1、Unit 1 FriendshipPeriod 2 Reading整体设计从容说课This is the second teaching period of this unit. As usual, the teacher should check the stude nts homework and offer cha nces for them to go over what they lear ned in the last period at the beg inning of the class.reaIn this period, the teach ing emphasis wi
2、ll be put on develop ing the Ssding ability and gett ing them to lear n to use some readi ng strategies such as guess ing, key senten ces, skim ming and so on. As to new words and phrases, the teacher can first find those the Ss find most difficult and help them to un dersta nd. One way of help ing
3、them lear n new words is to ask them to study the text before the less on and find out the meaning of any word they are un sure of. A sec ond way of helping them is to choose the words they maybe find difficult and pre-teach them before begi nning the readi ng.In order to lead in the part Readi ng,
4、the teacher can first ask the stude nts to discuss whether they have ever con sidered making friends with ani mals, pla nts or eve n an object and why or why not. The stude nts are supposed to an alyze their reas ons. The purpose of this activity is to begi n to focus the stude nts atte nti on on th
5、e main topic of the readi ng passage.It is very important that the students learn to use all the clues in the text to help them un dersta nd the gist of what they are readi ng. So first en courage them to look at the pictures and the headi ng and guess what the text might be about. Then ask the clas
6、s to read the passage sile ntly. Sometimes ask them some questions to focus their reading. Alternately, ask them to tell what the main idea for each paragraph is. Make sure that they do it in one sentence. This is very useful because it is making them an alyze what is importa nt and what is not.Whil
7、e discussing the ideas put forward in the reading passage, the students should be encouraged to put forward their own ideas, either criticizing the text or using it as a support because they should think whether they agree or disagree with the writer. Besides, in order to help the stude nts own writ
8、i ng, it is also importa nt to ask them to find out and remember some phrases and senten ces.To con solidate the contents of the readi ng passage, the stude nts should be required to retell the text. In order to arouse the students interest, the teacher can hold a competition between groups.教学重点Get
9、the stude nts to lear n differe nt readi ng skills.教学难点Get the stude nts to lear n differe nt readi ng skills for differe nt readi ng purposes.教学方法1. Task-based teach ing and lear ning2. Cooperative lear ning3. Discussi on教具准备The multimedia and other normal teaching tools三维目标Kno wledge aims:1. Get t
10、he students to learn the following useful new words and expressions:reason list share feeli ng Netherla nds Germa n series outdoors crazy n ature purpose dare thun der en tirely power accord ing trust in doors share. . . with. . . go through hide away set down a series of be crazy about on purpose i
11、n order to in one s poweface to face accord ing to2. Help the students to find the words and phrases that they find most difficult and help them to un dersta nd.Ability aimsHelp the stude nts develop their readi ng ability and lear n to use some read ing strategies such as guess ing, key senten ces,
12、 skim ming, sca nning and so on.Emotional aims:En able the stude nts to realize the importa nee of friends and frien dship, value the frien dship betwee n friends by lear ning the readi ng text and tell true friends from false friends in their lives.教学过程设计方案(一)t Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework
13、exercises.2. Ask some stude nts what a friend is.t Step 2 Lead- inEnjoy the song That s What Friends Are For with the students. Ask thestudents to find out what it is about.t Step 3 Prereadi ngAsk the students the following questions so as to begin to focus students attention on the main topic of th
14、e readi ng passage.1. Why do you n eed frien ds? Make a list of reas ons why friends are importa nt to you.2. What do you think a good friend should be like? List the good qualities a good friend should have.3. Does a friend always have to be a pers on? What else can be your friend?4. Have you ever
15、con sidered making friends with ani mals, pla nts or ev en an object? Why or why n ot?(The teacher can also tell students some background before starting to read. This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam, Holla nd in the early 1940s after Germa n Nazis had occupied most of Europe. They kille
16、d many Jews. To avoid being killed, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of non- Jewish friends. This is what Anne s family did.)t Step 4 Readi ng1. Get the students to try to guess what Anne s friend was and what the passage is about byreading the title and having a quick look
17、 at the pictures in this passage without reading it.2. Get the students to skim the first two paragraphs to confirm their guessing.3. Have the class to read the passage silently and then ask them to answer the following questio ns.1) What was Anne s best friend? Why did she make friends with it?2) D
18、id she have any other true frie nds then? Why?3) What is the di fference between Anne s diary and those of most people?4) Do you keep a diary? What do you thi nk most people set dow n in their diaries?5) We are going to read one of Anne s diaries, but before reading, can you tell me what thediary is
19、 about with the help of one key sentence in the sec ond paragraph?4. Reading Anne s diary1) While reading, guess the meanings of“ spellbound ” ,“ hold me entirely in their powerthe discourse.2) After readi ng, ask the stude nts how Anne felt i n the hidi ng place and get them to give the two example
20、s to show her feeli ngs the n.3) Choose the best an swer accord ing to the diary.(1) A nne made friends with her diary becauseA. she didn t like her other friendsB. she was a shy girlC. she trusted n obodyD. she did n t have a cha nee to com muni cate with her friends(2) From the diary we can infer
21、thatA. Anne was a girl who loves n atureB. Anne was good at writing diariesC. Anne was longing for a no rmal life and she especially missed going outside and enjoying natureD. Anne h ad good observati on in her daily life(3) Why did Anne and her family have to hide?A. Because they were not Germa ns.
22、B. Because they were asked to do so.C. Because they did someth ing bad.D. Because they were Jewish.(4) What is the author s attitude towards Anne in this p来assage?A. An gry. B. Happy. C. Sorry. D. Disappo in ted.(5) What is Anne s tone from her diary?A. Sad. B. Hopeful. C. Dis appoi ntedD. Angry.(6)
23、 What made Anne crazy about n ature?A. Her in terest i n n ature.B. She had no friends.C. She couldnt geous for a long time.D. She could do nothing but watch n ature.Suggested an swers:(1)D (2)C(3)D(4)C(5)A(6)C4) Ask the stude nts to read the diary aga in and try to retell it. The retelli ng must in
24、 clude the information required below:How to enjoy herself?Why?Sample retelli ng:s shelteThe diary by Anne, a Jewish girl, gave a glimpse of her life during her familyAmsterdam from the Germa n Nazis killi ng in the Second World War. She treated the diary as her best friend, and in it she revealed h
25、er longing for a no rmal life and close con tact with n ature, which helped her get through the days.t Step 4 Readi ng aloudPlay the tape of the passage for the students to listen and follow. Make sure the students phrase long sentences correctly by paus ing at suitable places.t Step 5 Pos-readi ng1
26、. Get the stude nts to do the exercises in the part Comprehe nding.This part helps stude nts further un dersta nd the text by doing multiple choices, questi ons and an swers, and match ing.2. Group workThink about and work in groups to discuss the follow ing questi ons.1) What would you do if your f
27、amily were going to be killed just because they did someth ing the Emperor did not like?2) Where would you plan to hide?3) How would you arrange to get food give n to you every day?4) What would you do to pass the time?t Step 6 Con solidati on1. Books shut. Get the stude nts to tell someth ing about
28、 Anne.2. Books open. Get the students to discover useful words and expressions from the partRead ing to complete the follow ing senten ces.Show the exercises on the scree n or give out exercise papers.1) She has grownabout computer games.2) Was it an accide nt or did David do it on?3) From the begin
29、ning, Paul made it clear that he would be(完全地)incon trol.4) He used to workeve n in the mid dle of win ter.5) get her boyfrie nd to find her, shefor many years.6) what he said, we can draw a con clusi on that he just toldwhite lies.7) Bor n in a poor family, the presidentlots of hardships in his chi
30、ldhood.8) A diary is often kept towhat happens in peoples. s daily live9) When they met with each other on a quiet evening at the end of the street, they saidnothing.First get the stude nts to do the exercises. The n the an swers are give n. The teacher can give them expla nati ons where n ecessary.
31、Suggested answers:1)crazy 2)purpose 3)entirely 4)outdoors 5)1 n order not to, hid away 6)Accord ing to, a series of 7)we nt through 8)set dow n 9)face to facet Step 7 Homework1. Read the passage aga in and try to retell it.2. Finish off the related Workbook exercises.3. Write one or two sentences to
32、 express your un dersta nding of friends and frien dship.Friends Are WonatbgetherEnding Let s listen and sing the song That 设计方案(二)t Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some stude nts what a friend is.t Step 2 Lead- inEnjoy the song That s What Friends Are For with the Ss. Ask the
33、students to find out what it is about.t Step 3 Prereadi ngAsk the stude nts some questi ons so as to begi n to focus stude nts atte nti on on the main topicof the readi ng passage.t Step 4 Readi ng1. Get the students to try to guess what Anne s friend is and what the passage is about byreading the t
34、itle and having a quick look at the pictures in this passage without reading it.2. Get the students to skim the first two paragraphs to confirm their guessing.3. Have the class to read the passage sile ntly.4. Reading Anne s diary1) Ask the stude nts how Anne felt in the hid ing place.2) Guess the m
35、eanings of“ spellbound ” hold me entirely in their power” from the discours3) Ask the studen ts to read the diary again and try to retell it.t Step 5 Readi ng aloudPlay the tape of the passage for the stude nts to liste n to and follow.t Step 6 Pos-readi ng1. Get the stude nts to do the exercises in
36、 the part Comprehe nding.2. Get the stude nts to work in groups to have a discussi on of ideas.t Step 7 Con solidati on1. Books shut. Get the stude nts to tell someth ing about Anne.2. Get the students to discover useful words and expressions from the part Rea ding.t Step 8 Homework1. Read the passa
37、ge aga in and try to retell it.2. Finish off the related Workbook exercises.3. Write one or two sentences to express your un dersta nding of friends and frien dship.Ending Let s listen and sing the song That s What Friends Are For together.板书设计ParagraphsParagraph 1Paragraph 2Anne s diaryUnit 1 Frien
38、dship Anne s Best FriendMain IdeasAnne made her diary her best friend whom she could tell everything.Anne sdiary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had to hide away for a long time.Having been kept indoors for so long, Anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature.Us
39、eful words and expressions Feeling go through.hide away set down a series of.crazy nature on purpose in order to dare face to face.e s Diary and read some of it. Print活动与探究Go to your school library or surf the Internet to find Annout a piece of the diary and write dow n your feeli ngs after readi ng it on the page. Then share the pieces and your feeli ngs with the whole class. The purpose of this activity is to en courage stude nts to make use of libraries and
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