Part 6 The story- The golden necklace_第1页
Part 6 The story- The golden necklace_第2页
Part 6 The story- The golden necklace_第3页
Part 6 The story- The golden necklace_第4页
Part 6 The story- The golden necklace_第5页




1、 课 题Part 6 The story- The golden necklace 教学目标A. 知识目标:1. Ss can understand and say the words: forget, potato, dollar, sell.2. Ss can understand and say the sentences:Dont forget (the potatoes).Watch out!My head hurts.Stay here.Damn, my new jeans.I want to sell (this necklace).3Decoding meaning from

2、the language in a cartoon story.B. 水平目标:1. Ss can listen and understand the story.2. 2. Ss can act out the story.情感与态度:培养学生阅读英语故事的兴趣。1.Understand the story. 2Read the story.Talk about the story in class.CAI, tape, recorder, word cards.教学重难点 前置性学习单问题梳理教学准备教学课时教学过程教学过程师 生 活 动以学定教Warming up / Review1.S

3、ing the song: Mascots.Presentation1 教师出示二袋东西,其中一袋是土豆,一袋是项链。让学生猜袋中装的是什么。Whats in my bag?Touch it and guess!2 学生猜中之后,教师接着问:Which one do you like,potatoes or necklace?教师带读necklace-golden necklace.学生自由回答。3 Listen to the whole story and answer the questions:教师问:Somebody like this,Someone likes that,but w

4、hich one does Joe like to choose in the story?,necklace or potatoes?T:What does Joe do in the morning?S:(He wants to bue some potatoes.)T:How do you know?S: his wife says:Dont forget potates.(操练此句型)4 Listen to the story pic1pic3T:What does Joe get when he is on the way of buying potatoes?(a necklace

5、. )当Joe早上出去买土豆,在去买土豆的路上捡到一个项链,What is he feeling?引导学生回答:He is very happy.教师引导学生在故事中找出体现他高兴的句子。It looks great!5 听故事Pic4Pic11当他捡到这个项链的时候,Joe 非常的高兴,but an hour later,is he still happy after he gets the necklace ?Why?What happened?(1)教师引导学生说he falls down from the horse.Is he OK?No, his head hurts.(操练此句型

6、)(2)An hour later,what happened?教师引导学生说He falls down on the ground.Is he OK? No,his new jeans and shirt is broken.How do you know?引导学生找出句子“Dmm!,My new jeans and my new shirt.”T:(3)T:Is he happy,now?(No,)What does he do,then?(Throw the necklace)6 听故事Pic 1216.(1) Who gets the necklace?Does he like necklace?What does he do?教师引导学生听故事最后一段,提问,引导学生回答The old man dont like the necklace.He sells the necklace .and he gets a hundred dollars.(2)Is Joe happy ?no,How do you know?引导


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