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1、我国反贫困工作中农业保险的作用探究摘 要农业作为基础产业,在国民经济发展中占据重要地位。但农业生产具有弱质性的特点,自然灾害的发生往往给农民带来巨大损失。通过吸引农户参加农业保险,能够帮助农民规避风险,一方面稳定农户收入水平,另一方面促进农业经济发展,从而实现反贫困效应。党的十九大报告强调要切实解决好三农;问题,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,然而农业保险作为农业生产的保障机制,一直存在发展水平不足的问题。在我国反贫困工作的推进中,农业保险是否起到作用,又起了多大的作用?如何通过农业保险保障水平促进农村反贫困效率的提高?这些问题是目前业界和政府所关注的重点。因此对其进行研究不仅具有理论意义,同时具有现实意


3、障水平反贫困的相关概念与相关理论,包括反贫困理论,农业风险管理理论,农业保险福利效益理论。第三章分析了农业保险保障水平反贫困效应的三个作用路径,包括农业保险风险化解效应、产业增收效应和经济发展效应。在此基础上,第四章实证检验了我国农业保险保障水平在农户收入和农业经济增长两维度的反贫困效应,并得出相应结论。第五章总结全文,根据理论与实证检验结论,提出切合实际的政策意见。研究结论显示:第一,关于农业保险保障水平影响农民收入水平的研究发现,我国的农业保险保障水平具有提高农民收入的反贫困效应。在全国数据中,农业保险保障水平对农户收入的影响系数为 0.0178,东部、中部、西部分别为 0.197、0.0

4、0726、0.21。虽然总体影响系数较小,但是不管是全国还是分地区的数据,影响因子均为正数,说明了农业保险保障水平对农民收入的正向影响关系。第二,关于农业保险保障水平影响农业经济增长的研究发现,我国农业保险保障水平对农业经济增长具有正向作用。全国数据中,农业保险保障水平对农业经济水平的影响系数为 0.297,东部、中部、西部分别为0.217、0.809 和 0.771。这说明我国农业保险保障水平较大程度上促进农村经济增长,具有良好的反贫困效应。关键词:农业保险;保障水平;反贫困;面板数据模型。ABSTRACTAs a basic industry, agriculture plays an i

5、mportant role in the development of national economy. However, agricultural production is characterized by weak quality, and the occurrence of natural disasters often brings huge losses to farmers. By attracting farmers to participate in agricultural insurance, we can help farmers avoid risks, on th

6、e one hand, stabilize the income level of farmers, on the other hand, promote the development of agricultural economy, so as to achieve the anti-poverty effect. The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that we should solve the problems of agriculture,

7、 countryside and farmers effectively and win the battle against poverty resolutely.However, as a guarantee mechanism for agricultural production, agricultural insurance has always been a problemof insufficient development level. In thepromotion of anti-poverty work in our country, does agricultural

8、insurance play a role, and how much role does it play? How to improve the efficiency of anti-poverty in rural areas through the level of agricultural insurance? These problems are the focus of attention of the industry and the government at present. Therefore, it is not only of theoretical significa

9、nce, but also of practical significance.Based on the theory of anti-poverty and welfare effect of agricultural insurance, this paper explorestheimpactofagriculturalinsurancelevelonfarmers incomeandagriculturaleconomic development, which is an innovation of the research methods of Anti-poverty Effect

10、 of agricultural insurance level. The purpose of this paper is to explore the Anti-poverty Effect of agricultural insurance in China against the background of the current level of agricultural insurance guarantee in China, and to analyze the regional differences ofAnti-poverty Effect of agricultural

11、 insurance guarantee level, and to further put forward policy optimization suggestions for the Anti-poverty Effect of agricultural insurance, so as to give full play to agricultural insurance to promote the increase of farmers income. The role of agricultural economic growth. There are five chapters

12、 in this paper. The first chapter is the introduction.Firstly, the background and significance of studying the Anti-poverty Effect of the level of agricultural insurance security are elaborated. Secondly, the relevant literature on the level of agricultural insurance security at home and abroad is s

13、orted out. Finally, the object of this study,research ideas, research methods and innovations are pointed out. The second chapter is about therelatedconceptsandtheoreticalbasisofanti- povertyofagriculturalinsurancesecuritylevel,including anti-poverty theory, agricultural risk management theory and w

14、elfare benefit theory of agricultural insurance. The third chapter analyses the three paths of the Anti-poverty Effectofthelevelofagriculturalinsurance,includingtheriskreductioneffectofagriculturalinsurance, the effect of industrial income increase and the effect of economic development. On this bas

15、is,the fourth chapter empirically examines the Anti-poverty Effect of the level of agricultural insurance in the two dimensions of farmers income and agricultural economic growth, and makes an analysis of the empirical results. Chapter five summarizes the whole paper and putsforward practical policy

16、 suggestions according to the conclusion of theoretical and empirical tests.The results show that: first, the research on the impact of agricultural insurance security level on farmers income level finds that the level of agricultural insurance security in China has Anti-poverty Effect on improving

17、farmers income. In the national data, the impact coefficient of agricultural insurance level on farmers income is 0.0178, and 0.197, 0.00726 and 0.21 in the eastern, central and Western regions, respectively. Although the overall impact coefficient is relativelysmall,theimpactfactorsarepositiveregar

18、dlessofthenationalorregionaldata,which shows that the level of agricultural insurance security has a positive impact on farmers income.Secondly, the research on the impact of agricultural insurance security level on agricultural economic growth finds that the level of agricultural insurance security

19、 in China has a positive effect on agricultural economic growth. In the national data, the impact coefficient of agricultural insurance level on agricultural economic growth is 0.297, and 0.217, 0.809 and 0.771 in the eastern, central and Western regions, respectively. This shows that the level ofag

20、ricultural insurance security in China promotes rural economic growth to a large extent and has a good anti-poverty effect.KEYWORDS:Agricultural insurance;Guarantee level of agricultural insurance; Anti poverty; Panel Data Model。第一章 绪论本章包括四节内容,第一节为农业保险保障水平反贫困的研究背景与意义;第二节对国内外关于农业保险保障水平的相关文献进行梳理,并进行评述

21、,指出了本文在前人研究的基础上可能作出的贡献;第三节介绍了农业保险保障水平反贫困效应的研究内容与全文的分析框架;第四节对本文所采取的研究方法进行说明,并指出创新点与不足。第一节 研究背景和意义一、研究背景。反贫困是世界各国面临的共同问题。农村贫困人口往往缺少物资资本,不具备抗风险能力,而我国农村贫困人口大多以农业收入为生活来源,如果发生自然灾害影响农业生产,很容易导致其陷入深度贫困。2018 年我国洪水、台风、干旱等自然灾害导致了 1.3亿人次受灾,农作物受灾超过 2 亿公顷,直接经济损失超过 2600 亿元。因此降低贫困人口自然灾害的风险具有较强的反贫困意义。通过建立农业保险风险转移机制,能

22、够帮助农民规避风险,稳定农民收入水平,减少因灾致贫的风险。世界范围内,多数国家推行农业保险制度保障农业生产,特别是美国、法国和加拿大,其农业保险发展历史近百年之久,农业保险制度模式较为成熟,保障水平达到较高水平。我国政府充分肯定了农业保险的重要作用,2007 年开始在全国各地实行农业保险财政补贴。2019 年,中央一号文件提出要完善农业支持保护制度,按照扩面增品提标的要求,完善农业保险政策,提出建立多层次农业保险体系的总体要求。农业保险具有天然的反贫困和精准扶贫功能,在灾前预防风险、灾后分散风险的化解风险效应,稳定农户收入、提高农业管理水平的产业增收效应,放大财政支农资金、促进农村金融发展的经

23、济发展效应三个方面发挥着重要作用。2019 年 3 月,中国银保监会办公厅发布关于做好 2019 年银行业保险业服务乡村振兴和助力脱贫攻坚工作的通知,提出保险机构要强化风险保障功能,聚焦提质增效,推进保险服务乡村振兴的专业化体制机制建设。文件在农业保险保障水平、农业保险产品和服务模式创新力度、农业巨灾风险分散机制等层面做出新的要求。特别是在 2020 年全面建成小康社会的时代背景下,农业保险作为一项重要的反贫困制度,在防止农民因灾致贫、因灾返贫问题方面更是发挥着不可替代的作用。农业保险保障水平能够反映出农业保险的开展状况,是检验农业保险是否处于良性发展状态的核心指标。自从我国实施政策性农业保险




27、重视农村贫困问题,至今共有十六年的中央一号文件关注三农;问题,这些文件为农业保险支持三农;发展提出了方向性的要求,提出不断完善农业保险的具体实施措施。2019 年 2 月,中国人民银行等五部门颁布关于金融服务乡村振兴的指导意见,文件指出促进农业保险保障水平提高的具体步骤,其中包括改革保费补贴制度,建立农业巨灾保险以及再保险制度,摆好农业保险在脱贫攻坚战中的正确位置。农业保险作为一种保障机制,能够在自然灾害发生时起到稳定农民收入的作用,具有精准性和针对性的反贫困效应,被认为是一种不可替代的金融扶贫工具。然而我国农业保险风险保障作用尚未完全发挥,农民、保险公司均反映农业保险未能起到实质性作用,农业

28、保险反贫困效应不明显、农业保险保障水平不适应当前农业生产的需要成为农业保险亟待解决的问题(王克等,2018)34。我国农业保险保障水平能否促进农业保险反贫困?如何提高农业保险保障水平反贫困效应?这些问题的解决,有利于帮助决策部门了解我国农业保险目前存在的问题,通过对农业保险反贫困作用机制的分析,为我国农业保险保障水平助推脱贫攻坚提供理论支持,进一步分析农业保险保障水平反贫困效应存在的地区差异,为我国农业保险差异化补贴提供政策建议,以更好地促进农业保险保障水平反贫困效应。第二节 文献综述一、农业保险保障水平二、农业保险反贫困效应三、农业保险反贫困效应度量方法四、研究评述第三节 主要研究内容与框架一、研究内容二、研究框架第四节 本文的研究方法、创新与不足


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