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1、By Friends团队,COMMUNICATION ENGLISH 交际英语,3,2,1,Come on! Lets enjoy it,分组展示,机场接机,公司接待,道别,接待外宾常用英语,Friends”成员之一:孙霞,How do you do. Miss Mei.你好,梅小姐。how do you do, Mr. Lee, Welcome to China.你好,李先生,欢迎你来到中国。Thank you. Its very kind of you to come to meet me at the airport ,Miss Mei.谢谢,梅小姐。你到机场来接我,真太客气了。Its

2、my pleasure , I hope you will enjoy your stay here.乐意效劳。希望你在这儿过得愉快。Thank you , Im sure I will.谢谢,我相信会的。Did you have a pleasant flight?你路途上过得愉快吗?Yes, quite a nice flight.是的,愉快,这是一次非常愉快的旅行,机场接机,A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 早上好,先生。我能帮您吗? B: Yes, Id like to see your manager. Heres my card. 我想见经

3、理,这是我的名片,A: Good morning. Is this Mr. Lees office? 早上好!是Lee先生的办公室吗? B: Yes, thats right. Can I help you? 是的,我能帮你忙吗? A: I have an appointment with Mr. Lee at 10 oclock. 我和Lee先生在10点钟有一个约会。 B: Your name, please, Sir? 请问先生您的名字? A: Mark Clark. Mark Clark,前台接待用语,Good to meet you.很高兴见到你。 Glad to meet you,

4、too. 也很高兴见到你。 Im Damie. Welcome to my hometown! 我是Damie,欢迎来到我的家乡。 Thank you. Im Anan.谢谢你,我是安安。 How many times have you been here in Weifang? 你来潍坊多少次啦? Actually its my first time here.实际上这是我第一次来这里。 Id like to have you for dinner. 我想邀您一起进餐。 Thanks, it would be my pleasure. 谢谢,这是我的荣幸,与外宾交谈,Goodbye. 再见。

5、 See you/ tomorrow. 再见。 /明天见。 Good night. 晚安。 Goodbye and thank you for coming. 再见,谢谢您的光临。 Goodbye and hope to see you again. 再见,希望再见到您。 Have a nice trip! 一路平安! Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck! 祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运,道别,Bon voyage. 一路顺风。 Take care. 多保重。 See you again in the near future. 后会有期! All the be

6、st!祝你万事如意! I hope youll come back to China again! 希望你能再来中国! Ill do that. 我一定来。 I hope to see you again. 我希望再次见到你。 Me too. 我也是,道别,Little Miss Sunshine!.flv,Can you express your mood? 你会表达心情吗,Friends”成员之二:邵明,Oh,boy!喔,太棒了! Im (so) happy. 我很高兴 。 Im on cloud nine. 我太高兴了。 I made it. 成功了。 Little Miss sunsh

7、ine. Mr. sunshine. 开心的人 Im in a good mood today. 我今天的心情好极了。 You look happy today. 你今天看起来很开心,Happy,I feel sad. 我感到很伤心。 Im feeling blue today. 我今天心情不好。 Oh, dear! 喔,我的天哪! Ive got a cloud over my head. 我心情很糟。 How ruthless! 太无情了,sad,Im so angry. 我很生气。 Not everything is logical. 有些事是行不通的。 Do something! 想点

8、儿办法吧! Im fed up. 我受够了。 Give me a break. 饶了我吧。 Youve gone too far. 你太过分了,anger,跟我一起来寒暄,Friends”成员之三:刘香杰,见面及离别时的寒暄语,A.初次见面,请多关照! How do you do? (您好) How do you do? (您好) Nice to meet you. (很高兴认识你。) -Nice to meet you, too. (我也很高兴认识你。) Hello, Im Mr. Jones. (你好,我是琼斯。) Im very pleased to meet you. (很高兴认识你。

9、) -Im happy to meet you. /Im glad to make your acquaintance. (你好./ 很高兴认识你.,B.再次见面,你还好吗? How have you been? (你过得怎么样?) -Good. How about you? (还好, 你呢?) Im glad you could come./ How nice of you to come. (我很高兴你能来。) -So am I. Its good to see you again. (我也很高兴, 再次见到你真是太好了。) When did we meet last? (我们上次见面是什

10、么时候?) - Its been so long that I cant remember. (过了太长时间, 我都记不得了。,见面及离别时的寒暄语,C.同事唠嗑 Hows your work?/ Hows work going?/ How are things at the office? (工作怎么样?) Very well, thank you. /I cant complain. /Couldnt be better. (很好, 谢谢。/还不错。/再好不过了。 ) /The same as usual. (老样子。) /Nothing has changed. (什么也没变。) I h

11、ope you wont give me a hard time. (希望你不要难为我。) Dont worry. Ill be nice. (不用担心, 我会手下留情。,见面及离别时的寒暄语,D.同志们,下班了! Whats the hurry? (你急什么?) Its time for the last train. /The last train is almost due. (末班车快来了。) I have to get going. /I must get going now. (我得走了。) Whats your rush? (你急什么呢?) /Have a nice day. (

12、祝你一天顺利。) Im going home now. (我现在要回家了。) Have you got everything? (没落下东西吧?) I think so. (我想没有。) See you tomorrow. (明天见。) Dont forget to punch your time card. (别忘了打你的出勤卡。,见面及离别时的寒暄语,表示感谢的寒暄语,Ill extend your deadline two weeks. (截止日期我给你们延长两星期吧。) Thatll be a big help. (你能这样做真是太好了。) What a beautiful dress

13、! (这件连衣裙真漂亮!) Thank you for the compliment. (多谢夸奖。) Thank you for participating. /Thank you for joining in.(感谢您的参与!) Thank you very much for everything youve done for me. (非常感谢您为我做的一切。) I learned a lot. (我学到了很多东西。) It was truly my pleasure. (别客气。,办公英语学习 “FRIENDS”成员之四:单长虎,Punch in - Did you punch in?

14、 Punch out - Did you punch out? You must punch in and punch out every day. (Punch the clock) Dont forget to punch the clock,上下班打卡,GM)总经理:General Manager(DGM)副总经理: Deputy General Manager 1. Human Resource Department 人力资源部 HR Dept.2. Information Technology Department 信息部 IT Dept.3. Marketing Departmen

15、t 市场部4. Finance Department 财务部5. Purchasing(Procurement) Department采购部6. Administrative Department 行政部,专有名词,您好,我是XXX。 请问您是哪位? Hello, XXX speaking. May I know who is calling? 您有什么事吗? Whats this call regarding? 他现在不在,您可以留个口信吗? He is out, can I take a message? Would you leave a message? 还有其它我可以帮您的吗? Is

16、 there anything else I can do for you? 谢谢您的来电。 Thank you for calling,电话用语,看视频,学英语,餐桌英语 “FRIENDS”成员之五:蔺旭,Wed like a table for 5 please. 当您到达餐厅时,或是打电话定位时就可以这么说。 Smoking or non-smoking? 服务生正问您想要坐在吸烟区还是非吸烟区。 Would you like to have a drink first? 先来点喝的怎么样? Are you ready to order? 当你决定了想点的菜时,服务生还可以说Can I

17、take your order,What do you recommend? 如果你不知道想点什么菜是,可以要服务生推荐一下。What are your specialties? 这代表着餐厅中最受欢迎最好的菜肴,例如典型的地方菜。 Tom: Jack,which do you prefer, beer or wine? Jack 你要喝点啤酒还是葡萄酒? Jack: Beer please, thanks. 我要啤酒,谢谢。 Tom: Heres to our friendship and your health, cheers! 为我们的友谊和您的健康干杯,Tom: Ah, Here co

18、mes the egg rolls Ah,上春卷儿了 It tastes best when taken piping hot. 趁热吃好吃。 Just help yourself to whatever youd like. 请随便挑你喜欢的吃。 May I help you get some pieces of sweet and sour fish? 我给你夹点糖醋鱼吧? No more, thank you I really full. 不了,谢谢,我真的饱了。 I am afraid Ive had more than enough. 我吃的太饱了,May I fill your glass again? 再给你加点酒吗? Can I have


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