1、Linux下安装FreeRDP,连接 Windows远程桌面的好软件软件偶尔也玩一下Linux,发现Linux下没有类似微软远程桌面的东西,当然可以安装 VNC ,但是VNC却不能连 Windows的远程桌面,网上说可以用RDesktop,但又评论说 RDesktop连接Windows机器太慢了,微软有专门为 MAC系统的RDP客户端,却没看到 Linux下专 用的,一直想找一个好用的能连远程桌面的软件,偶然在网上看到了 FreeRDP,编译安装后,果然好用。文档是记录整个安装过程的,备忘!官方网站:/安装完后运行的命令是:xfreerdp 192.1
2、68.1.101 -u admi nistrator -p 123功能说明(摘自百度快照):1、连接机器ip地址是 01,2、 登录远程机的账户密码是:-u admi nistrator -p 1233、 使用全屏浏览:-f4、把本地的/media/folder目录共享给远程机,其中disk:后面先接远程机的用户名,然后才是本地目录路径:-plugin rdpdr -data disk:administrator:/media/folder注意的事项:1、 从远程机的全屏切换回来的快捷键是:ctrl+alt+e nter2、 在挂载了共享给远程机的目录后,远程机的ip地址
3、前面有一个空格,然后才是双短横一,而其他地方的双短横都是紧接命令的。3、 为了不每次输入这么长的一段命令,可以写入.bashrc中(仅对当前环境有效),alias myconn= comma nd4、更多的使用方法,请参考官方文档。以下为安装FreeRDP的整个过程:(加粗为手工输入的命令,其它内容可能因环境不同会有差异)rootl1:/home/acai# git clone /FreeRDP/FreeRDP.git In itialized empty Git repository in /home/acai/test/FreeRDP/.git/ remo
4、te: Counting objects: 13995, done.remote: Compressi ng objects: 100% (3677/3677), don e.remote: Total 13995 (delta 10439), reused 13797 (delta 10290)Receivi ng objects: 100% (13995/13995), 5.46 MiB | 11 KiB/s, done.Resolvi ng deltas: 100% (10439/10439), done.rootl1:/home/acai# cd FreeRDProotl1:/home
5、/acai/FreeRDP# apt-get install build-essential git-core cmake libssl-dev Iibx11-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxdamage-dev libxv-dev libxkbfile-dev libasound2-dev libcups2-devRead ing package lists. DoneBuildi ng depe ndency treeRead ing state in formati on Done build-esse ntial i
6、s already the n ewest version, git-core is already the n ewest version, libssl-dev is already the n ewest version. libx11-dev is already the n ewest version. libxext-dev is already the n ewest vers ion. libxext-dev set to manu ally in stalled.libx in erama-dev is already the n ewest version.libx in
7、erama-dev set to manu ally in stalled. libxcursor-dev is already the n ewest version. libxcursor-dev set to manu ally in stalled. libxdamage-dev is already the n ewest version. libxdamage-dev set to man ually in stalled.libaso un d2-dev is already the n ewest version. The followi ng extra packages w
8、ill be in stalled: cmake-data emacse n-com mon x11proto-video-dev The followi ng NEW packages will be in stalled: cmake cmake-data emacse n-com mon libcups2-dev libxkbfile-dev libxv-dev x11proto-video-dev 0 upgraded, 7 n ewly in stalled, 0 to remove and 73 not upgraded.Need to get 7,132kB of archive
9、s.After this operati on, 18.4MB of additi onal disk space will be used.Do you want to con ti nue Y/n? yrootl1:/home/acai/FreeRDP# apt-get install libavutil-dev libavcodec-devRead ing package lists. DoneBuildi ng depe ndency treeRead ing state in formati on. DoneSuggested packages:libfaad-dev libogg-
10、dev libschroedi nger-dev libspeex-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libraw1394-devlibdc1394-22-devThe followi ng NEW packages will be in stalled: libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev0 upgraded, 2 n ewly in stalled, 0 to remove and 73 not upgraded.Need to get 2,326kB of archives.After this operati on, 6,558kB
11、of additi onal disk space will be used.rootl1:/home/acai/FreeRDP# apt-get install Iibcunit1-dev libdirectfb-dev xmlto doxygen libxtst-devRead ing package lists. DoneBuildi ng depe ndency treeRead ing state in formati on Donelibdirectfb-dev is already the n ewest version, libdirectfb-dev set to manu
12、ally in stalled.The followi ng extra packages will be in stalled:dblatex doc-base libc un it1 libfreezethaw-perl libmldbm-perl libuuid-perl preview-latex-style texlive-bibtex-extratexlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-extra-doc texlive-math-extra texlive-pictures texlive-pictures-doc x11proto-record-dev
13、Suggested packages:docbook latex-cJk-all ope nsp texlive-la ng-cyrillic texlive-xetex tran sfig doxyge n-doc doxyge n-gui libc un it1-doctexpower xmltexThe followi ng NEW packages will be in stalled:dblatex doc-base doxyge n libc un it1 libc un it1-dev libfreezethaw-perl libmldbm-perl libuuid-perl l
14、ibxtst-dev preview-latex-style texlive-bibtex-extra texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-extra-doc texlive-math-extra texlive-pictures texlive-pictures-doc x11proto-record-dev xmlto0 upgraded, 18 n ewly in stalled, 0 to remove and 73 not upgraded.Need to get 230MB of archives.After this operati on, 360
15、MB of additi onal disk space will be used.Do you want to con ti nue Y/n? yrootl1:/home/acai/FreeRDP# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=De bug -DWITH_SSE2=ON .-Con figuri ng done-Gen erat ing done-Build files have bee n writte n to: /home/acai/FreeRDProotl1:/home/acai/FreeRDP# makeNote: Writ ing xfreerdp.1100
16、% Built target xfreerdp.ma npagemake installcd /etc/ld.so.conf.drootl1:/home/acai/FreeRDP# rootl1:/home/acai/FreeRDP# rootl1:/etc/ld.so.conf.d# Isafflib.co nfGL.co nflibaso un d2.c onf vmware-tools-libraries.c onffreerdp.c onfi486-l inu x-g nu.conflibc.c onf rootl1:/etc/ld.so.conf.d# vi freerdp.conf
17、#写入并保存#/usr/local/lib/freerdp#/usr/local/librootl1:/etc/ld.so.conf.d# cat freerdp.conf/usr/local/lib/freerdp/usr/local/lib rootl1:/etc/ld.so.conf.d# which xfreerdp/usr/local/bi n/xfreerdprootl1:/etc/ld.so.conf.d# cd /usr/local/binrootl1:/usr/local/bin# xfreerdpxfreerdp: error while loadi ng shared l
18、ibraries: libfreerdp-core.so.1.0: cannot ope n shared obJect file: No such file or directory rootl1:/usr/local/bin# ldconfigrootl1:/usr/local/bin# ls -l /usr/local/bin | grep xfreerdp-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 788141 2012-03-15 12:28 xfreerdprootl1:/usr/local/bin# which xfreerdp/usr/local/bi n/xfreerdprootl1:/usr/local/bin# ls /usr/local/lib/freerdp/audi n_alsa.so disk.soprin ter.so rdpdr.soserial.sotsmf.s
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