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1、形容词、副词,形容词用于描绘人或事物的特征的词,形容词的用法 修饰名词,表示名词的属性。在句子中充当表语、定语和宾补,1)用作定语,修饰名词或代词: He lives a happy life. I have a good friend,2)用作表语,放在动词be后,也可以放在其他一些特殊的系动词后面: The story is interesting. She looks young,3)做宾语补足语,对句子的宾语进行补充说明,We should keep our classroom clean,副词的用法 表示行为和状态的特征,作状语,在句子中修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,甚至是整个句子,还

2、能作表语、定语和宾补,He studies English hard. His handwriting is very good. He writes very carefully. Sometimes he walks to school. Class is over. The weather here is very hot. I found the boy over there,做状语修饰v,状语修饰adj,做状语修饰adv,状语修饰整句,做表语,作定语,做宾补,The bedroom is bright. He gave us an important report. The news

3、 made her happy. She will be back next week. Do you see the man there? He found the meeting over when he got there. The wind is blowing hard. The tea is very hot. He drives very carefully,adj.做表语,作表语,adj.作宾补,adv.做表语,adv.作宾补,adv.做定语,adv.作状语修饰adv,adv.作状语修饰adj,adv.作状语修饰v,形容词、副词 原级、比较级和最高级,adj. adv. 比较级

4、、最高级的构成 P93,happier,happiest,more easily,most easily,harder,hardest,larger,largest,thinner,thinnest,less,least,more,most,worse,worst,1.原级比较,as + adj./adv.原级as 和一样,否定:not so/ as +adj./adv.原级as 不及,我和你一样大。 I am _ you. 他跑得不及我快。 He _ run _ I,as old as,doesnt,as/so fast as,as+adj.+ a/an+可数名词单数 +as as much

5、+不可数名词+as, as many+可数名词复数as 和一样多的某物,He is as good an example as his brother. Bob read as _ books as Mary. There is as _ water in this bottle as in that bottle,many,much,当as as中间有名词时,采用以下格式,形容词、副词的比较级和最高级,A+谓语+ adj./adv.的比较级than B A在某方面超过B,我比汤姆要高。 I am _ Tom (is,你看起来比以前年轻。 You look _ before,比较级的结构,ta

6、ller than,younger than,Attention,形容词和副词的比较级的变化不能混淆! 1.以-er结尾和特殊变化的形容词副词比较级前面不能加more 2. as as 之间必须用形容词和副词原级,He is more taller than I. (T or F,I can write more better than he. (T or F,I runs as faster as she. (T or F,fast,1.比较级前可用much, far, a lot, a little, even等表示程度,不能使用very,quite,She sings _ better

7、than the others. 她比别人要唱得好得多,far / much,Now I read _ faster than before. 我现在读得比以前要快一点,a little,注意,2.比较的对象要一致,一般说来同等的两个事物才能比较,The weather of Beijing is colder than Shanghai. (T or F,that of,His English is better than anyone else in his class. (T or F,elses,3.表示不同程度比较时,句子主语不能包括在比较对象的范围之内,He studies har

8、der than any student in his class. (T or F,other,He studies harder than all the students in his class. (T or F,other,He studies harder than anyone in his class. (T or F,else,The moon is closer to us than _ star / stars. (any, any other,any,China is larger than _ countries in Africa. (any, any other,

9、any,China is larger than _ countries in Asia. (the, the other,the other,4.在比较级中,用that代替上述出现过的不可数名词,用those代替上述出现过的复数名词,The water in the glass is cleaner than _ in the river. 杯子里的水比河里的要干净。 I like these pictures better than _ on the wall. 和墙上的画相比,我更喜欢这些,that,those,比较级的特殊用法,the + 比较级 + of the two 两者中较的一

10、个,He is _ (old) of the two boys. And she is _ (tall) of the three,the older,the tallest,2.less +(多音节词)原级+ than = not as/so+原级as 不及,Jim doesnt do it as carefully as Mary. Jim does _ than Mary. Mary does _ than Jim,less carefully,more carefully,3. the +比较级,the比较级 越就越,你越粗心,犯的错误就越多,The _ you are, the _

11、mistakes you will make,more careless,more,4. 比较级+and+比较级 越来越 当形容词或副词为多音节时,必须用 more and more + 原级,The population is growing _.越来越快,faster and faster,The city has become (越来越漂亮) _,more and more beautiful,5.表示“大3岁”,“长2米”时,要用 数量词+比较级,He is _ than I. 他比我大三岁,three years older,The bridge is _ than that one

12、. 这条桥比那条长两米,two meters longer,比较A、B两事物, 询问哪一个较时,Which / Who is + 比较级,Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one,Who is more active, Mary or Kate,形容词、副词的最高级,A+ the + adj.最高级 in(范围) of(同类,A+adv.最高级 in(范围) of(同类,Mary is the tallest girl _ her class / _ the three. Bill reads most clearly _ all the stu

13、dents,in,of,of,one of the + 形容词最高级+名词复数表示“最之一,他是班里最高的学生之一,He is _ in the class,one of the tallest students,这本书最有趣。 The book is _ of all. 在班上她最早到校。 She comes to school _ in the class,the most interesting,earliest,the +序数词+ 形容词最高级+名词 第最,它是世界上第二高的建筑物. It is _ building in the world,the second tallest,比较

14、A、B、C三事物, 询问哪一个最时,Which / Who is + 最高级,Which T-shirt is the nicest, the white one, the green one or the yellow one,Who is the most active, Mary, Alice or Kate,原级、比较级、最高级互换,倍数asas = 倍数比较级than,这本书比那本厚2倍。 This book is _ as that one. The book is _ than that one,three times as thick,twice thicker,Im twel

15、ve. My friend is ten. Im _ than my friend. My friend is _ than I am. Im not _ _ as my friend. My friend is not _ _ as I /me,older,younger,so/as young,so old,Unit 1 is easy. Unit 6 is difficult. Unit 1 is not _ _ as Unit 6. Unit 1 is _ _ as Unit 6. Unit 6 is _ _ than Unit 1. Unit 6 is not _ _ as Unit

16、 1,so difficult,less difficult,more difficult,so easy,Bill is the tallest in our class. Bill is _ than _ _ student in our class,Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. Shanghai is _ _ _ in China,taller,any other,the largest city,long large hot easy good happy big slowly,longer longest,large

17、r largest,hotter hottest,easier easiest,better best,happier happiest,bigger biggest,more slowly most slowly,写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,9. important 10. bad 11. well 12. useful 13. few 14. hard 15. much,more important most important,worse worst,better best,more useful most useful,fewer fewest,harder hardest,

18、more most,用括号内形容词和副词的适当形式填空 1.Jack isnt so _ (clever) as John. 2.Tom works as _ (hard) as Mary. 3.China is _ (large) country in Asia. 4.Its _ (hot) today than yesterday. 5.This park looks much _ (good) than that one,cleaver,hard,the largest,hotter,better,6. I cant run as fast as you. You run _ (fast

19、) than I. 7. Of all the girls she draws _ (well). 8. English is one of _ (interesting) subjects. 9. This student is _ (careful) than any other student. 10. Which is _ (easy), English, Chinese or maths,faster,the) best,the most interesting,more careful,the easiest,改错: 1. His computer is cheaper than I. 2. Bill is taller than any boy in his class. 3. Mary sings better than any oth


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