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1、Unit 5 Canada “The True North” Using language,必修三,Using Language,Listening,Complete these sentences with correct information,1. Canada encourages people to keep _,their own customs,2. Canada is a mixture of _ _. 3. If you live in the province of Quebec, _,you are expected to speak French,many cultur

2、es,and races,4. Native Indians and Inuit are trying to _. 5. More than _ languages are used in radio and TV programmes,keep their languages alive,80,6. You may find areas where many _ live near each other. 7. The families _ _ are usually all mixed up,people from the same culture,for a long time,who

3、lived in Canada,1. What are the two official languages in Canada? 2. What language are you expected to speak if you live in Quebec? 3. How does the speaker feel to be a Canadian,Listen again and answer the questions,French and English,French,Proud,In terms of geography and natural features, make a c

4、omparison between China and Canada,Sample dialogue,A: I think one of the greatest similarities between China and Canada is their size. They are of similar length from east to west coast. B: Yes, I agree. Another similarity is that each country has most of its population in one part of the country. C

5、anadas population is mostly in the south part, and Chinas population is mostly in the east,A: There are of course some great differences - the biggest is that we speak Chinese in China and Canadians speak mostly English and French. B: Another big difference is that China has many neighbouring countr

6、ies, but Canada has only one, the USA,A: Yes, and also Canada has nothing like Chinas island of Hainan, so theres nowhere for people to sit on the beach in winter. Many Canadians like to visit Hainan in winter,WHAT IS A CAHADIAN? I am a Canadian and very proud of my country. However, people sometime

7、s dont know what being Canadian really means. People who come to Canada are encouraged to be proud of their own culture and keep their own customs,Listening text,Except for the Native Indians, everybody else who lives here came from another country or their ancestors did. Canada is a mixture of many

8、 cultures and races. It is what we call a multicultural country. We have two official languages, French and English. Even though we encourage people to keep their own customs, we expect everyone to learn French or English in order to live in Canada,If you live in the province of Quebec, you are expe

9、cted to speak French. However, the Native Indians and the Inuit of Canada are still trying to keep their languages alive. You can hear some of their languages in the names of rivers and lakes as well as cities. “Canada” means “village”. Toronto and Ottawa are also Native Indian names,There are radio

10、 and television programs and newspapers and magazines in over 80 different languages across Canada, and the Toronto city government offers help to people in 70 languages. Many of our big cities have areas where people from the same culture live near each other there might be a Chinatown, a Little It

11、aly, a Korea Town and so on,However, people whose families have lived in Canada for a long time are usually all mixed up. My own family is a mixture of English, Native Indian and French. My neighbours family is Chinese, German and African! So when I say that I am proud to be a Canadian, maybe you ca

12、n help me decide what a Canadian is,3 In pairs take turns to ask and answer the following questions,1. What is a Canadian? 2. Why do people say that Canada is a multicultural country,THE TRUE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL,Reading,Toronto,Toronto,maple trees,The CN Tower is the Worlds Tallest Build

13、ing. It is about 553.33 meters. It was built in 1976 by Canadian National (CN) who wanted to demonstrate the strength of Canadian industry by building a tower taller than any other in the world,Canadas National Tower,Toronto from the CN Tower,Niagara Falls,Niagara Falls,Niagara Falls is the second l

14、argest falls on the globe next to Victoria Falls in southern Africa,Chinatown,Montreal 蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市和世界最大河港之一, 全国工商业、金融、文化中心,Olympic stadium,Old Montreal,Please find out the time mentioned in this text and all the places they have been to or they have seen. Then fill in the following chart,Fast read

15、ing,the next morning,late that night,at dawn the next morning,around noon,saw beautiful maple trees,arrived in Toronto,the train left,arrived in Montreal,they spend the afternoon,the night,in the lovely shops and visiting the artists in their workplaces beside the water,the train was speeding down t

16、o the East Coast,Part 1 (1-4) Toronto Part 2 (5-7) Montreal,Skim the passage and divide it into 2 parts,Where did they go? What did they do,TORONTO,CN Tower,Niagara Falls,Chinatown,stadium,MONTREAL,shops and workplace,St Lawrence River,buffet restaurant,Place,Information,CN Tower,very tall,Niagara F

17、alls,misty cloud rose from it,home of basketball teams,one of the three in Toronto,have good Cantonese food,covered stadium,Chinatown,The Pink Pearl,Fill in the blanks,In Toronto,be close to _ many _ shops can visit artists in _ lie on the _ river,a French city,People speak French Signs and ads,In M

18、ontreal,are in French,The feature of Old Montreal city,the water,lovely,their workplaces,St. Lawrence,1. How do we know it is fall in Canada? We know its fall in Canada because the maple trees are red and gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground,Answer the questions,Careful Reading,What ca

19、n sometimes be seen from the CN Tower in Toronto,Sometimes the misty cloud that rises from Niagara Falls can be seen from the CN tower,The water from the lake goes into the Niagara river and over the falls on its way to the sea,3. Where does the water from the lake go,There is good Cantonese food in

20、 Toronto because most of the Chinese people there come from the south of China, especially Hong Kong,4. Why is there good Cantonese food in Toronto,The train is going east from Toronto,They went to Old Montreal because it is close to the water/ to see the lovely shops and the artists,6. Why did the

21、girls go to Old Montreal,5. Which direction is the train going from Toronto,Good coffee, good bread and good music show that Montreal is a French city. Also the signs and ads were in French,7. What three things show us that Montreal is a French city,The next morning the red, gold and orange _and map

22、le trees outside their windows and the frost on the ground _ that fall had arrived in Canada. After arriving in Toronto, the biggest and _ city in Canada, around noon, Li Daiyu and her cousins went on a tour of the city,confirmed,bushes,Summary,most wealthy,Having climbed up the tall CN Tower, they

23、looked across the lake. _, the _ cloud rising from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake, could be seen. As they walked north from the harbour area, Li Daiyu phoned Lin Fei, one of her mothers old _ from a telephone _. They met Lin Fei around dusk in downtown Chinatown, one

24、 of the three in Toronto and they chatted with each other at a restaurant,misty,In the distance,booth,schoolmates,The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal at dawn the next morning. At a _ restaurant, they were looking over the _ St Lawrence River when they met a young man called Henri,

25、 who told them that most people in the city spoke both English and French, but the city had French culture and _,traditions,buffet,broad,That night as the train was speeding along the St Lawrence River toward the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the distant east coast, the cousins dreamed of French r

26、estaurants and red maple leaves,Language Points,1. mix v. “混合; 搀和; 结合” Dont mix business with pleasure. 不要把工作和娱乐搀和在一起。 Ive mixed my French books and my English books. 我把我的法文书和英文书混在一起了。 These colours mix well. 这些颜色调和得不错 mixture n. 混合; 混合物 mix . with . 把和混淆、弄混 mix up 搅匀; 拌和; 混淆; 使卷入,2. confirm v. “证实;

27、 证明; 确认”, 还可表示 “批准; 使坚定”。 如: His letter confirmed everything. 他的信证实了一切。 He looked around to confirm that he was alone. 他四处张望, 以确定周围没人。 The latest information confirms him in the belief that we will surely win. 这一最新消息使他坚信我们一定会胜利。 confirmation n. 确认; 证实,3. They were not leaving for Montreal until late

28、r, so they went on a tour of the city. 她们要晚些时候才动身去蒙特利尔, 因此就 在多伦多市内游览了一番。 They were not leaving for.属于过去进行时 表示将来的动作。表示位置转移的瞬间动词。 如: come, go, arrive, leave, start, return, stay, meet, get等可用进行时表示将来的动作; 用现在进行时表示一般将来时; 用过去进行时 表示过去将来时。 The train is arriving soon. 火车就要进站了,2) until/till 直到为止 until常与否定句连用,

29、 notuntil 直到才 He didnt finish the work until yesterday. 肯定形式表示的意思是“做某事直至某时”, 动词必须是延续性的。否定形式表达的意思 是“直至某时才做某事”。动词为延续性或 非延续性都可以。 肯定句: I slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜时醒了。 Wait till I call you. 等着我叫你,否定句: She didnt arrive until 6 oclock.她直到6点才到。 Dont get off the bus until it has stopped. 公共汽车停稳后再下车。 否定句可

30、用另外两种句式表示。 a. not until 在句首, 主句用倒装。 Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is. 直到19 世纪初, 人类才知道热能是什么,b. 用于强调句 It is not until that It was not until I told him that he knew about it. 直至我告诉他, 他才知道这件事。 It was _ yesterday _ I was wrong. A. until; did I realize B. not until;

31、did I realize C. until; that I realized D. not until; that I realized,D,4. distance 名词, 意为“距离; 远方”。 如: 自行车骑得好的人一天可以行驶一百 多英里。 A good cyclist can cover a distance of over a hundred miles a day. 距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。 At a distance of six miles you cant see much . 【固定短语】1) at a distance (稍)远处。 表示一定的距离, 近距离或用以

32、说明具体 的距离, 其不定冠词可以省去 a有时可以 省去或改用 some,如: This picture looks better at a distance . 这幅画远看就好些。 2) in a distance 在远处, 强调距离之远 e.g. They were expecting to see in a distance some signs of the enemy. 他们期望着发现远处敌人的迹象。 3) keep sb at a distance 与某人保持一定距离; 不愿与某人亲近。 e.g. 他总是不愿与任何人亲近。 He always keeps anyone at a d

33、istance,5. especially Hong Kong. especially表示“尤其,格外,特别”,意思相当于“in particular ”或“particularly”。 多用在介词短语或连词前面。 specially表示“为了一个特别的目的,专门地, 特别地”, 意思相当于“for a special reason or purpose”。 I came specially to see you. 我特地来看你。 The weather has been especially cold. 最近天气特别冷,Its always difficult being in a fore

34、ign country, _if you dont speak the language. A. extremely B. especially C. specially D. naturally extremely表示程度“极其、非常”, specially表示“特地、专门”, 而naturally表示“自然地”, 均与句意不符。 especially表示“尤其、特别、格外”, 强调 突出性, 用在此处, 句意通顺,B,6. Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa as far as 有两种含义: 1) 直到远, 远到; 2) (表示程度, 范围)就

35、; 据;至于。常用于as far as I know “据我所知”, as far as I am concerned “就我而言”等结构中,一些带有as.as 结构的常见短语: as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌 as easy as ABC 像ABC一样容易 as deep as a well 像井一样深 as light as a feather 像羽毛一样轻 as soft as butter 像黄油一样软 as rich as a Jew 像犹太人一样富裕,7. The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal

36、 at dawn the next morning. 火车在那夜晚些时候起程, 第二天黎明到达了 蒙特利尔。 at, on, in 表示时间的用法区别 At 表示时间点,常用来表示时刻, 如果一段时间 按时间点对待也用at。如: at 2:30, at dawn /noon /night /dusk /sunrise / sunset /breakfast / lunch dinner /supper, at this /that time, at the beginning of this century,at也可以表示节假日, 如: at Easter, at Christmas. on表

37、示一天或某一天的一部分。 如: on Monday, on September 26, on Monday morning, on Friday evening. in表示少于一天或多于一天的时间段。 如: in the morning /afternoon /evening, in a week, in three days, in May, in spring, in 2002, in my childhood,注: morning, afternoon, evening, night 这些名词如果有一个表示具体某一天的 名词作定语时,介词不用in 或at, 而应该用 on。如: on T

38、hursday evening, on a cold winter morning, on the afternoon of April 8, on the night of his return,8. broad 形容词, 意为“宽阔的;广泛的” 如: broad shoulders broad opinions a broad general idea It is as broad as it is long whether we agree or disagree, because the work has already been on its way. 我们赞成与否是完全一样的, 因

39、为这项工作已经在进行了,宽肩膀,概括的意见,概括性的认识,辨析】 broad, wide的用法区别 1) 在描述河流、山野、峡谷、街道等与地形 有关的事物时, 两个词均可用。 如: 我们住在一条非常宽阔的大街上。 We live in a very wide street. Across the broad valley of Danube, the mountains rise blue and mysterious in the distance. 从远处看去, 宽阔的多瑙河河谷的 那一面, 山峦起伏, 一片蔚蓝, 神秘莫测,2) 表示一种丈量或多结果, 指某物有多宽时, 两者均可用。 I

40、ts 12 feet broad. 它有12英尺宽。 The road is 12 feet wide. 这条道路宽12英尺。 【注意】 但在谈及人体的某些部位时, 其单配较为固定。但一般只能说: The man has broad shoulders. 那个人有宽阔的肩膀,The man is broad shouldered. 那个人肩膀很宽。 She started at him with wide eyes. 她睁大眼睛注视着他。 与某些名词搭配时也较为固定, 如: wide interest (广泛的兴趣), the wide world (广阔的世界), broad dayligh

41、t (大白天) , broad agreement (概括性协议) , broad humor (粗俗的幽默) 等。 open your mouth wide. 张大你的嘴巴,wide 可作为副词修饰某些形容词或副词, 或是构成新的形容词。如,wide apart 离得很远 wide awake 清醒; 机警 wide open 大开着 wide-awake 清醒的; 机警的 wideeyed 大眼睛的 wideangle 广角的,A: Hi, Li Daiyu and Liu Qian! Welcome back from your trip! How was it? B: Oh, it w

42、as GREAT! We took the trip from the west coast of Canada all the way to the east coast. It was one of the best experiences of my life,Speaking and writing,C: Really? What was your favourite thing about the trip? B: Thats a hard question to answer! There were so many things. One thing that impressed

43、me the most was the Rocky Mountains in the west of Canada,A: Why were you so impressed by the Rocky Mountains? B: They were amazing - so tall and clean and covered with pure white snow at the tops. I felt very small compared to the great mountain heights,C: How about you, Liu Qian? Did you have a fa

44、vourite experience in Canada? D: Yes! I loved the city of Montreal. Its culture was so different from the rest of what we saw in Canada. A: What was so different about it,D: Everything was in French! The signs, the advertisements everything! I couldnt read any of it! C: How was the food? I hear that French culture is famous for its food! D: T


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