1、中高级口译翻译补充练习一 保温瓶的清洁与保养:第一次使用之前,将保温瓶清洗、冲净并擦干。使用之后,必须将保温瓶倒空。在水中加入苏打粉或洗洁精,用手清洗。使用瓶刷,使保温瓶的里面得到彻底清洁。二 相关提示:1. 用热水对保温瓶进行预热(或用凉水预凉),可增进保温效果。勿在微波炉、烤箱或冰箱内使用保温瓶。2. 不可在保温瓶内存放碳酸饮料。因为此种饮料在瓶内会产生压力,将瓶塞顶出。The rapidly-changing Shanghai is a driving force/propeller/engine of Chinas economy. A case in point/a typical
2、example is the Lu Jiazui Finance and Trade Zone in the Pudong New Area which has turned itself to an international financial center represented by Shanghai Securities Exchange and the seats of many international financial institutions, hotels and conference centers since its establishment in the 199
3、0s under the visionary guidance of the Chinese government. With 101 floors above ground level and soaring into a height of 492m, Shanghai World Financial Center is located in the center of the zone. Reflecting a concept of vertical integrated city, SWFC serves as a platform where people can share in
4、formation and get absolute safety and enjoy warm-hearted service. Key for Reference:Cleaning and maintenance of thermos/vacuum bottle/flaskWash,rinse and dry the vacuum flask before using it for the first time. Always empty the vacuum flask after use. Wash it by hand, adding soda powder or washing-u
5、p liquid/detergent to water. Use a bottle brush to make sure the inside is thoroughly cleaned.Good to know/Notice/Tips:1. Pre-heating the flask with hot water or cooling it with cold water will improve its performance. Never use a vacuum flask in a microwave oven, baking oven or refrigerator/freezer
6、. 2. Do not keep carbonated/soda beverages/soft drinks in the flask, for the pressure it generates can push the cork out.根据中华人民共和国物权法、中华人民共和国土地管理法、中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法、上海市房地产登记条例等有关法律、法规的规定,为保护土地使用权人、房屋所有权人的合法权益、对权利人申请登记的土地、房屋及其他附着物,经审核,准予登记,颁发此证。In accordance with/In (the) light of/In reference to/On th
7、e principle of/According to/Based on the Property Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Law of Land Administration of the Peoples Republic of China, the Law of Urban Real Estate Administration of the Peoples Republic of China, Shanghai Regulations for Real Estate Registration and other relevant
8、laws and regulations, to protect the legal rights and interests of the owner of land-use rights and the house property, registration is hereby granted and this certificate is hereby given to such owner for the land, house and other appurtenances listed in this registration application after the due
9、examination and verification. 在香港2009东亚运动会闭幕典礼上的致辞民政事务局局长 曾德成2009年12月13日Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Gamesby the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing13 December 2009连日来,香港市民同各地来宾一起见证了各个国家和地区的健儿在比赛中奋勇拚搏,展现了不屈不挠的斗志及良好的体育风尚,为东亚运谱写了辉煌的篇章,将竞技体育演绎为团结共融的盛会,冲破了国籍、
10、政治、宗教及语言的隔阂。东亚运不仅成为国际体坛盛事,亦是东亚地区人民建立友谊和文化交流的平台。Since the commencement of the Games, friends across boundaries have come together to witness the legendary moments of the Games. All our athletes have competed fairly and done their best, displaying strong determination, great perseverance and true spor
11、tsmanship. You have created the proudest moment of the Games and shown us the unifying power of sport by overriding national, political, religious and language barriers. A tremendous spirit of friendship has also been clearly evident throughout the Games. The exemplary participation of you all has p
12、romoted the spirit of solidarity. The Games have become an important event on the international sports calendar as well as a platform for friendship and cultural exchanges across the region.Over the past successive days, citizens of Hong Kong, together with distinguished guests worldwide, have witne
13、ssed the athletes from all parts of Asia compete vigorously, demonstrate an unyielding spirit and true sportsmanship. Their performance has created a brilliant chapter for the 2009 East Asian Games and turned the game into a great gathering that crosses over nationality, politics, religion and langu
14、age. The Games is not only an international sports event, but a platform for friendship and cultural exchanges in the East Asian region. 相信大家和我一样,对于去年香港参与奥运圣火传递,以及协办奥运马术项目时的盛况,仍然记忆犹新。今年,我们再接再励,主办另一项大型体坛盛事香港2009东亚运动会。适逢今年是中华人民共和国建国六十周年,一息间展开的火炬接力,将具有双重意义,为庆祝国庆和迎接东亚运揭开序幕。This year marks the 60th anniv
15、ersary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China a significant milestone for our nation. Adding to the festivities, Hong Kong will host the 2009 East Asian Games in December. That makes todays Torch Relay doubly significant it is both a celebratory event for the National Anniversary and a pre
16、lude to the Games.过去六十年,国家发展取得显著成就。去年北京成功主办奥运,便是其中一个有力证明,香港亦有幸参与其中。今年十二月,香港特区将首次以东道主身份,主办东亚运这项国际大型综合运动会。这将是历来最大规模的东亚运动会,预计有近3,000名来自东亚9个地区及国家的体坛精英,竞逐22个运动项目、共262 项赛事的金牌。Over the past sixty years, our nation has made remarkable strides in many areas including the economy, science, culture and sports.
17、 The Beijing Olympics last year with Hong Kong as a co-host city was a resounding success. Hong Kong will rise to the challenge again by hosting the largest ever EAG. Close to 3 000 athletes from nine countries and territories will compete for 262 gold medals across 22 sports.饮酒陶渊明结庐在人境,而无车马喧。问君何能尔,
18、心远地自偏。采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。Drinking wineTao Qiantranslated by Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲)In peoples haunt I build my cot;Of wheels and hoofs noise I hear not.How can it leave on me no trace?Secluded heart makes secluded place.I pick fence-side asters at will;Carefree I see the southern hill.The
19、 mountain airs fresh day and night;Together birds go home in flight.What revelation at this view?Words fail if I try to tell you.Drinking WineTao QianI made my home amidst this human bustle,Yet I hear no clamor from the carts and horses.My friend, you ask me how this can be so?A distant heart will t
20、end towards like places.From the eastern hedge, I pluck chrysanthemum flowers,And idly look towards the southern hills.The mountain air is beautiful day and night,The birds fly back to roost with one another.I know that this must have some deeper meaning,I try to explain, but cannot find the words.D
21、rinkingTao Qiantranslated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie(杨宪益,戴乃迭)Within the world of men I make my home,Yet din of horse and carriage there is none;You ask me how this quiet is achievedWith thoughts remote the place appears alone.While picking asters neath the Eastern fenceMy gaze upon the Southern m
22、ountain rests;The mountain views are good by day or night,The birds come flying homeward to their nests.A truth in this reflection lies concealed,But I forget how it may be revealed.清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。 Days around Qingming are featured by heavy rains, move sorrowfully along the way the
23、pedestrians; I want to know where a tavern lies, A shepherd boy points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms. Fueled -Marcie HansFueled by a million man-made wings of fire,the rocket tore a tunnel through the sky,and everybody cheered;Fueled only by a thought from God,the seedling urg
24、ed its way through the thickness of black,and as it pierced the heavy ceiling of the soil,and launched itself up into outer space,no one even clapped. 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传
25、过荷塘的那边去了。叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。叶子底下是脉脉的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色;而叶子却更见风致了。As far as eye could see, the pool with its winding margin was covered with trim leaves, which rose high out of the water like the flared skirts of dancing girls. And starring these tiers of leaves were white lotus flowers, alluring
26、ly open or bashfully in bud, like glimmering/glistening pearls, stars in an azure sky, or beauties fresh from the bath. The breeze carried past gusts of fragrance/aroma/scent/smell/flavor, like the strains of a song faintly heard from a far-off tower. And leaves and blossoms trembled slightly, while
27、 in a flash the scent was carried away. As the closely serried leaves bent, a tide of opaque emerald could be glimpsed. That was the softly running water beneath, hidden from sight, its colour invisible, though the leaves looked more graceful than ever.月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里。叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一
28、样;又像笼着轻纱的梦。虽然是满月,天上却有一层淡淡的云,所以不能朗照;但我以为这恰是到了好处酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的。月光是隔了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的斑驳的黑影,峭楞楞如鬼一般;弯弯的杨柳的稀疏的倩影,却又像是画在荷叶上。塘中的月色并不均匀;但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏着的名曲。Moonlight cascaded like water over the lotus leaves and flowers, and a light blue mist floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or
29、 caught in a gauzy dream. Though the moon was full, a film of pale clouds in the sky would not allow its rays to shine through brightly; but I felt this was all to the good - though refreshing sleep is indispensable, short naps have a charm all their own. As the moon shone from behind them, the dens
30、e/density trees on the hills threw checkered shadows, dark forms loomed like devils, and the sparse/sparsely-populated, graceful shadows of willows seemed painted on the lotus leaves. The moonlight on the pool was not uniform, but light and shadow made up a harmonious rhythm like a beautiful tune pl
31、ayed on a violin.中国政府已经决定减缓近年大学生人数爆炸性增长的步伐。政府认为大学生人数增长已带来了校园扩张、教师工作超负荷以及毕业生无法找到合适的工作等一系列问题。大学生过剩是近年来中国经济高速增长带来的一系列负面问题之一。教育部高等教育研究中心专家指出:“希望接受高等教育的社会期待已经变得非常高。”Now the number of university students is 5 times as many as that of 1998, and the total number of university students has exceeded 23 millio
32、n. The effort of the government in raising the education level of the whole nation has benefited China a lot in its process of modernization and economic reform and enhanced our competitiveness in international arena. With the growing maturity of Chinas economy and the popularity of high education,
33、university graduates, at present, are likely to face the problem of unemployment, and university diploma is no longer a guarantee of permanent employment. 现在中国的大学生人数是1998年的5倍,各地大学生人数总计超过2300万。政府提高全民受教育程度的努力令中国经济不断成熟,高等教育越来越普及,现在大学生反而更容易面临失业的困境。大学文凭不在是铁饭碗的保证。The Chinese government has decided to slow
34、 down the explosive growth of the number of college and university students. The government maintains that the increase of the number of college and university students has resulted in a series of problems featuring the expansion of campus, overloaded work for teachers and university graduates failu
35、re to get proper employment. The surplus of university students has become one of negative problems with the result of rapid development of Chinas economy. Experts from the research center of high education under the Ministry of Education have pointed out that the social expectation for high educati
36、on has been growing high. 中华民族的传统文化博大精深,源远流长。早在2000多年前,就产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道家学说,以及其他许多也在中国思想史上有地位的学说和学派。这就是有名的诸子百家。The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course. More than 2,000 years ago there emerged in China Confucianism represented
37、by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism, represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theories and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought, all being covered by the famous term, the masters hundred schools.从孔夫子到孙中山,中华民族的传统文化有它的许多珍品,许多人民性和民主性的好东西。比如,强调仁爱、强调群体、强调天下为公,特别是“天
38、下兴亡,匹夫有责”的爱国情操和吃苦耐劳、勤俭持家、尊师重教的传统美德。所有这些,对家庭、对国家和社会都起到了巨大的维系和调节作用。From Confucius to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the traditional Chinese culture presents/processes/inherits/manifests/embodies many precious populist and democratic ideas and qualities/relics. For example/for instance, they lay stress on/attach gre
39、at importance to/highlight/emphasis on/stress the importance of kindness/benevolence and love in human relations, (on) the interest of the community, and (on) the idea that the world is for all, especially (on) patriotism as embodied/represented by in the saying, everybody is responsible for the ris
40、e or fall of the country; and long suffering and hard working diligence and austerity/thrift/frugality in household management, and respecting teachers and valuing education. All this/these has/have played a great role in binding and regulating the family, the country and the society.E-C translation
41、:An Englishman who had just landed in China entered a restaurant to appease the pangs of hunger. Unfortunately he knew no Chinese and the waiter knew no English; so they were both thrown on mother wit. The Chinaman articulated “Bowwow”, to which John Bull moved his head from right to left. Then the
42、waiter said “Quack, quack!” to which the customer moved his head from sky to earth, and the inner man was soon satisfied. 一个刚到中国的英国人,因为肚子饿得发慌,就走进了一家餐厅用食物充饥。不凑巧的是他不懂汉语,餐馆的服务员也不会英语,所以他们只好都靠天生的机智来交谈了。服务员先是“汪汪”叫了两声,约翰连忙摇头。于是那个中国人“嘎嘎”支了两声,客人闻声直点头,这才使自己的谓享用了顿饱餐。 A kidney oozed blood out on the willow-patt
43、ern dish: the last. He stood by the next-door girl at the counter. Would she buy it too, calling the items from a slip in her hands? Chapped: washing soda. And a pound and a half of Dennys sausages. His eyes rested on her vigorous hips. Woods his name is. Wonder what he does. Wife is oldish. New Blo
44、od. No followers allowed.柳条盘内的猪腰子血淋淋的:就这一个了。隔壁的女孩站在柜台前,她会不会也买猪腰子?她手拿购物单,正一一点出她所要采购的东西。她的手很粗糙,可能是洗衣服洗的。她还要了一磅半丹尼斯香肠。一个男人站在女孩身边,双眼一直盯着女孩那性感的臀部。那个男人就是伍兹。想想他会干什么。他一定是在另寻新欢,因为他老婆岁数不小了。别的男人谁都别想靠近那女孩。The grocery store which gave us credit is still there, and there can be no doubt that it is still giving cr
45、edit. Overshadowed by supermarkets, it still wins peoples affection. The last time I passed by, the Jewish proprietor was still standing among shelves, looking sadder and heavier but scarcely any older. Farther down the block stands the shoe-repair store in which our shoes were repaired until repara
46、tion became impossible and in which, then we bought all our new ones. The Negro proprietor is still in the window, head down, working at the leather.So far, fears that genetically modified, pest-resistant crops might kill good insects as well as bad appear unfounded.到目前为止,我们所担心的是转基因抗虫害作物不仅杀死那些益虫还会杀死
47、那些未被发现的害虫。到目前为止,那种对转基因抗虫害作物不仅杀死害虫还会杀死益虫的担忧看来并无事实根据。到目前为止,人们担心转基因抗虫害作物不仅杀死害虫还会杀死益虫,但这些担心看来并无事实根据。有人担心转基因抗虫害作物在杀死害虫的同时也可能杀死益虫,到目前为止,这种担心似乎没什么确实的根据。Genetically modified, virus-resistant crops can reduce that damage, as can drought-tolerant seeds in regions where water shortages limit the amount of land
48、 under cultivation. 转基因抗病毒作物可以减少这种损失,同样,在可耕地面积因缺水而受到限制的地区,抗干旱种子也能起到这种作用。转基因抗病毒作物可以减少这种损失,就像在一些由于缺水造成耕地面积受限的地区的抗干旱种子发挥的作用一样。转基因抗病毒作物可以减少这种损失,就像在一些由于缺水造成耕地面积受限的地区种植抗干旱种子一样。 Especially in counties with undeveloped transport infrastructures, geography restricts food availability as dramatically as genet
49、ics promises to improve it. 在运输设施落后的国家,这种情况尤为严重。地理条件对食物供给的限制正如遗传学为食物供给带来的希望一样大。在运输设施落后的国家,这种情况尤为严重。地理条件对食物供给带来的限制和遗传学为食物供给带来的希望一样大/显著。在运输设施落后的国家,这种情况尤为严重。遗传学为食物供给带来的希望很大,同样,地理条件对食物供给的限制也很大。在运输设施落后的国家,这种情况尤为严重。地理条件严重地限制了食物的供给,其程度不亚于遗传学为食物供给带来的希望。They are aware that there is a difference between being
50、 loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. 他们很清楚,惹人喜爱和博人敬爱,生而愚笨和行为鲁莽,满腹经纶和举止明智,这些都是截然不同的。 他们清楚地意识到装有爱心和真心付出爱心,表现出愚蠢和真的做出傻事,以及表现出学富五车之状和真正做出有才华的事之间的区别。他们明白,爱与装爱、傻与装傻、博学和装博学之间是有区别的。 Comparative StructureAmericans carry with
51、them an appearance which is more a result of attitude than of clothing.美国人所呈现出的外表,与其说是衣着所致还不如说是观念所致。My upbringing had been more that of a wild boy than that of a young lady.我早年所受的教育,使我不大像一个娇小姐,倒很像一个野孩子。He could no more be a valet than he could be a stockbroker or a wire-walker.仆人的活他干不了,就像他当不了证卷经纪人,也
52、走不了钢丝一样。The greatness of a people is no more determined by their number than the greatness of a man is determined by his height.一个民族的伟大不取决于其人口多少,正如一个人的伟大不取决于他的身高。Four-character StructureIt was late and every one had left the caf except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made aga
53、inst the electric light.夜深了,顾客都离开了小餐馆,只有一个老人(只剩老人一个)还坐在被枝叶挡住了灯光的树荫里。夜深了,在灯光的照射下,树影婆娑。顾客都离开了小餐馆,只有一个老人还坐在树影里。 Changing Way of ExpressionThey will perhaps be slower to make commitments.也许他们不会急于作出承诺。She lost her voice.她的嗓子哑了(她失声了?)I dont think he would help Tom. 我觉得他不会帮汤姆的。 We did not like him other than he is now。我们就喜欢他现在这个样子。We cannot be
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- 阿奇霉素与妇科千金胶囊联合用药应用于慢性附件炎作用分析
- 腹腔引流管护理技术操作规程及评分标准
- 少年管乐团管理制度
- 中学生睡眠质量研究性学习报告
- 酒店水单账单范本
- 《思想道德与法治》第三章
- 空压机(储气罐)日常安全检查表
- 桥梁预应力结构张拉压浆智能化施工成套技术
- 谐波减速器仿真优化
- 11 我是一只小虫子(第二课时一等奖创新教案)
- 压力容器年度检查表
- 2023-2024学年湖北省洪湖市初中语文九年级下册期末通关试题