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1、Un it5 Feeli ng ExcitedTopicl You Look excitedSectio nA 1a:Hi, How are you doing?:Very well, thank you. You look excited . Why?:Guess what! My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies.:Really? What movie are they going to see?:The Sound of Music.:Oh, it is one of my parents

2、favorite movies. They will feel happy. Whenare they goin g?:This Saturday. And we can spend the evening at my house. My mom willprepare somedelicious food for us.:Wow! Sounds great! I m so excited. Please say thanks to your mom for us.:Ok, I will. On my way here, I saw Mr.Brow n. He felt disappo in

3、ted because he was not able to buy a ticket to The Sound of Music.:What a pity!嗨!你们好吗? 很好,谢谢。你看起来很兴奋。为什么? 你猜怎么着!我爸爸妈妈想邀请你们的父母一起 去看电影。 真的?他们要去看什么电影?音乐之声。噢,那是我父母最喜欢的电影 之一。他们会很高兴。他们什么时候去?这个周六。而且我们可以一起在我家度过那个晚上。我妈妈将为我们准备一些美味的食物。 哇!听起来太棒了!我好兴奋。请代我们 向你妈妈表示感谢。好的,我会的。在来这儿的路上,我看见布朗先牛了。他感到失望,因为他买不到音乐之声的票:真遗憾!

4、Sectio nB 1a:Hi, Kangkang! Do you know what s the matter with Mr.Brown? He seems a little un happy.:He feels disappo in ted because he could nthink he really wants to watch it.:I hope he can see the movie next time. It in teresti ng. What about you, Maria?:I love operas. My favorite is Cats. Itdo yo

5、u like operas?:No, I don t likea lot.t get a ticket to The Sound of Music. Is also my favorite. I think its so funny and interestingthem at all. Theyres very.Kangkang,bori ng. But my pare nts like Beiji ng Opera:Then what do you:The film , Avatar. Itlike bests so exciting.嗨,康康!你知道布朗先生怎么了吗?他似乎 有些不高兴。

6、因为他买不到音乐之声的票,所以他感到失望。我想他真的很想看这部电影。 我希望他下次能看这部电影。它也是我最喜爱的电影。我认为它很有趣。玛丽亚,你呢? 我喜欢歌剧。我最喜爱的是猫。它很 滑稽有趣。康康,你喜欢歌剧吗?不,我一点也不喜欢。它们很乏味。但我爸爸妈妈很喜欢京剧。那你最喜欢什么?我最喜欢阿凡达这部电影。它很令人振奋。Secti onCThe Sound of Music is one ofthe most popular America n movies . It isa story about a Young woma nlivi ng in Austria. Her n ame wa

7、s Maria. She went tothe Von Trapp family to care forseve n childre n.Mrs.Von Trapp died, and the family were very sad. The children cried and shouted every day. The father was Ionely and often became angry because of the noisy children .Maria taught the children to sing lively songs and perform shor

8、t, funny plays to cheer them up. The father was almost mad at first , but the smili ng faces of his childre n made him happy aga in.音乐之声是 最受欢迎的美国电影 之一。它讲述的是生活在奥地利的 一个年轻女 子的故事。她叫玛丽亚。她去冯.特拉普家照顾他的七个孩子。冯.特拉普夫人去世了,一家人都非常悲伤。孩子们整天大喊大叫。他们的父亲很孤 独而且经常因为 吵闹的孩子 而生气。玛丽亚通过教孩子们唱 活泼可爱的歌曲 以及表演有趣的短剧 来使他们(重新)振作起来。起初这个

9、父亲快要疯了,但孩子们的 笑脸使他又高兴起来。Secti onDBeijing OperaBeijing Opera is ournational opera. It came into being after 1790 and hasa history of over 200 years.Its music and si ngi ng came from Xipi and Erhua ng inAnhui and Hubei. There are four main roles in Beijing Opera:Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. Beijing Opera

10、 is full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderfulgestures and fighting.Some of the stories are from history books, but most are from famous novels. The people in the stories usually can t agree with each other. Theybecome angry, unhappy ,sad and Ionely , Sometimes they are frightened

11、 and worried .The n they find a way to make peace with each other. Every one is usually happyinthe end .Beiji ng Opera is an importa nt part ofChin ese culture. In China it used to bepopular with old people while young people didn t like it very much. However, more young people are becoming interest

12、ed in it nowadays. And more people around the world are learning about Beijing Opera s special singing, acting and facial paintings.京剧京剧是我们的国粹。它形成于公元1790年后,约有有两百多年的历史 了。它的音乐 及唱腔来源于安徽与和湖北的西皮和二黄。京剧有四大主要角色,它们分别为生、旦、净和丑。京剧里有许多著名的故事, 漂亮的脸谱,美妙优雅的姿势 及精彩的打斗场面。有些故 事来源于史书记载,但大部分来源于著名的小说。故事里的人物通常意见不一致。他们因此 变得生

13、气、不愉悲伤和孤独。有时他们害怕和担忧。然后他们找到一种和平解决办法。最后通常每个人都会变得高兴。京剧是中国文化的一个重要部分。在中国它曾深受老年人的喜爱,而年轻人却不喜欢它。 然而,今天更多的年轻人开始对京剧感兴趣了。并且在 世界各地有更多的人在学习京剧独特 的唱腔、表演和脸谱。Topic2 I m feeling better now.(双过加复述)Sectio nA 1aAnything wrong ?:Hello, Hele n! You look worried .What seems to be the problem ?did badly in the En glish exam

14、. She is quiet and shy.:It s Li Hong.She s so unhappy.:Oh dear! I m sorry to hear that.:She is crying in the bathroom because shevery strict with herself. You know, Li Hong is new here. She isShe feels very Ion ely because she has nofrie nds to talk with:Thank you for telling me. I think I should ha

15、ve a talk with her.:Thank you, Miss Wang. I m really worried about her.:海伦,你好。你看上去很焦急, 有什么麻烦吗?:是李虹,她心情很不好。:天哪!很抱歉听到这个消息。 到底是怎么回事?:因为英语考得 不好,她在洗手间哭呢。她对自己要求很严格。你知道,李虹是新来的,她 既文静又腼腆。因为她没有可交谈的朋友,她感到很孤独。:谢谢你告诉我。我觉得我应该和她谈谈。:谢谢你,王老师。我真的很担心她。3. Dear Li Hong,I msorry to see that you are unhappy these days. So

16、 I send this card to cheer you up.You don t need to worry about the English exam. It doesn t matter if you dobadly in one exam. You can work harder and do better next time. Take it easy, and don t be too strict with yourself. You re a quiet and shy girl. Try to talk toothers, and you ll be happy aga

17、in. I d like to be your friend and talk with you if you want. I hope you feel better when you see this card.Good Luck!亲爱的李虹:看到你这些天心情不好,我心里很难过。所以我给你发这张卡片让你振作起来。你没必要为英语考试担心。在一次考试中失败没有关系。你可以更加努力学习,在下次 做的更好。别着急,对自己要求不要过于严格。你是一个既文静又腼腆的姑娘。试着和别人 谈谈心,你就会重新开心起来。如果你愿意,我想成为你的朋友并且和你聊天。希望当你看 到这张卡片时心情会好些。祝你好运!U5T

18、2-SectionB (1a) (双过): Hi,Li Hong! How are you feeling today?: I m feeling really sad because I failed the English exam.: That s too bad, Li Hong! Why don t you talk to someone when you feel sad?: I want to, but I don t know how to talk with others about it.: Don t worry. Everyone gets these feelings

19、 at your age. Who do you want to make friends with?: Well, Helen is nice. She always tells me jokes and makes me laugh. She seems to like me.: Yes . I m sure she would like to be your friend. There, there! It ll be Ok.: Thanks, Miss Wang. I m feeling better now.: 嗨,李虹。今天你感觉怎么样? :我真的很难过,因为我英语考试不及格。:那

20、可不好,李虹!当你难过时为什么不跟别人谈谈呢? :我想,可我不知道怎样和其他同学谈这件事。:别着急。每个人在你这个年龄都会有这些感受。你想和谁交朋友呢? :哦,海伦人很好,她总是给我讲笑话让我笑。她似乎喜欢我。: 对,我相信她愿意成为你的朋友。好啦,好啦!一切都会好起来的。 :王老师,谢谢。我现在感觉好些了。(2a):Hi , Li Hong! Are you OK today?: Oh, yes. After talking with Miss Wang, I m feeling better now.: I mglad to hear that. By the way, Miss Wang

21、says that you want to be friends with me.: Yes. Would you like to become my friend. Helen?: I d love to. If you have any problems with your studies, just let me know.: Yeah, I find it difficult to learn English well.: Don t worry. I ll help you with it.: Thank you. You re so kind to me.:嗨,李虹!今天你好吗?:

22、哦,是的。和王老师谈过后,我现在感觉更好。 :听到这个消息我很高兴。顺便问一下,王老师说你想和我交朋友。:是的。海伦,你想成长我的朋友吗? :我愿意,如果你的学习有什么问题,告诉我。:好的。我发现学好英语是难的:别担心,我来帮你。:谢谢你,你对我真好。U5T2-Sectio nC (1a)(双过加复述)Dear Xiao Fang.How time flies! I miss you very much. How I wish to visit you!A few mon ths ago, I was new here, you know. At that time, I was really

23、 upset and Ionely. What s more, I couldn t sleep as well as usual. I was not used to anything here. I thought the roads here were not so clean as those in our hometown.The food was not as delicious as ours, either. It also seemed that the people herewere not so friendly as you. But now, everything h

24、as changed. With the help of myteachers and classmates,Imget ti ngused to the lifehere. I m not afraidto talkwith others now. My classmates all accept me. I live as happily as before. Please give my best wishes to your pare nts.Y ours,Li Hong亲爱的小芳:光阴似箭!我很想你。多希望能去看看你!你知道,几个月前我刚刚来到这儿。那时,我真的很烦恼、很孤独。而且我

25、不能像平常一样睡好觉。我不习惯这儿的一切。我认为这里的路不如我们家乡的干净,食物也没有我们 的美味可口。似乎这里的人也没有你们那么友好。但是,现在一切都变了。在老师和同学的 帮助下,我习惯了这里的生活,现在我不害怕和其他人谈话了。同学们都接纳了我。我跟以 前一样快乐地生活了。请代我向你父母问好。你的朋友 李虹U5T2-Sectio nD (1a)(双过)Dealing with sadnessNo one can be happy all the time . You maybecomeunhappy sometimes, for example, when you fail an exam

26、or when you lose one of your friends. It s normal to havethese feelings . If you don t know how to deal with these problems, you may learn someth ing from Jeff.Jeff almost went mad whe n hiselder brother was killed in a car accide ntHe refuse to play soccer or go to the movies with his frien ds. In

27、stead, he just satin his bedroom and didn t talk to anyone, even his parents. Jelf felt that the world was unfair.He was quite angry with the driver because his car hit his brother, eventhough it wasa n accide nt. After a few mon ths, Jeff bega n to un dersta nd it wasuseless to be angry. Now he sti

28、ll misses his brother, but he doesn t hate the driver anyIon ger. He is begi nning to talk to his pare nts and that makes them happy aga in. Heno Ion ger stays in his room by himself. In stead, he goes to the movies or plays sports with his friends. He is feeling better now.化解忧伤没有人能一直保持愉快的心情。有时你会变得不

29、开心,比如你 考试不及格了,或者当 你失去一个朋友时。有这些情绪都很正常。如果你不知道怎样解决这些问题,你可以从杰夫 那里学到一些方法。当杰夫的哥哥在一次车祸中丧生时,他几乎要疯了。他拒绝和朋友一起去踢足球、看 电 影。相反,他待在卧室里不跟任何人说话, 甚至他的父母。杰夫感到世界太不公平了。他对 那个开车撞他哥哥的司机很气愤,因为他的车撞死了哥哥,尽管那是一次交通意外。几个月 以后,杰夫开始明白,生气是没用的。现在他仍然很想念哥哥,但不再恨那位司机。他开始 和父母交谈,那使他们又高兴起来。他不再独自一人待在房间里了,而是和朋友们一起去看 电影或去运动。他现在感觉好多了。U5T3Many th

30、ings can affect our feeli ngsU5T3-Sectio nA(1a):Hello, Kan gka ng! This is Michael speak ing.:Hello, Michael! Is there anything wrong ?:I mworried. We ll have a tes tomorrow and I always get _nervous before a test.:Relax, Michael. I am sure you will do well.:But Kan gka ng, the test is a speech. I g

31、et so n ervous whe n Igive a speech.:I will help you, Michael. I have a CD about giving speeches, We can listen to itat my house. Then you can practice.:Kangkang, I feel more relaxed nowbecause of your help. You are really a good friend. Thank you so much.许多事情能影响我们的心情:你好,康康!我是迈克尔。:你好,迈克尔!有什么事吗?:我很担忧

32、。我们明天要 考试,考试之前我总是很 紧张。:放松点儿,迈克尔。我相信你一定会考好的。:但是康康,(明天的)考试是演讲。只要 发表演讲,我就紧张。:我会帮你的,迈克尔。我有一张有关发表演讲的CD我们可以在我家听一听,然后你可以练习一下。:康康,有了你的帮助,我现在感觉轻松多了。你真的是一个好朋友,非常感谢你。U5T3-SectionB (1a):I am happy that Michael gave a good speech . He did it so well.:Yes, but he still seems very upset.I am afraid he is going to

33、be sick .: That s true . Feeli ngs can affect our health. If we are not con fide nt about ourselves, we may feel upset or n ervous. When we are in a bad mood all the time, we could become sick.:Let s do something for Michael! What about telling him that he is brave and great?:Let s show him that we

34、are proud of him. He was afraid to give his speech, but he did itany way.:That s a good idea. We will show him that friends help each other.:Let s give Michael a surprise! We can put on a short play, just as we do atthe EnglishCorner. It can show how friendship helps keep us healthy.:Sounds great! L

35、et s get ready for it!:我很高兴迈克尔的 演讲很精彩。他做得很好。:是的,但是他似乎仍然不安。 我担心他会生病。:的确如此。心情会影响我们的健康。如果我们对自己不自信,我们可能会感到不安或紧张。 当我们一直心情很糟糕时,我们可能会生病。:让我们为迈克尔做点什么吧!告诉他他很勇敢也很优秀怎么样?:让他看出我们为他感到骄傲。他本来害怕做演讲,但是无论如何,他还是做到了。:这是个好主意!我们会让他看到朋友间相互帮助。:让我们给迈克尔一个惊喜吗!我们可以演一部短剧,就像我们常常在英语角里做的那样 这样能够展示出友谊是如何帮助我们保持健康的 :太棒了!咱们去准备吧!U5T3-Sec

36、tionC (1a)I think the moon can affect my moods , especially whenthe full moon is high in the sky on the Mid-autu mn Festival. The moon is so round and bright . But I can t get together with my family. I feel very Ionely, and my eyes fill with tears.The environment can change my feelings.I live in a

37、big city. It is always noisyhave trouble sleep ingat ni ght. Is clea n and quiet. I think I couldand crowded with people. I feel n ervous and I hope to live in the coun trysidesome day. It relax and sleep well.I think the weather can affect my moods. Whenit rains, I always feel sad. When the sun shi

38、nes brightly , it makes me happy aga in.Colors can affect myfeeli ngs and moods. Orange and yellow makemefeel con fide nt. Whe n I am feeli ng sad, these colors cheer me up. Blue and white can make mefeelcalm. Green is the color of nature . It can give memore energy . Wearing red oftenmakes me feel

39、active.Big events can affect me a lot . Whenl talk about the Wenchuanearthquake with friends, sadness and worries always cometome But when we talk about Beijing 2008 Olympics, I always feel excited.我觉得月亮能影响我的情绪,尤其是中秋节 一轮圆月高高地挂在天空的时候,月亮 又圆又亮,我却不能与家人团聚,孤独感使我落泪。环境会改变我的心情。我住在大城市,那总是很喧闹,到处都是人。我感到很紧张,晚 上很

40、难入睡。我真希望有一天能住在乡村,既干净又安静。我想我会放松精神并能睡得香。我想天气会影响我的情绪。下雨天时,我总是心情不好。阳光灿烂时,我又感觉快乐起来。颜色会影响我的心情和情绪。橙色和黄色使我充满自信。这些颜色在我心情不好时会使 我振作起来。蓝色和白色能够让我 平静下来。绿色是自然之色,它能够给予我 更多的力量 穿着红色的衣服常使我感觉充满活力。重大事件会严重影响我的心情。当我和朋友谈起汶川地震时,悲伤和忧虑总是萦绕着我。但当我们谈起北京2008年奥运会时,我总是感到很兴奋。U5T3-Sectio nD(1)How toStay in Good SpiritsMany things aro

41、und us mayaffect our feelings and moods, such as colors, weather, n ews and the en vir onmen t. It is very importa nt for us to be in a good mood. If we are in good spirits, we can study or work better. So we must learn to take care of ourselves and stay in a good mood. Here are some suggestio ns:1.

42、 Exercise and relax every day.2. Remember to eat healthy food and have a good sleep.3. Don t keep silent. Talk with your friends, parents or teachers often. Tell them about what you thi nk and how you feel. Try to get help from them.4. Get help from newspapers, books, TV or the Internet.5. Think it

43、over beforemaking an important decision6. Get back to your everyday activities . It will give you a sense of happ in ess .如何保持好心情我们周围的许多事物都可能影响我们的心情和情绪,比如:颜色、天气、新闻、 环境等。保持好的心情对我们来说非常重要。如果我们心情好,就会学习或工作得更好。 因此我们必须学会关爱自己并且保持好心情。下面是一些建议:1. 每天锻炼身体并放松。2. 记住要吃健康食品,睡眠充足。3. 不要保持沉默,经常和你的朋友、父母或老师交谈。把你的想法和感受告诉他

44、 们。设法得到他们的帮助。4. 从报纸、书籍、电视或互联网中 获取帮助。5. 做出重要决定 之前先仔细考虑。6. 回归到你的日常活动中,这将带给你 幸福感Unit6 Enjoying CyclingTopicl: We are going on a three-day visit to Mount TaiU6T1-Sectio nA:Boys and girls, I have some excitingnews to tell you. For our spring field trip ,we re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.:Wow,

45、 how won derful! How shall we get there?:Shall we cycle there?:Sounds exciting! But it will take us a few days to get there by bike.:Let s make the decisiontogether. It s too far to cycle, but we can chooseproper vehicles .:Yes. Let s decide.:Let s find out some information about the cost .:OK. Kang

46、kang and Michael, you two find the cost for the train. Helen, you need tofind the cost for the bus.:I d love to go by plane. I ll ask the airlineover the phone:OK. Bring your information tomorrow and we ll decide on the best way to travel on our field trip.:孩子们,我有一些令人兴奋的消息告诉你们!这次 春游活动,我们要去泰山三天 :哇!太棒

47、呀!我们怎么去那里呢?:我们骑自行车去好吗?:听起来太令人激动了!但是骑自行车去会花费我们几天的时间。:让我们一起来 做个决定吧!骑自行车去太远,不过我们能选择 合适的交通工具。 :是的,我们一起决定吧。:让我们去查明 有关费用方面的资料 吧。好的。康康和迈克尔,你们俩去查查乘火车去的费用。海伦,你需要去查查乘汽车的费用:我喜欢乘飞机去。我 打电话问问航空公司。:好的。明天把你们查到的资料带来,然后我们来 决定 最好的春游方式U6T1-Section B(Kangkang is booking the train tickets to Mount Tai.):Hello, Beijing Ra

48、ilway Station. Can I help you?:Yes, I d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th.:OK. The train leaves at 11:15 a.m.and arrives at Taishan Railway Station at6:17 p.m.:Great! And what about the price?: We have tickets at 145 for the hard sleeper and 224 for the soft sleeper.Which kind do

49、you want?:I d like to book 21 tickets for the hard sleeper.:All right. You want 21 hard sleeper tickets ,Please (come to our office withyour ID cards and) pay for the ticketsbefore 5:30 p.m. May I have your n ame and teleph one nu mber, please?:Sure. I m Li Weikang and my telephone number is 8250-24

50、48?:Li Weika ng. Y our pho ne number is 8250-2448?:Right. Thank you.:You re welcome.(康康正在预定去泰山的火车票。)你好,(这里是)北京火车站。需要帮忙吗 ?是的,我想预订一些4月13号去泰山的火车票。好的。火车上午11:15出发,下午6: 17到达泰山火车站。好极啦!那么价格呢?我们的票价是硬卧145元,软卧224元。你想要哪一种呢? 我想预订21张硬卧票。好的。21张硬卧票。请你在下午5点30分之前带你们的身份证来我们售票处付款。我可以问问你的 姓名和电话号码吗?当然。我叫李伟康,你的电话号码是 8250-

51、2448吗?对,谢谢。不客气。U6T1 Sectio n CKing or Quee n for a DayIt is verycommorto raise money in Canadian and American schools. Students,teachers and pare nts have many special ways to raise money for field trips. Some schools think of great ideas, such as “ King or Queenfor a Day . It costs each student one

52、 dollar to buy a ticket for the draw. After all the tickets are sold, one ticket is draw. The student with the winning ticket will be the king or queen for the next school day. When the student arrives in the morning, the headmaster greets him or her and carries the student s books. The student sits

53、 in the headmaster s chairfor the day and even can use the headmaster smobile phone to call home. At noon, the headmaster and other teachers order a special lunch and serve it to the student.一日国王或女王在加拿大和美国的学校里, 筹钱是很普遍的。学生、老师和家长有很多 特别的方式 筹 钱云郊游考察活动。一些学校想出一些极好的主意,诸如“一日国王”或“一日王后”。每 位学生只需花一美元就可买一张抽奖券。所有的票都售完之后,有一张票中奖。中奖的那位 学生将成为下一个学校日的“国王”或“王后”。当这个学生第二天早上到达学校时,校长 就向他或她问好并为这个学生拿书。在这一天,中奖的学生坐在校


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