



1、5合肥市包河区七年级下册期末试卷A. acrossB. i nto27. Lily the dog because it could nA. picked upC. looked for28. You said you could do all the things for us,A. someth ingC. everyth ing29. -Who the pia no?-T ony did.A. is playi ngB. played30. -Hurry up, Kevin. Here comes the bus.-I m coming.A. Wait a mome nt.C. What

2、 about you?C. aroundD. abovemove. And the n she sent it to a hospital.B. poin ted outD. waved tobut in fact, you didat all.B. anythingD. nothingC. playsD. will playB. Give us a break.D. Can I help you?V.单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. -Why did your father send you to school this morning? -Because of my .

3、 It snot easy for me to walk.A. NoseB. legC. fin gerD. arm22. -Where is Mr. Li tape? Did you -Yes, I gave it back to him yesterday.it?A. returnB. changeC. buyD. check23. -1 caught the bird. I was very close to it the n.-Don be silly. You can never run after a bird.A. AlmostB. onceC. justD.the n24. -

4、What do you thi nk of David at school?Really.Nobody likes to play with him.A. successfulB. popularC. difficultD. polite25. The boyhis bike yesterday. He could ntfind it any where.A. touchedB. rodeC.shookD.lost26. -Where shall we take a walk?-How about walki ng the lake? And the n we can be back here

5、 aga in.W.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A man had a beautiful garde n. He pla nted all kinds of nice things in it. But there was one problem (问题).His n eighbor (邻居)always let his 31 run into the garde n and eat the flowers. This made him very 32.The man told his n eighbor to let the chicke ns out of the33.

6、 But the n eighbor said,“believe the chicke ns can go any where they want. ” So he just let his chicke ns run about.The chicke ns34 the flowers, and they also liked the other pla nts in the garde n. Sothey 35 the garde n very ofte n.One day, one of the manfrie nds came to visit him. He saw everyth i

7、ng in the garde nwas 36. The friend was very surprised (惊讶) and asked, ” 37 did you let thechicke n out of your garden?”The man answered,Ch, that 38 , because I have a very good idea. I just putsome 39 around the flowers, and one day, I let my neighbor see me 40theeggs and put them into a basket. Af

8、ter that, the n eighbor n ever let his chicke ns run into my garden. ”31. A. chicke nsB.dogsC. pigsD.ducks32. A. happyB. famousC. boredD. rich33. A. churchB. forestC. garde nD. market34. A. soldB. lovedC. pushedD. changed35. A. visitedB. builtC. comparedD. fou nd36. A. heavyB. niceC. largeD. free37.

9、 A. WhyB. HowC. WhereD. What38. A. sadB. rudeC. wrongD. easy39. A. sausagesB. foodC. eggsD. gold40. A. openB. buyC. drawD. collect皿阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AEvery one loves going on holiday to foreig n coun tries. Here is someth ing you can do to make sure you enjoy your holiday.Get ready for itDid yo

10、u take your passport (护照) ? Every year, thousa nds of people can take their pla nes because they leave their passports at home, they arrive at the airport too late, or even go to the wrong airport.Search for some in formati onHow much do you know about the place you are going to visit? Learning some

11、 traditi ons of a country will help you know the people well. Lear ning a few words of ano ther Ian guage can also help you make new frien ds.Help the local (当地的)peopleYou can help local people a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means your money will go to local p

12、eople, but not a large foreign compa ny.Always remember your holidayYou always want to remember your holiday. Write dow n someth ing about your holiday to remember all the good time you had and also the new friends you made on holiday. Do you want to send them picture or prese nts? Remember to do it

13、!41. Many people can take their pla nes because they have their at home.A. passportsB. picturesC. walletsD. prese nts42. Lear ning someth ing about a country will help you to.A. find the airportB. lear n the Ian guageC. make new friendsD. buy some prese nts43. You can help the local people by .A. st

14、ay ing in local hotelsB. finding a large compa nyC. lear ning some traditi onsD. arrivi ng at a local airport44. You need to write down something about your holiday because it can help you toA. get ready for your holidayB. send your friends some prese ntsC. know the local people wellD. remember the

15、good time and friends45. Where can you read a passage like this?A. In a story book.B. In a guidebook.C. In a sports n ewspaper.D. In a clothes magaz ine.BNot long ago, a young composer, Alma Deutscher, was popular in Vienna, and also her opera Cinderella. Some people even say she is another Mozart.

16、But who is Alma Deutscher?Alma is a British girl and she beganto love music at a very young age. Her fatherremembered that the girl could sing even before she started speak ing. She could tell the notes (音符) of a piano at the age of two and wrote her first musical work when she was only six years ol

17、d. This is really like Mozart, because he wrote his first work at the age ofeight.But the 12-year-old girl does ntwa nt people to compare her to Mozart. She said,Forme, It best to be Alma.” When not play ing music, she loves meeti ng frien ds, shopp ingon li ne and swim min g, like all other girls.B

18、ut for now, Alma simportant job is her opera, Cinderella. She will be the heroine(女主角)in the opera. Her music teacher will be her mother in the opera; two sin gers will beher sisters. And one of Alma cous ins will be the prince (王子)in it.46. Alma Deutscher isB. Mozart sfriendA. a music teacherC. a c

19、omposerD. Mozart sister47. Alma Deutscher wrote her first musical work whe n she wasyears old.A. twoB. sixC. eightD. twelve48. Which one does NOT Alma Deutscher like?B. Swimmi ngD. Going sightsee ingB. A famous sin ger D. Alma ScousinA. Playi ng musicC. Shopp ing on li ne49. Who will be the prince i

20、n the opera Cin derella?A. Alma DeutscherC. A school teacher50. Which one could be the best title(标题)for the passage?A. The famous opera Cin derellaB. Alma Deutscher and MozartC. A young composer and her operaD. Mozart s great musical worksCAre you still make a “ Vwhe n you take photos? It s out. Th

21、e latest (最新的) popular body Ianguage with your hands is putting both of your hands together to make aheart(心) . It is called “and hear t ”Many young pop stars in the US use this new body Ian guage whe n they take photos.The hSnd heart means something between Move y ou and thank you ,said Taylor Swif

22、t,the country sin ger. You can send a sweet message(信息) without say ing a word. Swiftofte n does it at her con certs. And people believe she is the first to make it popular.Last mon th, Justi n Bieber did thehand heart and put the photos on li ne. He did it tohelp out three childre n because their p

23、arents died in a car accide nt(事故)In the past, people lear ned about a kind of body Ian guage slowly. But no w, it moves fast because we have mobile phones and the Intern et.51. The latest popular body Ianguage with your hands is making a“” .A. VB. heartC. wordD. car52. Hand heart means something _.

24、A. like llove y ouB. betweenllove y ou and htnk y ouC. like hank y ouD. betwee n llove yo u a nd “m sorry 53. Who is the first one to make hand heart popular?A. A US actorB. A rock singer C. Taylor SwiftD. Just in Bieber54. Just in Bieber did the:hand heart and put the photos on li ne to .A. help th

25、ree childre nB. stop a car accide ntC. make him famousD. teach the body Ian guage55. A new kind of body Ian guage becomes popular because of.A. pop starsB. some sweet messagesC. photos on li neD. mobile phones and Internet忸.单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分;满分5分)56. My parents can always remember the d (日期)of my birt

26、hday.57. We can only g (猜测)Miss Li age. She never told us.58. Nobody is p_ (完美的) ,so we should believe him.59. We need two b_ (碗) of rice and some soup, please.60. Every morning, Lucy and her mother k(亲吻)each other and say goodbye.IX.用所给答案词的适当形式填空,使句意通顺(共 5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)61. They found there ( be) on

27、ly one basket in the house last night.62. It took him two hours ( do) his homework last night.63. My father ( buy) a newspaper and read it just now.64. Tom uncle lear ned ( Russia)at an early age and now he can speak it well.65. Please ( push)the door, and you can find something special behind it.X

28、.句型转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)66. The boy became an ani mal in the story.(改为否定句)The boyan ani mal in the story.67. Will you call me? Will you email me?(合并为一句)you call email me?68. Rock music started in America in the 1950s.(就划线部分提问)rock music start in America?69. Judy was in the kitche n, too.(改为否定句)Judy in

29、 the kitche n,70. They are really nice people.(改为感叹句)people they are!幻.书面表达(共1小题;满分10分)假如你叫李华,上周日你与家人在合肥大剧院(Hefei Grand Theatre )聆听了一场音乐会。请你根据以下要点提示给你的英国笔友Mike写一封电子邮件,简要介绍此事。WhenLast Sun dayWhoMy pare nts and IWhyGet three tickets from my uncleHow to arriveBy taxiWhat to do/isit the theatre Enjoy the classical music Take photos with the musicia ns注意:1.词数60-70 ;2. 可增加细节,适当发


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