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1、Unit3 A healthy life Language points,Ivy,stress(同步42页) (n.)压力;(vt.)使紧张;强调 补充: stressful (adj.) 产生压力的,紧张的 nervous (adj.)紧张不安的(因为担心某事) 即时练: Today many people _. 如今许多人过着紧张而忙碌的生活。(live a life,live a busy and stressful life,ban (vt.) 禁止,取缔 (n.) 禁令,谴责(同步42页) 补充:阻止某人做某事的其他表达:1.preventsb.(from)doingsth. 2.k

2、eepsb.fromdoingsth. 3.stopsb.(from)doingsth. 禁止某人做某事: forbid sb. from doing sth,2. Do you think smoking should be banned,即时练:翻译。 1. 没有什么能阻止我实现自己的梦想! 2. 在这个博物馆,照相是禁止的。(ban,双写 “n,Nothing can stop/ keep/ prevent me from realizing my dreams,In this museum, taking photos is banned,due to 常用在be动词后做_。 beca

3、use of 因为(后接名词/名词性短语,而because后接_) thanks to多亏,幸亏(to是_词) owing to由于,应归功于(to是_词) as a result of由于,因为(后面接名词/名词短语,而as a result表示因此,所以,多位于句首,后有逗号隔开) on account of 因为(语气较为正式) as a consequence of 与as a result of 同义,3. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.(同步43页,表语,原因状语从句,介

4、,介,即时练:选择恰当的词填空 His absence(缺席) was _his illness. He failed in the exam _ he was too careless,due to,because,Some students caught a cold _the rain on the day when school sports meeting took place. _, our head teacher were very worried about us. (as a result of/ as a result) _(多亏了你的帮助),we could finis

5、h our work on time,as a result of,As a result,Thanks to your help,adolescence青春期(一般13-16岁) adolescent (n.)青少年(近义词teenager) be/ become addicted to中to是_词。后接名词/代词/动名词,4. You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes.(同步43页,拓展: baby婴儿 infant幼儿 child儿童 adult成年人 kid孩子(口语,介,用a

6、ddict的正确形式填空 Many people are _ idol dramas.(偶像剧)They _ themselves to knowing everything about their idols. Sometimes their _ these dramas may waste a lot of time,addicted to,addict,addiction to,by the way 顺便说,附带说,复习: in the way in no way in a way by way of doing sth. give way to,决不 让路,屈服 妨碍的,挡道的 通过方

7、法,经由 在某种程度上,5. By the way, did you know that this is (课文para.3 Line1,mean (vt.) 意思是,6. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it,拓展: 1. (vt.)要紧,意义重大 (mean a lot/ nothing to sb.) Your success means a lot to your parents. 2. (vt.)对当真;对严肃认真 I will study hard an

8、d I mean it. 3. (vt.)有意;故意;计划;打算;准备(mean to do sth.) He doesnt mean to hurt you. 4.(adj.)吝啬的;小气的 Dont be so mean! You should learn to share,means (n.)手段;方法;工具 (单复数同形,be/get/become accustomed to=be/get used to习惯于(to是介词) 即时练: Our new headmasters soon get accustomed to living in Danzhou. =_,Our new hea

9、dmasters soon get used to living in Danzhou,custom (n.) 风俗,习惯 customer (n.) 顾客,商人,quit (vt.) 停止;戒掉;辞职 拓展:quit/ stop doing sth.停止做某事 quit-quitted-quitting(分词双写t) quit school退学 quit the job辞掉工作,7. I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. 我上瘾有着这三个方面的原因,因此戒烟很难,effect(n.)结果,影响,

10、效力,效果,作用 拓展: 1). have a far-reaching effect on sth./sb. 对产生深远的影响 2). have a good/positive/bad/negative effect on sth./sb. 对产生好的/积极的/不好的/消极的影响,8. When I was young, I didnt know much about the harmful effects of smoking.(同步44页,区分effect/affect,即时练: Who has the greatest _ on you in your class? My humoro

11、us deskmate_ me a lot and that is why I am no longer shy as before,effect,affects,我不想在冬天的早晨早起!我想要呆在床上直到吃午饭的时间。 _in winter mornings! And I _ to stay in bed until lunch time,I dont feel like getting up early,9. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker,wou

12、ld like,句式分析,分析: find it(_) + 形容词(宾补)+不定式(_):发现做某事 即时练: 他发现成功很难。 _,He finds it difficult to succeed,形式宾语,真正的宾语,1. Your mother tells meand now you are finding it difficult to give it up.(课文para.2 Line.2,补充:as引导非限制性定语从句常用的固定表达 as we all know 众所周知 as is well known as you see 正如你看到的/这点你明白的 as is expecte

13、d 正如预料的那样 as I can remember 正如我所记得的,2. As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically.(同步46页,as/ which引导非限制性定语从句的区别,即时练: _ we all know, we cant live without air. 2. He bought me a bunch of flowers, _ made me very happy,As,which,正如我们所知道的,没有空气我们无法生存,他给我买了一束

14、花,这让我很开心,Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. 即时练:单句改错 I feel happy every time when I see her,高中的生活紧张而忙碌.(life in senior high school, stress) 老师经常强调做笔记的重要性。(take notes) 政府应该禁止人们在公共场所燃放烟花。(set off fireworks, ban) 随地吐痰在我们学校是被禁止的。(spit on the ground)

15、没有什么能阻止我们热爱自己的家乡。 由于糟糕的天气,我们不得不在开幕式上使用雨伞。(at the opening ceremony) 上次我们的英语没考好,因此,我们要更加努力。(as a result) 有的人沉迷于在网上阅读小说。(novel, addict, online) 顺便说一下,你能给我一些戒烟的建议吗?(advice on,学好英语并不容易,这意味着你要有耐心。(用which引导非限定从,patient) 你的信任对我意义重大。(faith, mean) 我正在努力适应高中紧张的生活。(accustom) 是时候该停止玩电脑游戏了。(quit) 熬夜对考试有不好的影响。(eff

16、ect) 两个学校之间的合作会对我们学校有深远的影响。(cooperation, effect) 尼古丁影响我们的心脏和肺。(affect,Life in senior high school is busy and stressful. The teacher often stresses the importance of taking notes. The government should ban people from setting off fireworks in public places. Spitting on the ground is banned in our sch

17、ool. Nothing can stop/keep/prevent us from loving our hometown. We had to use umbrella at the opening ceremony due to the bad weather. Last time we didnt do well in the English exam. As a result, we need to work harder,Some people are addicted to reading novels online. By the way, can you give me so

18、me advice on how to quit smoking? It is not easy to learn English well, which means that you have to be patient. Your faith means a lot to me. I am trying to get accustomed to the stressful life in high school. It is time for you to quit playing computer games. Staying up late has a bad effect on our exams. The cooperation between the two schools will have a far-reaching effect on our school,Nicotine affects our


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