



1、5B M4U1 Museums 背诵内容单词和音标:1. seienee sa?ns n.科学;学科;理科;自然科学2. history h?stri n.历史;历史学3. railway re?lwe? n.铁路4. museum mjuzi?mn.博物馆;展览馆5. opera ?p?r? n.歌剧6. perform p?f?m v.执行;表演;7. eulture k?lt?2r) n.栽培;文化;教养8. human hju?m?n adj .人的;人类的;有人性的;9. famous fe?m?s adj.著名的;有名的10 Louvrelu?v?( r) n .(巴黎)罗浮宫(又

2、名卢浮.宫)二、词组:1. at the Scie nee Museum 科技馆 / the Art Museum 美术馆 /昆虫馆/ the Sha nghai History Museum上海历史博物馆 / the In sect Museum/ the Car Museum 汽车博物馆/ the Railway Museum 铁路博物馆2. The World of Robots “机器人世界”3. the Pia no Pri nee 钢琴王子4. play the pia no very well钢琴弹得很好5. perform Beiji ng Opera 表演京居6. danee

3、 beautifully 优美地跳舞7. help firefighters put out fires帮助消防员灭火8. a toy inseet / an inseet 一个玩具昆虫 /一只昆虫9. beautiful butterflies and ugly bugs漂亮的蝴蝶和丑陋的虫子10. learn a lot about in sects . 学习大量关于昆虫(的知识)11. on Boyuan Road 在博园路12. go there 去那里 ( 反义词组 ) come here 过来13. on the ground floor 在底楼 (在一楼)14. learn ab

4、out human history and many different culture s学习人类历史和许多不同的文化15. thousand s of . 数以千计 / hundred s of. 数以百计two thousand. 二千 / three hundred . 三百16. the world s most famous paintir 世界最著名的画17. on one trip 在一次行程中18. do sth. again and again 反复做某事19. in Paris 在巴黎20 a great art museum一个伟大的艺术博物馆21. the Louvr

5、e Museum 卢浮宫22. the Mora Lisa 蒙娜 丽莎 (达芬奇所画之著名人像画 )23. really cool 真的很酷24. really great 真的很棒三、句型和语法:1. 句型:A: Which museum do you want to visit?B: I want to visit the Shanghai Railway Museum.A: Why?B: Because I want to learn something about trains and railways.2. 副词 +形容词:e.g. 1) really cool2) really g

6、reat3) very much4) very useful3. 动词+副词:e.g. 1) dance beautifully4) sing well4. 动词的过去式:1) buy (买)-bought5) very beautiful2) draw well5) grow quickly6) very in teresti ng,3) run fast6) walk slowly2) see (看见)-saw 3) learn (学习,学会)-learnt4) go (去)-we nt5) am, iswas 6) are - were四、写作(根据下列几个问题写成一篇小作文)Which

7、 museum do you want to visit? Why?Where is it?How can you go there?What s in there?What can you do there?Whe n do you want to visit?The Sha n ghai Scie nee and Tech no logy Museum(仅供参考)We want to visit Sha n ghai Scie nee and Tech no logyMuseum together.Because it is a great scie nee museum in Sha n

8、ghai.It is on Century Avenue, beside Century Park in Pudong.We can go there by un dergr oundIn this museum, there is/are a lot of i n teresti ng thi ngs like robots .We can play differe nt games there . Really cool and won derfulWe can lear n a lot about scie nee. How great!We d like to visit it on Children s DayI think we ll have great fun there.请参照以上提示,写一写你和同学们都想去的博物馆,要求意思连贯,语句通顺。 )The MuseumWe want to visit (which museum) together.Because (reason).It is (where).We can go there (how


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