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1、Grammar,Look at the following sentences,She gave me a determined look (必修1) 2. they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees. (必修2,3. Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices. (必修3) 4. He grew more and more popular as his ch

2、arming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world. (必修4,1. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 2. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood. 3. He knew he would never be controlled until its cause was found,课文回顾,5. People

3、absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease attacked the body quickly and soon the affected person was dead. 6. It came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. 7. He told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the wa

4、ter pump so it could not be used,8. he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. 9. He announced that polluted water carried the disease. 10. He suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. The water companies were instructed n

5、ot to expose people to polluted water anymore,Guessing Game,to test your sense of observation to test your ability of short-term memory to test your ability to highlight the language points,Guess,She gave me a _ _ look 2. they were _ to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others bu

6、t also climb trees. 3. Wang Peng was _ at this and especially at the prices. 4. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became _ throughout the world,She gave me a _ look 2. they were _ to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb

7、trees. 3. Wang Peng was _ at this and especially at the prices. 4. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became _ throughout the world,determined,surprised,amazed,known,5. So many thousands of _ people died 6. But he became _ when he thought about helping ordinar

8、y people _ to cholera. 7. He found that it came from the river _ by the dirty water from London. 8. He immediately told the _ people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the pump,terrified,inspired,exposed,polluted,astonished,9. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certa

9、inty that _ water carried the virus. 10. Neither its cause, nor its cure was _. 11. He became _ in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people,polluted,understood,interested,1. 分词可以用作前置定语,此时分词和名词之间有两种语意关系:一种是分词表示主动(但时间上已经过去);一种是分词表被动,过去分词作定语,Past Participle as the Attribute,e.g. a

10、 lost animal,A 单个的过去分词作定语时一般兼有被 动和完成的意义,常作前置定语,注意:过去分词作定语时,有时只有被 动意义。 e.g. written exercises 书面练习 英语口语,spoken English,一只迷路的动物,2). 少数表示位移或状态改变的不及物动词的过去分词只有完成的意义。 a fallen leaf the risen sun the advanced countries by-gone days an escaped prisoner,一片落叶,升起来的太阳,发达国家,一名逃跑的囚犯,过去的岁月,The ground is covered by

11、 _ (fall) leaves,fallen,Look at the following examples,These _ (want) people are from Hong Kong,wanted,This will be the best novel of its kind ever _(write,written,that has ever been written,Who were the so-called guests _ (invite) to Jacky Chuangs concert last month,invited,that had been invited,Sh

12、e is drinking _ (boil) water,boiled,She is drinking the water which was boiled,a lighted candle,一支点燃的蜡烛,a used stamp,一枚用过的邮票,Translation,a broken coin,一枚破损的硬币,一名退休教师,a retired teacher,an injured finger,一个受伤的手指,一个醉鬼,a drunken man,a broken heart a lost dog an organized trip,一颗破碎的心,丧家之犬,有组织的旅行,a heart

13、which is broken,a dog which is lost,a trip which is organized,Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning,B 过去分词作后置定语,表示被动和或完成意义。 1) How I regretted the hours _ (waste) in the woods! 2) I like wearing clothes _(make) of this kind of cloth 3) Well go to visit the bridge _ (build) hundr

14、eds of years ago,wasted,made,built,Practice: Change the following Past Participle into clauses. 1) He told us of the great wrong done to him. = He told us of the great wrong _ to him,which had been done,注:本句中的过去分词作定语,既表被动又表完成。 do wrong to对待(某人)不公平;冤枉某人,2) The United States is a developed country. =

15、The United States is a country _,which has developed,注:本句中的过去分词作定语,只表示完成,3) Have you seen the bridge being built there? = Have you seen the bridge _ there,which is being built,注:本句中的过去分词作定语,表示被动的动作正在进行,过去分词短语有时亦可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号。 Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never seen a t

16、rain. 他们当中有一些人,生长在农村,从未见过火车,用来修饰人的过去分词有时可以转移到修饰非人的事物,变成所谓的转移形容语。这种过去分词在形式上不直接修饰人,但它所修饰的事物仍与人直接有关。 The general stared at him in startled admiration. 将军以惊讶而赞赏的眼光注视着他,过去分词短语用作定语时,一般皆置于其所修饰的名词之后,其意义相当于一个定语从句,但较从句简洁,多用于笔语中,Trucks and buses were driven on gas carried in large bags on the roof,卡车与公共汽车皆烧煤气,

17、煤气是装在车顶上的袋中,1. 过去分词作表语,表示主语的特点或 所处的状态,其前的系动词有包括be 在内的多种形式。 Everyone present is very inspired at his speech 听了他的发言,在场的所有人都很振奋。 You seem frightened. 你似乎受了惊吓,Past Participle as the Predicative,过去分词作表语,强调主语的特点或 所处的状态;而被动语态中,主语是 动词所表示动作的承受者。 This shop is now closed. 这家商店现在已经关门了。(状态) This shop is closed a

18、t 6 pm every day. 这家商店每天下午6点关门。(动作,2. 过去分词作表语,构成的系表结构 与被动语态的区别,过去分词作表语一般用来表示感受或状 态(系动词+过去分词) No wonder he is excited! (predicative,可以用作表语的常见的过去分词有: delighted, disappointed, upset, astonished, excited, frightened, experienced, interested, qualified, puzzled, exhausted, satisfied,Look a t the followin

19、g examples,The shop is _(close,closed,Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ (pay) by the hour,paid,There are two glasses which are _ (break,broken,There are two broken glasses,The person who feels _ (excite) is Ronaldo,excited,The excited person is Ronaldo,Complete the table with phrases that h

20、ave the same meaning,1. 你为什么总是很疲劳?这些日子睡得好吗? Why do you always _ ? Do you sleep well these days? 2.我对昨晚看的电影很失望。我原以为它 能好些。 I _ the film I saw last night, I had expected it to be better,look so tired,Was disappointed with,Fill in the blanks with proper words,3.听说曼谷发生爆炸,人人都很惊讶。 Everybody _to hear the ex

21、plosion happened in Bangkok 4.要去动物园了,孩子们非常兴奋。 The children _ going to the zoo 5.他的伤口感染了一种新病毒. His wound _ a new virus,was shocked,are really excited about,became infected with,7. A: Did you hear the news that Zhang Guorong killed himself by jumping from a high building? B: Yes, I did. Everybody was

22、_ (depress) to hear the death of the famous film star,depressed,6. A: Do you know why Joy looks so sad? B: He got _ (blame) about losing the money,blamed,Most of the newspapers which were _ with this famous star reported the news of his death,concerned,Choose appropriate verbs, using the past partic

23、iple. Explain the use of the past participle in each sentence,1. They were prepared to accept my idea. 2. He was frightened of going alone into the empty house. 3. The mayor said that he was worried about the continued rise of the water level in the river bed. 4. Recently arrived soldiers are helpin

24、g to take the victims to safe areas from the flood,5. Most of the newspaper seems to be concerned with pop stars. 6. Ill be interested to hear what he has to say,attribute,predicative,I will be interested to hear his interesting story,ed encouraging, encouraged; disappointing, disappointed; puzzling

25、, puzzled; satisfying, satisfied; tiring, tired; pleasing, pleased; astonishing, astonished等,英语中这样的分词还有很多, 如,A. Nobody was _ in the story he told. B. The story he told was very _. (interested, interesting ) 2. A. Everybody was _ to hear the news. B. The news is very _ indeed. (excited, exciting,Fill

26、 in the blank with proper words,interested,interesting,excited,exciting,3. A. The result of the test was rather _. B. He was very _ at the result of the test. (disappointed, disappointing ) 4. A. What he said was very _. B. I was very _ at the sight. ( amused, amusing,disappointing,disappointed,amus

27、ing,amused,gifted,trapped,broken,tied,polluted,Suppose you are a journalist. Choose one newspaper picture, and write a news report,Three Elected to Top Posts Judge Gunned down in US Courthouse Top Leader Killed Corrupt Officials Seized and Punished Steps to Narrow Rich-poor Gap Needed Healthy Food I

28、ntroduced,Please write a proper title for each newspaper pictures,过去分词作定语和表语的区别: 定语 放在名词和代词的前面或后面 表示动作已经完成或被动的 表语 放在be 动词或系动词的后面 说明主语的状态或构成被动语态,Sum up,练习一:单句改错,They were all amusing at what he said. He was very exciting to hear the news that their team had won. 3. The situation was a bit discouraged

29、. 4. Two pages in this dictionary are missed. 5. Your mother is quite worrying about your health,amused,excited,discouraging,missing,worried,2. The girl who is dressed in red is Kellys long-lost friend. = The girl _ is Kellys long-lost friend,练习二: 句型转换,A thief stole the goat that was tied to the tre

30、e. = A thief stole the goat _ to the tree,tied,dressed in red,3. The castle, which was burnt down in the sixteenth century, was never rebuilt. = The castle, _ _, was never rebuilt,burnt down in the sixteenth century,4. Father beat the son who was lost in the online games. =Father beat the son _ in t

31、he online games,lost,5. The project, which was designed by the Chinese engineers, was constructed in only 2 years. = The project, _ _, was constructed in only 2 years,designed by the Chinese engineers,1. 穿白色衣服的学生是我的女儿,Thestudentdressedinwhiteismydaughter,2. 飞行员要求飞机上的乘客在飞机着落 时继续坐在座位上,The pilot asked

32、all the passengers on board to remain seated as the plane was making a landing,练习三: 翻译句子,5. 听到她的话他感到很迷惑,He felt puzzled at what she said,3. 这条被污染的河发出臭味,The polluted river gives off a terrible smell,4. 他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功,The concert given by their friends was a success,1. His neighbor is _ (interest) in

33、not only traveling, but also making friends. 2. The playground was covered with _ (fall) leaves after a strong wind. 3. I am really _ (surprise) to meet you here. I thought you were abroad. 4. You can find a _ (suggest) answer to the problem in her email. 5. They are going to grow rice in the _ (plo

34、ugh) fields,interested,fallen,surprised,suggested,ploughed,练习四: 用所给词的适当形式填空,As is known to us all, traveling is _, but we often feel _ when we are back from travels. A. interesting; tiredB. interested; tiringC. interesting; tiringD. interested; tired,A,练习五:单选,2. Hearing the _ news, we all felt _. A.

35、 encouraging, encouraging, B. encouraged, encouraged C. encouraged, encouraging D. encouraging, encouraged,D,3. From the dates _ on the gold coin, it is confirmed that was made five hundred years ago. A. marking B. marked C. to be marked D. having been marked,B,4. The _ look in her face suggested th

36、at she _ it before. surprising, wouldnt know surprised, hadnt known surprising, hadnt known surprised, shouldnt know,B,5. The picture _ long long ago is hard for us to understand today. A. having been drawn B. being drawn C. was drawn D. drawn,D,6. The man _ there is my uncle. A. seat B. seating C.

37、to seat D. seated,D,7. The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. having written B. to be written C. written D. being written,C,8. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M. A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to

38、 be known,B,9. The disc, digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. A. recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having recorded,A,10. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge. A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. k

39、nown,D,11. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt,B,12. Im calling to enquire about the position _ in yesterdays China Daily. (2010北京) A. advertised B. to be advertised C. advertising D. having advertise

40、d 13. In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained _ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. (2010福建)A. sticking B. stuckC. to be stuck D. to have stuck,14. Mrs. White showed her students some old maps _ from the library. (2010全 国)A. to borrow B. to be borrowedC. borrowed D. borrowing 15. The players

41、 _ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game. (2011湖南) A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected,16. After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope _. (2012山东) A. providing B. provided C. having provided D. provide 17. “It

42、s such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table _ for customers. (2012浙江) A. to be reserved B. having reserved C. reserving D. reserved,Homework,Page 3 edition 2 in Student times. 2. Finish exercises on Page 5,Thank You,Unit 1 Great scientists Learning about language,高二人教新课标版必修五,What was h

43、is job,He was a well-known doctor, so he often _ patients,attended,What did he discover,He discovered that the water _ cholera,was linked to,What helped him draw the conclusion,He drew the conclusion with the help of a _ map,valuable,What did he do after the discovery,First, he _ the source of the w

44、ater and found the river had been polluted. Next, he _ people not to use the polluted water. Then, he instructed the water company not to _ people _ polluted water. Finally, “King Cholera” was _,looked into,instructed,defeated,Revision,Discovering useful words and expressions Find the word and expre

45、ssion from the text for each of the following meanings. 1. _ someone who suffers when something bad happens 2. _ a doctor 3. _ to examine and think about something carefully,victim,physician,analyse,4. _ to win a victory over someone 5. _ something that tests strength, skill or ability 6. _ a questi

46、on you ask to get information 7. _ a machine for raising water,challenge,defeat,enquiry,pump,8. _ to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad 9. _ to take in 10. _ to connect something with something else,blame,absorb,link to,foresee cure severe expert attend announce

47、suspect conclude expose,2. Choose the words in their correct forms to complete this passage,Simon Lee was a famous footballer but his career came to an end when he developed a _ illness. His doctor _ that Simon had been _ to a new virus. All attempts by the _ to _ him failed. Simon _ that he would n

48、ot get better and _ that he must leave football,severe,suspected,exposed,experts,cure,foresaw,concluded,Finally, he _ that he would make a new career coaching young football players. At his last match all his fans _ and praised him by singing the popular song “Thanks for the memory,announced,attende

49、d,3,make a suggestion,make a plan,make a,make a change,make a,make a,make a noise,make a,speech,decision,contribution,description,make an investigation,4,make ones way to,make up ones mind,make the bed,make money,make sure,make room for,make friends,make a face,做鬼脸,一路前进, 向前,下决心; 决定,交朋友,铺床,挣钱,确信,为腾出空

50、位,make an appointment,make a gossip,make an apology,make a contest,make a choice,补充词组,约会,闲言碎语,道谦,选择,竞争,In English there are other verbs like “make”, can you list some ,have a go have a talk have a rest have a walk have a picnic have a rest have a discussion,take a test take a taxi/bus /train take a

51、bath take a seat take a nap take an exam take a journey,1. 没有足够的证据很难做出结论。 2. 这些科学的研究将有助于我们项目的成功。 3. 我作为记者的职责就是展示事实。 4. 明年我将会面临我生活中最大的挑战。 5. 这个案件正由一名顶尖律师处理,Homework: Translate the following sentences,1. 没有足够的证据很难做出结论。 Its difficult to draw a conclusion without enough evidence. 2. 这些科学的研究将有助于我们项目的成功。

52、These scientific researches will contribute to the success of our project,Translation,3. 我作为记者的职责就是展示事实。 As a reporter my job is to expose the truths/facts. 4. 明年我将会面临我生活中最大的挑战。 I will face the greatest challenge in my life next year. 5. 这个案件正由一名顶尖律师处理。 The case is being handled by a top lawyer,Unit

53、 1,Great scientists,1. What should scientists do to prove a new idea in scientific research,Pre-reading,Draw a conclusion Think of a method Collect results Make a question Find a problem Analyse the results Find supporting evidence,What order would you put the seven in,Find a problem,Make a question

54、,Think of a method,Collect results,Analyse the results,Find supporting evidence,Draw a conclusion,Pre-reading,2. What do you know about infectious diseases? Can you name some of them,SARS,H1N1,Reading,What can you learn from the title,人物: 事件,defeats cholera,Predicting,What is the problem,The cholera

55、 was the most deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood,What caused cholera,Careful reading,Task 1,Make a question: Which theory to believe in,Idea 1,Idea 2,Cholera multiplied in the air without reason. A cloud of dangerous gas would float around until it found its vi

56、ctims,People absorbed it with their meals,Which one do you believe more? What about John Snow,A map of Broad Street,What method did he use,Broad Street,Many deaths happened here,No death happened here,It seemed the water from the pump was to blame. What did he do next,Public house,Para 6) What was a

57、nother supporting evidence,Para 5) He looked into the source of the water,John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus,Summary,John Snow was _ well-known doctor in London _ the 19th century. He wanted to find the cause of cholera in order to defeat it. In 1854 when a cholera _(break)


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