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1、第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,八年级下册,第 13 讲Unit 3Unit 4,要点梳理过关,词形转换 1David always thinks its _unfair_ for him to do so much housework.(fair) 2Our teacher asked Jim _angrily_ why he was late for school again.(angry) 32017临沭一模The twins _usually_ go to school by bike.But sometimes they walk.(usual) 4The radio says tha

2、t it will be _cloudy_ the day after tomorrow.(cloud) 5Many foreigners are surprised at the _development_ of China.(develop,6There is no need to _compete_with others as long as you try your best.(competition) 7Could you please say it more _clearly_?(clear) 8I will not take this bag.Firstly,it is expe

3、nsive,and _secondly_,its not of good quality.(second) 9_Communication_ is very important in our lives.(communicate,单项填空 10Today,WeChat(微信)becomes very popular,and more and more people like to use it to _A_ each other. Acommunicate with Bdepend on Cbelieve in Dshare with 11Do you like your new neighb

4、ors? No.The _C_ between us are getting worse,I think. Aresults Binvitations Crelations Dreasons 12Why was your teacher _B_ Mark? Because he didnt finish his homework on time. Adifferent from Bangry with Csimilar to Dinterested in,13Bob,Im very busy now.Would you like to _B_the clothes? No problem. A

5、pass Bfold Clend Ddrop 14Susans mother was very happy today,because Susan _D_her little brother when she wasnt at home. Aagreed with Bdepended on Cworked on Dtook care of 15Do you like to _C_? Yes.I enjoy doing the dishes best. Aplay sports Bstay out late Cdo chores Dget a ride,16Ms Yang felt so tir

6、ed that she fell asleep _C_ she lay down on the bed. Aever since Bunless Cas soon as Deven though 17May I use your computer? Im sorry.John borrowed it yesterday but he hasnt _B_ it to me. Acaused Breturned Cguessed Dcompeted 18Please _A_ this bike with that one,and then tell me the differences betwe

7、en them. Acompare Badvise Cexplain Dreturn,19Do you have pressure about school? Yes.I have to _B_ with my classmates. Aplay Bcompete Cfight Dhelp 202017沂水一模Our government has tried many ways to_B_ the smog(雾霾) problem.Maybe well have a clear sky in the near future. Aput away Bwork out Ccome up Dclea

8、n up,高频考点精讲,考点1 finish的用法,Could I at least finish watching this show?我至少看完这个表演行吗? Unit 3 P18,透析】 finish为及物动词,意为“完成”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。如:When are you going to finish your work?你打算什么时候完成你的工作?He finished reading the book before supper.晚饭前他把这本书看完了。 【拓展】 只能用动名词形式作宾语的常见的动词及短语有:enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事;practice

9、doing sth.练习做某事;keep (on) doing sth.继续做某事;mind doing sth.介意做某事;be busy doing sth.忙于做某事;have fun doing sth.高兴做某事;feel like doing sth.想要做某事;look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事;cant help doing sth.禁不住做某事,考点2 辨析borrow,lend与keep,Could I borrow that book?我可以借一下那本书吗? Unit 3 P20,考点3 辨析 in order to与so that,They

10、should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.为了取得好成绩,进入一所好大学,他们应该把时间花费在学业上。 Unit 3 P22,考点4 辨析provide与 offer,It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.在家里为孩子提供一个干净又舒服的环境是父母的职责。 Unit 3 P22,透析】 这两个

11、词均有“供给,供应”之意,它们之间的主要区别在结构上: provide sb.with vide sth.for sb.。如:The sun provides us with light and heat.The sun provides light and heat for us.太阳供给我们光和热。 offer sb.sth.offer sth.to sb.。如:The children offered the old their seats.The children offered their seats to the old.这些孩子主动给老人让座,考点5 allow的用

12、法,My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.我的父母不允许我和朋友们出去闲逛。 Unit 4 P25,透析】 allow作及物动词,意为“允许,准许”。常用于以下结构: allow doing sth.“允许做某事”。 如:We dont allow smoking here.这里禁止吸烟。 allow sb.to do sth.“允许某人做某事”。 如:My mother allowed me to play for only 30 minutes.我妈妈只允许我玩30分钟。 sb.(should)be allowed to

13、do sth.(被动语态)“某人(应该)被允许做某事”。 如:You are not allowed to smoke here.这里不允许吸烟,考点6 compare的用法,And they are always comparing them with other children.而且她们总是拿自己的孩子和其他孩子比较。 Unit 4 P30,透析】 compare作及物动词,意为“比较;对比”。常用于两种结构: compare.with.意为“把与比较”,常用于两个同类事物的比较,着重区别。如:We compared this picture with that one.我们把这幅画和那

14、幅画比较了一下。 compare.to.意为“把比作”,常用于两个不同性质的事物的抽象比较。如:We often compare teachers to gardeners.我们常把老师比作园丁。 【注意】 compare放在句首作状语时,表被动要用compared,表主动要用comparing,关联语法链接 语法1:could表礼貌请求和允许见P151 语法2:Why dont you.?句型 语法3:连词until,so that,although的用法见P140和P141,考点即时运用,单项填空 1考点2Excuse me,can I _ your book The Little Pri

15、nce? Sorry,I have _ it to Bob. Aborrow;lent Bborrow;borrowed Clend;borrowed Dlend;lent 2考点4His mother offered _ dinner for us. Acook Bcooking Ccooks Dto cook 3考点5Parents should allow their children _ things that they like. Ado Bto do Cdoes Ddoing,A,D,B,4考点2I have _ this book for two weeks,so I have

16、to return it now. Aborrowed Blent Ckeep Dkept 5考点4Many restaurants _ customers with wonderful music as well as delicious food. Asupport Bgive Cprovide Doffer 6考点5Hurry up!Once the concert starts,nobody _ to enter the concert hall. Aallows Ballowed Cis allowed Dis allowing,D,C,C,7考点6People like_ the

17、young to the rising sun. Acomparing Bcontact Cconnect Dcommit 8考点3Mr.Jackson got up early this morning_ he could arrive at the train station on time. Aso as to Bin order Cin order that Din order to 9考点4The little girl _ her seat to the old man on the crowded bus. What a kind girl! Aborrowed Bbrought

18、 Coffered Dtook,A,C,C,10考点3Many people give money to Project Hope _ help the poor kids to go to school. Ain order to Bin order that Cas soon as Dbecause of 11语法1Could you please clean your living room? _I dislike it. AGood idea BYes,sure CNo problem DSorry,I cant 12语法3When shall we start? Lets wait

19、_ the rain stops. Aif Bas Cuntil Dsince 13考点1Mrs.Zhao went shopping after she finished _ her work last Monday. Adoing Bdo Cto do Ddoes,A,D,C,A,话题写作指导,话题8:人际关系,考情分析,分析近几年全国中考中 “人际关系”相关话题的书面表达,此话题主要从以下两个角度去考查: 1人际沟通方面存在的问题(父母与子女之间的沟通、朋友之间的相处、邻里之间的相处等); 2对人际沟通存在的问题给出一些建议,常用短语句型,积累背诵】 人际关系与烦恼 1worry abo

20、ut 担心;担忧 2get on well with相处得融洽 3fight with与打架 4argue with与争吵 5be angry / mad with sb.生某人的气 6have some problems有一些烦恼 7be stressed out有压力 8too much pressure 太多的压力 9make mistakes / a mistake犯错误 10be afraid of害怕,建议 1communicate with与交流 2share ones idea分享某人的想法 3in ones opinion依某人看 4say sorry to道歉 5talk

21、on the phone通电话 6try to do sth.尽力做某事 7ask sb.for help向某人求助 8understand each other相互理解,基础写作运用】 1当你和朋友有误解时,你如何和他们交流? _ did you _ your friends when you had a misunderstanding? 2不久我就取得了巨大进步,开始对英语产生兴趣。 Soon I _ and _ English. 3起初,我不擅长英语。 _. 4如果你能做到这些,我相信你会更加自信。 _. 5我相信如果你专注,你一定会和父母相处得好。 I believe you can

22、_your parents if you _ them,How,communicate with,made great progress,became interested in,I wasnt good at learning English at first,If you can do this,I believe you will be more confident,get on well with,put your heart into,经典亮句积累,开头句 1How can we get on well with our parents?我们怎样能和父母相处得好? 2We all h

23、ave some problems and stress in our lives.How should we solve them?我们在生活中都有烦恼和压力。我们该怎样解决它们呢? 3If you are always nervous before a test,then the following can help you.如果你在考试前总是紧张,那么下面的建议能对你有所帮助,中间句 1With my parents care and love,I am growing healthily and happily.在父母的关爱下,我健康快乐地成长。 2We need to talk wi

24、th our teachers,parents and friends and try to tell them our trouble.我们需要和我们的老师、家长和朋友交流,并尽量告诉他们我们的烦恼。 3We should try our best to study hard and learn to face our grades bravely.我们应该尽最大努力去刻苦学习,学会勇敢面对我们的成绩。 4I think parents should also listen more to their childrens ideas.我认为父母也应该多听听孩子们的想法。 5The more

25、you join in the group activities,the more outgoing you will be.你参加集体活动越多,你就会越外向,结尾句 1If you do so,I think you can get on well with your parents.如果你这样做,我认为你能和你父母相处得融洽。 2In this way,we can get better grades and enjoy the colorful life.用这种方式,我们就可以取得好的成绩,享受多彩的生活。 3In a word,being a good listener can rea

26、lly help us get closer to each other.总而言之,做一个倾听者真得能帮助我们的关系紧密,典例运用,例】 2017黄石中考假如你是李华,初中生活即将结束,在步入高中学校学习之际,你思绪万千。请你根据下面表格的提示,写一封信表达你对父母的由衷感激及今后的点滴回报。 提示: 注意:1.内容必须包含表格中所提供的所有信息,可适当发挥。 2词数:80100词。(开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数) 3文中不能出现学生真实姓名和所在的学校的名称,审题指导】 本篇书面表达是一篇话题作文,要求写一封信表达你对父母的由衷感激及今后的点滴回报。写作时,人称以第一人称为主;考生可根据写作需求选择相应的时态:写父母为我做的事情时用一般过去时;我为父母将要做的事情时,要用一般将来时。文中应涵盖两个写作要点,词数80100,拟定提纲,我的作品】 Dear Mom / Dad, My junior school life is coming


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