



1、窗体顶端外研版小学英语三年级起点第二册Module 3 unit1 I Like Football.教学设计潍坊市临朐县城关街道亭子小学 贺同红 教学目标:(一)知识与能力1 能听、说、读和运用单词football, basketball,table tennis,morning exercises.2 能灵活运用句型:I like I dont like 进行交流对话。(二)情感与态度培养学生运用英语表达自己的情感,积极参加课堂交流活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:运用I like I dont like 表达自己喜欢或不喜欢的事物。教学难点:掌握like 与dont like 的情感

2、与用法。教具准备:足球、篮球、乒乓球、盒子、试题卡、课件。教学过程:一、 热身与复习1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you, again. How are you today?I am from Tingzi primary school,linqu town.I am hetonghong.you call me miss he.are you clear?Now, lets sing a song , OK? “ Stand up ,please!” 2. Sing English songs.3.now

3、we are going to have the new lesson. Module 3 unit1 I Like Football. 二、呈现及操练(一) 单词呈现及操练1、游戏导入T:Boys and girls, Are you ready?Look! (教师指着举着的足球)Here ! This is a football. 2、 领读、齐读、小组读、个别读。3、 出示篮球,老师边拍边说:T:Is this a football? Whats this? Its a basketball.(领读、大小声训练法,边传球边说)4、 出示乒乓球:T: Look, its a small b

4、all. Is this a football / basketball ?Ss:No. T: Good. This is a table tennis.(领读,齐读,大小声训练法) 5做体操动作:T:Look,I am playing morning exercise.follow me.T:Good.Lets say and do the actions(领读,齐读,大小声训练法.) (二) 游戏巩固1、 Look at the screen. Whats this?then, Read after me, please.2、 Look and say together.3、 Lets d

5、o the actions. ( 师领做 ) Football, football, play football. Basketball, basketball, play basketball. Table tennis ,table tennis, play table tennis.4、 Guessing games. T: Lets play a guessing game. OK?(教师分别把球放在盒子里) Guess. Whats in the box ?4、画猜法。(巩固单词)(三) 句型呈现及操练1、 呈现句型 I like 及操练1) 演示like 的情感T:Oh, so m

6、any balls. Wow. I like football. (做出喜欢的表情) like “喜欢” 2) 领会like情感 T: Look at my face. Lets do the action “ like” . Who wants to try? Come here, please.3) 熟读like.4) 导入 I like football. 熟读。 5)点出课题: T:Now, were learning Module 3 I like.(激发学生说出课题) Ss: I like football.6)指导学生学习:I like basketball/ table ten

7、nisT: (示范) This is a basketball / table tennis. Look at my face. I like Ss: (激发学生) I like basketball / table tennis. (整体、个别、小组说)7)师生交流 T: I do,you say. please. Say it together.T :I say,you do.do it together.2、呈现句型I dont like 及操练1) T:Boys and girls, do you like table tennis?Ss:Yes. / No.T : If you li

8、ke table tennis? please. Say it together.but I dont like table tennis. 2) 演示dont like情感:T : (表情与动作示范) dont like3) 看课件, 领读dont , dont like.4)Do the action about “dont like”. T : Lets do the action about “ dont like”.5)T : (接着老师指乒乓球)I dont like table tennis. (领读 I dont like table tennis.)6)Look and sa

9、y.T: Look at my face.( 逐个出示table tennis / football /basketball )Ss:(激发学生说) I dont like (整体、个别、小组说)7) 师生交流:T:I do,you say.ok?then I say,you do.work in pairs.8)让学生两人一组上台展示。9)看课件(看图说话) (四)区别与操练1、对比like 与dont like 的情感。T:Ss: like.T : Ss: dont like.2、区别like 与dont like 的用法。T: (分别出示table tennis /football /

10、basketball. ) I Ss: (激发学生)I dont like table tennis / football / basketball.T: I Ss: (激发学生)I like table tennis / football/ basketball.3、学生上台展示(3人)T:(指着桌面上的球示范)I like football/ basketball. But I dont like table tennis.Can you ? Come here, please. 4、小组交流T:Now, you can talk with your classmates. I like

11、I dont like 看课本练习三Now open your books, turn to page 10.listen and point.then follow the tape.read the lesson by yourself.close your book,say it together.page 11 part2 ,part3.四、巩固及灵活运用(一)Chant.(课件) I like football. I dont like basketball.I like table tennis.I dont like morning exercise.1、 T: I have a

12、 chant for you. Look and listen (嘘!暗示学生不出声)2、 Read after the teacher. (打节拍)3、 Listen and say together. 4、扩展知识 Another chant. dogs cats T: I have another chant for you . Wow, dogs ! I Ss:(激发学生说) I like dogs.T: 嗯 !cats ! I Ss:(激发学生说) I dont like cats. T: Can you ? Lets try !5看课件。进行chant练习(二)、Look and

13、write. 1、发放试题卡,看谁做的又对又快。 T: (拍手) Well done !.四、小结及作业T: Im happy today. Are you happy ? Do you like English ? After class, you can tell your father, mother and your friends. I like I dont like Thats all for today. Goodbye, boys and girls.板书设计:Module 3 unit1 I like football. I like football. basketbal

14、l. I dont like table tennis.morning exercises教学反思:在教学football 、 basketball时,通过分解复合单词教学,帮助学生生动、有效、形象的记忆单词,又能够扩展学生的知识同时,老师通过传球给学生,让学生感受实物的同时,练习单词,生动有趣,而且便于学生记忆单词。通过实物来引入table tennis的教学,让学生对事物有直观的感受,容易记住单词及读音。用学生自己做早操的照片来教学morning exercises,体现语言的真实性和实用性,让学生身临其境。本节课我还根据教学内容的特点,采用了全身动作法、情景交际法、游戏活动法等丰富的教学

15、方法,让学生根据自已的生活经验自主表演,大胆模仿踢球、投篮、乒乓球、做操等各种运动的动作,让学生边读边比出动作,有效地帮助学生理解单词和记忆单词,让学生在动中学,乐中学。通过各种游戏和有趣的活动,让学生从学习单词过渡到学习句型,鼓励学生运用I like 和 I dont like来表述自己喜欢和不喜欢的任何东西、事物,如在最后的拓展练习上面,用课件展示学生喜爱的动物,让学生用I like 和 I dont like句型在实际的情景中来表达自己的喜好,(单词包括以前学过的一些表示颜色的单词及动物名称)这样既温故而知新,又让学生运用所学的知识,做到学中用,用中学。在各种游戏和有趣的活动中,学生们参与课堂的热情非常高,感受到所学语言的实用价值和交际性。教学时,老师同时挖掘教材中


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