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1、号位座_级班名姓2019-2019 学年第二学期期末测试卷四年级下册英语 译林版 (三起 )Listening Part(听力部分 )一、听 音, 片排序 (5 分)题二、听 音,将所听到的 或 的序号填入 前括号内。(10 分)() 1. A. lessonB. SundayC.subjects() 2. A. makeB.cakeC. class答()3.A.schoolB.subjectC.Science() 4. A. afterB. afternoonC. every要() 5. A. ThursdayB. TuesdayC. Saturday() 6. A. w

2、hat aboutB.what dayC. how much() 7. A. get upB. stand upC. get to不() 8. A. how manyB. how muchC. how about() 9. A. play footballB. play basketballC. play table tennis内() 10. A. a swimming lessonB. a dancing lessonC. a singing lesson三、听 音,将所听到的句子序号填入 前括号内。(10 分)线() 1.A. Welcome to my home.B. Welcome

3、to my school.C. Welcome to my class.订() 2.A. It s time for breakfast. B. It s time for PE.C. It s time for dinner.()3.A. I like English and Maths.B. I like English and Chinese.装C. I like English and Music.() 4.A.When do you get up?B.When do you have lunch?C.When do you go to school?() 5.A. It s Satu

4、rday. B. It s Thursday. C. It s Tuesday.四、听 音, 出正确的答句。(5 分)() 1. A. No, I don t.B. I like English.C. I don t like it.第 1页() 2. A.It Monday.B.Yes, it is.C.Yes, please.() 3.A.Thank you.B.Ok.C.Nice to see you, too.() 4.A.I have Maths and Music. B.They re in the bedroomC.Seven.() 5.They are on the sofa.

5、B.It s in the bedroom.C.At five.Writing Part ( 笔试部分 )五、英汉互译。( 10分)1.好主意!2. have dinner3.放学后4. at night5.踢足球6. in the morning7.回家8. go climbing9.去睡觉10. What a pity!六、选择填空。( 10 分)()1.Wang Binga football match.A. haveB. hasC. is()2.Let she party.A. goB. go forC. go to()3.Your coat is too big. Try _,ple

6、ase.A. thoseB. thisC. these()4.Herea glass offor you.来源 :A.is,juicesB.is, juiceC.are, juice()5._ jackets are these?A. Who sB. Whose s C. Whose() 6. We have four lessons _ the morning.A. atB. inC. on()7.Can you draw _ ?A. theyB. themC. our()8._ a nice jacket!A. WhoB. WhatC. How()9. It s hotsummer.A.

7、onB. inC.at()10. Hello,this is Yangyang_.A.speakB.speaksC. speaking第 2页七、圈出所给单词适当形式。(10 分)1.This is _ ( we / our) timetable.2.I like _ ( run / running).3. How many _ ( mango/mangoes) do we have?4. It s Sunday. We _ ( have /done) anylessonsthav.5. Mary can(make/ makes) a cake.八、选择适当的应答句,将其序号填入括号内。(10

8、 分)()1.Look at my new jacket.A.I like PE and English.()2.It s twelve o. clockB.We have Music and Science.()3.What subjects do you like?C.OK. Let s go.()4.Do you like Maths?D.It s on the desk.()5.What lessons do you have this afternoon? E.Yes ,I do.()6.Let s go to school now.F.Nice to meet you.()7.Wh

9、en do you play the guitar?G.I can see some trees.()8.Where s my new timetable?H.It s time for lunch.()9.What can you see in the picture?I.How nice!()10.This is our new teacher, Mr Li.J.At three forty.九、连词成句。 (10 分 )1. go,the,us, library,to,let,(. )2. has,a,singing,Helen,lesson,today(.)3. do,you,how,

10、many, music, have, books (? )4. don t,we, any,have, morning,lessons,this,PE( . )5. my,are,under,shoes,the,bed( .)十、阅读理解。( 10 分)At a snack barDad: What would you like ?Su Hai: I m hungry. I d like a pie.Dad: What about you, Su Yang ?Su Yang: I m not hungry. I m thirsty. I d like some orange juice.Ass

11、istant(服务员) : Sorry, there s no orange juice. Would you like some apple juice ?Su Yang: No, I don t like apple juice. Can I have some water ?Assistant: Ok. What about you, sir ?第 3页Dad: I d like some noodles and a cup of coffee.Assistant: Ok.Dad: How much are they ?Assistant: Forty yuan.Dad: Here yo

12、u are.Assistant: Thank you very much.()1. Where are they now ?A. At schoolB. In a shop.C. At a snack bar. 来源 :学_科_网()2. Is Su Hai hungry ?A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isn t.C. Yes, she isn t.()3. How much are they ?A. Fifty yuan.B. Forty-five yuan.C. Forty yuan.()4. Does Su Yang like apple juice ?A. No

13、, she doesnB.t.Yes, she does.C. I don t know我不.(知道 )()5. What does Su Yang have at last(最终 ) ?A. Some orange juice.B. Some water.C. Some apple juice.十一、书面表达。( 10 分)请描述我的一天,以My day 为题。(不少于5 句话)_2019-2019 学年第二学期期末测试卷四年级下册英语 译林版 (三起 )听力原文:一、听录音,给图片排序听两遍1、 I like Art.2、 I have five lessons on Tuesday.3、

14、 It is Thursday.4、 I am good at Chinese.5、 I don t go to school on Saturday.第 4页二、听录音,将所听到的单词或词组的序号填入题前括号内。1.Sunday2.Class3. Science4. afternoon5.Saturday6.what day7. get up8. how many9.play football10.a swimming lesson三、听录音,将所听到的句子序号填入题前括号内。1. Welcome to my home.2. It s time for PE.3. I like Englis

15、h and Music.4. When do you go to school?5. It s Thursday.四、听录音,选出正确的答句。1.What subject do you like?2.What day is it today?3.Nice to see you.4.What lessons do you have?5.When do you get up every day?参考答案Listening Part (听力部分 )一、( 3 5 1 2 4)二、 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C6.B 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A三、 1.A2.B3.C4. C5. B四

16、、 1.B2. A3.C4.A5. CWriting Part ( 笔试部分 )五、 1. Good idea!2. 吃晚餐3.after school4.在夜晚5. play football6.在早上7.go home8.去爬山9.go to bed10.真遗憾!六、 1.B2.C3.B4.B5.C6.B7.B8.B9.B10.D七、 1. our2.running3. mangoes4. don t have5. make第 5页九、 help,some, How many, kilos, are八、 1.I2.H3.A4.E5.B6.C7.J8.D9.G10.F九、 1. Let us go to the library.2. Helen has a singing lesson today.3.How many music books do you have?4.We dont have any PE lessons this morning.5.My shoes are under the bed.十、 1.C2.A3 .C4. A5.B十一、参考答案:I get up at seven ,I usua


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