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1、角色扮演的命题规律,笔记,本课件经Stephen Ken修改,课前小调查: 你是否面临着这样的问题: 1、听说考试时听不懂? 2、五答不知如何回答,关键点记不到? 3、Part B好难,基本不会,除了三问会点点 4、五答该怎么练好,有什么技巧,听说考试中,“听”与“说”同样重要,如果考生的“输入”即听力不过关,无疑容易止步于角色扮演的翻译部分。而从整份听说考试难度分布来看,难点恰恰是角色扮演这一部分。“五答”的答案点是唯一的,没有抓到有效信息则无法回答,因此,这一部分往往成为阻碍考生得到高分的难点,总结一下: 1、“听”与“说”同样重要 2、“听说”不会根本上是听力不过关 注意:3、“五答”答

2、案点是唯一的,必须抓关键,笔记,本节课的步骤: 1、列出常考考点,并逐一讲解 2、例题通过练习的方式来完成(为了不影响其他同学的学习,我口头念代替音频) 3、提起精神,注意记录关键点和笔记 4、注意听讲,本节课笔记会比较多,注意配合,谢谢,常考考点: 考点一:时间、地点、数字(年龄、金额、时间) 考点二:逻辑关系(转折、递进、因果) 考点三:最高级或序数词 考点四:重复出现的细节,笔记,接下来就让我们一个一个考点慢慢解读,考点一:时间、地点、数字(年龄、金额、时间)(考察最多)考察情况:2011(8道)2012(12道)2013(4道,笔记,步骤,1、情景介绍,注意关键词 2、听!记!不要看屏

3、幕 3、记好关键词 4、核对关键词 5、听问题,找答案 6、听写材料 7、核对材料 8、从材料中找出问题答案,得出答案,例1考时间(2011年B套,例1考时间(2011年B套,听!记!关键词,关键词: M:regular program , a few minutes, every morning W:Spanish,4 years,not good speaker M:a regular course of study 问题: How long has the woman been learning Spanish? 关键:how long 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: M:regula

4、r program , a few minutes, every morning W:Spanish,4 years,not good speaker M:a regular course of study 问题: How long has the woman been learning Spanish? 关键:how long 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,M: It is very important to set up a regular program like planning a few minutes every morning around the breakfast time. W

5、: But I have been learning Spanish for four years, and I havent become a good speaker of it. M: We cant become fluent speakers in the matter of a few minute hearing that. We should follow a regular course of study,例1考时间(2011年B套) 录音,笔记,M: It is very important to set up a regular program like planning

6、 a few minutes every morning around the breakfast time. W: But I have been learning Spanish for four years, and I havent become a good speaker of it. M: We cant become fluent speakers in the matter of a few minute hearing that. We should follow a regular course of study,例1考时间(2011年B套) 录音,问题:How long

7、 has the woman been learning Spanish? 答案,M: It is very important to set up a regular program like planning a few minutes every morning around the breakfast time. W: But I have been learning Spanish for four years, and I havent become a good speaker of it. M: We cant become fluent speakers in the mat

8、ter of a few minute hearing that. We should follow a regular course of study,例1考时间(2011年B套) 录音,问题:How long has the woman been learning Spanish? 答案:She has been learning Spanish for 4 years,笔记,例2考地点(2012年C套,例2考地点(2012年C套,听!记!关键词,关键词: W:book Sunset M:yes W:borrow,wait to read,Last Sat. biggest booksto

9、re in town,have been sold out 问题: Where did you go last Saturday? 关键:where 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: W:book Sunset M:yes W:borrow,wait to read,Last Sat. biggest bookstore in town,have been sold out 问题: Where did you go last Saturday? 关键:where 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,W: Doctor Brown, do you have the book Sunset? M: Yes,

10、why do you ask, Mary? W: Could I borrow it? Ive been wanting to read it for a long time. Last Saturday, I went to the biggest bookstore in town, only to find that it had been sold out,例2考地点(2012年C套) 录音,笔记,W: Doctor Brown, do you have the book Sunset? M: Yes, why do you ask, Mary? W: Could I borrow i

11、t? Ive been wanting to read it for a long time. Last Saturday, I went to the biggest bookstore in town, only to find that it had been sold out,例2考地点(2012年C套) 录音,问题:Where did you go last Saturday? 答案,W: Doctor Brown, do you have the book Sunset? M: Yes, why do you ask, Mary? W: Could I borrow it? Ive

12、 been wanting to read it for a long time. Last Saturday, I went to the biggest bookstore in town, only to find that it had been sold out,例2考地点(2012年C套) 录音,问题:Where did you go last Saturday? 答案:I went to the biggest bookstore in town,笔记,句子分析,Only to find that it had been sold out. 1、only to find 含义是

13、? 结果却是,发现 2、这个句子是 从句 宾语从句,笔记,例3考数字(2013年B套,例3考数字(2013年B套,听!记!关键词,关键词: W:worried M:trouble, work W: M:in charge of a team, 5 other people, project, not productive 问题: How many people do you need to work with? 关键:how many 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: W:worried M:trouble, work W: M:in charge of a team, 5 other peo

14、ple, project, not productive 问题: How many people do you need to work with? 关键:how many 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,W: Hi, Tom. You look worried. M: Im having trouble with my work. W: Whats the trouble? M: Uh Im in charge of a team, working with five other people on a project. But we are not very productive,例1考时间(20

15、11年B套) 录音,笔记,问题:How many people do you need to work with? 答案,例3考数字(2013年B套) 录音,W: Hi, Tom. You look worried. M: Im having trouble with my work. W: Whats the trouble? M: Uh Im in charge of a team, working with five other people on a project. But we are not very productive,问题:How many people do you ne

16、ed to work with? 答案:5 people,例3考数字(2013年B套) 录音,W: Hi, Tom. You look worried. M: Im having trouble with my work. W: Whats the trouble? M: Uh Im in charge of a team, working with five other people on a project. But we are not very productive,笔记,句子分析,Im in charge of a team, working with five other peop

17、le on a project. 1、in charge of 含义是 ? 看管,掌管 2、这个句子含什么语法?(working) 非谓语,笔记,从前三年考点分布来看,有一半的题目是考“时间”和“地点”,特别是 “时间”。而且这类考点大多出现在第一部分对话,对话只读一次,速度相对比较快,不少考生觉得还没反应过来,对话就已经结束了。所以在准备时,考生除了根据中文概要对内容进行预测外,还要尽快进入状态,听录音时把精力集中于听,当听到数字和地点时迅速记录。此部分的内容一般对应“五答”的前两问,记下数字或地点一般都能答对一道问题,例题1-3考情分析,例题1-3考情分析,这类信息一般不会对考生形成太大障

18、碍,特别是数字信息。因为多数是直接提问文中出现的数字,暂无考查考生的“加减”等运算能力,考生只要能抓住文中出现的信息,都可以直接回答对问题。 但是考生在回答时依然得谨慎,比如数字 “十几和几十”,这两种数字的发音,考生容易忽视,结果就是将两种数字回答颠倒导致失分,例题1-3考情总结: 1、“时间”考察多(例1和例3),大多出现在第一部分对话 2、需先预测内容、进入状态、集中精力、迅速记录关键。 注意:3、情景对话对应“五答”前两问 4、PS:几十和十几,无考察加减,笔记,考点二:逻辑关系(转折、递进、因果) (答案一般来自于三问的电脑回答)考察情况:2011-2013(9道)2011(4道)2

19、013(4道)2012(1道,笔记,例4转折关系(2011年E套,例4转折关系(2011年E套,听!记!关键词,关键词: dont, some are proud, in second-hand shop, England, not clothes but background 问题: What is really important in England? 关键:What 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: dont, some are proud, in second-hand shop, England, not clothes but background 问题: What is rea

20、lly important in England? 关键:What 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,录音:We generally dont care much about clothes, some are quite proud that they find their clothes in second-hand shops. I guess this is mainly because in England what really matters is not clothes but background,例4转折关系(2011年E套,笔记,录音:We generally dont care

21、much about clothes, some are quite proud that they find their clothes in second-hand shops. I guess this is mainly because in England what really matters is not clothes but background,例4转折关系(2011年E套,问题:What is really important in England? 答案,录音:We generally dont care much about clothes, some are qui

22、te proud that they find their clothes in second-hand shops. I guess this is mainly because in England what really matters is not clothes but background,例4转折关系(2011年E套,问题:What is really important in England? 答案:In England what really matters is background,笔记,句子分析,some are quite proud that they find t

23、heir clothes in second-hand shops. 1、这个句子包含一个 从句? 宾语从句 2、second-hand中文是? 二手,笔记,句子分析,I guess this is mainly because in England what really matters is not clothes but background. 1、这个句子包含一个 从句? 定语从句,笔记,例5递进关系(2012年A套,例5递进关系(2012年A套,听!记!关键词,关键词: teacher, advises me, dont know how, too direct, not behav

24、e, one should save face for others, help me with my study, grateful 问题: Why is Jean grateful to her roommates? 关键:Why 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: teacher, advises me, dont know how, too direct, not behave, one should save face for others, help me with my study, grateful 问题: Why is Jean grateful to her roommate

25、s? 关键:Why 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,录音:My teacher also advises me to do so, but I just dont know how to say it to them. I feel its too direct to tell them they shouldnt behave that way. We Chinese people are always saying that “one should save face for others.” Whats more, sometimes they help me with my study. Im

26、 very grateful to them,例5递进关系(2012年A套,笔记,录音:My teacher also advises me to do so, but I just dont know how to say it to them. I feel its too direct to tell them they shouldnt behave that way. We Chinese people are always saying that “one should save face for others.” Whats more, sometimes they help m

27、e with my study. Im very grateful to them,例5递进关系(2012年A套,问题:Why is Jean grateful to her roommates? 答案,录音:My teacher also advises me to do so, but I just dont know how to say it to them. I feel its too direct to tell them they shouldnt behave that way. We Chinese people are always saying that “one sh

28、ould save face for others.” Whats more, sometimes they help me with my study. Im very grateful to them,例5递进关系(2012年A套,问题:Why is Jean grateful to her roommates? 答案:Because they help her with her study,笔记,句子分析,but I just dont know how to say it to them. 1、这个句子包含一个 从句? 宾语从句,笔记,句子分析,I feel its too direc

29、t to tell them they shouldnt behave that way. 1、这个句子包含一个 从句? (they shouldnt behave that way) 宾语从句,笔记,句子分析,We Chinese people are always saying that “one should save face for others.” 1、这个句子包含一个 从句? 宾语从句,笔记,例6因果关系(2013年A套,例6因果关系(2013年A套,听!记!关键词,关键词: be creative, because , the key to success, future, p

30、urpose learning, putting knowledge into practice 问题: Why do students need to be creative? 关键:Why 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: be creative, because , the key to success, future, purpose learning, putting knowledge into practice 问题: Why do students need to be creative? 关键:Why 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,录音:Students need to be cr

31、eative because thats the key to success in the future. The purpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge but putting knowledge into practice,例6因果关系(2013年A套,笔记,录音:Students need to be creative because thats the key to success in the future. The purpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge b

32、ut putting knowledge into practice,例6因果关系(2013年A套,问题:Why do students need to be creative? 答案,录音:Students need to be creative because thats the key to success in the future. The purpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge but putting knowledge into practice,例6因果关系(2013年A套,问题:Why do students ne

33、ed to be creative? 答案:Because thats the key to success,笔记,三个翻译之后给出的回答信息相对较多,考生听完之后不知道要记录下什么信息。通过分析可知,当答语中出现“but, except, whats more,because”等时,其后面的内容多数都会成为考点。例如2013年A,D两份考题对于递进、因果关系的考查的比重较大, 考生如能抓住这一规律,即能够在长篇的回答当中找到关键的信息点,而不至于无的放矢,例题4-6考情分析,1、注意“but, except, whats more,because” 2、多考察递进、因果关系,例题4-6考情总

34、结,笔记,考点三:最高级或序数词(常考:序数词 例: the first one to do sth 第一个做某事的人) 考察情况:2011(2道) 2012(3道,笔记,例7序数词(2011年E套,例7序数词(2011年E套,听!记!关键词,关键词: love new cars, England , care the first letter of their car number 问题: What do English people care about their cars? 关键:what 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: love new cars, England , care t

35、he first letter of their car number 问题: What do English people care about their cars? 关键:what 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,录音:In fact, we love new cars. In England, people care much about the first letter of their car number,例7序数词(2011年E套,笔记,录音:In fact, we love new cars. In England, people care much about the first

36、letter of their car number,例7序数词(2011年E套,问题:What do English people care about their cars? 答案,录音:In fact, we love new cars. In England, people care much about the first letter of their car number,例7序数词(2011年E套,问题:What do English people care about their cars? 答案:In England, people care much about the

37、first letter of their car number,笔记,例8序数词(2012年A套,例8序数词(2012年A套,听!记!关键词,关键词: make a suggestion, turns, clean dormitory, be the first one, will accept, not, heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend, talk 问题: Who does the teacher advise to clean the dormitory first? 关键:who 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: make a suggestion,

38、turns, clean dormitory, be the first one, will accept, not, heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend, talk 问题: Who does the teacher advise to clean the dormitory first? 关键:who 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,录音:Well, he tells me to make a suggestion of taking turns to clean the dormitory. He says I should be the first one in t

39、urn, and then maybe they will accept this idea. But if this does not work out, he says I can have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with them,例8序数词(2012年A套,笔记,录音:Well, he tells me to make a suggestion of taking turns to clean the dormitory. He says I should be the first one in turn, and then m

40、aybe they will accept this idea. But if this does not work out, he says I can have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with them,例8序数词(2012年A套,问题:Who does the teacher advise to clean the dormitory first? 答案,录音:Well, he tells me to make a suggestion of taking turns to clean the dormitory. He says

41、 I should be the first one in turn, and then maybe they will accept this idea. But if this does not work out, he says I can have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with them,例8序数词(2012年A套,问题:Who does the teacher advise to clean the dormitory first? 答案:Jane,笔记,句子分析,he says I can have a heart-to-

42、heart, friend-to-friend talk with them. 1 、 heart-to-heart 中文含义? 心连心 2 、 friend-to-friend 中文含义? 朋友与朋友,笔记,例题7-8 考情总结: 1、序数词、数字 2、the first one to do sth 第一个做某事的人,考点四:重复出现的细节(前后两句重复) 考察情况: 2012(4道) 2013(2道,例9 (2013年C套,例9 (2013年C套,听!记!关键词,关键词: M: sports W: mad, tennis M: like tennis matches 问题: What sp

43、ort is Mary crazy about? 关键:what 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: M: sports W: mad, tennis M: like tennis matches 问题: What sport is Mary crazy about? 关键:what 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,录音: M: Tell me, Mary, what sports do you play? W: Im absolutely mad about tennis. M: I love watching tennis matches,例9 (2013年C套,笔记,录音: M: Tell me,

44、 Mary, what sports do you play? W: Im absolutely mad about tennis. M: I love watching tennis matches,例9 (2013年C套,问题:What sport is Mary crazy about? 答案,录音: M: Tell me, Mary, what sports do you play? W: Im absolutely mad about tennis. M: I love watching tennis matches,例9 (2013年C套,问题:What sport is Mary

45、 crazy about? 答案:Tennis,笔记,例10 (2012年B套,例10 (2012年B套,听!记!关键词,关键词: not mature, drive, speed, ride, pleasure, around town, after midnight, bike, life, different, was your age school, by bike 问题: How did your father go to school when he was young? 关键:how 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,关键词: not mature, drive, speed, ride, pleasure, around town, after midnight, bike, life, different, was your age school, by bike 问题: How did your father go to school when he was young? 关键:how 尝试听写录音材料,笔记,录音:Teenagers are not mature enough to drive carefully, especially when they are driving together. I mean,


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