



1、Unit 4 My homeA lets learn 试讲稿Step1 Warming-up and Lead in Good morning, boys and girls. How are you,today? Fine, good, great. Im fine, too. Thanks for asking. Before the class, I will divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 please clap your hands, group 2 stamp your feet(带领全班做动作). Good job.Now please sta

2、nd up, lets sing a song and do some shaking actions together. Are you ready? Lets go.Mother finger, mother finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am, how do you do?Father finger , father finger, where are you?Here I am , here I am, how do you do?Good job. I love your beautiful voice. Now lets play

3、a game . Look, his is a magic box. It will be passed one by one with the music . when the music stop, the one who hold this box will answer my question. Are you clear? 1,2,3 go!“Do a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun” stop, wow, Lily , How lucky you are! Can you tell me what this is in

4、the picture 1? Good, its a schoolbag. OK ,one more time. “Do a deer, a female deer.” Stop. Summer, whats this in the picture 2? Wonderful,its a room. Can you tell me ,what exactly the room is? Its OK. Sit down, please.Step 2 Presentation and Practise OK , class. This is a room where we can sleep or

5、have a nap(同时做睡觉动作). Can you guess which room it is? Excellent , it a bedroom(板书示范带读) . Repeat after me , bedroom, bedroom.Now lets look a t the PowerPoint, which room is it? We can read a book, good, its a study(板书示范带读). Look, Amy is reading a book in the study. Can you tell me where is Amy? Is she

6、 in the study? Yes , she is.Now lets look at the next picture, which room is it? We can watch TV. Good, but in English we call it “living room”(板书示范带读). repeat after me, living room, living room. Is Amy in the living room? No, she isnt.OK . Please read after the tape, then read the new words in grou

7、ps. Now lets play a “bomb game”. Remember the one who is set as a bomb should not be read out. Kitchen kitchen. Bathroom, bathroom.shh. Puppy, one, two , three, bomb.Class, please look at the pictures and answer my questions. We know Amy is in the study, right? So,where is Amy?Is she in the living r

8、oom? Hands up. Zoe, please. Exactly, sit down please. No, she, isnt(板书示范带读). Now listen to the tape and follow it. OK, L Lets do so something interesting! Sentence dragon! Remember you should use the sentence patterns what we have learned! Which groups dragon is the longest will be rewarded. Here we

9、 go! (眼神跟随学生,小声复述) Wow, group 2 has the longest dragon! Congratulations! You can get one star.Now , I will give you 5 minutes to make a new dialogue based on the dialogue we just learned, then ask some pairs to share it. OK, group 1 please show your work. You all did very well.Step 3 ProductionOK, m

10、y class, stop here. Lets be the little reporters. Now six students in a group to make a survey about where your mothers usually are when you arrive at home, then finish the table in the PowerPoint and make a report.Please stand up, walk around the class and ask your classmates.(个别指导,并对某个学生小声说I like

11、your work) OK, times up.Who wants to share your work? OK, Tom and your partner, come to the stage, please. Perfect, Toms mother is usually in the kitchen when he arrive at home? Maybe she is cooking for dinner. I like your work. Youve improved a lot.PersonTomLucyDavidpositionIn the kitchenIn the bat

12、hroomIn the bedroomStep 4 SummaryHappy time is always short, monitor can you summarize what we have learned today. Wonderful, sit down, please. I hope you can practise English everyday and love your home.As we can see(指向黑板), group 1 is good, group 2 is better. Lets clap for them. Wonderful, wonderful, youre wonderful(带领全班鼓励胜出的小组).Step 5 HomeworkEveryone after class please make a new dialogue with your parents by u


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