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1、Unit 1 Past and present,Reading I,词汇: 1. Have you _ (看见) my chocolate? No, I _. 2. She has _ (刚刚) eaten lunch. 3. I used to take the _ (长途汽车) to Nanjing. 4. Where do you work at _ (目前),Revision,seen,havent,just,coach,present,Presatation,wife n. (pl. wives) 妻子husband n. 丈夫,block n. 街区,northern adj. 北

2、方的,factory n. 工厂,pollution n. 污染;污染物,waste n. 废料;废品,lonely adj. 孤独的,Read aloud the new words,since conj. 自以来 ever adv. 曾经 northern adj. 北方的 married adj. 已婚的 wife n. (pl. wives) 妻子 block n. 街区 over prep. 在期间 turn into 把.变成,pollution n. 污染;污染物 factory n. 工厂 waste n. 废料;废品 realize vt. & vi. 意识到,实现 impr

3、ove vt. & vi. 改进,改善 situation n. 形势,情况 in some ways 在某种程度上 however adv. 然而 impossible adj. 不可能的,before adv. 以前,过去 lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的 from time to time 不时,有时,偶尔 anyway adv. 尽管 husband n. 丈夫 interview n. & vt. 采访 all ones life 一生,Millie is telling Sandy about her interview with Mr Chen. Sandy does no

4、t know the meanings of some words. Help her match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks,f,g,d,b,c,e,a,Enjoy some picture about Shanghai,In the past,At present,Shanghai has changed a lot,Describe the changes of your hometown,Pair work,1. Where d

5、id he live when he was a child? 2. Why did he move to this flat? 3. What did he use to do with his old friends,About Mr. Chen,He lived in Sunshine Town,Because he got married,They used to play cards and Chinese chess together,1. What did people in the town have years ago? 2. What has part of the tow

6、n centre turned into,They had some small restaurants, shops, a post office and a cinema in the town centre,It has turned into a new park,About Sunshine Town,3. What did the steel factory put into the river? 4. Do you think Mr Chen lives a better life now,The waste,Has Sunshine Town changed a lot? Pl

7、ease look through the instructions on Part A quickly and find out,1. Why does Millie want to know the changes in Sunshine Town? 2. Why does she interview Mr Chen,Because she wants to write about the changes in Sunshine Town for her history project,Because Mr. Chen knows a lot about Sunshine Town,Rea

8、d the conversation between Millie and Mr Chen quickly and silently, write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false,Task 1,Mr. Chen knows little about Sunshine Town. Mr Chen moved away from his parents when he got married. There is a large shopping mall in Sunshine Town now. The steel factory

9、 once put its waste into the Sunshine River,F,T,T,T,5. It is easy for Mr Chen to see his old friends now. 6. Amazing changes have taken place in Sunshine Town,F,T,Task 2,Read aloud the conversation again. Sandy wants to learn more about the history of Sunshine Town. She is asking Millie some questio

10、ns. Work in pairs. Complete their conversation,Sandy: Tell me more about your interview with Mr Chen, Millie. Has he lived in Sunshine Town all his life? Millie: Yes. He first lived with his parents in the _ part of town, and then moved to another flat two _ away,northern,blocks,Sandy: What was the

11、town like in the past? Millie: There were some small _ and shops. Sandy: What did Mr Chen say about the town centre? Millie: Years ago, there was a _ and a _. Now theres a new park, a new _ and a large _,restaurants,post office,cinema,theatre,shopping mall,Sandy: Were there any factories in Sunshine

12、 Town? Millie: Yes. There was once a _ near the Sunshine River,steel factory,Task 3,Millie is going to write about the changes in Sunshine town for her history project. She has made some notes. Help her complete the sentences with the information,Sunshine Town (1)_ over the years. People now have (2

13、)_ town. The (3)_ from the steel factory was once a problem. Luckily, the government took action to improve the (4)_ later,has changed a lot,beautiful modern,waste,situation,Old people used to (5)_ together. Old people sometimes (6)_ because they cannot (7)_ as often as before. People think it is go

14、od to see (8)_,play cards and Chinese chess,feel a bit lonely,see each other,the amazing changes in the town,Mr Chen _ _ in Sunshine Town since he was born. He _ the town very well. He first lived with his parents in the _ part of town. In 1965, he moved two _ away from his parents because he _ _,一、

15、根据对话内容填空,Exercises,has lived,knows,northern,blocks,got,married,The town has changed a lot. They only have some small _ and shops, a post office and a _,restaurants,cinema,Now they have a new park, a new theatre and a _ _ _, too,large shopping mall,_ was a serious problem in the past. Now the governm

16、ent has taken action to _ the _. Sunshine Town has turned into a _ _ town. Though it has become _ for Mr Chen to see his old friends as often as before, he thinks its good to see the _ _ in the town,Pollution,improve,situation,beautiful modern,impossible,amazing,changes,1. 从那以后,她就独自一人居住。 She _ _ _ _ _. 2. 从某种程度上讲,这是项危险的工 作。 _ _ _, its a dangerous job,has lived alone since then,In some ways,二、翻译句子,from time to time,3. 她偶尔听听音乐。 She _ _ music _ _ _ _. 4.目前人类不可能生活在月球上。 At _, i


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