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1、1,CET 4 The Basics,Vocabulary and Structure 大学英语高频核心词汇 (练习卷1,2,Test 40 Exe,3,Test: 40 Exe. 1. Students and teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _. A. Gaps B. rate C. length D. intervals (D) Excursions: a short journey by several people A. gaps: 间隙;缝隙;

2、分歧/ a in the door; generation ; B. rate : ratio 比率;速度;等级 C. length: 长度 D. intervals: (时间或空间的)间歇;间隔;空隙,4,2. Physics is _ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history. A. alike B. equivalent C. likely D.uniform (B) A. alike: be : (长相/性格等)相似 B. equivalent : 1) adj.be to 相同的;等同的 (Unit2)

3、 2) n. 等同物 C. likely :be to do = be liable to do 很可能; 易于 D. uniform:1)adj. 完全一样;一致; 2)制服,5,3. Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant _ so much noise. A. resist B. sustain C. tolerate D.undergo (C) A. resist : 抗拒;抵制 : (doing) sth. B. sustain :持续不断;维持体力;承受(困难) C. tolerate :stand; bear 忍

4、受;容忍 D. uniform:1)adj. 完全一样;一致; 2)制服,6,4.Convenient foods which are already prepared for cooking are _ in grocery stores. A. ready B. approachable C. probable D.available (D) A. ready: 准备好的 B. approachable: 可接近的 C. probable:可能的 D.available: 可买到的;可得到的/ 未被占用的,7,5. Every man in this country has the rig

5、ht to live where he wants to _ the color of his skin. A. with the exception of B. in the light of C. by virtue of D. regardless of (D) A. with the exception of: 除以外 B. in the light of:根据; 依据 C. by virtue of:凭借、由于 D. regardless of:不管;不顾 Compare: 除之外 1.Except other than Everyone was tied except John.

6、There is nobody other than me. 2.Except for: (1) 除了with the exception of ; Its a good composition except for some spelling mistakes. Except for one old lady, the bus was empty (2)要不是but for ; Except for you, I should be dead,8,Exe. 6-10 6.(A) Work to their full capacity 充分发挥她们的能力 7.(B) promote under

7、standing between促进彼此了解 A.promote :促进;提拔 C.heighten 提高;升高/ height n. 高度;海拔 8. (B) adapt oneself to使某人适应 D. coordinate:1)v. 调和;协调; 2)adj.同等的 9.(C) transfer 转移,调动;转学;调动工作; B. transmit 传递(信息);发送;传导 10. (B) Compare: be patient with sb./sth. 耐心对待某人/某事 be patient of 能忍受,9,6. 11. The car _ halfway for no re

8、ason. A. break off B. break down C. break up D. break out 汽车在半道上没有原因的熄火了/坏了。 A. break off 折断; 突然停止讲话 B. break down 损坏;故障;垮; C. break up 趋散人群 D. break out (战争、灾难)爆发 (B) 请同学们课后整理CET4 常考的动词与介词的固定搭配: 1.get 2.give 3. Make 4. Take 5.put 6. Come 7.go 8.turn 10. Run 11.look 12.set 13. Call 14.break 15.case,

9、10,12. (C)Under discussion 在讨论中 13. (B)throughout ones life 在某人一生中 14. (B) .in vain 徒劳的 .in no way 决不;一点也不 .without effect 没有效果 .at a loss 不知所措 15.(C) omit 省略;遗漏; withdraw撤出;收回 leak 漏水;漏气,11,7. 16. This crop does not do well in soils _ the one for which it has been specially developed. A. outside B.

10、 other than C. beyond D. rather than 这种作物在其他土壤上都生长不好,但这块土壤除外,因为它是专门培养起来的。 (B) A. outside 在之外 B. other than 除了 Except C. beyond D. rather than: 而不是 :anything but,12,8. 17. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _ the exit as quickly as possible. A. made off B. made for C. made out D. ma

11、de up 当他意识到警察已经注意到他时,他尽快走向出口。 (B) A. made off 离开; 逃走 B. made for 走向;向前进 C. made out 理解;领会;完成 D. made up: 弥补;组成,13,9. 18. (C) Take your raincoat in case it rains. 带上雨衣以防万一下雨。 1)in case 以防万一; in case that clause ( often use present tense) 2)in any case 不管怎样;无论如何 should/ mayV+ in any case 19.( C) 尽管: i

12、n spite of sth.; despite + sth. 20.(B) disturb the balance in nature 打破自然界的平衡,14,21.You are just the same as you were the day I first met you. (A) 与相同 22. Those are very pleasant paintings. How much do you ask for them. (B) 要价; 23.The twims are so much alike that it is difficult to tell one from oth

13、er. (B)相同的;想像的 24. I was caught in the rain yesterday afternoon. (D)突然遇上大雨 Be caught at 被撞见在 25.Tom left prior to our arrival this morning . (A)先于;优先于;时间早于; Prior to ; priority to ; inferior to,15,9. 26. Id like to rent a house, modern , comfortable and _ in a quiet environment. A. first of all B.ab

14、ove all C. after all D. before all Above all:首先,尤其是。符合题意。 First of all: 首先,用于举例,强调先后顺序 After all: 毕竟 Before all: 在一切之前 (B,16,27. (D) Ease: 1) with ease: 毫不费力;轻而易举; 2)at ease: 随便;不拘束。 Antonym: ill at ease 28. (B) To the best of my knowledge 据我所知 29. (A) in the habit of 习惯上爱做某事,17,10. 30. The author c

15、ame _ several interesting stories about Chicago in that book. A. to B.over C. into D. across come across: (偶然)碰到;发现 Come to: 共计,苏醒 Come over: 顺便拜访 Come into:得到;继承(财产) (D,18,31. (D) pick up: (车、船)中途停下来搭人、接人 pull up: 停下来 pull in: (车)进站 32. If we continue to argue over minor points, we dont get _ near

16、a solution. (D) dont get anywhere near: 不会接近于,19,33.(D) in fault / at fault 有过错;有责任 34.(A) in common with 同一样 In common with many young people, he prefers pop music to classical music. 35.(B) How else would you solve the problem if this method failed? How else: 如何用别的办法 36. (D) the key to success the

17、 answer to the question the key to the door,20,37.On entering another country, a tourist will have to _ the customs. A) pass by B) pass over C)pass through D) pass for (C) Pass through: 通过;穿过;经历 Pass by : 从旁边经过; Pass over: 对避而不谈 Pass for : 被认为是,21,38. (B) behind the times: 更不上时代的 outdated; (times:时代

18、) Behind time: 不及时,晚点 After time: 迟到 In no time: 不久;马上 39。(A) Urgent: 紧急的; Hasty: 匆忙的; English proverb: 欲速则不达。 More haste , less speed. Haste makes waste,22,40。 He was at his wits end what to do. Proverb: At ones wits end: 江郎才尽,无能为力,23,Unit 1 20 Exe,24,1. I could just see a car in the distance , but

19、 I could not _ what color it was. A) look to B)look out C) take in D) make out (D) Make out : 辨认出;理解 recognize Look to : 指望;依靠 look to sb. for sth. 照顾、负债 Would you look to my cat, please? Look out : be careful Take in: accept; understand;容纳;理解,25,2. (d) make a name (for oneself) 出名 make a star: 成为明星

20、 (p.s.: It wont be followed by “ for oneself”) 3.(C) By good fortune, I got to the station just in time to catch the train. 4.The skyscraper stands out _ the blue sky. A) against B) beneath C) in D)under (A) Against the blue sky 在蓝天映衬下 Under the sky, beneath the sky 天下;普天之下,26,5.( c) 感谢: Be grateful

21、 to sb. for sth. Be appreciative of sth. 6.(a) clear up: 解决;澄清;整理(问题等) break down: 破除、抛锚 pull over: (车子)靠边 give in : 屈服 7。(D) Unique : 无以伦比;唯一的;独一无二的; Rare: 稀有的;不常发生; Singular: 单数的;奇特的; Unusual: 不同寻常的,27,8。He is indifferent to hardships and dangers. (A) 对不在乎;不关心;冷淡; Exe. How can you be so indifferen

22、t to the suffering of the old couple? 9. The mother was proud of her sons success in the competition. 感到自豪=take pride in (B) Honor : reputation; fame Honorable: adj,28,10. I think she has too high an opinion of herself. have too high an opinion of oneself. 自视过高;过高估价自己 Have a high regard for : 对尊重或赞赏

23、 11.Tom said he came in this field late , so he must work hard to make up for lost time. (A) Make up for: 弥补;补偿; Make up with: 与和解; Make off with : 携而逃,29,12. With an eight-hour week and little change or enjoyment, life must have been very weary for the factory workers before liberation. (A) “解放前,工人

24、们一周工作80个小时,生活几乎一成不变,也没有娱乐,这样的生活令人厌烦。” 13。The tall girl _ the beautiful blouse , but it was obviously too small. A) tested B) tried C) tried on D) put on Try on :试穿 Try out: 实验;试用,30,14。Prices continued to rise while wages remained low _ that the government became increasingly unpopular. A)in order B

25、)providing C)on condition D)with the result (D) in order that : 目的是 Providing that: = If on condition that :条件是;如果; with the result that :其结果是,31,15.(D) a flock of (birds) : 一群(鸟、羊) a swarm of :(尤指移动中的)一群(蜜蜂、蚂蚁、蝗虫) A crowd of : 一群(牛、鹿、象等) 16。(C) All of us were excited at the idea of a weekend party.

26、 At the idea of 一想到就 考虑:put into consideration under consideration 意图;打算:have the intension of,32,17. How much would charge for repairing my TV. (A)Charge money for sth. 因收取多少钱;要价 18。(D) Take charge of the house: 负责;掌管,33,19. To some extent : 在某种程度上 = to some degree= in some degree To a certain/ gre

27、at extent; to such an extent ; To some point: 到达某点 By certain degree: 按照某种程度 In a certain range: 在一定范围内 20. Alternate: 轮流;交替发生 alter: 改变;变更;修改(外观、性格) differ from; differ in; 不同,34,Unit 2 20 Exe,35,1. The story was so touching that I could hardly hold back my tears . (D) Hold back :抑制;控制; Hold on : 坚

28、持;坚定; Hold up: 阻碍;延搁 Hold on to: 不放弃;不放手; 2.( B) specified :指定;明确规定; Predicted: 预见;预示; Yield: 生产;让步 Classified: 分类;归类,36,3.(D) normally: 正常的;通常的 Shortly: =soon: 不久;即刻 Namely: =that is to say:即;就是 Practically: 实际的 4. (A) catch fire : 着火 set fire: 放火;纵火 5. (A) Yesterday afternoon there was a football

29、match between our two classes. The score was 3-4; we were only narrowly beaten. 差点;勉强地:hardly; only just,37,6.(B) receipt : 收据;收条; cheque=check :支票; ticket: 票;罚单; label: 标签; 7. (D) contract: 收缩;缩小; compress: 紧压;压缩; condense: 浓缩;凝缩 8. (D) I should say Henry is not so much a writer as a reporter. 与其说亨利是一个作家,不如说它是个记者。 Sentence Pattern: Not so much as 与其说是不如说是,38,9. Take in : 领会;理解 take to: 喜欢做某事 take away: 拿走;拿开 10. (B) stands for: 1)代表;代替; 2)赞同;支持;容忍 Stand by: 袖手旁观;支持;信守(承诺); 11.(D) Compare : “beat and win” 打败;取胜 Beat + opponent/enemy(对手/ 敌人) Win + war/succ


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