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1、Unit 6 Im going to study computer science,Section B Period One,Objectives,To review the sentence patterns about future intentions,To learn to make new years resolutions with the phrases,What are you going to do next year? Im going to How are you going to do ,A B C,I want to be a _. Im going to _,vio

2、linist,practice really hard,I want to be a _. Im going to _,pianist,take piano lessons,I want to be a soccer player. Im going to _,make the soccer team,I want to be an _. Im going to _,finish high school and go to a university,engineer,To learn to make New Years resolutions with the phrases,resoluti

3、on New Years resolution team make the soccer team foreign get lots of exercise eat healthier food learn to play the piano get good grades,决定 新年决心 队;组 组建足球队 外国的 多锻炼 吃更健康的食物 学弹钢琴 取得好成绩,预习检测:我会读,我会认, 我会写用英语说出、读出 P43出现的单词和词组,resolution New Years resolution team make the soccer team foreign get lots of e

4、xercise eat healthier food learn to play the piano get good grades,决定 新年决心 队;组 组建足球队 外国的 多锻炼 吃更健康的食物 学弹钢琴 取得好成绩,A:What are you going to do next year? B:Im going to,Look and learn,take guitar lessons,learn to play the piano,make the soccer team,learn a foreign language,A:What are you going to do next

5、 year? B:Im going to,Lead in,eat healthier food,get good grades,get a lot of exercise,New Years resolutions,1. learn to play the piano 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food 5. get lots of exercise,1,2,5,4,3,1a,Next year, Im going to,把图画和文中的“新年计划”匹配 起来,在图画上标上1-5的顺序,A: What

6、are you going to do next year? B: Well, Im going to take guitar lessons. I really love music. A: Sounds interesting. Im going to learn another foreign language. B: Are you? Great! But foreign languages are not for me,1b,合作学习,1. learn to play the piano 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. ea

7、t healthier food 5. get lots of exercise,告诉你的同桌你明年准备做什么,学习要求: 1)1号和3号 2号和4号练习 2)全班展示,1C,合作学习,1.仔细看图,组内讨论,回答问题,1) What are they doing,They are talking,2) What are they talking about,Maybe they are talking about their New Years resolutions,T: Yes, next lets listen to the tape! You will hear Lucy, Kim,

8、 and Mike Talking about their New Years resolutions. Circle the resolutions you hear in 1a,learn to play the piano make the soccer team get good grades eat healthier food get lots of exercise,听1c的听力,在1a中圈出你所听到的新年计划,1c,自主学习,独立完成,组内互查,限时2分钟,1d,听1d,听出Lucy, Kim and Mike是准备怎么样去做来实现他们的新年计划的,Shes going to

9、_ and _ every day,Hes going to practice really hard, and this summer hes going to _,自主学习,独立完成,组内互查,限时2分钟,take piano lessons,study hard,do her homework,a soccer camp,1e,become stronger,get a lot exercise,take piano lessons,be a musician,合作学习,两人一组,交流展示,列举一系列其它的计划和决定,你准备让它怎么样实现,然后跟你的组员进行讨论,A: I want to

10、 be a teacher. B: How are you going to do that? A: Well, Im going to study hard and get good grades. B: Sounds like a good plan. I want to get a lot of exercise,1. 他明年要组织一支足球队,Hes going to make the soccer team next year,2. 她下个月要吃更健康的食物并多锻炼身体,She is going to eat healthier food and get a lot of exerci

11、se next month,Translate and write them down,3. 明年我要上钢琴课,Im going to take piano lessons next year,4. -你打算怎样成为一名篮球运动 员? -我打算努力练习打篮球。 -How are you going to become a basketball player? - Im going to pracitice playing basketball really hard,5. -你要怎样成为一位老师? - 我会努力学习,取得好成绩,How are you going to become a teacher? - Im going to study hard and get good grades,Make up a dialogue to talk abo


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