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2021年中考英语人教版复习 第一部分·第十三讲·八年级下 Unit 5—Unit 6_第5页
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1、目录,考点1 realize的用法 考点2 fit的用法 考点3 lead的用法 考点4 voice的用法,考点,考点1,语境拓展,realize的用法,Kate realized her bag was still at home.凯特意识到她的包还在家里,realize v. 理解;领会;意识到 实现;将变成现实 I realized that she had been homeless for some time.我意识到她无 家可归已经有一些时日了。2020襄阳中考 She never realized her dream of becoming a doctor.她从未能实现成 为一

2、名医生的梦想,考点1,realize的用法,妙辨异同,realize, achieve和come true都有实现的意思,但用法有如下区别: (1)realize是及物动词,意为实现,主语是人。 (2)achieve表示达到;完成;实现时,是及物动词,主语一般是人。 (3)come true是不及物动词短语,意为实现;成为现实,主语一般为 表示理想、愿望等的名词,后面不接宾语,1.It is never easy to be successful. No one can anything without effort. 2.Have you ever imagined controlling

3、all the things in your house with your smartphone? That will soon . 3.We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we our goals,考点1,achieve/realize,好题在线,realize的用法,realizeachievecome true,come true,achieve/realize,4.Sally dreamed of being a w

4、riter. Now her dream has and her first novel was published last month. 5.Just before the Chinese class, I suddenly that I forgot to bring my Chinese textbook. 6.越来越多的人已经意识到弘扬传统文化的重要性。 More and more people of spreading our traditional culture,考点1,come true,好题在线,realize的用法,realizeachievecome true,real

5、ized,have realized the importance,考点2,语境拓展,fit的用法,The prince knew that unless the girls foot could fit the shoe, it was not the right girl.王子知道除非鞋子合女孩的脚,否则她就不是那个女孩,1)作动词,意为适合;合身。如: This coat doesnt fit me at all.这件外套根本就不适合我。 (2)作形容词,意为合适的;健康的。常用搭配: be fit for适合 be fit (for sb.) to do sth.适合(某人)做某事 k

6、eep fit=keep healthy保持健康,7.This picture book is fit children under 5, because its easy and there are many pictures in it. 8. Although science has made big steps in making food more fit eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. 9.饭后走一走对我们保持健康有好处。 Going for a walk after meals,好题在线,考

7、点2,for,fit的用法,to,is good for us to keep fit/healthy,考点3,语境拓展,lead的用法,Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and candy.它在把我们带向那座由面包、蛋糕和糖果做成的美妙的房子,1)作动词,意为带路;领路,常用作:lead sb. to/into+地点。如: Ask grown-ups to lead them to bed.请大人把他们领床上去。2020河南 中考,考点3,lead的用法,2)作动词,意为通向;导致;引导。常见搭配: lead

8、 to通向;导致;引起 lead sb. to do sth.引导/促使某人做某事 Self-expression leads to self-achievement.展现自我能成就自我。 2020河南中考 Her experience led her to consider writing a book.她的经历促使她 考虑写一本书,考点3,lead的用法,3)意为过(某种生活),常用作:lead a.life。 (4)拓展:led过去式/过去分词 leader n.领导者;领袖;首领,10.On my first day to school, the teacher me to the c

9、lassroom and introduced me to the class.(lead) 11.She was into a room, where an old lady in a flowery dress was sitting on a sofa.(lead) 12.Being a good needs courage and practice. As long as you keep trying, you will develop your leadership skills.(lead,考点3,好题在线,led,lead的用法,led,leader,13.To dream i

10、s a wonderful ability which can lead wonderful results. No one is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true. 14.Her volunteer work in the hospital led her become a nurse. 15.父母总是希望我们能过着快乐的生活。 Parents always hope that we can,考点3,好题在线,to,lead的用法,to,lead a happy life,考点4,语境拓展,voice的用法,

11、Then they hear an old womans voice from inside the house. 然后他们听到了从屋里传来的老妇人的声音,voice作名词,意为声音;嗓音。常见搭配: raise your voice提高声音 lower your voice压低声音 lose your voice失声,考点4,妙辨异同,voice的用法,voice/noise/sound,16.We make like Oh to show how we feel about something or when we drop something on our feet. 17.Please dont make so much .I cant hear the speaker very well. 18.Lily has a soft . Listen


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