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1、广东省广州市花都区九年级(上)期末英语试卷一、语法选择(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)Letting kids leann more about scienee at an early age is easier than you think. It is happening all around (1) , and you can use everyday things to encourage yourchildrens interest. Kims father said.At first he believed it was difficult to help his child

2、ren (2) scienee. But in fact,we dont need(3) high scientific brain. All we need is that we are willingto try , (4) the world , and to take the time to encourage their interest . heshared his experie neeFirst, you should have an active attitude (态度) yourself. The start by (5) your children questions

3、about the things you see every day And then listen to their answers(6) , which will improve their con fide nee and help you decide ( 7)your children know or do not know.Different kids have different interest, (8) they need different kinds ofscienee projects. Kims father said . For example, collectin

4、g rocks can interest one of his sons, but his another son(9) is five years older needs something more todeal with it. Knowing your children is the (10) way to find enjoyable learningactivities. Here (11) some more advice from him.Choose activities that are the right level of difficulty.If you are no

5、t sure, pick something easier. The suggested ages on the projects and books should (12) to make sure that the activity is right for your child.Let your child (13) the project or activity himself.Its ( 14) to ask rather than force him . If a child ( 15)something he is interested in, he will enjoy it

6、and learn more from it . So suggest choosing two or things your child can do.1.A.weB.ourC.usD.ours2.A.toB.aboutC.withD.at3.A.aB.anC.theD./4. A. seeB. seeingC.sawD. to see5. A. askB. askD. asked6. A. patieneeB. patientC.impatie ntD. patiently7. A. whatB. whyC.whereD. how8. A. andB.

7、D. because9. A. whatB. whichC.whyD. who10. A. goodB. wellC.betterD. best11. A. areB. isC.wereD. was12. A. readB. readD. be reading13. A. chooseB. chooseD. choosing14. A. eno ugh easyB. easy eno ughC.easily eno ughD. eno ugh easily15. A. pickB. picksC.will pickD. is picked.二、完形

8、填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分1.5分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1625各题所给的A、B C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.One day a young man Gary went to see a wise old man . He wan ted to know why he was nt able to reach all of his (16) in his life.He found the old man reading in a small house by the rive. With a smile,the wise manl

9、istened to Garys story and (17) him, First come to help me boil a kettle(水壶)of water!Gary saw a big kettle sta nding in the comer n ext to small stove 火炉),but he did nt find any (18) . So he went out to search for someHe came back with some dry wood, (19) the kettle with water and put it onthe stove

10、. Then he put some wood in the stove and started a fire. But because the kettle was too (20) ,when the wood burned up,the water did not boil . So he ran offto get more.When he returned,the water had nearly turned cold. This time he (21) hisless on and prepared more wood in adva nee The n the water b

11、oiled very (22) .If there is not(23) wood, how would you boil the water ? the wise man asked.Gary thought for a mome nt but did nt know the (24), so he shook his headWell, then just pour out some water from the kettle!the old man said .Gary(25) thoughtfully .At first, you set too many goals said the

12、 old man. Its just like the large kettle full of water. You did nt have eno ugh wood, so you could nt boil the water. If you want to make the water boil, then you will have to either pour some out or prepare more wood!16. A. jobsB. tasksC.goalsD. dreams17. A. talkedB. toldC.saidD. asked18. A. woodB.

13、 stoneC.foodD. fruit19. A. put onB. filled upC.took awayD. got to20. A. smallB. lightC.largeD. heavy21. A. learnedB. foundC.thoughtD. started22. A. quietlyB. slowlyC.carefullyD. quickly23. A. freshB. cleanC.enoughD. green24. A. reasonB. questionC.lesso nD. answer25. A. wavedB. noddedC.shookD. signed

14、.三、阅读(共两节,满分45分)(A)It was a Christmas night. I was an uniucky nurse who had to work on such a beautiful festival. When I was complaining about it , three people appeared at my desk a tired woma n and two childre n.Are you all sick? I asked doubtfully because they seemed all rightYes, the woman answe

15、red weakly and lowered her head.But when they started to present their problems, things because unclear One child had a fever, but his temperature was OK The other child had an earache but she could not tell me which ear hurt. It seemed that the mother was pretending to cough.Something was wrong. Bu

16、t I only explained that it might take a while before a doctor could meet them . Take your time, please, said the mother . I checked their charts-no address Suddenly I knew they were homeless while the hospital was warm.The family huddled (卷缩)together under the Christmas tree, smiling and talking wit

17、h each other sweetly. Quietly, I went back the nursesstation and told them what happened in the waiting room . It was just like God sending us a gift on Christmas DayThe nursesstation suddenly came back to life All the nurses went into action fora Christmas emergency.We took out our meals for our Ch

18、ristmaspatients . We also put together oranges and apples as presents We tried to exceed the needs of a family who needed only a warm place on Christmas ni ght . Later, the little girl kissed me and said, Tha nks for being our an gel. 26 . How did the writer feel before the family appeared in the ho

19、spital ?A. TiredB. PleasedC. Un happyD. Excited27. Why did the family come to the hospital? A . They were ill and came to see a doctorB . They would like to visit a friend .C. They wan ted to spe nd Christmas with the writer .D . They were homeless and had no place to stay28 . The un derli ne wordgi

20、ftin Paragraph 6refers to.A . the warm placeB . the homeless familyC. the delicious mealD . the serious patie nts29 . Why did the nurses offer the family meals and presents A . To make them feel at home.B . To make them feel healthyC. To make them leave soonD . To share prese nts from God30 . What c

21、an we learn from the story? A . A frie nd in n eed is a friend in deed .B. Its wrong to tell a lie to others.C. Its a pleasure to help those in needD. A hospital is a good place for Christmas night(B)Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history Many people would think of Confucius, whose birthday

22、was September 28. Although he lived over 2000years ago, people still remember and respect him for his contribution to the education today .Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu which lies in todays Shandong Province He lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. He had a hard childhood. His father die

23、d when he was only 3years old. His mother brought him up. As a child, he had to work to help his mother, but young Con fucius did nt give up study ing . He visited many famous teachers and lea ned music, history, poetry and sports.Later, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chi

24、nese history At that time only childre n from noble families could go to school , but Con fucius believed every one should go to school if they wan ted to learn. He had about 3000stude nts in his lifetime.Today, people still follow Confuciuslessons. He told us that we have something worthy to be lea

25、rned. When I am with three people, one of them must be better than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities and follow them.He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. All study but no thinking makes people puzzled All thinking but no study makes people lazy Confucius is not o

26、nly a great teacher, but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world and society . His most important ideas are about kindness and good mann ers . He said young people should take care of the old . People should give up only thinking of themselves and work for others . Some of his popul

27、ar words are A kind person should care for othersandA person should be strict with himself, but be kind to other . People uses his ideas to help themselves and society . At present, more than 100lnternet websites are telling people about him, and his ideas have gone far into east and south Asia .31

28、. People still remember Con fucius today because ofA . his hard work in the childhoodB. his wise thoughts about educationC. his travelling from state to stateD. his birth in Spring and Autumn Period32. The underline wordnoblein Paragraph 3mean.A. poorB. brightC. hard - workingD. rich33. Which is the

29、 correct order of the following statements ? Confuciusfather died and he had to help raise the family Con fucius educated about 3000stude nts in his life time Con fucius visited many famous teachers in his childhood Con fuciusideas are lear ned from all over the world Con fucius started the first pu

30、blic school in Chin ese historyA. B .C.D .34 . Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage? A . No one has someth ing worthy to be lear ned.B . All study but no thi nking makes people puzzledC. All thinking but no study makes people lazyD . A person should be strict with himself, but be k

31、ind to others .35 . From the last paragraph, we can infer thatA . people in East and South Asia know little about Con fuciusideasB . people only use Con fuciusideas to help them studyC. more and more people will learn about Con fuciusideas in the future D . we can hardly find any in formatio n about

32、 Con fucius on the in ternet .(C)Besides water, is there any other drink you need to have nearly every day? Cant remember? Here are some ideas Its colour is white. It tastes creamy. It is good for the body and helps build strong bones. Oh yes it is milk.Ever since you can probably rememberyou been t

33、old that milk is like a superfood. It has important nutrients and is good for people in many ways. It is rich in protein. vitamin D and calcium (钙),which make childrens growing bones stronge. Also milk can help keep blood pressure down and thus lower the possibility of heart disease. And a glass of

34、warm milk helps us get a good nights sleep The list can go on and onHowever, some studies show that milk might not really be good for you. It may in fact cause some health problems. For example, drinking a lot of whole milk (three or more servings a day may results in obesit(肥胖),US scienee wet site

35、LiveScienee reportecBut fat free milk may not be good either . It can be filled with many other things like sugar and manmade flavours (味道)to make it taste better.Another problem is that milk may not in fact be all that good for peoples bones. According to a study in the British Medical Journal, sci

36、entists found that some people who had more milk in fact had more fracture (骨折)bones, not less.The best way for kids to take good care of bones is to go outside and playAmy Lanou, a teacher of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, US, told LiveScienceMilk may not be a superfood, but it does

37、 have some valuable nutrients These nutrients are hard to get into kids in other ways. And you should drink milk in the name of loving it . not just in the name of your health , experts suggests36 . Why is milk good for children? A . It is white and tastes creamyB. It can be filled with many things.

38、C. It can make kids become fatD. It has much protein and calcium.37. Milk is good for us. How many ways are mentioned in the passageA. 2B.3C.4D.538. The best way for kids to take good care of their bones is to.A. play in the open airB. get eno ugh good sleepC. eat less man made flavoursD. drink as m

39、uch as possible39. What does the writer think of milk ?A. It is a superfood.B. It has no nutrients.C. it has good and bad sidesD. Its loved by every one.40. Where can we read the passageA. In a storybook.B. In a travel guide.C. In a scienee magazineD. In an advertisement.41. (10 分)Top books to tryDi

40、d you read your favourite books on April 23? It was World Book Day. Here are some great books picked out for you . Some of them are ficti ons. Others are about real life experie nces of childre n your age .Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard The Sword of Summer (2015)Rick Riordan, USMagnus Chase is

41、a tee nage boy who finds out he is the son of a Noru godTo save the worldMagnus must go on a journey to find the Sword of Summe, which is long lost. Scary giantsand a powerful wolf try to stop him from completing his task. Luckily, he has his friendsHearth and Blitz, who help him along the way. This

42、 books humour will have you chucklingand the interesting believable characters help make this book a mus十 read.Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School (2015)Jeff Kinney, USThis book is the 10th book from the bestselling series It is just as good as the others maybeeven better. Greg Heffley is a middle scho

43、ol student trying to deal with everydayproblems. Now things get eve n more in teresti ng whe n his tow n decides every one has to stopusing all electronics!Greg faces some new problems without a cell phone and computer Thisbook shows there are always going to be a few bumps崎岖)in the road, but it als

44、o remindsyou that you can laugh about it along the way.f DIARYCrenshaw (2015)Katherine Applegate, USCan you imagine losing everything Both your parents lose their job, and your family maynot have eno ugh money to pay rent or eve n buy food anymore That is what happe ns toJacks on and his family in t

45、he book Cren shaw While their family faces thesetroubles. Jacks ons imagi nary friend a silly cat n amed Cren shaw tries tohelp him deal witheverything. This booktalks about theimporta nee of family and frie nds and will make you cheer forJacks on throughout the whole book.41. Who wrote the book Dia

46、ry of a Wimpy Kid: Old Schoo? A. Rick RiordanB. Jeff KinneyC. Katherine ApplegateD. Magnus Chase42. When did you probably read the poster? A. In the summer of 2013B. On April 23rd, 2014C. In March 2015D. In June 201643. Which of the following is true ? A. Crenshaw is the 10T book from the series.B.

47、Hearth and Blitz are Jacks ons good frie ndsC. Greg Heffley is a student living in a townD. All the books are about real life experiences44. Ben likes humorous stories best which book will he choose? A. Crenshaw.B. The game of live.C. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old SchoolD. Magnus Chase and Gods of Asga:

48、 The Sword of Summer.45. What can we lear n from Jacks ons story A. Family and friends are important.B. There are a few difficulties in the road.C. All of the characters are believable.D. Nothing can stop you completing your task.Con fide nce is very importa nt in daily life. It can help you develop

49、 a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more con fide nt are much happier . (46) Buthow to be more con fide nt ? Here are some suggesti onsSpeak loudWhe n you are not con fide nt, you cant do well what you want to do . (47) Tryto speak loud eno ugh so that people can hear you clea

50、rly. The high voice can help you become more con fide nt.Play sportPhysical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxedA strong body helps you be full of con fide nt.En courage yourselfWrite dow n a list of things you did duri ng the day to see how many thi ngs you have donewell. Did you finish

51、your task on time? Did you help your family with the housework? (48)Get rid of fearFear comes along with failure. (49) Dont hide your head justbecause you said something stupid last time . Try to start again and believe you can do better.Pick up a hobby(50) In some ways a hobby can make you outstand

52、ing And it will makeyou happy and con fide nt.A. You speak in such a low voice that other people can hardly hear youB. If you like singing, sing as much as you canC. But its easy to overcome if you know that failure is part of your life.D. They can have more chanee to make themselves successfulE. Gi

53、ve yourself praise of the good things youve done四、写作(共三节,满分30分)第一节单词拼写(共14小题:每小题1分,满分30 分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词.在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单 词.(每空限填一词)51. The music is too loud. Would you m turning it down ?52. We walked for an hour and then stopped to take a r.53. The girl is very b to save the boy. Every one is

54、 proud of he.54. Jim is an honest boy so I think we can t him.55. Although he studied very hard, he still failed the e.56. We were l to win a trip to America for free .57 . (2分)不要捉弄这个可怜的孩子,这非常没礼貌.Donta jokethis poor boy . It is very impolite .58 .圣诞节就要到了,Tony花了一整天给他妈妈找礼物.Christmas is coming It took

55、Tony a whole day toa prese nt for his mother .59 . (2分)对孩子们来说,多吃蔬菜少吃肉是有好处的.good for childrenmore vegetables and less meat60 .这个箱子太重了,我们都提不动.The box i heavy none of us can carry it61.好漂亮的裙子啊!在哪儿买的?dress it is!Where did you buy it?62 .明年这里将会建一座新的儿童公园.A new Childre ns Parkhere next year.63 .打扰一下,请问书店怎么走啊?Excuse me could you tell me to the


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