects, time, parts of the body, locati ons

16、grammarcontin uous prese nt tense级别项目上海版牛津英语教材Lets GoLevel 3生词数235325阅读量26453125Topicgett ing to know you, my frie nds, feeli ngs, families, shopp ing, parks and playgrou nds, in sects and pla nts, using my five sen ses, ani mals I like, toys I like, people I like, no ise, the seas onsrooms in a sch

17、ool, n umbers, shapes, days of the week, freque ncy, adjectives, clothes, weather, places in a commu ni ty,transportation, countries, places to visit, playgrou nd equipme nt, n ature, day tripsgrammarSimple past tenseLevel 4生词数275472阅读量49524231TopicWhat are you? a new classmate, feeli ng, frie nds,

18、in the school, food, a class pic nic, on the farm, in the park, more sen ses, my pet, a busy family, colors and placesIntroductions, comparisons, occupations, places of work, ordinal n umbers, outdoor activities, mon ths, dates, com mon ill nesses, sports, physical activities, hobbies, household cho

19、resgrammarprese nt contin uous tensefuture tense级别项目上海版牛津英语教材Lets GoLevel5生词数321563阅读量58606400TopicCan 1 do this? food and objects, a birthday party, a day at school, lets go shopp ing, follow the sig ns, wild ani mals, use five sen ses, at home, animals in the zoo, weathercomparisons, occupations, physical appearanee, temperature, school subjects, seas onal activities, food items, childhood hopes and dreams, childhood milest on es, new and prior


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