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1、V-ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语,V-ing形式作表语,1. 表抽象性、经常性、一般性的动作,可与主语互换位置,One of his bad habits is smoking while having dinner,Smoking while having dinner is one of his bad habits,注:不定式(to do)亦可作表语,但不定式侧重某次具体的动作,Her job is _ (nurse) patients in the hospital; but this weekend her task is _ (look after) her granny,n

2、ursing,to look after,V-ing形式作表语,2.使人产生某种情绪或感觉的使动词,如disappoint, amuse, astonish, interest, frighten, puzzle, surprise, move, excite, bore, confuse等,V-ing表示“令人的”, 而V-ed表示“(人)感到的,I dont think her joke is amusing at all,The film we saw last night was very moving,I am not amused at her joke at all,We wer

3、e moved at the film we saw lat night,V-ing形式作宾语补足语,感官动词(see, watch, look at, notice, observe hear, listen to, feel, smell) +宾语+ V-ing (表示动作正在进行,Suddenly we heard someone knocking gently on the window,I noticed a stranger sliding into the managers office,V-ing形式作宾语补足语,1. 感官动词: 感官动词+ 宾语+ doing (正在进行)

4、do (动作的全过程) done (动作表示被动/已完成,I saw a boy getting on the bus,I saw a boy get on the bus,I saw a boy beaten by his father,V-ing形式作宾语补足语,2. 使役动词 have, set, keep, leave, get + 宾语+ V-ing 表示处于某种状态或持续干某事,Im sorry to have kept you waiting,Its not difficult to get him talking - the problem is how to stop him

5、,V-ing形式作宾语补足语,2. 使役动词: have, set, keep, leave, get 使役动词+宾语+ doing (宾语与动作表示主动) to do (去做某件事) done (宾语与动作表示被动关系 或动作已完成,He left the little girl to find her own way home,Never leave children playing near water by themselves,I will have my computer repaired,3.with +宾语 + doing(宾语与动作表示主动关系) to do (将去做某件事)

6、 done (宾语与动作表示被动关系 或动作已完成,With the noise going on, I cant focus on my study. He couldnt go with you to cinema with a lot of work _ (finish). With time _(go), we gradually grew up. He came out with his room _ (lock,to finish,going,locked,一感 feel 二听 hear, listen to 五让 make, have, get, leave, keep 六看look at, see, watch, notice, observe, find,2.V-ing形式作宾语补足语 Im sorry to have kept you waiting. I cant get the clock going again. You wont catch me doing that again. The boy was caught _(cheat) in the last exam. With a native villager _(act) as our g


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