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1、九年级英语复习被动语态和动词不定式作主语的用法人教朗文版【同步教育信息 】一 . 本周教学内容:复 被 和 不定式作主 的用法被 属于中考中 掌握的内容,特 是一般 在 ,一般 去 以及 有情 的被 。英 有两种 :主 和被 。主 表示主 是 作的 行者,被 表示主 是 作的承受者。 构:被 由助 be及物 的 去分 构成。在被 中也有各种 ,而 的 化是由助 be 的 化来决定的, 去分 不 。肯定句:主 助 be 去分 by否定句:主 助 be + not + p.p. + by一般疑 句:Be + 主 去分 by ?特殊疑 句:疑 be主 去分 by ?以 teach 例:肯定句:I a

2、m一般现在时:He / She istaughtWe / You / They areI was一般过去时:He / She wastaughtWe / You / They were否定句:Iam一 般 现 在 时 :H e / S h e i sn o t t a u g h tW e /Y o u/T h e y a r eIw a s一 般 过 去 时 :He / She wasnot taughtWe / You / They were疑 句及 略回答:一般 在 :A m II s h e/s h et a u g h t?A r e w /e y o u/t h e yYes, I

3、 am.No, I am not.Yes, he / she is.用心爱心专心No, he / she isn t.Yes, we / they are.No, we / they aren t.一般过去时:W a s /Ih e/ sh eW e r ew/e y o u/ t h e yt au g h t ?Yes, I / he /she was.No, I / he / she wasn t.Yes, we / they were.No, we / they weren t.情态动词:must肯定句: I / He / She / We canbe taughtYou/ Theym

4、ay否定句: I / He / She/ Wemustntcantbe taughtYou / Theymay not疑问句及简略回答:IM u s/t C a n/ M a y He / Shebe taughtWe / you / theyYes, I /she / he / we / you /they must / can / may.No, I/ he /she / we /you / they mustn t/ can t / may not.请同学们记住以下几点:被动语态的用法:A. 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时。B. 只需要强调动作的承受者时。e

5、.g. This bridge is made of stone.这座桥是由石头建成的。The telephone is made in Guangdong.电话是在广东制造的。主动语态变成被动语态的方法:1. 将原句中的主语变成宾语。2.谓语动词改为被动形式: be +p.p3.原句的主语如果有必要存在,要放在by 的后面,没有必要存在就可以省略。用心爱心专心e. g.M rS m i t ht e a c h e sE n g l i s h主 谓语宾语被 :Englishis taughtby Mr Smith主 (被 构)主 被 的几种情况:1. 原句有一个 , 构是:主 被 的方法

6、就要按照例句:The workers built many houses.Many houses were built( by the workers )2. 当原句中有两个 ,我 可以用两种方法。e.g. Sarah gave me a nice kite.I was given a nice kite by Sarah.A nice kite was given to me by Sarah.3. 当原句中含有 足 , 成被 , 足 不 。e.g. The teacher told Mary to open the window.Mary was told to open the wind

7、ow( by the teacher)The boss made them do the work quickly.They were made to do the work quickly.注意: 可以分 及物 和不及物 。及物 才可以有被 ,不及物 没有被 。而不及物 加上副 或介 后,如果能相当于一个及物 的作用,就可以有被 。e.g.Mrs King takes care of the books in the library.The books are taken care of by Mrs King in the library.不是所有的主 句都可以 成被 的句子。A. 当 是

8、表示状 的 ,如:leave, reach, enter, have 等等。e.g. David usually leaves home at eight every morning.B. 当 是反身代 。e.g. The students enjoyed themselves in the party yesterday.C. 有些短 相当于不及物 的作用 ,没有被 。e.g. take place 生, 化 生在某地或某 Great changes have taken place in Tianjin in the past ten years.在 去的十年中天津 生了巨大 化。 同学

9、将下列句子 成被 。1. We plant trees in spring.2. They sell a lot of things in the small shop.3. He drew a horse on the wall.4. The boys played football just now.5. You must put your bike over there.6. His son can use the computer now.7. Grandma may keep these books for two weeks.8. She needn t tie sticks to

10、 the big trees.9. The twins should took after their younger brother well.用心爱心专心Key:1. Trees are planted ( by us) in spring.2. A lot of things are sold in the small shop.3. A horse was drawn on the wall.4. Football was played by the boys just now.5. Your bike must be put over there.6. The computer ca

11、n be used by his son now.7. These books may be kept by grandma for two weeks.8. Sticks needn t be tied bigtothetrees by her.9. Their younger brother should be tooked after well by the twins.根据要求变化句型:1. Rice is grown in Tibet. (改为否定句)2. The room was cleaned by Tom. (改为否定句)3. She was seen to go into t

12、he office. (改为一般疑问句)4. The sports meeting must be put off till next month. (改为一般疑问句)5. The meeting was held in the hall. (画线部分提问)6. Your shirt must be washed. (画线部分提问)7. He was operated on by a very good doctor. (变成主动语态)8.The composition should be finished in two hours ( they同上)9.That boy was told n

13、ot to keep long hair.( the teacher 同上)10. The year is divided into four seasons.( we 同上)Key:1. Rice isn t grown in Tibet.2. The room wasn t cleaned by Tom.3. Was she seen to go into the office?4. Must the sports meeting be put off till next month?5. Where was the meeting hold?6. Whose shirt must be

14、washed?7. A very good doctor operated on him.8. They should finish the composition in two hours.9. The teacher told the boy not to keep long hair.10. We divide the year into four seasons.选择填空:1.These flowers _ once a week.A. should waterB. should wateredC. should be wateredD. should are watered2._ t

15、he clothes _ of cotton?A. Do, madeB. Is, madeC. Are, madeD. Was, made3. Do you know what time _?A. the train leavesB. is the train leave用心爱心专心C. does the train leaveD. the train is left4. When _ the PLA _?A. were, foundedB. was, foundC. did, foundedD. was, founded5. When she got to school, she found

16、 that the gate _.A. closedB. was closedC. openingD. opend6. It _ in 2001.A. was happenB. was happenedC. happenedD. was taken place7. The trousers are too long, can _ shorter for me?A. it be madeB. you make themC. you made itD. be it made8. Ben _ go out just now.A. is seen toB. was saw toC. was seenD

17、. was seen to9. The cake _ delicious.A. is tasteB. tastesC. is tastedD. was tasted10. The child felt afraid because he _ alone.A. was leaveB. was leavedC. was leftD. leftKey:1. C2. C3. A4. D5. B6. C7. A8. D9. B10. C动词不定式:1. 基本结构: to动词原形,但有时可以不带to。to 的后面跟着名词,代词,名词词组等,叫做介词宾语。to 后面跟动词原形,叫做小品词。2. 作用:动词不

18、定式是一种非谓语动词形式,在句子中不能做谓语,没有随着主语进行人称、数、时态、语态等的变化。动词不定式保留动词的特点,有自己的宾语和状语,构成不定式短语。所以,它在句子中可以作主语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语、定语和状语。A. 主语 To learn English is important.学英语重要。B. 表语 My job is to teach language.我的工作是教语言。C. 宾语 The teacher wanted to see my parents.用心爱心专心D. 足 He asked Edward to help him with the cooking.E. 定 Th

19、e students have many books to read.F. 状 The headmaster came to Class 7 to have a class meeting with the students yesterday.不定式作主 一般情况下句子都是以名 或者代 等作主 。e.g. Beijing is a modern city.名 作主 北京是一所 代化城市。She is a nice girl. 代 作主 不定式有名 的作用,可以用来做主 。e.g. To see is to believe. 眼 。To take more exercise every day

20、 is necessary.每天参加体育活 是有必要的。很多情况下,尤其在口 中,常常用 it 放在句首作形式主 ,而将真正的主 不定式放在句子后面,构成下面的句型:It is / was + adj. / n. + to do形式主 真正的主 e.g. To take more exercise every day is necessary.= It is necessary to take more exercise everyday.形式主 真正的主 To finish so much homework is not easy.= It is not easy to finish so

21、much homework.注意:It is / was + adj. + for sb. to do sthIt is / was + adj. + of sb. to do sth的区 。表示客 情况的形容 ,如:easy, hard, difficult,dangerous, important,necessary,interesting 等要用 for sb. to do sth.表示主 情感或 度的形容 ,如:kind, good, clever, foolish, wise, honest, nice等要用of sb. to do sth.e.g.It s very kind of

22、 you to help me.It s foolish of you to make such a mistake.It s difficultfor him to learn physics.It s dangerous for children to play in the street.It is / wasfor sb. to do没有句型 而 It is / was of sb. to do 句型可以用不定式作状 的句型 。e.g. You are very kind to help me. =It s very kind of you to help me.You are foo

23、lish to make such a mistake. =It s foolish of you to make such a mistake. 用 It is / was of sb. to do 改写句子。1. She is wise to learn from others.2. He was wrong to tell us a lie.用心爱心专心3. The boy is right to help the old man.4. You are good to get everything ready.Key:1. It s wise of her to learn from o

24、thers.2. It was wrong of him to tell us a lie.3. It s right of the boy to help the old man.4. It s good of you to get everything ready.用 It is / was to do 改写下列句子。1. To swim in that river is dangerous.2. To learn how to use a computer is important.3. To visit that factory is interesting.4. I get up e

25、arly is a good habit.Key:1. It s dangerous to swim in that river.2. It s importanttolearn how to use a computer.3. It s interesting to visit that factory.4. It s a good habit to get up early.完成句子:1. It was not right _ (像那 想)2. It will be easier _ (用 种方法解出 )3. It s wrong(在公共 合大声 )4. Itmysduty _ (帮助学生

26、)Key:1. to think like that2. to work out the problem in this way.3. to talk loudly in public.4. to help the students.用 It + take sb, to do 翻 句子。1. 他用了两年写那本 。2. 工人 要花一年修建 条路。3. 每天我 上班要用半小 。4. 我 花了二十分 画了 幅 画。Key:1. It took him two years to write that book.2. It will take the workers a year to build th

27、e road.3. It takes me half an hour to go to work by bike.4. It took us twenty minutes to draw this picture.【模拟试题】I. :1._ is good for health.A. SkateB. To skateC. SkateingD. To skateing2.It s time _.用心爱心专心A. to go to bedB. for going to bedC. for the bedD. for I to go to bed3.It s not dgoo_ to play al

28、l day.A. to yourB. for youC. of youD. for your4.I m afraid _ take _ a long time _ the project.A. it ll, us, to finishB. we ll, / , to finishC. we ll, /, finishingD. it will, us, finishing5. Is _ necessary _ the book tomorrow?A. that, for me to returnB. it, of me to returnC. this, for me returningD.

29、it, for me to return6. How long did it take you to get there? Oh, _ hour and a half, It s quite a long time.A. aB. anC. theD. /7. What s the matter with you? _ something wrong with my leg.A. There isB. There areC. I amD. I have8. Where is the small coffee shop? You have to go _ the bridge. It s on t

30、he other side.A. pastB. overC. throughD. across9. How _ do you play football? Twice a month.A. longB. oldC. oftenD. soon10. Can you help me mend the TV set? Sorry. I know _ about TV sets.A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few11. Will you go to have a picnic in the park tomorrow? Yes, _ it is fine.A. ifB

31、. thoughC. becauseD. when12. What did the policeman say a moment ago? He asked where _ last night.A. am IB. I amC. was ID. I was13. You look _ than yesterday? I took some medicine and had a good sleep last night.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best14. May I play basketball now? You d _ because dinner is r

32、eady.A. not betterB. better notC. not better toD. better not to15. When _ the building _? In 1990.A. did, buildB. was building用心爱心专心C. has, builtD. was, builtII. 根据句意用方框内所 的适当形式填空。swim, feel, a little, a few, either or,too to, hold on, enjoy oneself, not hear from,come back, be able to, hear of1. I

33、can speak _ English.2. We are very tired. Let s stop _.3. She will give it to me as soon as she _.4. _ you _ come in a few days?5. I m not _ well. Perhaps I have caught a cold.6. They were _ too big _ too small.7. Why didn t the men _?8. Jim _ his mother for a long time.9. _ for a moment, please.10.

34、 This problem is _ hard for me _ work it out.III. 全 :Doctor:1, Madam?Madam: Ive got a pain here.Doctor:2. Do you have pain here?Madam: Yes, it s very serious.Doctor: I m afraid3 .Madam: Really? It must be quite serious.Doctor: Don t worry. 4 .Madam: Operation? Do I need an operation?Doctor: Yes.Mada

35、m: But my son He is only ten.5 .Doctor: But your health is very important, isn t it?You can ask your husband to look after him.Madam: I agree with you, I m coming tomorrow.IV.根据中文提示完成句子。1. 父 告 我 台 花了他八千元。My father told us _.2. 很久以前, 里有一条河。_, there was a river near here.3. 在他十六 ,就上大学了。他很 明。_, he went

36、 to college. He was very clever.4. 把收音机关小一点,我正在做作 。_, I m doing my homework.5. 它看上去很好,是由什么制造的?It looks very nice, _.6. 在 的帮助下,我 很容易就完成 工作了。用心爱心专心_, we can finish the work easily.V. 面表达,根据提示,写一篇50 以上的短文。 多国家已 射了 地球运行的人造 星。而且中国的宇航 已 入太空。你是否也想当一名宇航 呢? 自己的打算。man madesatellite,astronaut, be proud of, hop

37、e that , thoughVI.完形填空:Buildings that reach the skies may be seen in most of the world s largest cities today. Eversince the first skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1883, more and more tall buildings1up inmord and more cities.Early skyscrapers were built with thick, heavy walls of solid brick or st

38、one or concrete(混凝土). Now the new skyscrapers are being built with a steel frame work(构架) that2 theweight of the building. This takes the3of the old solid walls and makes4possible tobuild to greater heights. The idea came mostly from engineers5 to see a sky scraper framework as a kind of steel bridg

39、e set on end. Like the6 , too, it would be light but strong andcould be extended7necessary.8at firstto house offices and shops, some skyscrapers are now becoming homes forpeople who want to live9the center of the city.“ Big John ” , a Chicago skyscraper thatopened in 1970, is an example, “ Big John

40、” is the popular name of the 100- story John HancockCenter.10the first and the 43rd floor,there are offices and shops. There s a swimming pon the 44th floor. From the 45th floor to the 92th, there are apartments. The people who live inthese apartments11lookdown on the clouds instead of12at them. Eve

41、rywindowhas a beautiful view.Manypeople seem1314above the city, away from the trafficand the noise.Perhaps “ Big John ” will soon be followed by other homes15for the skies.1.A. putB. are putC. to have been putD. have been put2.A. supportsB. is supportedC. holds onD. is held3.A. materialB. thingC. se

42、atD. place4.A. thisB. thatC. itD. them5.A. to be ableB. in orderC. who were ableD. that could be6.A. steelB. frameworkC. skyscraperD. bridge7.A. whetherB. ifC. thatD. which8.A. BuildingB. BuiltC. Being builtD. Having built9.A. inB. toC. atD. on10. A. OnB. InC. BetweenD. At11. A. shouldB. canC. mayD.

43、 must12. A. leftB. rightC. downD. up13. A. like to liveB. like livingC. to like to liveD. to like living14. A. lowB. lowlyC. highD. highly15. A. that reachB. who reachesC. reaching toD. which reaches upVII. 理解:用心爱心专心Most people want to work, but it has become more difficult in today s world to find

44、work foreveryone. The economy of the world needs to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old numberof jobs for people. Often this isn t possible,orepeopleandsoaremwithout work.Some people have no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people in ashort time. Also machines don t ask fo

45、r more money or longer holidays. In all of the countries ofthe world machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on the farms. One machine can often do the work of forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only 60% of them can fin

46、d jobs.1. It was _ for people to find work before the machines were widely used in the factories.A. more difficultB. easierC. not possibleD. difficult2. If the economy of the world grows 4% each year, _.A. people will have no jobsB. 4% of the people will have jobs tooC. people can have the same number of jobs as beforeD. 96% of the people will have jobs3. One machine can do as much work as _.A. 40 peopleB. 75,000 peopleC. 70%


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